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Eternal Sun, Eternal Want is the second Natlan Chapter soundtrack.

It features a total of 53 soundtracks produced by the HOYO-MiX team, each one original compositions for Natlan.

The album was first announced on December 15, 2024 alongside the tracklist on Weibo and the album was released on December 16.[1]


Disc 1 - Canto General of Cliff and Glen[]

No.Soundtrack NamePlayed In
01Prismatic ProverbsLocations
02Soothing of Soul and SandLocations
03Springtime in a MirrorLocations, Domains
04Night's Crown of FlowersLocations
05A Fragment of NightLocations
06Choir's CypherLocations
07Where the Mists EnshroudLocations
08Cloud of Thirteen KatunsLocations
09Tanyolche's MemoriesLocations, Quests
10Touring the DawnLocations
11Hanging in the Heart of the WindLocations
12Bells in BloomLocations
13Beyond the Flute's WhispersLocations
14Frosted Hue of StarsLocations
15Starcaller's WishesLocations, Quests
16Hushed Canopy of NightLocations
17Once Upon a Time in the ValeLocations
18Homeward BoundLocations, Quests
19Malinalco's DuskLocations
20Mountain's HymnLocations, Quests
21Dance of the Brown DeerLocations
22When the Breeze CeasesLocations
23Rain of an Ancient DreamLocations
24All the Pretty CoursesLocations
25Salute of EaglesLocations
26Idle HoursLocations, Quests
27Feathered MoonlightLocations, Quests

Disc 2 - Echo of Tonatiuh and Uctokah[]

No.Soundtrack NamePlayed In
28Fading DawnQuests
29Afterglow of the SkyLocations
30Sigh, the Breath of YoreLocations
31For an Unmarked GraveLocations
32A Dream Yet to ComeLocations
33Hidden Path Above the SavannahLocations
34Someone Walked These PathsLocations
35Ashes of PresumptionLocations
36The Fading Voices of CinderLocations
37Comfort in VisionsLocations
38Serpent's EndgameLocations
39Formidable UsurperLocations
40Indisputable CommandmentsLocations
41Dripping GloomLocations, Quests
42Eclipsed StarLocations
43Onset of OmensLocations
44Wingless WailDomains
45Hoary HibernationQuests
46As the Feather FallsQuests
47Unanswered YearningLocations

Disc 3 - A Fiery Cross Across the Sky[]

No.Soundtrack NamePlayed In
48Tears of a Scorching NightQuests
49To the End of All WarsQuests
50Shaping the StruggleCombat
51Tumaini washa motoQuests
52Stage's CoachLocations, Quests, Event Gameplay, Special Gameplay
53Maze of SpiritsSpecial Gameplay

Production Credits[]

(To be added.)


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishEternal Sun, Eternal Want
Eien no Taiyou, Kuon no Katsubou
Eternal Sun, Eternal Want
Korean영원한 태양, 영원한 갈망
Yeong'wonhan Taeyang, Yeong'wonhan Galmang
Eternal Sun, Eternal Want


