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Evermotion Mechanical Painting is an Event Quest during the Evermotion Mechanical Painting event.


  1. Talk to Félix Yogue
  2. Collect A Box of Components Components
  3. Talk to Félix Yogue


UI Quest Quest Description

Félix Yogue, a person from the Court of Fontaine, seems to be having some problems...
Félix Yogue: The passion of Mondstadt is well-founded, I say. More so than I imagined, in fact... even their hilichurls are so very lively.
Swan: Regardless, Mr. Yogue, we ask that you not go out by yourself again.
Félix Yogue: What? Then what about my machine? I'm still missing... um...
Félix Yogue: 1, 2, 3... 18... 19 components!
Swan: We've got adventurers working on finding them. Just wait here in the city where it's safe, please...
Félix Yogue: But without that device, my... It's a matter of inspiration, you understand? What shall I do when inspiration strikes?
Félix Yogue: Ah, it comes and it goes... Like a belch after a good drink, or a candle in the wind!
Félix Yogue: Hmm, actually, that's not a bad analogy. I should write it down. I'm sure Xavier would love it...
Swan: You...
Swan: Huh? Honorary Knight? Ah, wonderful! Just the person I wanted to see! Please, over here!
Icon Dialogue Talk What's wrong?
Icon Dialogue Talk Did something happen?
Swan: Well, allow me to introduce you. This man here is from the Court of Fontaine...
Félix Yogue: No man am I, but a daydreamer! That is how we name ourselves!
Swan: ...So, Mr. Yogue, this is our Honorary Knight...
Félix Yogue: Yogue! Félix Yogue. Salutations to you, Honorary Knight! Long have I heard of your many exploits.
Icon Dialogue Talk You know of me?
Félix Yogue: Of course, of course! Who wouldn't?
Félix Yogue: Your battle against Dvalin in Mondstadt made headlines in The Steambird for three whole weeks!
Félix Yogue: Hahaha, if those reporters knew that I was speaking to you right now, why, they would be beside themselves with envy!
Icon Dialogue Talk What's The Steambird?
Félix Yogue: Ah, you don't know? It's a... Ah, let's say it's a rather popular newspaper in the Court of Fontaine.
Félix Yogue: You once got their sales up to record numbers, I'll have you know.
Icon Dialogue Talk Headlines, you say?
Félix Yogue: Indeed! And you got their sales up to record numbers, to boot!
Félix Yogue: Front-page, full-length, expert interviews up the wazoo, and the best hand-drawn illustrations Mora could buy! You made a lot of people mad Mora there.
Swan: Well then... Traveler, Mr. Yogue, I shall leave you guys alone... I've got some other things to handle at the moment, if you'll excuse me.
Swan leaves in a hurry...
Félix Yogue: Ah, it is as I was told. The Knights of Favonius have a never-ending backlog of work.
Icon Dialogue Talk So, why are you here in Mondstadt?
Félix Yogue: Me? Well, I'm actually planning to tour Teyvat.
Félix Yogue: As for the purpose of my trip, why, it is to promote these Kinesis Cores that I have made.
Félix Yogue: Simply put, a Kinesis Core is a form of clockwork device. As long as its mainspring is wound from time to time, these cores can provide motive force for a long period of time.
Félix Yogue: I even created a sort of perpetual-motion toy powered by the Kinesis Core to show off its capabilities. I call it the Evermotion Mechanical Painting.
Félix Yogue: Unfortunately, while I'd love to show the device to you...
Félix Yogue: Its allure was all too much for even monsters to resist.
Félix Yogue: At the moment, they must have divvied my device up into many pieces in a manner most unfriendly, playing around with each component...
Félix Yogue: I have, of course, asked for the help of the Adventurers' Guild, but I have received no news from any adventurer so far...
Félix Yogue: Honorary Knight, could you help me out as well, if you have a mind to?
Félix Yogue: Believe me, neither my device nor the payment due will disappoint you!
Icon Dialogue Talk Leave it to me.
Félix Yogue: Wonderful. You are indeed a mighty adventurer, and a mighty sympathetic one, too. Just as the papers said!
Félix Yogue: Ah, it's a shame that we're in Mondstadt. Were we in the Court of Fontaine, I would bring a few reporters from The Steambird for an exclusive interview with you.
Félix Yogue: I'm sure that your charisma would bowl them over to the point where you'd be guaranteed another three weeks' worth of headlines — not to mention the requisite royalties.
(Talk to Félix Yogue again)
Félix Yogue: Well, (‍Mr.Mr./Ms.Ms.‍) Honorary Knight, I leave the matter of these components to you.
(After defeating the opponents)
Paimon: Wow, that's a big box of parts. This has gotta be the stuff Yogue wanted.
(Return to Félix Yogue)
Félix Yogue: You've returned, Honorary Knight. What news of the components?
Icon Dialogue Talk You mean these?
(Submit A Box of Components A Box of Components)
Félix Yogue: Yes, indeed! Ah, this is wonderful! Heavens, yes!
Félix Yogue Well now, since all the components have been returned to us, all that's left is to combine them...
Félix Yogue: Well then... Honorary Knight, if you want, you can attempt to put all the pieces together.
Félix Yogue: It will be an interesting experience, trust me!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishEvermotion Mechanical Painting
Héngdòng Xièhuà
Héngdòng Xièhuà
Karakuri Kaiga[1]
Mechanical Machine Painting
Korean무한동력무한동력 기계기계 화폭화폭
Muhandongneok Gigye Hwapok
Perpetual Motion Machine Canvas
SpanishMecanopuzle de moción perpetuaEvermoving Mechanical Puzzle
FrenchCadre mécanique perpétuelPerpetual Mechanical Frame
RussianВечно движущаяся картина
Vechno dvizhushchayasya kartina
Ever-Moving Picture
VietnameseTranh Máy Móc Vĩnh CửuVĩnh CửuEternal Machine Picture
GermanMechanisches Perpetuum-Mobile-PuzzleMechanical Perpetuum Mobile Puzzle
IndonesianLukisan Mekanik AbadiEternal Mechanical Painting
PortuguesePintura Mecânica de Movimento Perpétuo

Change History[]

