Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

There are some things that even the Duke of the Fortress of Meropide can do little about — for example, complicated paperwork, the trivialities of a supervisor, or even... little kids pasting a whole host of cute but difficult-to-remove stickers on his boxing gloves.

Darkgold Wolfbite is Wriothesley's Elemental Burst.

Gameplay Notes[]

Constellation Effects
  • Constellation Level 2, Shackles for the Arrogant Shackles for the Arrogant: "When using Darkgold Wolfbite, each Prosecution Edict stack from the Passive Talent 'There Shall Be a Reckoning for Sin' will increase said ability's DMG dealt by 40%. You must first unlock the Passive Talent 'There Shall Be a Reckoning for Sin.'"
  • Constellation Level 5, Mercy for the Wronged Mercy for the Wronged: Increases this talent's level by 3, up to a maximum of 15.

Advanced Properties[]

Internal CooldownPoise
Stagger EffectBlunt
TagTagTypeTypeS. L.S. L.H. F.H. F.V. F.V. F.
Skill DMG1UElemental Burst2.5s/3 Hits250Heavy4000
Surging Blade DMG0UNo ICD20Air0600


Attribute Scaling[]

Skill DMG (%)127.2×5136.74×5146.28×5159×5168.54×5178.08×5190.8×5203.52×5216.24×5228.96×5241.68×5254.4×5270.3×5
Surging Blade DMG (%)42.445.5848.765356.1859.3663.667.8472.0876.3280.5684.890.1
Surging Blade CD10s
Energy Cost60

Talent Leveling[]

1 → 2
Mora 12,500[12,500]
Meshing Gear 6[6]
Teachings of Order 3[3]
2 → 3
Mora 17,500[30,000]
Mechanical Spur Gear 3[3]
Guide to Order 2[2]
3 → 4
Mora 25,000[55,000]
Mechanical Spur Gear 4[7]
Guide to Order 4[6]
4 → 5
Mora 30,000[85,000]
Mechanical Spur Gear 6[13]
Guide to Order 6[12]
5 → 6
Mora 37,500[122,500]
Mechanical Spur Gear 9[22]
Guide to Order 9[21]
6 → 7
Mora 120,000[242,500]
Artificed Dynamic Gear 4[4]
Philosophies of Order 4[4]
Primordial Greenbloom 1[1]
7 → 8
Mora 260,000[502,500]
Artificed Dynamic Gear 6[10]
Philosophies of Order 6[10]
Primordial Greenbloom 1[2]
8 → 9
Mora 450,000[952,500]
Artificed Dynamic Gear 9[19]
Philosophies of Order 12[22]
Primordial Greenbloom 2[4]
9 → 10
Mora 700,000[1,652,500]
Artificed Dynamic Gear 12[31]
Philosophies of Order 16[38]
Primordial Greenbloom 2[6]
Crown of Insight 1[1]



  • When Wriothesley uses his Elemental Burst, there is a chance of a sticker being attached to his glove, matching the stickers that appear in his idle animation.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishDarkgold Wolfbite
Hēijīn Lángshì
Black Gold Wolfbite
Hēijīn Lángshì
Gan Metaru - Urufu Baito
Gun Metal - Wolf Bite
Korean짓씹는 흑금늑대
Jitssimneun Heukgeumneukdae
Thoroughly Chewing Black Gold Wolf
SpanishDevoración aureosombríaShadowgold Devouring
FrenchMorsure lupine de l'orWolf Bite of Gold
RussianУкус чернозлатого волка
Ukus chernozlatogo volka
Blackgold Wolf Bite
ThaiDarkgold Wolfbite
VietnameseHắc Kim Lang Cắn Xé
GermanSchwarzgoldener WolfsbissBlackgold Wolfbite
IndonesianDarkgold Wolfbite
PortugueseMordida do Lobo de Ouro Escuro
TurkishKara Altın Kurt IsırığıWolf Bite of Dark Gold
ItalianMorso del lupo brunauroBrown Wolf Bite

Change History[]

