Divine Plant of the Depths is a World Quest in Inazuma.
Start Location[]
- Talk to Komaki
- Go to Watatsumi Island's shrine
- This is located in the west part of the island at Mouun Shrine
- Obtain
Water Welling With "Wishes"
- Return to the village in time
- Carry the water back to the shrine at Bourou Village in 120 second(s)
- Teleportation will result in failing the challenge.
- Talk to Komaki
- Go to the cave that Komaki mentioned
- Obtain the Clear Water
- Talk to Komaki
Gameplay Notes[]
- The cave is where the Hydro Hypostasis is located. However, the player does not need to fight it. Instead there will be 4 investigation sites around the arena.
- Site left of waterfall at back: after investigating, 2-3 Hydro Slimes and 2 Hydro Specters will spawn
- Site near 3 Electro Boom Blossoms
- Site southeast of Hydro Hypostasis: after investigating, a Large Hydro Slime will spawn
- Waterfall at northeast: after investigating, the player will obtain
Spiritherb Water
- Post-Quest Puzzle: After the quest is completed, one can talk to Komaki again, and she will reveal that there is a treasure located at a shrine.
- Head to Mouun Shrine again.
- Inside the broken temple there is an Electro Seelie. Touch it to light an Electric Lamp.
- Then there will be 3 more Electro Seelies. Two will be on top of one of the torii gates. One will be at the top of the temple. Touch them to light up Electric Lamps.
- After this is done, a chest will spawn.
The Post-Quest Puzzle is part of the Fortune of the Day hidden quests given by Komaki.

Does ancient plant life from the ocean's depths really have the wondrous power to indicate one's destiny?
- (Talk to Komaki)
- Komaki: Hello there, youngster. From how you dress, you must be from outside the island, yes?
That's correct.
How do you do, Granny?
- Komaki: Ah, then you must be some manner of traveler, then? Well... Would you like to stop here for awhile and divine your way forward?
- Paimon: Eh, divining?
The way forward...?
Is there danger up ahead?
- Komaki: Hahaha, no, no, there's no need to be so worried. I apologize, it was a bit sudden of me...
- Komaki: What I mean to say is, the shrine to Watatsumi here in Bourou Village is most efficacious, which is why I offered you a divination.
- Komaki: I did not mean to imply that the road ahead would be perilous.
- Komaki: I mean, how can our paths be encompassed by a mere few words? That is quite preposterous, of course.
- Paimon: Oh, so it's just fortune-telling, huh? Well, that's a relief!
How much will it cost?
- Komaki: Oh, it costs nothing. We do not ask for money over such things...
- Komaki: If those who man the shrines were to collect money over such a thing as "wishes," we will surely disturb Omikami's great spirit.
- Komaki: We are all mortals, after all. How could we dare to profit off the wishes of others?
- Paimon: Oh, so that's how it is.
- Komaki: So then, would you two be interested in a little fortune-telling?
Well, we'll give it a go.
- Komaki: Haha, you have my thanks.
- Komaki: In this time, there is little peace to be found anywhere, and the young people of the village are busying themselves elsewhere. Seeing you youngsters come here does warm the cockles of this old heart.
- Komaki: That you are outlanders who treat the traditions of Watatsumi Island with respect is rarer still. Impressive indeed, haha...
- Komaki: Alright, I shan't nag. Now, as for the fortune-telling...
- Komaki: Before we begin, would the two of you mind helping this old lady with something?
- Paimon: Uh, is this about Mora after all?
- Komaki: Hehe, no, no... Come, just listen to me.
- Komaki: The efficacy of the shrine here in Bourou Village is derived from the "Deep Sea Spiritherb" grown there.
- Komaki: As the name might indicate, this plant once grew at the bottom of the ocean... which is where our ancestors came from.
- Komaki: Thousands of years ago, the progenitors of our village transplanted those herbs from the deep sea onto land and raised them very carefully.
- Komaki: Under the care of generation after generation of our village's people, neither wars nor natural disasters, or even the great sorrow of our Omikami's martyrdom, have managed to destroy these long-lived Spiritherbs.
- Komaki: This plant grows beneath the waters, so it needs a frequent supply of water to survive.
- Komaki: And it also gives off a gentle, constant light, owing to having lived in utter darkness.
- Komaki: As such, we use the brilliance of its light to judge if the wishes made can be realized, and the heart of this mystery is the water source.
- Komaki: Hehe, the younger shrine maidens often doubt the trustworthiness of the divining ritual. They feel that it is insufficiently official, or tantamount to spreading superstition... and other things like that.
- Komaki: They prefer theories that are clearer and easy to understand, and lack fondness for word-of-mouth legends that tend to decay over time.
- Komaki: Still... the wisdom of the ancients, the knowledge that was passed down from one generation to the next...
- Komaki: While it may not be easily unified into some clear theory or another, it does still contain certain truths that cannot be ignored.
So, you were talking about the water source...
- Komaki: Water source...? Oh! Hehe, right! Ah, just listen to me prattle on. My age really is catching up with me, isn't it?
- Komaki: Now then, water from the Offering Pool on this island's shrine is required to raise Spiritherbs. This is because the water there contains "wishes."
- Paimon: ...Can water really contain something like that?
- Komaki: Hehe, of course. Everyone's "wishes" will accumulate within that pool and dissolve into the water, just like honey.
- Komaki: No one can see it, no, but they can tell by the sweetness and viscosity of the water.
- Komaki: So it is with memory, and so it is with faith... They all follow this principle.
- Komaki: Ah, yes. If you go to draw water, do be careful... The power of these wishes will soon dissipate into the air once you leave the Offering Pool...
- Komaki: Just like dreams flow away as the years pass...
- Komaki: The dissipation of these wishes, too, can be detected by their touch and weight.
- Paimon: Wow...
- Komaki: Haha, sorry, sorry, I seem to have gone off topic again...
- Komaki: Either way, return here immediately and do not tarry once you have drawn the water.
- Komaki: Otherwise, the power of those wishes will fully dissipate, and the Spiritherbs will not receive proper nutrition...
- Komaki: Once this is done, do remind me once again... There is a [sic] another step required to nourish the Spiritherb and ensure the efficacy of our divination.
- Paimon: This is pretty troublesome. Don't you have any shrine maidens to help you out, Granny?
- Komaki: *sigh* The young shrine maidens nowadays consider such things bothersome. They turn their noses up at these ancient traditions and generally refuse to help.
- (If you finished The Moon-Bathed Deep Quest Series first)
Are you talking about Tsuyuko by any chance?
- Komaki: Oh right, there's that shrine maiden by the Sangonomiya Shrine who really looks down old folks.
- Komaki: Ah, you've met her, then?
- Komaki: Haha, that girl... She's a capable one, alright, but...
- Komaki: Ah, I shan't say too much. Suffice it to say that young people will someday learn to respect the meaning behind traditional stories.
- Paimon: Uh, what? Paimon doesn't get it.
- Komaki: It is simply depressing beyond measure to watch as the Spiritherbs' glow grows dimmer with each passing day...
- Paimon: But y'know, it is kinda troublesome...
I kind of understand the shrine maidens' perspective now...
- Komaki: Well then. Will you help me draw some water or not?
Oh, we'll help alright.
- Komaki: In that case, you have my thanks.
- (Obtain
Strange Bottle)
- (Talk to Komaki again)
- Komaki: I wonder how's the divination this year...

According to Granny Komaki, only water from the shrine's Offering Pool can properly nourish the Spiritherbs.
- (Arrive at the Offering Pool)
- Paimon: This must be the Offering Pool. Let's get some water!
- (Go to Watatsumi Island's shrine and obtain
Water Welling With "Wishes")
- Paimon: C'mon, we gotta go — those "Wishes" are gonna disappear!
- (Fail the challenge)
- Paimon: The water's lost its glow, we've taken too long...

The wishes within the Offering Pool's water will dissipate with time, so get it over to Granny Komaki as soon as possible!
- (Successfully complete the challenge)
- Paimon: Made it! Time to deliver the goods~

Report the situation to Granny Komaki.
- (Talk to Komaki)
- Komaki: You're back.
We've brought what you asked for.
- Paimon: Clean water, fresh outta the Offering Pool!
- Komaki: Ah, thank you both so much. Come now, allow me to give this water to the Spiritherbs.
- Granny Komaki waters the Spiritherbs with the "water welling with wishes" carefully.
- Komaki: And yes, where was I... Ah, right. There is another step to make the Spiritherbs more radiant still.
- Komaki: The stem and leaves of the Spiritherb will only be truly at home, and thus display the vibrant of color of "wishes," when it is in an environment rich with Hydro from the deep sea.
- Komaki: Simply put... There is a cavern to the north where the Hydro composition of the water is closest to the natural environment of this plant.
- Komaki: The concentration also differs from place to place within this cavern. Of them, the Hydro concentration you are looking for is something crystal-clear and transparent.
- Komaki: But things might get difficult if the water grows turbid, or if you are interrupted by other life forms...
- Komaki: *sigh* At my age, I cannot quite be sure of the meaning of these words.
- Komaki: Nonetheless, I trust that you will understand it when you see it.
- Komaki: That cavern is tightly bound to the secret of our ancestors. Unfortunately, with the recent war, few young people have gone there to draw water and nourish the Spiritherbs.
- Komaki: *sigh* Speaking of our young people, I can only hope that they will return safely...
- Komaki: Ah yes. If you want to go there to draw water, youngster, please be very careful.
- Paimon: Don't worry, Granny, we'll be fine!
I'll take note.
Please be at ease.
- Komaki: Good, good. Thank you both very much.
- (Obtain
Strange Bottle)
- (Talk to Komaki again)
- Komaki: I wonder how's the divination this year...

According to Granny Komaki, Watatsumi Island is home to a cave that plays host to a water source most suited to nourishing the Spiritherbs...
- (Head to the Hydro Hypostasis cave)

Find the most ideal water source with which to nourish Granny Komaki's Spiritherbs.
- (Investigate northeast site left of waterfall)
- Paimon: Whoa, so many Slimes! The elements in the water are all mixed up now!
- (Investigate southeast site)
- Paimon: The water here's no clear... It's gotta be the slimes' work!
- (Investigate southwest site)
- Paimon: Hmm, the water here doesn't look right.
- (Investigate site near northeast waterfall)
- Paimon: Hmm, this should be the water we're looking for. Let's bring some back to Granny Komaki!
- (Obtain
Spiritherb Water)

Report the results of your search to Granny Komaki.
- (Return to village)
- Komaki: Ah, you've returned. Come, come, have a rest.
- Paimon: Granny Komaki, we've brought the water you asked for!
This is the "ideal water" you spoke of, yes?
- Komaki: Yes, and this amount will do the job as well. Thank you for the trouble...
- Granny Komaki waters the Spiritherbs with great care.
- Komaki: Haha, ah, look at them...
- Komaki: From the Spiritherbs' radiance... The year to come will surely be a peaceful and abundant one.
- Paimon: Hmm, how could you tell?
- Komaki: The color of the Spiritherbs has always been dependent on the moisture it gets, and the nourishment it gains from the wishes of the people.
- Komaki: This soul-light is the embodiment of those wishes — the better the wishes, the more vibrant the light, and the more hope there is in our future.
- Komaki: After all, everyone wishes for a better tomorrow, don't they?
- Komaki: As long everyone [sic] wishes to do something to improve on their present lives a little...
- Komaki: Even something as terrible as a war's aftermath may yet prove to be a small affair in comparison.
- Paimon: Uh... So does this have anything to do with its... efficacy?
- Komaki: Of course. This is the wisdom of us old folks, after all.
- Komaki: Wishes drive and encourage people, and the results of their actions verify their wishes in turn.
- Komaki: As long as we are able to protect our peaceful lives, and as long as we can hold on to hope even during dark days...
- Komaki: The divinations of the Spiritherb will always be efficacious.
This feels like a perfunctory explanation for a superstition...
But it isn't entirely without merit...
- Komaki: Hehe. Ah, youngster, you will understand someday.
- Komaki: Ah, by the way, the power of the wishes within the water will last a few days more. If you are willing, you can come by again anytime for another divination.
- (Talk to Komaki again ×2)
- Komaki: You're back. Is there something I can do for you?
Please help me tell my fortune!
- Paimon: Paimon also wants to know what sort of luck (TravelerTraveler)'ll have today!
- Komaki: Hmm... From the pattern of the Spiritherbs' leaves... You will have good fortune.
- Komaki: You will find that fortune at the highest point in Watatsumi Island, in an ancient place dedicated to the gods.
- Paimon: Hmm... How come Paimon can't see any of that?
- Komaki: Hehe, this is what they call the wisdom of the local old folks.
- Paimon: It sounds like you're just trying to bluff Paimon...
- (Talk to Komaki again ×3 or more)
- Komaki: "You will find that fortune at the highest point in Watatsumi Island, in an ancient place dedicated to the gods."
- Komaki: Haha, that's what the Spiritherbs say.
Post-Quest Puzzle
- (Head to the Mouun Shrine)
- Paimon: This should be that "lucky high place" that Granny Komaki talked about...
- (Guide the four Electro Seelie mentioned in the notes above)
- (After touching all the Electro Seelie and unlocking the chest)
- Paimon: Ooh, there was something nice here after all!
Video Guides[]
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Divine Plant of the Depths | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 海渊仙草灵验记 Hǎiyuān Xiāncǎo Língyàn-jì | Miracle Records of the Immortal Plant From the Ocean Depths |
Chinese (Traditional) | 海淵仙草靈驗記 Hǎiyuān Xiāncǎo Língyàn-jì | |
Japanese | 海淵仙草霊験記 Kaien Sensou Reikenki[!][!] | Miracle Records of the Immortal Plant From the Ocean Depths |
Korean | 해연해연 선초선초 영험기영험기 Haeyeon Seoncho Yeongheomgi | Miracle Records of the Immortal Plant From the Ocean Depths[※][※] |
Spanish | La planta divina de las profundidades | The Divine Plant of the Depths |
French | La plante divine des profondeurs | The Divine Plant of the Depths |
Russian | Чудесное растение глубин Chudesnoye rasteniye glubin | Wonderful Plant of the Depths |
Thai | พืชมหัศจรรย์จากห้วงลึกใต้ท้องทะเล | |
Vietnamese | Linh Thảo Biển Sâu | |
German | Göttliche Pflanze der Meerestiefen | Divine Plant of the Depths |
Indonesian | Tanaman Ilahi dari Kedalaman | Divine Plant from the Depths |
Portuguese | Planta Divina das Profundezas | Divine Plant of the Depths |
Turkish | Derinliklerin Kutsal Bitkisi | |
Italian | La divina pianta delle Profondità |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.1