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Ei is a quest-exclusive enemy encountered during the following quests:

During Stillness, the Sublimation of Shadow, the boss' displayed name is "Raiden Shogun" and her title is The Seven: Electro Archon.


Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
10% 10% 10% Immune 10% 10% 10% 10%

Toggle Levels

Level Scaling

Note that HP and ATK values may change in Co-Op Mode, some Quests, and certain Domains (including Spiral Abyss and Imaginarium Theater). For more details, see Enemy/Level Scaling § Other Multipliers.


Most ability names are unofficial.

Phase 1[]

Slash Combo 1
Performs 3 slashes with her polearm, dealing 25% ATK, 25% ATK, 33.3% ATK as Electro DMG. This attack is always used when Ei teleports to the player's left side.
  • If the player is close to Ei after the first 3 slashes, performs 3 more slashes, dealing 16.6% ATK as Electro DMG with each slash. Ei dashes forward with the final slash and releases a flurry of slashes behind her, dealing 12.5% ATK, 12.5% ATK, 25% ATK as Electro DMG.
  • If the player is far from Ei after the first 3 slashes, follows up with Lightning Blade.
Slash Combo 2
Spins her polearm before dashing at the player and performing 4 consecutive strikes, dealing 16.6% ATK, 25% ATK, 25% ATK, 33.3% ATK as Electro DMG.
Lightning Summon
Spins her polearm and summons lightning in a large area around her, dealing 66.6% ATK as Electro DMG. This attack cannot be dodged using dash i-frames. This attack is always used when Ei teleports to the player's right side.
Lightning Blade
Launches a fast vertical blade at the player, dealing 33.3% ATK if the blade hits the player or 33.3% ATK x 2 if the blade and the Polearm hits the player as Electro DMG. This attack is often used as a follow-up to Slash Combo 1 but can also be used individually.
Magatsu Electroculi
Summons three Magatsu Electroculi around the arena while pushing nearby players away from her, dealing 16.6% ATK as Electro DMG. Each Electroculus marks a large area around itself and charges. If not destroyed after a period of time, the Magatsu Electroculi explode violently, dealing Electro DMG depending on where the player stands in the marked areas:
  • In a single area: 133.3% ATK
  • In 2 overlapping areas: 33.3% ATK x 2
  • In 3 overlapping areas: 13.3% ATK x 3
If the player is behind Ei shortly after she performs a Slash Combo, swiftly turns around to perform a slash. Explosions will also occur on the ground along the slash's path. The slash and the explosion each deals 50% ATK as Electro DMG.
Vision Hunt Decree
Deals 16.6% ATK as Electro DMG and locks all characters' Elemental Skills and Elemental Bursts, except for the Traveler's.

Some time after the cast of Vison Hunt Decree during The Omnipresent God, Ei will teleport to the center of the arena and start a cutscene, once this ends she will replace her polearm with the Musou Isshin and start phase 2.

Phase 2[]

Slash Combo 3
Performs three consecutive slashes in a horizontal quickdraw, spin slash, and downward slam with her blade, dealing 33.3% ATK, 33.3% ATK, 33.3% ATK ×2 as Electro DMG.
  • If the player is close to Ei after the first 3 slashes, attacks while dashing forward and withdrawing, dealing 33.3% ATK + 16.6% ATK, and 50% ATK as Electro DMG.
  • If the player is far from Ei after the first 3 slashes, follows up with Eyes of Stillness.
Slash Combo 4
Performs a circular slash and quickly repositions behind the player to perform another slash, dealing 16.6% ATK ×2, 16.6% ATK, 58.3% ATK as Electro DMG.
Slash Combo 5
Performs three consecutive slashes around her, dealing 16.6% ATK, 16.6% ATK, 50% ATK as Electro DMG.
Iai: Cross-Slash
Dashes towards the player and slashes twice in a cross pattern, dealing 8.3% ATK, 8.3% ATK, 66.6% ATK as Electro DMG.
Unbending Lightning
Launches three discs followed by a horizontal blade at the player, dealing 33.3% ATK ×3, 50% ATK as Electro DMG on contact.
Eyes of Stillness
Summons up to 3 eyes that unleash a flurry of slashes shortly after appearing, each dealing 5.6% ATK ×4 as Electro DMG.
Musou no Hitotachi
Ei pushes nearby players away from her, while Electro seeds descend around the arena, each dealing 66.6% ATK as Electro DMG on landing and creating a field that deals 12.5% ATK as Electro DoT. Ei then unleashes a flurry of slashes that temporarily freezes players in place within its AoE, dealing 33.3% ATK ×4, 100% ATK as Electro DMG.
If the player is behind Ei shortly after she performs certain attacks, swiftly turns around to perform a flurry of slashes, dealing 66.6% ATK as Electro DMG.


Phase 1[]

  • English
  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Korean
Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Slash Combo 1我会将你铸就成永恒的基石。
Wǒ huì jiāng nǐ zhùjiù-chéng yǒnghéng de jīshí.
Nǐ shì xūyào rènzhēn duìdài de dírén.
Lightning Summon万雷归葬!
Wàn léi guīzàng!
Magatsu Electroculi雷光所照,永恒之土。
Léiguāng suǒ zhào, yǒnghéng zhī tǔ.
Follow-Up (Engulfing Lightning)该结束了!
Gāi jiéshùle!
Wú suǒ dùncáng!
Vision Hunt Decree不稳定的因素,必须清除!
Bù wěndìng de yīnsù, bìxū qīngchú!
Divine Punishment能够直面雷电的威光,这一点值得赞赏。
Nénggòu zhímiàn léidiàn de wēiguāng, zhè yīdiǎn zhídé zànshǎng.
Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Slash Combo 1あなたを永遠の礎にしてあげましょう。
Lightning Summon万雷を以て、葬り去りましょう。
Banrai wo motte, houmuri sarimashou.
Magatsu Electroculi雷光よ、永遠の土を照らさん。
Raikou yo, eien no tsuchi wo terasan.
Follow-Up (Engulfing Lightning)終わりです
Vision Hunt Decree不安定なようそうは取り除く必要があります
Divine Punishment雷電のいこうにたちむかえれとは詳細にあたいします
Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Teleport너무 느리군.
Slash Combo 1 영원의 초석으로 만들어주마.
진지하게 임해야하는 적이지.
Lightning Summon번개와 함께, 흙으로 돌아가라.
Magatsu Electroculi뇌광이 영원의 땅을 비추는구나.
Follow-Up (Engulfing Lightning)슬슬, 끝내지.
숨을 곳은 없다.
Vision Hunt Decree불안요소는 반드시 제거해야 .
Divine Punishment뇌전의 위력을 정면으로 받다니, 가상하구나.

Phase 2[]

  • English
  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Korean
Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Cross SlashThunder.
Slash Combo 4This world, a fleeting shadow.
Slash Combo 5All will be severed!
Eyes of StillnessSever!
Unbending LightningLightning does not bend to the will of mortals.
Musou no HitotachiWithout yearning, all returns to silence.
All desire can be broken!
Follow-Up (Musou Isshin)Your verdict is decided!
Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Cross Slash雷鸣!
Slash Combo 4尘世如影。
Chénshì rú yǐng.
Slash Combo 5万物皆斩!
Wànwù jiē zhǎn!
Eyes of Stillness断空!
Duàn kōng!
Unbending Lightning雷电,不会随凡人的意志改变!
Léidiàn, bùhuì suí fánrén de yìzhì gǎibiàn!
Musou no Hitotachi无念无想,四海归寂!
Wúniàn wúxiǎng, sìhǎi guī jì!
Wúniàn wúxiǎng, yīdāo duànjué!
Follow-Up (Musou Isshin)裁决既定!
Cáijué jìdìng!
Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Cross Slash雷鳴!
Slash Combo 4この世はまるで、影のよう……
Kono yo wa marude, kage no you...
Slash Combo 5万物を断ち切ります
Eyes of Stillness断空!
Unbending Lightning雷電がただの人間などに、意思を変えられることはありません。
Raiden ga tada no ningen nado ni, ishi wo kaerareru koto wa arimasen.
Musou no Hitotachi無念無想、全てを無へ!!
Munen-Musou, subete wo mu e!!
Munen-Musou, ittou danzetsu!
Follow-Up (Musou Isshin)裁きは既に下りました。
Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Cross Slash뇌명!
Slash Combo 4속세는 그림자와 같지.
Slash Combo 5베지 못할 없다.
Eyes of Stillness단공.
Unbending Lightning뇌전은 인간의 의지따위로 변하지 않아.
Musou no Hitotachi무념무상, 천하가 고요하리!
무념무상, 일도단절!
Follow-Up (Musou Isshin)판결이 내려졌다.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
55Bane of AmbitionsIslands of the Lost and ForgottenAmidst Stormy Judgment (Domain): Ei (Quest Boss) Ei (Quest Boss), The Omnipresent God (Domain): Ei (Quest Boss) Ei (Quest Boss) (phase 1)
56Thunderings of the MercilessIslands of the Lost and ForgottenThe Omnipresent God (Domain): Ei (Quest Boss) Ei (Quest Boss) (phase 2), End of the Oneiric Euthymia: Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto (base stance), End of the Oneiric Euthymia (Quest Domain): Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto (base stance)


  • While the Vision Hunt Decree is active, even characters who do not use visions to channel their powers are unable to cast their Elemental Skills and Bursts, with the Traveler as the sole exception. Meanwhile, catalyst and bow users can still channel the elements via their Normal Attacks.

Other Languages[]


LanguageOfficial Name



Master of the Euthymic Plane

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishMaster of the Euthymic Plane
Isshin Joudo no Toushu
Korean일심정토의 주인
Ilsimjeongtoui Ju'in
SpanishDueña del plano de la eutimiaMistress of the Plane of Euthymia
FrenchMaîtresse du plan euthymiqueMistress of the Euthymic Plane
RussianХозяин Царства эвтюмии
Khozyain Tsarstva evtyumii
VietnameseChủ Nhân Nhất Tâm Tịnh Thổ
GermanMeister der utopischen Gefilde
IndonesianMaster of the Euthymic Plane
PortugueseMestra do Plano da Eutimia
TurkishZihnin Dinlenme Yerinin Efendisi
ItalianMaestra del Piano Eutimico

Change History[]

Version 3.1
  • ATK increased by 200%.
  • DMG multipliers decreased by 2/3.

Version 2.1

Version 2.0

  • Plane of Euthymia was released.


  1. Twitter: EN VA Announcement
  2. Official Genshin Impact Chinese Website: Raiden Shogun
  3. Twitter: JP VA Announcement
  4. Twitter: KR VA Announcement

