Daiya's Three-Day Reverie is an Event Quest in Thinkers' Theater, Veluriyam Mirage.
Start the quest by approaching the Park Announcement Speaker west of the central fountain in Thinkers' Theater.
- Complete three shows: (0/3)
- Go to the Broadcasting Station
- Explore the Broadcasting Station
- Discover the truth behind the curtain
Start Location[]

In a corner of the Veluriyam Mirage, you and Paimon discover a strange announcement speaker, and following the instructions, it seems you can participate in a very unique attraction...
- (Approach the Park Announcement Speaker)
- ???: Destiny... Wandering... A grand show!
- ???: Surprise... and imagination... Both are needed!
- Paimon: Hey, (TravelerTraveler), do you hear that? There's a strange speaker over there broadcasting a message!
- Paimon: Something's gotta be up. Shall we check it out?
- (Interact with the Park Announcement Speaker)
- Park Announcement Speaker: Let us give thanks to fate, dear travelers, for your wanderings have finally brought you here!
- Park Announcement Speaker: Surely you must be searching for a serendipitous encounter beyond your wildest dreams, an astonishing journey that is beyond your mundane imagination?
- Park Announcement Speaker: Now, the opportunity for us to fulfill all of our desires has been laid before you, right here, right now!
- Park Announcement Speaker: Dive into the brand new "Daiya's Three-Day Reverie"! Step onto the grand stage, and you can experience something beyond your wildest dreams!
- Park Announcement Speaker: Swim freely in a pool of Mora... exorcise the phantoms haunting ancient castles... break free from the shackles of gravity...
- Park Announcement Speaker: Whisper the passphrase: "Take us to the world of reverie" to declare your curiosity and passion, and begin your journey!
- Paimon: Wow, that speaker really knows how to work a crowd! Though Paimon didn't understand the details...
- Paimon: Journey? Show? Stage? And something about... A pool of Mora!
Seems like a new attraction.
Like having guests act onstage in a play.
- Paimon: Oh! When you put it like that... Paimon's definitely heard of that kind of activity before.
- Paimon: So, is the person making the announcement Daiya? She must be the director of the play.
- Paimon: So if we register, we can become the characters of some of the plays?
Are you interested, Paimon?
Shall we kickstart our acting careers?
- Paimon: It definitely sounds cool! Paimon's especially interested in the pool of Mora...
- Paimon: Uh... that's not it! Paimon just wants to see what kind of mystery attraction is deserving of such a special spot in the Veluriyam Mirage!
- Paimon: Then let's say the passphrase together!
Take us to the world of reverie!
- Paimon: Take us to the world of reverie!
- Park Announcement Speaker: Really? Just like that?
- Park Announcement Speaker: *ahem* Perfect! Your registrations have been confirmed, and Daiya's Three-Day Reverie will begin shortly!
- Park Announcement Speaker: "An ancient legend resurfaces, and new clues to a priceless treasure are found. A band of chivalrous pirates hones their weapons and hoists the sails..."
- Park Announcement Speaker: "A town floating in the sky encounters an unprecedented crisis, and a miracle-working architect must act quickly to prevent the soaring city from crashing to the ground..."
- Park Announcement Speaker: "To save their fallen friends, a lone Hydro Eidolon must break into the haunted fortress, and find a way to lift the curse..."
- Park Announcement Speaker: There are three different shows, each with their own theme. Please choose one.
- Park Announcement Speaker: Find an announcement speaker like this, and follow the instructions to go to the place of reverie!
- Paimon: Come on, (TravelerTraveler)! Let's look for an announcement speaker and give it a whirl!
- (After completing the three plays)
- Special Park Bulletin Tower: Hello? Ahem! Dear visitors and staff, I have some exciting news to announce!
- Special Park Bulletin Tower: Today, two visitors have completed Daiya's Three-Day Reverie and set a new record!
- Special Park Bulletin Tower: We've prepared a special gift for our two esteemed visitors and cordially invite them to claim the gift at the Broadcasting Station in the middle of the Thinkers' Theater!
- Special Park Bulletin Tower: You just need to recite the key secret code to open the door behind the reverie!
- Paimon: Did you hear that, (TravelerTraveler)? They've prepared gifts for us! Maybe we'll even get to meet this Daiya person.
- Paimon: Let's go to the Broadcasting Station now!
- (Approach the marked location in the Broadcasting Station)
- Paimon: Hmm... Wait, how come we didn't notice this secret door before?
- Paimon: Oooh! Paimon knows! Let's say the passphrase again, then a new path will open!
Together now!
- Paimon: Okay! We did it to register, and times like this are perfect to have a little ceremony!
- With the clinking of machines, a door opens, revealing a tunnel.
- Paimon: Paimon knew it! A hidden chamber, filled with secrets!
- Paimon: Hehe! Ready or not, here we come!
- (Approach the center of the secret room)
- Paimon: Whoa! Why are there so many Water Droplets here... what are they doing gathered around that giant machine?
- Paimon: Paimon's confused, what's this machine for? And where's Daiya?
- Park Announcement Speaker: Welcome to the Three-Day Reverie! Surely, you must be confused by the scene unfolding before your eyes?
- (The Park Announcement Speaker has the title Slightly Overexcited)
- Park Announcement Speaker: Then allow us to demonstrate!
- Park Announcement Speaker: C'mon, Loafer, stop napping! Now, Place 1, Action 2!
- Park Announcement Speaker: "Let us give thanks to fate, dear travelers, for your wanderings have finally brought you here!"
- Paimon: Is that Water Droplet using the announcement speaker to... play a recording?
- Paimon: It sounds so familiar... where has Paimon heard it before?
It's the announcement we first heard regarding this attraction.
It was playing this recording.
- Park Announcement Speaker: Hustler, you're up! Place 3, Action 7!
- Narrator On Speaker: "The Chief Mate that appears in front of the new recruits is dressed raggedly, covered in bandages from head to toe. It is readily apparent that they barely survived an intense battle not long ago..."
- (The Narrator On Speaker has the title Over-the-Top Voice)
- Paimon: Paimon remembers! This is from "The Black Nacre and the All-Devouring Kraken"! This is the part right after we meet the Chief Mate!
- Paimon: The narration we heard then was also played like this... what amazing timing!
- Park Announcement Speaker: The Harum-Scarum and Black Nacre are about to reach the pass where the treasure is hidden, hurry up and prep the scenery and props, don't you dare screw this up!
- Paimon: That Water Droplet is... operating that device? Paimon can't see how...
Monitoring, broadcasting, and operating the mechanisms...
Those capabilities are enough.
- Park Announcement Speaker: Correct! The function of this massive device is to control the timing of all the mechanisms in every play!
- Park Announcement Speaker: Our diligent Hydro Eidolons are constantly monitoring the progress of each show, so that whenever tourists arrive at the designated spots, they hear the proper narration and each prop and device is activated on time...
- Park Announcement Speaker: As long as guests follow procedure, a fantastical "Three-Day Reverie" will play out before your eyes!
- Park Announcement Speaker: Of course, if guests try to leave partway through or behave too unexpectedly, then it'll really impact their enjoyment of the show.
- Park Announcement Speaker: We just don't have enough staff to handle things like that right now... Anyway, I think all the guests will behave themselves, right?
- Paimon: Th-That's so amazing! We were having so much fun, we never realized how much was going on behind the scene!
- Paimon: So many props and mechanisms have to be carefully controlled, it must be really hard to pull off these shows...
The design is brilliant.
Great timing and teamwork.
- Paimon: So... Is this Daiya talking to us now?
- Paimon: Are you using these Hydro Eidolons to control the "Three-Day Reverie"? Why not just come explain things yourself?
- Paimon: Paimon still has so many questions for you!
- Park Announcement Speaker: Correct, but there's more to it.
- Park Announcement Speaker: Everything you have seen, and everything inside this Broadcasting Station, including the Chief Director, Fake Playwright, Loafer, Hustler, and the Harum-Scarum...
- Park Announcement Speaker: As well as the other unseen and unheard Hydro Eidolon maintenance staff, of course...
- Park Announcement Speaker: Combine all of these and that is "Daiya"— not a person, but the entire system itself, creator and controller of the show.
- Paimon: Daiya is not a person... but a system?
- Paimon: Wait a sec. That's overloading Paimon's brain...
- Paimon: Paimon knows that Water Droplets are smart, but can they actually design such a complicated... system... by themselves?
There must be a designer behind the curtain.
And someone to look over the scripts, right?
- Daiya: Yes, that was the case at first. Your surprise is expected.
- (Daiya has the title Collection of Countless Dreams)
- Daiya: Long story short, Daiya's Three-Day Reverie started with the passionate Director Zosimos.
- Daiya: During his short stay in Veluriyam Mirage, Director Zosimos poured his energy into putting on exciting plays, and never had time for anything else.
- Daiya: As he spent more time with the Hydro Eidolons, he discovered their intelligence and rich emotions.
- Daiya: Hydro Eidolons enjoyed his plays, and looked forward to the next show. They also wanted to share their enjoyment with visitors.
- Daiya: An idea grew inside Zosimos's head — Could Hydro Eidolons direct, or even design a show?
- Paimon: So bold! That sounds like... teaching a group of children to be directors!
- Daiya: Indeed, it was difficult. Fortunately, everyone worked together, our joint efforts overcoming all obstacles!
- Daiya: Director Zosimos trained some of the Hydro Eidolons most passionate about plays, teaching them the critical concepts involved.
- Daiya: After some trial and error, Zosimos wrote several sample plays with detailed explanations regarding the thought behind them.
- Daiya: With Idyia's help, he built the controller, as well as all the mechanisms connected to it.
- Daiya: In addition to the lines from the plays themselves, Director Zosimos also recorded lots of commonly used words that we could combine into sentences to communicate with guests.
- Daiya: After a lot of practice, we finally learned to put on all three sample plays without a hitch.
- Daiya: The three plays are indeed "The Black Nacre and the All-Devouring Kraken," "Petrifying Gaze," and "Skycastle Saviors"!
- Paimon: That is to say... Director Zosimos prepared the foundation and infrastructure for Daiya's Three Day Reverie, as well as left the scripts with accompanying instructions.
- Paimon: We definitely never noticed the whole thing was controlled by Water Droplets.
- Daiya: That's quite the compliment! We appreciate you validating our hard work, and proved many of our ideas correct...
- Daiya: This is the reason why we wish to provide you with a token of our gratitude, and show you everything that went into the production of the show.
Don't mention it!
We enjoyed ourselves.
- Paimon: That's right! We experienced a really special attraction and broadened our horizons! We should be thanking you, Daiya!
- Daiya: Ahaha! Then we continue onwards to our next goal— writing our own scripts!
- Daiya: To do this, we improve our understanding of "plays" and keep collecting new materials.
- Daiya: The one called Fake Playwright here collects stories from visitors, and enhances our ideas with those.
- Daiya: Even if it can't meet suitable guests itself, Fake Playwright talks to other Hydro Eidolons about their encounters.
- Paimon: Oh! So when we tell our stories to Fake Playwright, it helps you write new plays!
- Daiya: Exactly! If you have time, please talk with Fake Playwright more!
- Daiya: Also, please continue to enjoy your time in Veluriyam Mirage, and please talk more with the other Hydro Eidolons here!
- Paimon: No worries! Paimon and (TravelerTraveler) love it here, we'll definitely provide you with lots of great material!
- Paimon: Hmm... Actually, there's something else... Paimon's been curious about it for a while!
- Paimon: Why is it called "Three-Day Reverie"?
- Paimon: Could it be that... Director Zosimos spent three days on each play? Or maybe, like, three days in total?
Haha, I know this one!
It refers to "yesterday," "today," and "tomorrow," right?
- Paimon: "Yesterday," "today," and "tomorrow"? Sounds reasonable to Paimon!
- Paimon: That means Director Zosimos... I mean, all of Daiya, is working so very hard on the plays, day after day!
- Daiya: Nice one! Unfortunately, it's not quite that deep.
- Daiya: Actually, the true meaning behind "three days" is...
- Daiya: "Eh, plenty of time left to do it tomorrow," "Maybe I'll really be in the zone tomorrow," and "If I don't finish it tomorrow I'm dead meat".
- Paimon: Seriously!?
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Daiya's Three-Day Reverie | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 黛依阿的三日遐想 Dàiyī'ā de Sānrì Xiáxiǎng | Daiya's Three-Day Reverie |
Chinese (Traditional) | 黛依阿的三日遐想 Dàiyī'ā de Sānrì Xiáxiǎng | |
Japanese | ダイアの三日空想 Daiya no Mikka Kuusou | Daiya's Three-Day Fantasy |
Korean | 다이야의 3일 공상 Daiya-ui 3-Il Gongsang | — |
Spanish | El sueño de tres días de Daiya | Daiya's Three-Day Dream |
French | Rêverie de trois jours de Daiya | Daiya's Three-Day Reverie |
Russian | Три дня фантазий Дайи Tri dnya fantaziy Dayi | Daiya's Three-Day Fantasy |
Thai | สามวันแห่งจินตนาการของ Daiya | |
Vietnamese | Ba Ngày Mơ Mộng Của Daiya | |
German | Daiyas drei Tage der Träumerei | Daiya's Three Days of Reverie |
Indonesian | Fantasi Tiga Hari Daiya | Daiya's Three-Day Fantasy |
Portuguese | Devaneio de Três Dias de Daiya | |
Turkish | Daiya'nın Üç Günlük Rüyası | |
Italian | Tre giorni da sogno di Daiya |
Change History[]
Released in Version 3.8