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Genshin Impact Wiki

Electro Hypostasis is a Character Card obtained in Genius Invokation TCG.


Electro Crystal Projection Character Card SkillElectro Crystal ProjectionNormal Attack12
Deals 1 Electro DMG.
Rock-Paper-Scissors Combo Character Card SkillRock-Paper-Scissors ComboElemental Skill5
Deals 2 Electro DMG and then separately performs "Prepare Skill" for Rock-Paper-Scissors Combo: Scissors and Rock-Paper-Scissors Combo: Paper.
Rock-Paper-Scissors Combo: Scissors Character Card SkillRock-Paper-Scissors Combo: ScissorsElemental Skill0
Deals 2 Electro DMG, then performs "Prepare Skill" for Rock-Paper-Scissors Combo: Paper.
Rock-Paper-Scissors Combo: Paper Character Card SkillRock-Paper-Scissors Combo: PaperElemental Skill0
Deals 3 Electro DMG.
Lightning Lockdown Character Card SkillLightning LockdownElemental Burst32
Deals 2 Electro DMG, summons Chains of Warding Thunder.

Chains of Warding Thunder
End Phase: Deal 1 Electro DMG.
When this Summon is on the field: Your opponent will have to spend 1 additional Elemental Die when performing "Switch Character." (Once per Round)
Usage(s): 2
Electro Crystal Core Character Card SkillElectro Crystal CorePassive Skill
(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Electro Crystal Core.

Electro Crystal Core
When the character to which this is attached would be defeated: Remove this effect, ensure the character will not be defeated, and heal them to 1 HP.

Talent Cards[]

Absorbing Prism Event CardAbsorbing PrismNone2
Combat Action: When your active character is Electro Hypostasis, heal that character for 3 HP and attach the Electro Crystal Core to them.

Proficiency Reward[]

After reaching Proficiency 10, the following Dynamic Skin is obtained:
Absorbing Prism Event Card GoldenAbsorbing Prism2


Electro Hypostasis

Code name: Aleph. A high-purity Electro entity.
Even if you win at rock-paper-scissors, Aleph is not one to admit defeat.

Stage Appearances[]

Electro Hypostasis appears in 8 stages:

Little Rose Icon Little RoseElectro Hypostasis's WhisperFriendly Fracas
Little Rose Icon Little RoseElectro Hypostasis's BellowSerious Showdown
Maruf Icon MarufDuel: MarufDuel
Prince Icon PrinceLightning's Stride: Clash of WillsAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceLightning's Stride: Epic ShowdownAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceLightning's Stride: Trial's PrecipiceAdventure Challenge
Wanderer Icon WandererWanderer: FriendlyFriendly Fracas
Wanderer Icon WandererWanderer: SeriousSerious Showdown



Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishElectro Hypostasis
Wúxiàng zhī Léi
Signless Thunder
Wúxiàng zhī Léi
Musou no Kaminari
Signless Thunder
Musang-ui Noejeon
Signless Thunder and Lightning
SpanishHipostasis ElectroElectro Hypostasis
FrenchHypostase ÉlectroElectro Hypostasis
RussianЭлектро гипостазис
Elektro gipostazis
Electro Hypostasis
ThaiElectro Hypostasis
VietnameseLôiLôi Nguyên BảnNguyên BảnThe Original Thunder
GermanElektro-HypostaseElectro Hypostasis
IndonesianElectro Hypostasis
PortugueseHypostasis ElectroElectro Hypostasis
TurkishElektrik HipostazıElectroElectroElectroElectroTooltip for ElectroElectro Hypostasis
ItalianIpostasi di ElectroElectro Hypostasis

Change History[]

