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Emperor of Fire and Iron is a Character Card obtained in Genius Invokation TCG.


Shatterclamp Strike Character Card SkillShatterclamp StrikeNormal Attack12
Deals 2 Physical DMG.
Buster Blaze Character Card SkillBuster BlazeElemental Skill3
Deals 1 Pyro DMG. If this character has at least 7 Armored Crab Carapace stacks, this DMG +1.
After that, this character gains 2 Armored Crab Carapace stacks.

Armored Crab Carapace
Each stack provides 1 Shield to protect the equipped character.
Battle-Line Detonation Character Card SkillBattle-Line DetonationElemental Burst32
Prepare Skill: Searing Blast.
Searing Blast Character Card SkillSearing BlastElemental Burst0
(Prepare for 1 turn)
Deals 1 Pyro DMG, deals 2 Piercing DMG to all opposing standby characters. This skill deals +1 Pyro DMG for every 2 Armored Crab Carapace stacks this character has.

Armored Crab Carapace
Each stack provides 1 Shield to protect the equipped character.
Imperial Panoply Character Card SkillImperial PanoplyPassive Skill
(Passive) When combat begins: Gain 5 initial Armored Crab Carapace stacks.
After your side performs any action: If your side has any Shield Status or Shield Combat Status other than Armored Crab Carapace, these other effects will be canceled. For each effect canceled, this character gains 2 Armored Crab Carapace stacks.

Armored Crab Carapace
Each stack provides 1 Shield to protect the equipped character.

Talent Cards[]

Molten Mail Equipment CardMolten MailNone1
When played: Apply Pyro to the Emperor of Fire and Iron with this card equipped.
After your Shield Status other than Armored Crab Carapace or Shield Combat Status is removed: The Emperor of Fire and Iron with this card equipped gains 2 stacks of Armored Crab Carapace. (Once per Round)

Proficiency Reward[]

After reaching Proficiency 10, the following Dynamic Skin is obtained:
Molten Mail Equipment Card GoldenMolten Mail1


Emperor of Fire and Iron

One of the two sovereigns who once stood at the apex of the aberrant species of the Fontemer. An Armored Crab that has avoided predation, and has constantly partook in hunting and eating. Its imperial title is made half in awe, and half in jest.

Stage Appearances[]

Emperor of Fire and Iron appears in 2 stages:

Little Rose Icon Little RoseThe Emperor of Fire and Iron Tolls the BellFriendly Fracas
Little Rose Icon Little RoseEmperor of Fire and Iron's Mighty QuakeSerious Showdown


Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Character SelectMedia:vo gcg monster hermitcrabprimo selectonstage 01.ogg
DefeatedMedia:vo gcg monster hermitcrabprimo die 01.ogg



Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishEmperor of Fire and Iron
Tiějiǎ Rónghuǒ Dìhuáng
Emperor of Iron Armor and Molten Fire
Tiějiǎ Rónghuǒ Dìhuáng
Tekkou Youen Teiou
Emperor of Iron Armor and Molten Flames
Korean용암철갑 제왕
Yong'amcheolgap Jewang
Lava Armor Emperor
SpanishEmperador PiroacorazadoEmperor of Ironclad Pyro
FrenchEmpereur du feu ferreuxEmperor of Ferrous Fire
RussianИмператор огня и железа
Imperator ognya i zheleza
Emperor of Fire and Iron
ThaiEmperor of Fire and Iron
VietnameseHoàng Đế Thép Lửa
GermanKaiser von Feuer und EisenEmperor of Fire and Iron
IndonesianEmperor of Fire and Iron
PortugueseImperador do Fogo e Ferro
TurkishAteş ve Demir İmparatoruFire and Iron Emperor
ItalianImperatore del Fuoco e del FerroEmperor of the Fire and of the Iron

Change History[]

