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Cyrus is an open-world NPC located in the City of Mondstadt, Mondstadt. He can be found in front of Mondstadt's Adventurers' Guild Headquarters at daytime (6:00 – 19:00) and drinking with Jack in the Angel's Share tavern at nighttime.

Following a certain dialogue branch for the first time gives the player seven Adventurer's Experience.



Cyrus is the Branch Master of the Adventurers' Guild in Mondstadt. His older sister Iris is also a member of the Guild and his daughter, Marjorie, is the owner of Mondstadt's Souvenir Shop, With Wind Comes Glory. As the Branch Master, he is responsible for formulating the entrance exams for new adventurers.[3] He even tells tall tales of adventuring as a recruitment tactic to draw in young people who would usually want to become members of the Knights of Favonius.[4]


Cyrus has blond hair, green eyes, a mustache and a beard. He wears the standard male uniform of the Adventurer's Guild. The uniform consists of three layers of clothing (a white short-sleeve shirt with mandarin collar and a leather laced-up vest), leather gloves, a red bowtie, a green cape collar with a ruffled trim, and two belt bags. He also wears long green pants held by suspenders and tucked into beige leather boots. The Adventurers' Guild logo, an eight-pointed star, is printed on the right and back flaps of the cape collar.

Quests and Events[]

Archon Quests

Story Quests

Hangout Events

World Quests



Idle Quotes[]

After completing The Outlander Who Caught the Wind
Icon Dialogue Idle Strange, that was over so quickly...
Media:VO Cyrus 01.ogg "Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild!"
Media:VO Cyrus 02.ogg "Ad astra abyssosque!"
Icon Dialogue Idle Wine and adventure!
Media:VO Cyrus 03.ogg "Come my friend! Wine and adventure!"
During Invitation of Windblume event
Icon Dialogue Idle Stormterror's Lair...
Media:VO Cyrus Invitation of Windblume 01.ogg "Hmm... I wonder if we'll find any traces of the Windblumes in Stormterror's Lair this time."
During Of Ballads and Brews event
Icon Dialogue Idle Wine and adventure!
Media:VO Cyrus Of Ballads and Brews 01.ogg "Happy festivities! Enjoy the wine, and the adventure too!"
During Windblume's Breath event
Icon Dialogue Idle A recruitment opportunity!
Media:VO Cyrus Windblume's Breath 01.ogg "A Windblume Festival is a great opportunity to recruit new adventurers."


Dragon Storm[]

Cyrus: Isn't that a sight to behold...
Icon Dialogue Talk Aren't you going to find shelter?
Cyrus: Haha, I'm made of sterner stuff than that! Sure it's been a while since I last went on an adventure, but I'm not Master of the Guild for nothing you know!
Cyrus: There's not an adventurer alive that would want to miss out on a sight like this!
Cyrus: This is exactly how Mondstadt is said to have looked in the early days, according to the legends...


Cyrus: Hey, kiddo! Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild!
Icon Dialogue Talk About Stormterror...
(This option disappears after ???)
(After completing The Outlander Who Caught the Wind)
Cyrus: A crisis? I see this as the opportunity of a lifetime!
Cyrus: If there is any adventurer who does not get their blood up at this, surely they fail as an adventurer!
Cyrus: Once the time is right, I must take Jack and the others out to see the world. And thanks to this incident, our adventure teams can be expanded a little, yes?
Cyrus: And as for the dragon... well, there isn't anything that cannot be conquered with perseverance, is there?
Icon Dialogue Talk Who are you?
Cyrus: I'm Cyrus, Master of the Adventurers' Guild, Mondstadt Branch!
Cyrus: I'm sure we'll get to know each other later on. I can tell you are a born adventurer!
Cyrus: How can I tell? Just call it a senior adventurer's hunch, haha!
Cyrus: Listen, if you're interested, we can talk about it some more at Angel's Share another day!
Icon Dialogue Reward Can you share some adventurer's experience with me?
Cyrus: Why, of course. Here, take this. I'm sure it'll be of use to you.
Cyrus: ...To put it plainly, you need only remember two words... Courage and perseverance!
(Obtain Adventurer's Experience Adventurer's Experience ×7)
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell me about the Adventurers' Guild.
Cyrus: Ad astra abyssosque!
Cyrus: We have branches all around Teyvat! Haha!
Cyrus: You can meet fellow adventurers in the guild, participate in expeditions to every corner of the get paid for completing commissions...
Cyrus: This truly is heaven for all adventurers! You sure you're not interested, kid? Hahaha...
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye.
Cyrus: A youngster like you should be more energetic. Don't be cold!


Cyrus: Hey, isn't it.. you... You're here for the wine too?
(After completing A Long Shot)
Icon Dialogue Talk About Stormterror...
Cyrus: What a showing from the Knights of Favonius! Most of them are youngsters without much combat experience, but they do have an adventurous spirit! Not bad. Not bad at all!
Cyrus: If I had to criticize, then would say that they do drag their feet a little, perhaps?
Cyrus: If it was always their intention to send me an adventure commission, they really didn't hive to take a whole day to decide that.
Cyrus: Ah, I must be a little drunk.. Well, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that I'm treating tonight!
Icon Dialogue Talk You are... the Master of the Adventurers' Guild, right?
Cyrus: Haha, you got a good memory.
Cyrus: It's just a title, nothing more.
Cyrus: I only became some legendary adventurer for completing some top-tier commissions by chance.
Cyrus: The real legends... are for you to create! Hahaha...
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell me about your story.
Cyrus: My story? What is there to tell?
Cyrus: Let's see... I slew three, dragons, crushed two international pirate organizations; saved Teyvat once... Nothing major.
Cyrus: ...
Cyrus: ...Where was I? I think I'm getting a bit too tipsy...
Icon Dialogue Talk Excuse me then.
Cyrus: You leaving? Don't be such a stranger, haha!

Event Dialogue[]

Invitation of Windblume[]

Cyrus: Well then! It's the Windblume Festival. What do you say to going to Stormterror's Lair to search for clues regarding the Windblume?
Icon Dialogue Talk About the Windblume Festival...
Cyrus: This is a day to remember those heroes who fought for their freedom. It is said that they once used Windblume as their code word...
Cyrus: As to which flower the Windblume really is? Ah, there are as many views as there are people.
Cyrus: To commemorate the courage and sacrifice of those heroes, we go out to search for clues regarding the Windblume each time the festival rolls back around.
Cyrus: Over many years of searching, I have come to believe more and more that the Windblume is the Windwheel Aster!
Icon Dialogue Talk The Windwheel Aster?
Cyrus: Yes! Don't you think so, too?
Cyrus: Compared to the dandelion, the Windwheel Asters that turn the wind are the true symbol of Mondstadt's freedom and the soul of the Windblume Festival!
Cyrus: It's just that we lack concrete evidence with which to convince other people...
Icon Dialogue Talk So, about Stormterror's Lair...
Cyrus: Ah, the Windblume Festival has its origins in Old Mondstadt and the days of the Lord of the Tower. Nowadays, no one knows what the Windblume truly is.
Cyrus: And that is why we explore ancient ruins to uncover the history of resistance in those days. We wish to uncover the truth behind the Windblume.
Cyrus: It is a shame that few young people agree with our views...
Cyrus: If you ask me, the Windblume Festival should be about recounting the era of the Tower of Storms, and the legend of that heroic rebellion, haha!
Icon Dialogue Talk Who are you?
(Dialogue responses are the same as normal)
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye.
(Dialogue responses are the same as normal)

Of Ballads and Brews[]

Cyrus: Hey, kiddo! Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild!
Cyrus: At the invitation of the Librarian, members of the Adventurers' Guild are expected to participate in Weinlesefest as well.
Cyrus: Enjoy the wine, enjoy the adventure and help all those in need! This is the spirit of our adventurers, haha!

Windblume's Breath[]

Cyrus: Oh, Traveler. As you can see, the Windblume Festival's come around again.
Cyrus: Every festival, there are plenty of youngsters that like to go out and adventure in the wilds.
Cyrus: Ah, what can I say. I'm old. I know what these kids are thinking better than they do.
Cyrus: To me, the Windblume Festival represents the continuation of the rebelliousness passed down by the resisting heroes from the era of the Stormlord of the Tower.
Cyrus: But... I suppose I can't expect the younger generation to think like me, right? Haha!
Cyrus: Well, if the youngsters can feel the charm of adventuring through the spirit of the festival. I suppose it's worth it.
Icon Dialogue Talk Who are you?
(Dialogue responses are the same as normal)
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell me about the Adventurer's Guild.
(Dialogue responses are the same as normal)
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye.
(Dialogue responses are the same as normal)

Character Mentions[]

Character Stories




Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]


  1. Dropbox: EN VA's Resume
  2. Amuleto: JP VA's Profile
  3. Hangout Event, Noelle, Act II - Knightly Exam Prep: Adventurer's Entrance Exam
  4. Commission: The Best Audience in All of Mondstadt