Ella Musk is an open-world NPC in the City of Mondstadt.
Following a certain dialogue branch for the first time gives the player Hilichurl Ballad Selection Vol. 2.
Ella can be found inside the Mondstadt Library. She is a scholar of Hilichurlian linguistics, as well as the older sister of Dr. Edith.
At some point prior to the Traveler's arrival in Mondstadt, Ella asked Mika to guide her to a hilichurl tribe to talk with them. Mika was successful in doing so, but Ella, with her inexperience, accidentally offended the hilichurls, resulting in the two getting beat up.
Ella Musk is a girl with brown hair and blue eyes. Her hair is styled into two symmetrical braids, decorated with a pink flower hair clip on the left side of her hair. She wears an above knee-length white and red dress, and wears white socks that reach roughly halfway up of her shin. Ella wears formal brown shoes with a strap.
Quests and Events[]
Idle Quotes[]
Gusha biat...
- "Hmm...gusha biat?"
- Ella Musk: Ye ika gusha mosi!
About Stormterror...
- Ella Musk: Hmm... Speaking of which, might you happen to know how dragons interact with one another?
- Ella Musk: Ugh, my curiosity's getting the better of me again, but what does the dragon language sound like? Do dragons sing songs and write essays?
- Ella Musk: Admittedly, I have never seen a dragon other than Dvalin. If only I could find a research subject...
Come again?
- Ella Musk: ...Hmm? Oh— Sorry, I was off in my own world.
- Ella Musk: That was Hilichurlian for "Hello there! Have you eaten?"
Why does it sound so hostile?
- Ella Musk: Are you questioning my academic credentials!?
- Ella Musk: Hmph... Well, I suppose that's not unusual. Hilichurlian Linguistics is severely underdeveloped as an academic discipline, so I still have a lot of questions regarding the exact meaning of certain words...
- Ella Musk: The biggest gap in Hilichurlian Linguistics is field work. If I had the chance to communicate face to face with a hilichurl, it would shed light on so many burning questions, it's just...
It's just what?
- Ella Musk: *sigh* It's just... It's difficult to find anyone who would ever dare to approach a hilichurl, let alone try to talk to them. If someone could test out my theories on my behalf, that would be great...
Why is this the subject of your research?
- Ella Musk: Don't you think that hilichurls are very interesting life-forms?
- Ella Musk: It's a pity that so few people think the same way as I do. At best, you could say that it's just Miss Sucrose who does.
- Ella Musk: But our methodologies differ. What I'm studying is living hilichurls, while she seems more interested in their bones.
Who are you?
- Ella Musk: I am Ella Musk, Professor of Hilichurlian Linguistics.
- Ella Musk: Specifically I specialize in applied grammar for vernacular Hilichurlian.
About Hilichurlian...
- Ella Musk: Oh, are you interested in these things as well?
- Ella Musk: If you're really interested, then read this book first. It's very interesting.
- (Obtain
Hilichurl Ballad Selection Vol. 2)
- Ella Musk: Nye mita da ye mosi zido!
- Ella Musk: Oh — and that means "Goodbye, have a nice trip!"
Character Mentions[]
Character Stories
Character | Stories |
Translation Notes[]
Ella Musk may be less knowledgeable on the subject than she claims to be and her research may be based on some incorrect assumptions. When met in the library of the Knights of Favonius Headquarters she greets the Traveler with "Ye ika gusha mosi" which she claims means "Hello have you eaten" but probably means "You enemy eat vegeatables" [insult]; and when the conversation with her ends she says "Nye mita da ye mosi zido!" which she says means "Goodbye and have a nice trip!" but probably means "No meat [da?] you eat nothing," almost certainly another deep insult.
- Based on the opening note of the Handy Handbook of Hilichurlian, "Ella Musk" may be a title.
- During the Closed Beta Tests, Ella Musk used a young adult model, but was changed to use a child model after their implementation. This is likely the reason why Ella, despite having a child's appearance, is the older sister of Dr. Edith, who uses a young adult model.
- Ella Musk is the namesake of the official Genshin Impact Twitter handle @Paimon2theMoon, which was created in August 2021. On October 14, 2021, the main Genshin Impact Twitter account (@GenshinImpact) attempted to promote @Paimon2theMoon through a social media campaign which pledged to involve Elon Musk if the account reached certain follower milestones. Due to negative feedback, the tweet was deleted.[1]
- Ella Musk is mentioned in the description of the Namecard Achievement: Hill Dwellers.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Ella Musk |
Chinese (Simplified) | 艾拉・马斯克 Àilā Mǎsīkè |
Chinese (Traditional) | 艾拉・馬斯克 Àilā Mǎsīkè |
Japanese | エラ・マスク Era Masuku |
Korean | 엘라・머스크 Ella Meoseukeu |
Spanish | Ella Musk |
French | Ella Musk |
Russian | Элла Маск Ella Mask |
Thai | Ella Musk |
Vietnamese | Ella Musk |
German | Ella Musk |
Indonesian | Ella Musk |
Portuguese | Ella Musk |
Turkish | Ella Musk |
Italian | Ella Musk |