Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Dream of Dandelions and Wolfhooks is a Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

It can be purchased from the Realm Depot for Realm Currency Realm Currency ×80.

Furnishing Sets[]

No Furnishing Sets use Dream of Dandelions and Wolfhooks as a component.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishDream of Dandelions and Wolfhooks
"Tanpopo to Gugupuramu no Yume"
"Dream of Dandelions and Wolfhooks"
Korean「민들레와 고리고리 열매의 꿈」
"Mindeullewa Gorigori Yeolmae'ui Kkum"
SpanishEnsoñación diente de loboWolf Tooth Reverie
FrenchRêve de pissenlits et baies à crochetDream of Dandelions and WolfhooksWolfhooksWolfhooksWolfhooksTooltip for WolfhooksWolfhooks
RussianСон об одуванчиках и волчьих крюках
Son ob oduvanchikakh i volch'ikh kryukakh
Dream of Dandelions and Wolfhooks
Thai"ความฝันของ Dandelion และ Wolfhook"
VietnameseGiấc Mộng Của Bồ Công Anh Và Quả Móc Câu
GermanEin Traum von Löwenzahn und Wolfshaken"A Dream of Dandelion and Wolfhook"
IndonesianMimpi Dandelion dan WolfhookDream of Dandelion and Wolfhooks
Portuguese"Sonhos dos Dandelions e Ganchos de Lobo"
TurkishKarahindiba ve Kurt Çengeli Rüyası
ItalianSogno di denti di leone e Bacche uncinate

Change History[]

Version 4.4
  • Updated subcategory from Shrub to Large Shrub.

Version 3.8

  • Dream of Dandelions and Wolfhooks was released.

