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Echoes of Life is the third part in the Teyvat storyline Archon Quest Chapter V: Act II - Black Stone Under a White Stone.


  1. Bring Kachina's Ancient Name to Mavuika
  2. Examine the mementos within the room
  3. Talk to Mavuika
  4. Place Kachina's Ancient Name
  5. Enter the underground ruins
  6. Search the ruins
  7. Continue deeper within

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Only one memento is needed to be examined in step 2 before the player can proceed with step 3.
  • During steps 2-4, the active character will be restricted to the Traveler.
  • During step 4, the only actions the Traveler can perform are walking and placing Kachina's Ancient Name. The Paimon Menu is available and is the only way other menus can be accessed.


UI Quest Quest Description

You've successfully obtained Kachina's Ancient Name. Now, hand it to Mavuika.
(Enter the speaker's chamber)
Media:vo ntaq006 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: We're back! We found Kachina's Ancient Name, too!
Icon Dialogue Talk What happened at the Stadium?
Media:vo ntaq006 1 mavuika 01.ogg Mavuika: Well... It's fairly complicated. Let me give you the condensed version.
You learn of the Pyro Archon's battle against The Captain, as well as her sacrifice.
Media:vo ntaq006 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: The Fatui again! We can't go anywhere without them causing trouble!
Media:vo ntaq006 1 mualani 01.ogg Mualani: But, what if the Fatui finds out you've lost your power? Won't they try to take advantage of the situation?
Media:vo ntaq006 1 mavuika 02.ogg Mavuika: Haha, that's why it has to be our little secret. No one else can know, or we're asking for trouble.
Media:vo ntaq006 1 mavuika 03.ogg Mavuika: Look, I wish I could offer you some sort of consolation, but I won't lie to you — with multiple factions closing in, there's nothing comforting about the situation we're facing.
Media:vo ntaq006 1 mavuika 04.ogg Mavuika: Still, all you need to do is to focus on your goal. You can leave the complicated matters to me.
Media:vo ntaq006 1 iansan 01.ogg Iansan: I can also step in on the Pyro Archon's behalf. There's a limit to what I can accomplish, but I'll help you however I can...
Media:vo ntaq006 1 mavuika 05.ogg Mavuika: Hahaha, there's no need to be so modest, Iansan. Your incredible strength has long been a well-known fact. You're the pride of your tribe.
Media:vo ntaq006 1 mualani 02.ogg Mualani: Archon, I... I'm sorry about before. You have so much on your plate, so much that you have to worry about, but all I could do was focus on my own feelings.
Media:vo ntaq006 1 mavuika 06.ogg Mavuika: You have nothing to be sorry about. We all get overwhelmed by our emotions, myself included. Your reaction to Kachina's disappearance — I understand that feeling very well.
Media:vo ntaq006 1 mavuika 07.ogg Mavuika: Well, now that we have Kachina's Ancient Name, let's go track her down. Follow me.
Mavuika leads you into a small display room, filled with various exhibits...
Media:vo ntaq006 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: What is this place?
Media:vo ntaq006 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hey, isn't that Atea's talisman?
Media:vo ntaq006 2 mavuika 01.ogg Mavuika: Haha, good eye. This is where I store all the various mementos I've collected.
Media:vo ntaq006 2 mualani 01.ogg Mualani: Whoa, I've never seen this place before... There are so many things in here!
Media:vo ntaq006 2 chasca 01.ogg Chasca: It looks like there are items from every tribe. Collecting them must have taken a lot of effort.
Media:vo ntaq006 2 mavuika 02.ogg Mavuika: I suppose you could think of it as a hobby of sorts. In Natlan, everyone grows up listening to the stories of heroes.
Media:vo ntaq006 2 mavuika 03.ogg Mavuika: And physical items do a far better job of preserving those stories than our own memory.
Media:vo ntaq006 2 mavuika 04.ogg Mavuika: Now, I still have some preparations to make for the ceremony, so feel free to take a look around in the meantime.
Media:vo ntaq006 2 mavuika 05.ogg Mavuika: If you're curious about an item, I'm more than willing to tell you about its origins.
Media:vo ntaq006 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Alright. We'll have a look!

UI Quest Quest Description

Examine the room full of mementos while you wait for the ceremony preparations to be completed.
(Talk to Mavuika before examining anything, optional)
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 01.ogg Mavuika: Now, [sic] I still have some preparations to make for the ceremony, so feel free to take a look around in the meantime.[Note 1]
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 02.ogg Mavuika: If you're curious about an item, I'm more than willing to tell you about its origins.
(Talk to Chasca, optional)
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 chasca 01.ogg Chasca: This flower looks like it's thriving. You must be good at taking care of plants, Archon.
(Talk to Mualani, optional)
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mualani 01.ogg Mualani: This fishing basket looks familiar...
(Talk to Iansan, optional)
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 iansan 01.ogg Iansan: Make sure to handle everything with care. This cup, for example — it's heavier than it looks.
(Examine the talisman)
You check out Atea's talisman...
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: This is Atea's talisman.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 03.ogg Mavuika: I'm sure you're familiar with this one already. Atea was rarely ever without it. The talisman brought her a lot of luck in battle.
(Examine the talisman again, optional)
(TravelerTraveler): (Atea's talisman. It brought her a lot of luck.)
(Examine the weapon)
You check out the weapon left behind by Tenoch...
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Whoa, this weapon is huge! Which tribe did it belong to?
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 04.ogg Mavuika: Ah, that weapon belonged to Tenoch, a hero from five hundred years ago. Strictly speaking, he didn't belong to any single tribe.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 05.ogg Mavuika: That's because even before the disaster with the Abyss broke out, he had already been exiled.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Exiled...
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 06.ogg Mavuika: It was a punishment imposed out of necessity, but he accepted it all the same. He believed it was what he deserved.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 07.ogg Mavuika: When the Abyss attacked, the tribes found themselves in urgent need of a powerful figure to lead them into the battle, and there was no one more courageous or resolute than him.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 08.ogg Mavuika: He united the six tribes and accomplished great feats throughout the war...
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 09.ogg Mavuika: Ultimately, he perished, and because he had already lost his Ancient Name, the Ode of Resurrection was unable to bring him back.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 10.ogg Mavuika: And so, he was laid to rest alongside the countless warriors and civilians who lost their lives, buried in the soil of his native land.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Wow... He sounds like a true hero.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 11.ogg Mavuika: Indeed. Even now, his story is told throughout the land.
(Examine the weapon again, optional)
(TravelerTraveler): (The weapon used by the hero Tenoch five hundred years ago. The size is truly impressive...)
(Examine the belt)
You check out the honorary belt belonging to the warrior Kitera...
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Whoa, that belt is bigger than Paimon's head!
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 21.ogg Mavuika: The Collective of Plenty are known for their bodybuilding competitions and contests of strength. This belt is a symbol of great honor within the tribe.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 22.ogg Mavuika: The association with strength might also have been the reason the original belt was extremely heavy. It was difficult for even two people to lift.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 23.ogg Mavuika: And even if a warrior had the strength to put it on, wearing it for any length of time would still leave them gasping for breath.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Sounds like it.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 24.ogg Mavuika: So the owner of the original belt, Kitera, commissioned a craftsman to make a copy identical in appearance but far lighter in weight. That is the belt you see before you.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 25.ogg Mavuika: He would often wear this version when training in order to protect his waist.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Ooor... he made a lighter version so he could wear it all the time and show it off!
(Examine the belt again, optional)
(TravelerTraveler): (The belt belonging to Kitera the warrior. This is a copy of the original. Even Paimon could lift it by herself.)
(Examine the jar)
You check out the ritual items left behind by Yemaya...
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: There are so many jars and potions around here... Do they have anything to do with alchemy?
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 26.ogg Mavuika: No, those belong to the Masters of the Night-Wind. They're ceremonial tools used to amplify the ability to communicate with the Night Kingdom and the Wayob.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 27.ogg Mavuika: Yemaya is an expert in this field, and she taught me a lot. Even though she appears stoic and serious, she actually has a keen sense of humor.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 28.ogg Mavuika: The tools you see here are quite traditional. Her students found them outdated, so she passed them onto me.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 29.ogg Mavuika: The contents of the jars aren't all that special... Oh, except the big jar in the middle. That's what she really wanted to give me.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Oooh, must be something really cool! What's inside?
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 30.ogg Mavuika: Grape juice.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Uh.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 31.ogg Mavuika: Hahaha, it's quite tasty, although probably expired by now.
(Examine the jar again, optional)
(TravelerTraveler): (The ceremonial tools left by Yemaya, as well as the somewhat-out-of-place jar of grape juice. Paimon probably would have given it a try if she wasn't scared it was expired.)
(Examine the fishing equipment)
Check out the fishing rod left behind by the legendary angler Matavaru...
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Hey, there's a fishing rod here! It must have belonged to the People of the Springs!
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 12.ogg Mavuika: That's right. It belongs to a legendary fisherman named Matavaru. I have his entire set of fishing equipment, actually.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 13.ogg Mavuika: He and I met in a tavern. He told me about a particular kind of giant fish and his meticulous plan to catch it.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 14.ogg Mavuika: In his eyes, I saw a hunger and a strong fighting spirit. To him, the sea was the battlefield upon which he staked his honor.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: So... did he do it?
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 15.ogg Mavuika: The next time I saw him, he was covered in scars. It turned out, the fish he sought had been corroded by the Abyss.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 16.ogg Mavuika: He managed to kill the fish, but sustained a serious injury in the process, which meant he could never go deep-sea fishing again.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 17.ogg Mavuika: "Can a fisherman claim victory if he fails to bring back his catch?" — that's what he asked me in the end.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Well, Paimon thinks he won...
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 18.ogg Mavuika: That was my answer as well. The experience was far more valuable than the prize itself.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 19.ogg Mavuika: In the end, he didn't want his tools to go to waste, so he gave them to me.
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Wait, that means... You also know how to fish!
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 20.ogg Mavuika: Haha, maybe we can go head-to-head sometime.
(Examine the fishing rod again, optional)
(TravelerTraveler): (The fishing rod left behind by the legendary fisherman Matavaru. If the sea were a battlefield, this would have been his sword.)
Icon Quest Step Step Description

The ritual preparations are almost complete. Go talk to Mavuika.
(Talk to Mavuika)
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 01.ogg Mavuika: The powder still needs some time to settle, so let's wait a little longer.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 02.ogg Mavuika: Well, what do you think of my collection? Do you feel like you have a better understanding of Natlan's culture now?
Media:vo ntaq006 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Yeah! If each item represents a different story, seems like Natlan's really been through a lot.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Does every item hold a special memory, just like Atea's talisman?
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 03.ogg Mavuika: That's right. The items in my collection actually serve a similar purpose to the Ancient Names passed down among the tribes.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 04.ogg Mavuika: They demonstrate the true shape of time.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: The shape of... time?
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 05.ogg Mavuika: Most people perceive time as a linear concept, almost like a straight line that can only move forward. We cannot change the past or predict the future.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 06.ogg Mavuika: But, there's also a different theory, one that I believe to be closer to the truth. Namely, that the "past," "present," and "future" all exist at once.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: A—At once? Paimon's not sure she understands...
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 07.ogg Mavuika: Let's say your journey ended right now. Thinking back on your experience in each nation, which one would you say was the most important?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'd have to say all of them.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 08.ogg Mavuika: Exactly. Even at the end of your journey, the things you experienced along the way don't cease to exist. They become part of who you are.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 09.ogg Mavuika: Take out a portion of that journey, and you would likely make very different decisions, and eventually arrive at a very different destination.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 10.ogg Mavuika: The future is the same way. It exists even though it has yet to come to pass. We just lack the means to perceive it.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 11.ogg Mavuika: Of course, there are those with the power to foresee the future. They simply call it by a different name — "fate." You're quite familiar with that concept, I would imagine...
Media:vo ntaq006 3 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: That does kinda make sense! The future hasn't happened, but it already exists...
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 12.ogg Mavuika: Humanity excels at living in the present, but too often, we forget the past and neglect the future.
Icon Dialogue Talk So, Ancient Names record the past...
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 13.ogg Mavuika: While the Pilgrimage and the Night Warden Wars lead us to a better future.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 14.ogg Mavuika: Only by uniting the people of Natlan across countless eras can we fight back against an enemy as formidable as the Abyss.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 15.ogg Mavuika: To come up with such a set of rules, the first Pyro Archon must have possessed a level of insight I can only imagine.
Icon Dialogue Talk So, the first Pyro Archon created the "rules" of Natlan?
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 16.ogg Mavuika: That's correct. At first, he was a mortal man with no special power. After he ascended to the divine throne, he used it to borrow power from the heavensRonova and establish the rules of Natlan.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 17.ogg Mavuika: Namely, a framework through which ordinary people can ascend to archonhood.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 18.ogg Mavuika: By holding the Pilgrimage, we're able to determine the strongest among us, and when that person ascends to the divine throne, their inner flame will awaken.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 19.ogg Mavuika: In addition, the Sacred Flame will grant them significant knowledge and memory of this land. After all, that's how I came to know everything I just told you.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: So, it all comes down to the power of the divine throne and the rules...
Media:vo ntaq006 3 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Wait, is that... a family portrait?
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 20.ogg Mavuika: Ah, yes. That's my mother, father, younger sister, and the little Saurians we raised.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 21.ogg Mavuika: I turned a piece of my dad's leather armor into a canvas, and commissioned a famous artist to paint our likeness.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Your sister is so cute! Looks like you two are really close!
Media:vo ntaq006 3 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Paimon was having a hard time thinking of an Archon as an ordinary person, but seeing this portrait... it kinda makes sense now.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: It really doesn't look like there was anything special about you before... Oh, wait, is Paimon allowed to say that?
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 22.ogg Mavuika: A little late for that question, don't you think?
Media:vo ntaq006 3 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Sorry! Paimon's so sorry! Paimon's mouth works faster than her brain, sometimes.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 23.ogg Mavuika: Hahaha, it's alright. I'd never get upset over something like that.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 24.ogg Mavuika: No matter what others may say, my past is a precious part of my identity. I'm forever proud of the life I used to lead.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 25.ogg Mavuika: Becoming the Archon doesn't mean you sever ties with your family. The position just comes with a lot of responsibilities, so it impacts how often you get to see them.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 26.ogg Mavuika: My father made the most delicious stew, so my sister would often bring me a large pot of his cooking, and we would sit on a blanket and eat it together.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 27.ogg Mavuika: One time, we didn't close the door securely, and the Saurians we were raising ran into the room and knocked over the entire pot.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 28.ogg Mavuika: My sister immediately burst into tears. The two troublemakers were going for the meat, but when they saw my sister's distress, they froze on the spot.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 29.ogg Mavuika: I still remember the way they laid there, sulking like a pair of children even after making such a mess. It was frustrating, but in the end, all I could do was comfort my sister and move on.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Wow...
Icon Dialogue Talk You forgave them just like that?
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 30.ogg Mavuika: Isn't that was being a family is all about? Hahaha, I think about that story a lot, actually.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 31.ogg Mavuika: As the Archon, I made a vow to defend this nation, and experiences like that... they remind me exactly what I'm trying to protect.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Well, what happened after that? This portrait looks pretty old. Your sister must be all grown up by now, right?
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 32.ogg Mavuika: I believe she ended up working as an architect and artist. She built many houses, and crafted many beautiful works of art...
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 33.ogg Mavuika: Anyway, that's enough about me... Now that the powder has settled, we can begin. Iansan, Mualani, Chasca, over here, please.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 34.ogg Mavuika: Place the Ancient Name up there, and then we'll begin.
Icon Quest Step Step Description

Place Kachina's Ancient Name and search for her location.
(Place the Ancient Name)
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 35.ogg Mavuika: Surely as the echoes of life resound through heaven and earth, so too shall our stories remain eternal.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 36.ogg Mavuika: Ancient Name, take us to your fated bearer. Allow her to answer our call.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 kachina 01.ogg Kachina: Ugh... Am I hallucinating again?
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mualani 01.ogg Mualani: Kachina! Are you okay?
Media:vo ntaq006 3 kachina 02.ogg Kachina: Huh!? I—I'm not seeing things, am I? Is... Is the Abyss playing tricks on me again?
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mualani 02.ogg Mualani: It's okay, Kachina, it's just us! We're trying to find a way to bring you back!
Media:vo ntaq006 3 kachina 03.ogg Kachina: Everyone, you have to listen to me...
Media:vo ntaq006 3 kachina 04.ogg Kachina: I've been investigating the Night Kingdom this entire time, and I've figured out what's wrong. The Wayob is being affected by the Abyss!
Media:vo ntaq006 3 kachina 05.ogg Kachina: I was waiting for the Wayob to send me back, but then this really strong monster came, and it almost killed me...
Media:vo ntaq006 3 kachina 06.ogg Kachina: The Wayob saved me, even though its power is weakening, so I've been hiding from the monsters while trying to find a way to help.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 kachina 07.ogg Kachina: The Night Kingdom has become a huge mess, though... I keep hearing these awful sounds and seeing really horrible things...
Media:vo ntaq006 3 chasca 01.ogg Chasca: Don't listen to those sounds, Kachina. The Abyss is trying to strip you of your sanity.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 chasca 02.ogg Chasca: All you need to do is stay safe and wait for us. We'll be there shortly.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 kachina 08.ogg Kachina: It's okay. I feel so much better now that I've had the chance to talk to you guys. You don't need to worry about me...
Media:vo ntaq006 3 kachina 09.ogg Kachina: I've never been strong or special at all, really... So, I don't blame anyone for forgetting about me or leaving me behind, hehe. Just knowing you care is more than enough.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 kachina 10.ogg Kachina: I'll find a way back. You don't have put yourselves in danger to come rescue me.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mualani 03.ogg Mualani: You're always like this, Kachina! Now's not the time to act tough. We're coming for you, and that's final.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mualani 04.ogg Mualani: I don't know what lies the Abyss has been feeding you, but I'll tell you something right now — nobody here sees you as a burden.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mualani 05.ogg Mualani: You're a victor of the Night Warden Wars, a hero of Natlan. All you need to do is wait for us to rescue you, and you'll get all the applause and recognition you deserve!
Media:vo ntaq006 3 kachina 11.ogg Kachina: *sobbing*...
Media:vo ntaq006 3 kachina 12.ogg Kachina: I'm... I'm really scared. Everything's so dark and creepy here, and I want to go home...
Media:vo ntaq006 3 kachina 13.ogg Kachina: Still, I don't want you to put yourselves in danger because of me... I don't want to hold anyone back ever again...
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mualani 06.ogg Mualani: All you need to do is place your trust in us, just like you always have.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mualani 07.ogg Mualani: "No one fights alone" — we're not leaving you behind, not ever.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Yeah! We're so close! We can't call it quits now!
Media:vo ntaq006 3 kachina 14.ogg Kachina: Thank you...
Media:vo ntaq006 3 kachina 15.ogg Kachina: Be careful...
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 37.ogg Mavuika: Looks like we've lost contact. Now comes the most dangerous part — you have to traverse the Night Kingdom in your physical form.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 38.ogg Mavuika: This entrance to the Night Kingdom was left behind after an Abyssal invasion. Even a brief amount of time inside could expose you to corrosion.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mualani 08.ogg Mualani: I know. I'm prepared for that possibility.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 39.ogg Mavuika: Alright, then I wish you all the best. I'll tell Chuychu to be ready just in case — she's very experienced in dealing with Abyssal corruption.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 40.ogg Mavuika: That face you just made... Don't tell me you two got into another argument?
Media:vo ntaq006 3 chasca 03.ogg Chasca: No, I just... feel bad for creating more work for her.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 iansan 01.ogg Iansan: I'll go with them, too, Archon. The more people, the stronger the party.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mualani 09.ogg Mualani: Thank you so much for your help, everyone. It really means a lot that you're willing to brave these dangers with me. There's no time to lose, so let's get going.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 41.ogg Mavuika: Now that I've lost my power, I won't be able to provide much practical support, but I can still keep an eye on the situation from here.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 42.ogg Mavuika: Iansan, I know it's unlikely, but if you encounter a situation you can't handle—
Media:vo ntaq006 3 iansan 02.ogg Iansan: That won't happen.
Media:vo ntaq006 3 mavuika 43.ogg Mavuika: I hope not.
(Talk to Mavuika again, optional)
Media:vo dialog ntaq006 mavuika 32.ogg Mavuika: Be careful out there. I'll observe the situation from here.
Icon Quest Step Step Description

It seems like Kachina's in dire straits. You have to get over there as soon as possible...
(Enter the domain and approach the marked location)
Media:vo ntaq006 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: So we're underneath Natlan right now? It looks nothing like Paimon was imagining!
Media:vo ntaq006 4 chasca 01.ogg Chasca: That's because in the distant past, Natlan was home to an incredibly advanced civilization ruled by dragons.
Media:vo ntaq006 4 chasca 02.ogg Chasca: Humans only established their own society after the fall of the dragons.
Media:vo ntaq006 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: So these are... Saurian ruins?
Icon Dialogue Talk I don't think she's talking about the Saurians...
Icon Dialogue Talk I think she means actual dragons.
Media:vo ntaq006 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Wait, you mean like the elemental sovereigns? They had their own advanced civilization!?
Media:vo ntaq006 4 iansan 01.ogg Iansan: Yes... a really long time ago. Very few records have survived until now, so no one really knows what the devices here are for.
Media:vo ntaq006 4 iansan 02.ogg Iansan: These ruins have been abandoned for a long time, but with the recent increase in Abyss activity, the installations around here have somehow been activated again.
Media:vo ntaq006 4 mualani 01.ogg Mualani: So what you're saying is... We're not in for an easy trip to the Night Kingdom.
Media:vo ntaq006 4 chasca 03.ogg Chasca: No, it's going to be obstacle after obstacle from here on out.
Media:vo ntaq006 4 together 01.ogg Chasca, Iansan, and Mualani: Hehe.
Icon Dialogue Talk Just what I wanted to hear.
Media:vo ntaq006 4 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Um, why are you all laughing like that? It's creeping Paimon out...
Media:vo ntaq006 4 iansan 03.ogg Iansan: It's the pre-adventure excitement kicking in! Right, guys?
Media:vo ntaq006 4 chasca 04.ogg Chasca: Of course. I'm eager to get started.
Icon Dialogue Talk Adventurers live for moments like these.
Media:vo ntaq006 4 mualani 02.ogg Mualani: Then let's go! We won't let anything stand in our way!
(Approach the Spiritsconce)
Media:vo ntaq006 4 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Seems like the road ends here. How should we get across...?
(After crossing the first gap in the domain)
Media:vo ntaq006 4 iansan 04.ogg Iansan: As a professional trainer, I think you could stand to build up your endurance, Paimon.
Media:vo ntaq006 4 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Professional trainer? Paimon thought you were a warrior from the Collective of Plenty?
Media:vo ntaq006 4 iansan 05.ogg Iansan: Well, that goes without saying. But, I actually work as a sports coach.
Media:vo ntaq006 4 iansan 06.ogg Iansan: I provide professional guidance for many of Natlan's popular sports, and I don't just mean physical training. I design nutrition plans as well.
Media:vo ntaq006 4 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Ah, so basically, no sugar, no soft drinks, no grilled meat...
Media:vo ntaq006 4 iansan 07.ogg Iansan: Yeah, yeah... We'll be here all day if you list them out one by one. It's much faster to just focus on what's good for you.
Media:vo ntaq006 4 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Such as...?
Media:vo ntaq006 4 iansan 08.ogg Iansan: Vegetable juice. Want some?
Media:vo ntaq006 4 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Y'know, Iansan... Paimon feels like the two of us might not see eye to eye...
(Approach the enemies)
Media:vo ntaq006 4 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Those guys look familiar...
Media:vo ntaq006 4 chasca 05.ogg Chasca: We've fought them before. Let's go. Show no mercy.
(While riding the Spiritway)
Media:vo ntaq006 4 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Whoa... The place we need to go seems really high up...
(Approach the solid Phlogiston wall)
Media:vo ntaq006 4 iansan 09.ogg Iansan: This is the final stretch. We just need to climb up, and we'll be there. Nothin' to it!
Media:vo ntaq006 4 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Easy for you to say!
(Approach the rift)
Media:vo ntaq006 5 mualani 01.ogg Mualani: This must be the entrance the Pyro Archon told us about... The one ripped open by the Abyss.
Media:vo ntaq006 5 chasca 01.ogg Chasca: Yes, there's something in the depths of this place that feels familiar yet also foreign.
Media:vo ntaq006 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We actually have to go in there?
Media:vo ntaq006 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Okay, Paimon just needs to psych herself up. Don't push her through before she's ready!


  1. Actual spoken voice line: "Like I said, I still have some preparations to make for the ceremony, so feel free to take a look around in the meantime."

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishEchoes of Life
Shēngmìng de Huíxiǎng
Echoes of Life
Shēngmìng de Huíxiǎng
Seimei no Kodama
Echoes of Life
Korean생명의 메아리
Saengmyeong-ui Meari
SpanishEl eco de la vidaThe Echo of Life
FrenchÉchos de vieEchoes of Life
RussianЭхо жизни
Ekho zhizni
Echo of Life
VietnameseTiếng Vọng Của Sinh Mệnh
GermanEchos des LebensEchoes of Life
IndonesianGema KehidupanEchoes of Life
PortugueseEcos da Vida
TurkishHayatın Yankıları
ItalianEchi della vita

Change History[]

