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Genshin Impact Wiki

Euphrasie is an open-world NPC located in Court of Fontaine, Fontaine.

She gives the World Quest Steambird Interview, which unlocks Fontaine's Reputation menu. She can be found under the Icon Reputation icon on the map.



Euphrasie is the Chief Editor of The Steambird. She shoulders a great many responsibilities in addition to her work at the agency — she posts commissions for local residents' everyday troubles, assists the Palais Mermonia in putting up posters for criminals and dangerous monsters wanted by the Maison Gardiennage, and taps into the newspaper's powerful sources to find and contact people best suited for the missions... If you can solve problems for local citizens, maintain the order of the wilds of Fontaine, and build up your reputation steadily, you may earn rewards from different clients via Euphrasie...

Map description: Chief Editor of The Steambird

(To be added.)


(To be added.)

Quests and Events[]

Story Quests

Hangout Events

World Quests

Character Mentions[]

Character Stories


Character Voice-Overs


Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle Newspaper... lighthouse...
Media:VO Euphrasie 01.ogg "A good newspaper should be a lighthouse of truth!"


(Reputation Level 1–2)
Euphrasie: Huh? Were you talking to me? Sorry, I didn't see you there. Are you here to accept the commission regarding "Tales of Humanity"?
(Reputation Level 3–6)
Euphrasie: What nice weather today - doesn't it just put you in the mood to help some people in need?
(Reputation Level 7–10)
Euphrasie: Well met, dear. Your fine deeds are well-known amongst our readers — indeed, we've received a good number of thank-you letters.
Euphrasie: Are you here to take up a commission again? Hehe, what a noble soul you are.
Icon Dialogue Reputation How's my reputation at the Court of Fontaine?
(Reputation Level 1–2)
Euphrasie: If you can help solve our readers' troubles, I'm sure they'd be willing to compensate you for your efforts.
(Reputation Level 3–6)
Euphrasie: "A kind soul who always knows what to do..." Everyone's got a rather positive opinion of you, I must say.
(Reputation Level 7–10)
Euphrasie: I and all our readers are thankful for your contributions. If you should need any help in the future, just let me know — we, too, hope that we'll be able to do something for you.
(Opens Fontaine Reputation menu)
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell me about "Tales of Humanity"...
Euphrasie: One of the primary reasons we had for establishing our newspaper was to ensure that information flows and that everyone can understand what's happening around them.
Euphrasie: Slowly, we moved to not only attempting to let readers "know," but to also let them "express" themselves.
Euphrasie: Thus, "Tales of Humanity" was born. Everyone can write in to this column, and similarly, everyone can read it.
Euphrasie: As for the result... Well, you've seen it, haven't you? Our prints are practically drowning in all manner of content.
Euphrasie: But that's not a bad thing. In my experience, listeners also need some light reading to go with their explosive news.
Euphrasie: Additionally, being able to help our readers does our reputation good.
Euphrasie: In other words, we'll be troubling you somewhat further. Fret not — you will find our payment quite suitable.
Icon Dialogue Talk Could you tell me about Charlotte?
Euphrasie: Sure! She's one of our journalists... Is she in trouble again?
Icon Dialogue Talk Not really.
Euphrasie: Well, that's good. She is a live correspondent, and they tend to put themselves in the line of fire — I almost thought that someone had come to make a threat again.
Euphrasie: Ah, don't worry, we have our ways of dealing with such matters.
Euphrasie: After all, we'd have gone bust a long time ago if we couldn't handle ourselves in a little tussle or two.
Icon Dialogue Talk See you.
Euphrasie: See you. Have a lovely day.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]

