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Director-in-Chief is an event-exclusive NPC who appeared in the Event Secret Summer Paradise.


During Secret Summer Paradise


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Quests and Events[]



Director-in-Chief: Hi! I'm the Acting Director of this attraction. Do you have any questions for me?
Icon Dialogue Talk The Water Droplet is speaking!
Paimon: Whoa! The Water Droplet is speaking again! And its voice is slightly different...
Paimon: Eh? Why did Paimon say "again?"
Director-in-Chief: Haha! Your reaction is exactly as I expected!
Director-in-Chief: Don't be so surprised, and listen carefully. The sound is coming from the speaker by the wall.
Director-in-Chief: I'm speaking to you via prerecorded lines... Anyway, it was Idy... Ah! I mean Daiya who prepared these lines in advance!
Director-in-Chief: As for the specifics, you can talk to Engineer. His explanation will certainly be clearer and more comprehensive!
Paimon: S-So that's what's going on!
Paimon: For some reason, it feels like anything is possible when we're in the miraculous Veluriyam Mirage...
Icon Dialogue Talk Why are you the "Acting" Director?
Director-in-Chief: That's a good question! It's because I don't think I'm the best candidate for the job...
Director-in-Chief: My partners and I were all more or less influenced by Director Zosimos, and we're equals in terms of talent.
Director-in-Chief: We're busy expanding our repertoire and polishing our skills.
Director-in-Chief: My partners often present ideas to me, and sometimes, Fake Playwright goes over my head and just does things.
Director-in-Chief: But as long as the majority supports it, and the show is good, then I'm happy too!
Director-in-Chief: If one of the others becomes more capable than me and wishes to manage the project, I would immediately give up the position!
Paimon: You're too humble. Shouldn't a director be more forceful? If you're always accommodating the opinions of others, it's bound to lead to arguments, isn't it?
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe this mentality is for the better?
Icon Dialogue Talk Group projects are complicated.
Paimon: You have a point... If it's the result of careful discussion, then maybe you could put together lots of creative ideas...
Director-in-Chief: Of course, any interested guests are welcome to try as well. Perhaps one of them will be a better director than I!
Director-in-Chief: Like the two of you! You're clearly talented!
Paimon: Huh? Us?
Icon Dialogue Talk Wanna give it a shot, Paimon?
Icon Dialogue Talk You might become a great director!
Paimon: Well, now that Paimon thinks about it, performing with the Water Droplets would be really interesting!
Paimon: Paimon will leave the writing to (TravelerTraveler) and focus on directing!
Paimon: Hehe, Paimon will leave communicating with the Water Droplets to you too. You're really good at that kind of thing!
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you gonna make me run errands too?
Icon Dialogue Talk Are meals provided?
Paimon: That's not what you should be focusing on! Just think about it... The more responsibility you have, the more you can mold the show to your liking!
Paimon: If we're going to turn our stories into an interesting play, you're the best person to deal with all the details!
Director-in-Chief: Shall we start discussing things now? I'm so fired up!
Director-in-Chief: However, producing a play is no easy task! You'll encounter all sorts of challenges!
Director-in-Chief: I suggest you speak with the others and mentally prepare yourselves.
Paimon: Director Water Droplet, that's so considerate of you. But, y'know, there's no need to be so modest! I'm certain you're a great director!
Icon Dialogue Talk About the directing methodology for the "Three-Day Reverie"...
Paimon: Methodology? What methodology...
Paimon: Oh! Right!
Paimon: Paimon was wondering about the decision behind using narration and dialogue to help guests imagine the scenes in the play!
Director-in-Chief: About that... if I'm being honest... it's actually pretty simple...
Director-in-Chief: It's mainly... we're broke.
Icon Dialogue Talk ?
Paimon: ?
Director-in-Chief: Actually, everything you've experienced is a result of compromise.
Director-in-Chief: I've only seen a few of Director Zosimos's films, so I have some hazy ideas. But we encountered great difficulty trying to realize them.
Director-in-Chief: During planning, each scene only had a few lines, but many actors, props, and backdrops, all of which cost a lot.
Director-in-Chief: In the words of Zosimos, money could solve any problem back in his homeland. But in Veluriyam Mirage, the only currency to spend is the labor hours of us Hydro Eidolons.
Director-in-Chief: Consider the Black Nacre and the All-Devouring Kraken, for example. If we were to recreate a fully armed pirate ship, a huge mechanical sea monster, and even dig out a large expanse of water for the performance...
Director-in-Chief: It would take millions, maybe even billions of Mora! If we convert it into working hours for us Hydro Eidolons, it would take months, even if we got all our friends to help!
Paimon: Th-That much!? Paimon actually underestimated the cost!?
Director-in-Chief: That's why we gave up on most backdrops and props and chose to focus our efforts on the Choo-Choo Cart and the final battle.
Director-in-Chief: That way, we'd be able to give our audience a few unforgettable experiences, instead of everything being equally mediocre and forgettable.
Paimon: That kinda makes sense. The Choo-Choo Cart in the Black Nacre was amazing. At the very least, it felt like a ship, and the final battle was pretty special.
Paimon: Sounds like something we heard in Liyue... What was it again?
Icon Dialogue Talk Prioritizing?
Icon Dialogue Talk Making compromises?
Paimon: Right, that's it! It's about focusing on what's important and necessary!
Paimon: Is that also why there weren't any actors for the dialogue or a narrator on stage, and just speakers?
Director-in-Chief: That's purely because we don't have enough actors.
Director-in-Chief: Originally, we all agreed to go on stage as actors once we had completed our other responsibilities...
Director-in-Chief: The friend you saw in "Petrifying Gaze" was our star actor, trained by Zosimos himself, Actaholic!
Director-in-Chief: Actaholic even planned to give a surprise lesson, but since none of us finished our work on time, Actaholic was left as the only actor onstage.
Director-in-Chief: In short, the shortage of actors and labor are two sides of the same difficult coin, and is holding us back now more than ever!
Paimon: Ugh, rehearsing for a show doesn't seem easy at all. Being a director is such tiring work...
Paimon: That Water Droplet looks so lonely. Let's go comfort it if we get a chance!
Icon Dialogue Talk About the other members of the troupe...
Director-in-Chief: Well, I really want to introduce everyone in the troupe to you, but ever since Zosimos enlightened us, we've each been busy pursuing all sorts of knowledge.
Director-in-Chief: Every one of them has formed a... unique personality now. It's really way too complicated to try and convey everything over the broadcast system.
Director-in-Chief: Also, there's a lot of new words and voice lines that Engineer hasn't finished working on yet.
Director-in-Chief: So, I can't explain things with recordings yet. You'll have to speak to them yourselves.
Paimon: Hold on! Paimon needs some time to digest all of that! Did Paimon hear something about another Water Droplet?
Icon Dialogue Talk "Voice lines"?
Director-in-Chief: ...
Director-in-Chief: (The director seems to be gesturing and acting out something, but it's almost impossible to figure out...)
Paimon: Looks like there's nothing we can do. Director Water Droplet doesn't have the ability to talk about that topic!
Paimon: Let's do what it said and speak to the others.
Paimon: If we get a chance, we should ask Engineer about the voice lines the director mentioned.
Icon Dialogue Talk Pardon us for a moment!
Director-in-Chief: How polite of you! If you have any questions about the show, feel free to ask me!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
"Zǒng Dǎoyǎn"
"Zǒng Dǎoyǎn"
French« Metteur en scène en chef »
Vietnamese"Đạo Diễn Chính"
Indonesian"Kepala Sutradara"
PortugueseDiretora Geral
ItalianRegista capo

Change History[]
