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Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns is the Story Quest for Part II of the Lantern Rite event.


  1. Talk to Wang'ya
  2. Obtain Azurite from Bloatty Floatties
  3. Dig at the roots of the Bloatty Floatty
  4. Obtain Vermillionite from the Ruin Hunter
  5. Report back to Wang'ya
  6. Go to the construction site and collect the materials
  7. Talk to the suspicious person
  8. Investigate around the stockpile (0/3)
  9. Retrieve the Xiao Lantern materials
  10. Talk to Wang'ya
  11. Go to the Ministry of Civil Affairs and report to the Millelith
  12. Find the Millelith
  13. Clear the obstacles
  14. Eliminate the Hilichurls
  15. Talk to the Millelith
  16. Go back to the crime scene
  17. Talk to Xiao
  18. Talk to Kaeya
  19. Talk to the informant
  20. Find the Treasure Hoarder's camp
  21. Talk to the member of the Treasure Hoarders
  22. Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
  23. Talk to the members of the Treasure Hoarders
  24. Meet the sender at the meeting spot
  25. Talk to the suspicious person
  26. Defeat the suspicious person
  27. Talk to the suspicious person
  28. Report back to Jiayi

Gameplay Notes[]

  • If the World Quests Will of Stone or Necessary Procedures were started before this quest, it must be completed first before being able to continue this one.
    • Step 11 cannot be completed.


UI Quest Quest Description

The highlight of Lantern Rite is the release of the giant Mingxiao Lantern into the sky, and this year's Mingxiao Lantern is supposed to be a sight well worth the wait. The Plaustrite that will lift the lantern into the air is the largest in twenty years! For this special occasion, the merchants of Liyue have set up the Xiao Market to help gather the materials needed to build the lantern. When you arrive at the Xiao Market, one of the event organizers, Wang'ya seems to have something to say to you...
(Talk to Wang'ya)
Media:vo eqhdj002 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hello again, Wang'ya! How's the Mingxiao Lantern construction coming along?
Media:vo eqhdj002 1 wangya 01.ogg Wang'ya: Good to see you two! The Mingxiao Lantern is coming along smoothly, thank you. We're almost done collecting the required Plaustrite.
Media:vo eqhdj002 1 wangya 02.ogg Wang'ya: The project should be completed in a few days... You'll have to come by when it's done!
Icon Dialogue Talk Plaustrite?
Media:vo eqhdj002 1 wangya 03.ogg Wang'ya: Mm-hmm, plaustrite is the main component of any Mingxiao Lantern. Most of the donations we get from the city folk are either Mora or Plaustrite.
Media:vo eqhdj002 1 wangya 04.ogg Wang'ya: A lot of them carve their heart's desires onto the Plaustrite they donate, as a prayer for good fortune and other blessings.
Media:vo eqhdj002 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Paimon wants some good fortune too! Let's find some Plaustrite and make a wish, (TravelerTraveler).
Media:vo eqhdj002 1 wangya 05.ogg Wang'ya: Hm, since you seem so eager to donate, how about you keep your eyes open for less common varieties of Plaustrite? Those are the ones we lack the most at the moment.
Media:vo eqhdj002 1 wangya 06.ogg Wang'ya: One is called Azurite. It is occasionally found in the northern part of Mt. Tianheng.
Media:vo eqhdj002 1 wangya 07.ogg Wang'ya: When Azurite gets caught in the roots of ordinary vegetation, it sometimes produces Bloatty Floatties, which have floating seeds.
Media:vo eqhdj002 1 wangya 08.ogg Wang'ya: The other one is called Vermillionite, which is extremely dangerous as far as most people are concerned...
Media:vo eqhdj002 1 wangya 09.ogg Wang'ya: In Guili Plains, old Ruin Hunters who have lost the power of flight use Vermillionite to keep themselves airborne.
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll head out to look for those then.
Media:vo eqhdj002 1 wangya 10a.ogg Wang'ya: It's a tall order, but I'm sure you can manage.
Icon Dialogue Talk What makes them so special?
Media:vo eqhdj002 1 wangya 10b_1.ogg Wang'ya: Well... they're just more stylish, I suppose.
Media:vo eqhdj002 1 wangya 10b_2.ogg Wang'ya: (Actually, they're just blue and red varieties of Plaustrite... Gemstone merchants only gave them fancy names to try and impress their customers...)
Media:vo eqhdj002 1 wangya 10b_3.ogg Wang'ya: Uh, the difference in their features compared to regular Plaustrite might be minuscule... but the difference in price is astonishing.
Media:vo eqhdj002 1 wangya 10b_4.ogg Wang'ya: No, no, never mind that. Just bring some Azurite and Vermillionite back to me. I'm counting on you!
(Talk to Wang'ya again)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj002 wangya 01.ogg Wang'ya: Azurite is occasionally found in the northern part of Mt. Tianheng.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj002 wangya 02.ogg Wang'ya: It is said that when Azurite gets caught in the roots of ordinary vegetation, it sometimes produces Bloatty Floatties, which have floating seeds.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj002 wangya 03.ogg Wang'ya: Perhaps you can start by tracking down Bloatty Floatties. They might lead you to Azurite deposits.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj002 wangya 04.ogg Wang'ya: And then you can check out Guili Plains, where old Ruin Hunters who have lost the power of flight use Vermillionite to keep themselves airborne.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj002 wangya 05.ogg Wang'ya: Don't go looking for Ruin Hunters unprepared though, they can be quite deadly.

(Report back to Wang'ya)
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Wang'ya, we're back with a fresh supply of Azurite and Vermillionite!
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 wangya 01.ogg Wang'ya: I knew I could count on you! Let me see... Hmm... Yep! Without a doubt, these are Azurite and Vermillionite.
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 wangya 02.ogg Wang'ya: But don't you want to make your wishes? You brought back just enough materials for both of you. Come on, get carving!
The Traveler and Paimon carve their wishes on the Azurite and Vermillionite...
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Done! Paimon prays for a bottomless stomach to eat more delicacies with!
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: And you? Let Paimon see... Huh? Well, that doesn't sound like something you'd wish for...
Icon Dialogue Talk That's my (‍sister'ssister's/brother'sbrother's‍) deepest desire.
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 paimon 04b_1a.ogg Media:vo eqhdj002 2 paimon 04b_1b.ogg Paimon: Oh... so you put your (‍sister'ssister's/brother'sbrother's‍) wish rather than your own...
Icon Dialogue Talk I really hope (‍herher/hishis‍) wish will come true.
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 paimon 04a_1a.ogg Media:vo eqhdj002 2 paimon 04a_1b.ogg Paimon: So you made a wish for (‍herher/himhim‍) instead...
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 paimon 05a.ogg Media:vo eqhdj002 2 paimon 05b.ogg Paimon: Don't you worry, Paimon will help you find (‍herher/himhim‍), and we'll spend the next Lantern Rite together.
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Then, we'll release a gazillion Xiao Lanterns to make up for all those wishes you've never had a chance to make!
Icon Dialogue Talk We sure will.
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 wangya 03.ogg Wang'ya: If you're done with your carvings, you can hand over your Azurite and Vermillionite to me.
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 changchang 01.ogg Changchang: Ms. Wang'ya...
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 wangya 04.ogg Wang'ya: Well hello, Changchang! What's up, little missy? Can't find your granddad?
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 changchang 02.ogg Changchang: Granddad said he's busy and I should go play on my own.
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 changchang 03.ogg Changchang: I wanna make a Xiao Lantern, but I don't know how...
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 changchang 04.ogg Changchang: Ms. Wang'ya, could you help me make a Xiao Lantern?
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 wangya 05.ogg Wang'ya: Sure thing! But promise me that you'll go back home as soon as we're done playing. With so many people at the festival, your granddad will be worried sick if you stay out too long.
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 changchang 05.ogg Changchang: Hehe. Thank you Ms. Wang'ya! I'll be a good girl, I promise!
Icon Dialogue Talk So, you know how to make Xiao Lanterns too?
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 wangya 06.ogg Wang'ya: I certainly do! That's how I made my first Mora, helping visitors make Xiao Lanterns by the docks. Ah... Good times, hehe!
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 wangya 07.ogg Wang'ya: I should really stay here to keep an eye on the girl — hey, could I bother you to go to the construction site at the dock, and gather some building materials?
Icon Dialogue Talk Happy to help.
Media:vo eqhdj002 2 wangya 08.ogg Wang'ya: Great, thanks. I appreciate it.
(Talk to Wang'ya or Changchang again)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj002 changchang 01.ogg Changchang: Why does it have to be so hard? I'll never learn how to make a Xiao Lantern...
Media:vo dialog eqhdj002 wangya 06.ogg Wang'ya: All in good time. Don't give up, practice makes perfect.

(Approach construction site)
Media:vo eqhdj002 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: ...Look over there, That guy's acting very suspicious, don't you think?
(Talk to the suspicious person)
Media:vo eqhdj002 3 stupidthief 01.ogg ???: Hey, whatcha doin'?
Media:vo eqhdj002 3 stupidthief 02.ogg ???: Whatcha staring at me like that for? Get gone!
Media:vo eqhdj002 3 stupidthief 03.ogg ???: Wha— Huh?
Media:vo eqhdj002 3 stupidthief 04.ogg ???: ...Alright, if you all won't get gone, I'm just gonna get gone myself I guess...
Media:vo eqhdj002 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wow. Paimon thought he might be a shady character, then he opened his mouth and now Paimon's sure of it!
Media:vo eqhdj002 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: He must have been up to something when he was crouching down on the ground. Because as soon as he saw us approaching, he stood up and acted all innocent...
Media:vo eqhdj002 3 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: (TravelerTraveler), Paimon has a bad feeling about this...
Media:vo eqhdj002 3 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: What could he be up to? Let's investigate!
(Investigate the first item)
Media:vo eqhdj002 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: This area is full of construction supplies for the Mingxiao Lantern: paper, oil, wood...
(Investigate the second item)
Media:vo eqhdj002 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: *gasp* ...All highly flammable materials!
(Investigate the last item)
Media:vo eqhdj002 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: On the final day of the Lantern Rite festival, huge crowds come out to watch the Mingxiao Lantern being released.
Media:vo eqhdj002 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: It can't be a good sign if there's a suspicious character lurking around somewhere so dangerous.
Media:vo eqhdj002 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: If he's been tampering with the stockpile of lantern supplies...
Media:vo eqhdj002 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Let's get the materials we came for first. We can tell Wang'ya about the situation when we get back.
Icon Dialogue Talk Paimon, you're taking this very seriously. Why?
Media:vo eqhdj002 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Because... Because... Everyone in Liyue has worked really hard for this! No one should be allowed to spoil it, period!
Icon Dialogue Talk ...What's the real reason?
Media:vo eqhdj002 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Oh, fine... There's so many delicacies in Liyue Harbor! Matsutake Meat Rolls, Mora Meat, Almond Tofu...
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you reading those off a menu?
Media:vo eqhdj002 5 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Hehehe...
(Collect the materials)
Media:vo eqhdj002 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: That should be enough. Let's get back to Wang'ya!

(Talk to Wang'ya)
Media:vo eqhdj002 7 wangya 01.ogg Wang'ya: Did you get the materials?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sure did.
Media:vo eqhdj002 7 wangya 02.ogg Wang'ya: Ah, yes! These will do. Let me make a Xiao Lantern for Changchang.
Icon Dialogue Talk There's more...
Media:vo eqhdj002 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We saw a shady character skulking around the highly flammable materials at the construction site!
Media:vo eqhdj002 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: He looked like he was up to no good...
Media:vo eqhdj002 7 wangya 03.ogg Wang'ya: I see... Okay, please inform the Ministry of Civil Affairs about what you saw. I'll talk to Jingming.
Media:vo eqhdj002 7 wangya 04.ogg Wang'ya: With so many people visiting for the Lantern Rite, we can't afford to ignore something like this.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj002 changchang 02.ogg Changchang: Miss Wang'ya, is something bad gonna happen at the Lantern Rite?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj002 wangya 07.ogg Wang'ya: Not to a darling little angel like you, Changchang! Come on now, good girl, head back to your granddad and don't get distracted along the way. We don't want to make him worry.
(Talk to Wang'ya or Changchang again)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj002 changchang 02.ogg Changchang: Miss Wang'ya, is something bad gonna happen at the Lantern Rite?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj002 wangya 07.ogg Wang'ya: Not to a darling little angel like you, Changchang! Come on now, good girl, head back to your granddad and don't get distracted along the way. We don't want to make him worry.

(Talk to Jiayi)
Media:vo eqhdj002 8 jiayi 01.ogg Jiayi: Hold up! This is the Liyue Ministry of Civil Affairs.
Icon Dialogue Talk We are here to report a suspicious individual.
Media:vo eqhdj002 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Yeah, we saw a shady-looking guy snooping around near the stockpile of highly flammable Mingxiao Lantern supplies!
Media:vo eqhdj002 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: We must defend the Grilled Tiger Fish food stall at all costs!
Media:vo eqhdj002 8 jiayi 02.ogg Jiayi: Hmm, goodness! This is a serious matter indeed.
Media:vo eqhdj002 8 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Exactly what Paimon thought! Liyue Harbor's cuisine is the heart and soul of the city—
Media:vo eqhdj002 8 jiayi 03.ogg Jiayi: ...It seems we disagree on where the seriousness of the matter lies. But you're not wrong, my little friend.
Media:vo eqhdj002 8 jiayi 04.ogg Jiayi: Rest easy, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has assigned a specialist to keep the Lantern Rite safe.
Media:vo eqhdj002 8 jiayi 05.ogg Jiayi: I will inform him of this matter and order him to step up vigilance in due course.
Media:vo eqhdj002 8 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: "In due course"? This is serious, why not get your butt over there and tell him straight away?
Media:vo eqhdj002 8 jiayi 06.ogg Jiayi: I wish I could, but he's yet to return. He's taken a small team to Guili Plains.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll go to Guili Plains and tell them.
Media:vo eqhdj002 8 jiayi 07a_1.ogg Jiayi: Huh? Uh... But you're a traveler, aren't you? You've come all this way for the Lantern rite, and yet you're willing to lend a hand...?
Media:vo eqhdj002 8 paimon 05a.ogg Paimon: Our pleasure! We're experts in this kinda stuff. We lend hands all the time, like the time we—
Icon Dialogue Talk Ahem, leave it to us.
Media:vo eqhdj002 8 jiayi 07a_2.ogg Jiayi: R—Really? Then we are indebted to you. Travelers are so kind these days...
Icon Dialogue Talk Another day, another commission...
Media:vo eqhdj002 8 jiayi 07b_1.ogg Jiayi: What commission...? Oh, is this your way of offering to go to Guili Plains and pass on the message for me?
Media:vo eqhdj002 8 jiayi 07b_2.ogg Jiayi: But you're a traveler, aren't you? You've come all this way for the Lantern Rite, and yet you're willing to lend a hand...
Icon Dialogue Talk The food stalls must be protected!
Media:vo eqhdj002 8 paimon 05b.ogg Paimon: Yeah! We must defend the food stalls! Let nobody touch them!
Media:vo eqhdj002 8 jiayi 07b_3.ogg Jiayi: Uh — absolutely! Haha... I can't thank you enough.
Media:vo eqhdj002 8 jiayi 08.ogg Jiayi: Ah yes, no commission should go unpaid...
Media:vo eqhdj002 8 jiayi 09.ogg Jiayi: I will take care of the compensation. Again, thank you both.

(Approach the marked location)
Media:vo eqhdj002 10 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: It's a hilichurl blockade, there's so many of them.
Media:vo eqhdj002 10 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Why would they gather together like this...?
Media:vo eqhdj002 10 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: We can't let them get away with being a menace to the people here. Let's show 'em what we've got!

(After clearing the obstacles)
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 xinghuo 01.ogg Xinghuo: Wh—Who are you?
Icon Dialogue Talk Jiayi sent us.
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 xinghuo 02.ogg Xinghuo: Oh... Thank you. If it weren't for your help, today may have ended quite differently.
Icon Dialogue Talk What is it you're doing here?
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 xinghuo 03.ogg Xinghuo: I'm in charge of keeping the Lantern Rite safe. A lot comes out of the woodwork at this time of the year, there are thieves around every corner.
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 xinghuo 04.ogg Xinghuo: I encountered one during my patrol just now, so I called a few men and we pursued them out here.
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 xinghuo 05.ogg Xinghuo: Once we got here, we decided to split up. I was searching this area.
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 xinghuo 06.ogg Xinghuo: The thief seems to have made a clean getaway, and I sure didn't bank on these monsters being here...
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 xinghuo 07.ogg Xinghuo: I was just assessing whether it would be better to send for reinforcements, or find another way to disperse them... And that's when you showed up and dealt with them.
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 xinghuo 08.ogg Xinghuo: *sigh* And thank goodness. I don't know how long it would have taken for the others to get here.
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 xinghuo 09.ogg Xinghuo: Well, I need to get back for looking for the thief... But thanks for your help. Until next time...
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Wait a second! We're not done here!
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 xinghuo 10.ogg Xinghuo: Oh? is there something else?
Icon Dialogue Talk There's a suspicious character down at the harbor...
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 xinghuo 11.ogg Xinghuo: Ugh, another one? *sigh* It's interminable...
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 xinghuo 12.ogg Xinghuo: Right, when I get back, I'll get the other troops to be extra vigilant in the area.
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 xinghuo 13.ogg Xinghuo: *sigh* In the middle of the festival too. What are they up to...
(Xinghuo leaves)
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Do you get the feeling...
Icon Dialogue Talk That the Ministry of Civil Affairs isn't up to the task?
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 paimon 03a_1.ogg Paimon: Paimon thinks so too!
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 paimon 03a_2.ogg Paimon: The locals must take all their tasty treats for granted by now.
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 paimon 03a_3.ogg Paimon: But for a poor traveler, all alone out in the wilderness, often forced to survive on nothing but the most mysterious of mushrooms...
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 paimon 03a_4.ogg Paimon: For you, the Lantern Rite is the most important of all festivals!
Icon Dialogue Talk Perhaps we should take this into our own hands.
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 paimon 03b_1.ogg Paimon: Paimon thinks so too!
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 paimon 03b_2.ogg Paimon: With our wealth of experience adventuring far and wide, we should be able to get to the bottom of this.
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: So let's go back to the place where we witnessed the shady-looking guy.
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Paimon hears from patrol officers that criminals love to go back for another look at the crime scene after the event. Eh, it's a psychological thing, apparently.
Icon Dialogue Talk But the crime hasn't even happened yet...
Media:vo eqhdj002 11 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: That's why there's no time to lose! When there's highly flammable materials involved, once the crime happens it'll be too late!

(Approach the crime scene)
(The suspicious person runs away)
Media:vo eqhdj002 12 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Aha! Knew it!
Icon Dialogue Talk Should we chase after him?
Icon Dialogue Talk We should chase after him.
Media:vo eqhdj002 12 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wait, there's another person—
(Camera pans to Xiao)
(Talk to Xiao)
Media:vo eqhdj002 12 xiao 01.ogg Xiao: ...What are you doing here?
Media:vo eqhdj002 12 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Huh? Xiao... Are you here for the festival?
Media:vo eqhdj002 12 xiao 02.ogg Xiao: I have no interest in Lantern Rite.
Media:vo eqhdj002 12 xiao 03.ogg Xiao: I sensed a malign influence here. I'm here to investigate.
Media:vo eqhdj002 12 xiao 04.ogg Xiao: When a shackle is loosened in the realms of deities and demons, I take full responsibility.
Media:vo eqhdj002 12 xiao 05.ogg Xiao: But this time, the threat comes from the mortal world — your world. Thus you shall take full responsibility, mortal traveler.
Media:vo eqhdj002 12 xiao 06.ogg Xiao: When the time comes, I hope you shall act promptly and decisively...
Media:vo eqhdj002 12 xiao 07.ogg Xiao: I do not wish for the tassel of the polearm that has slaughtered countless demons to become stained with mortal blood.
Media:vo eqhdj002 12 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: What's this?
Media:vo eqhdj002 12 xiao 08.ogg Xiao: A symbol that your suspected evildoer left behind.
Icon Dialogue Talk Paimon, do you recognize it?
Media:vo eqhdj002 12 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Doesn't look familiar to Paimon.
Media:vo eqhdj002 12 xiao 09.ogg Xiao: Well, you will have to show me how much you can accomplish on your own strength.
Media:vo eqhdj002 12 xiao 10.ogg Xiao: Because if I become involved, there is a possibility that the streets of Liyue Harbor will be painted red this Lantern Rite.
Icon Dialogue Talk Then it's up to me to avoid that...
Icon Dialogue Talk Actually, quite a festive color in this part of the world...
Media:vo eqhdj002 12 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: That sounds terrible!
Media:vo eqhdj002 12 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Ahh, let's not be impulsive. Why don't we figure out the origins of this symbol first?
Media:vo eqhdj002 12 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: The one the suspected criminal left behind...Oh!
Media:vo eqhdj002 12 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Paimon has a sneaking suspicion that Kaeya will know something about it...

(Talk to Kaeya)
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: Well, well, long time no see, (TravelerTraveler)!
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Kaeya, we went to the Lantern Rite in Liyue!
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: Ah. Well, how was it? Fun?
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Delicious!
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 kaeya 03.ogg Kaeya: Well then, you ought to be looking forward to Mondstadt's Ludi Harpastum. I'm sure it will be to your liking.
Icon Dialogue Talk Get to the point, Paimon.
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Right, right! Kaeya, there's something we need to tell you about.
The Traveler relates what they have seen...
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 kaeya 04.ogg Kaeya: Hmm... Lantern supplies... Stockpile of wood, paper, and oil... At the very least, it sounds like an accident waiting to happen.
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 kaeya 05.ogg Kaeya: Haha, how very amusing. What makes you think I would recognize this symbol?
Icon Dialogue Talk You're amazing at everything and we trust you.
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 paimon 04a_1.ogg Paimon: Oh, that about sums it up!
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 kaeya 06a_1.ogg Kaeya: Hah. I'm flattered, but don't you think you might be overestimating me?
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 paimon 04a_2.ogg Paimon: There it is! At last, Kaeya displays the knightly virtue of modesty, perfectly articulated and masterfully delivered.
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 kaeya 06a_2.ogg Kaeya: My goodness, your stay in Liyue seems to have sharpened your wit and broadened your vocabulary.
Icon Dialogue Talk You flirt with the dark side, so you would know.
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 paimon 04b.ogg Paimon: Exactly!
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 kaeya 06b_1.ogg Kaeya: Uh-ah! You should watch what you say, Honorary Knight.
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 kaeya 06b_2.ogg Kaeya: What do you mean, flirt with the dark side? The Knights of Favonius certainly does not have dealings with its enemies.
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 kaeya 06b_3.ogg Kaeya: That has to do with a certain knightly virtue called "integrity."
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 kaeya 07.ogg Kaeya: Anyway, I digress. This is the symbol of the cross-border criminal organization you know as the Treasure Hoarders.
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 kaeya 08.ogg Kaeya: If you are curious to know more, I can put you in touch with an informant on the inside.
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Uhh, didn't you just say the Knights of Favonius don't have dealings with their enemies!?
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 kaeya 09.ogg Kaeya: ...This is my own personal informant. Nothing to do with the Knights of Favonius.
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 kaeya 10.ogg Kaeya: A little later, make your way over to Windrise. I'll arrange for the informant to meet you there.
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Thanks, Kaeya.
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 kaeya 11.ogg Kaeya: Oh, and remember: "wine begets wisdom."
Media:vo eqhdj002 13 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Huh?

(Talk to Nimrod)
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 nimrod 01.ogg Nimrod: Huh...
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey! You're the guy, right? Kaeya's informant?
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 nimrod 02.ogg Nimrod: Informant? Not me.
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: But... This is the place we agreed upon... and you're the only one here, so...
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 nimrod 03.ogg Nimrod: "Place we agreed upon"? Heh, I know nothing.
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Ugh, stop being so annoying!
Icon Dialogue Talk Wine begets wisdom.
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 nimrod 04a.ogg Nimrod: Okay. Yeah, it's me.
Icon Dialogue Talk Something about... wine?
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 nimrod 04b_1.ogg Nimrod: Uh...
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 paimon 04b_1.ogg Paimon: ...
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 nimrod 04b_2.ogg Nimrod: Okay... technically the wrong password, but... yes, it's something about wine, and assuming that something is the thing about it begetting wisdom, then...
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 nimrod 04b_3.ogg Nimrod: Yeah, close enough. It's me.
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 paimon 04a.ogg Paimon: How was any of that even slightly necessary!?
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 nimrod 05.ogg Nimrod: What do you want to know about?
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: *sigh* Here's the situation...
The Traveler and Paimon start to question Nimrod...
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 nimrod 06.ogg Nimrod: Okay. I see.
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: So? What can you tell us as an insider?
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 nimrod 07.ogg Nimrod: I do not think this is the work of the Treasure Hoarders.
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 nimrod 08.ogg Nimrod: The reason the Treasure Hoarders are able to sustain a giant cross-border operation is because they are able to abide by one fundamental principle:
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 nimrod 09.ogg Nimrod: Caution. Softly softly catchee monkey is the name of the game for them. By contrast, the idea of taking huge risks to try and make a fortune is utter folly in their eyes.
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 nimrod 10.ogg Nimrod: Liyue has the adepti looking after it, doesn't it? And they're especially active during the Lantern Rite...
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 nimrod 11.ogg Nimrod: There's just no way that we... sorry, "they"! Slip of the tongue — when you've been undercover as long as I have, heh, where was I... Oh, yes — There's just no way that they — the Treasure Hoarders — would dare make a move during the Lantern Rite.
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 nimrod 12.ogg Nimrod: Also, the Treasure Hoarders' organization in Liyue recently received an anonymous letter.
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Why would someone send them an anonymous letter? Trying to frame them, perhaps?
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 nimrod 13.ogg Nimrod: Nobody knows. But what I can tell you is which branch of the Treasure Hoarders has the letter in their possession.
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 nimrod 14.ogg Nimrod: ...There. I've marked their location on the map for you.
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Great. Well, Paimon thinks this was productive! (TravelerTraveler), this is our only solid lead. Let's not waste it!
Media:vo eqhdj002 14 nimrod 15.ogg Nimrod: If there's nothing more, I should get back to treasure hoarding. ...I mean, get back to those treasure-hoarding lowlifes. To spy on them, Heh.

(Talk to Bei'er)
Media:vo eqhdj002 15 beier 01.ogg Bei'er: Sorry mate, wrong way. Wherever you think you're going, it's that way.
Media:vo eqhdj002 15 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: But isn't that the way to Liyue Harbor?
Media:vo eqhdj002 15 beier 02.ogg Bei'er: Right. Here is nowhere. So the other way is Liyue Harbor.
Media:vo eqhdj002 15 crafty 01.ogg Crafty: If you're looking for somewhere to stay, I suggest you go to the Wangshu Inn. Fair prices, great customer service, and a wonderful view.
Icon Dialogue Talk Show us the anonymous letter.
Media:vo eqhdj002 15 beier 03.ogg Bei'er: ...How do you know about the letter?
Media:vo eqhdj002 15 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: ...Uh, one of Liyue's adepti told us about it!
Media:vo eqhdj002 15 beier 04.ogg Bei'er: Did they now? I somehow doubt that.
Media:vo eqhdj002 15 xiao 01.ogg ???: You should not doubt it. It was I who sent them to investigate.
Media:vo eqhdj002 15 xiao 02.ogg Xiao: Any further questioning, you may direct to me.
Media:vo eqhdj002 15 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Argh! Did you just appear out of thin air!?
Icon Dialogue Talk That's an adeptus for you...
Media:vo eqhdj002 15 beier 05.ogg Bei'er: ...You're the Vigilant Yaksha!?
Media:vo eqhdj002 15 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Hey, watch your tone of voice! Or do you seriously wanna pick a fight with an adeptus?
Media:vo eqhdj002 15 crafty 02.ogg Crafty: Uh, okay. It's not that we don't believe you're an adeptus, it's just... Everyone needs to look at the bigger picture here.
Media:vo eqhdj002 15 beier 06.ogg Bei'er: As you well know, we Treasure Hoarders are no serious threat to anyone. We're petty criminals, that's all.
Media:vo eqhdj002 15 crafty 03.ogg Crafty: So if you are truly an adeptus, please... Show us some mercy, would you?
(They draw their swords)
Media:vo eqhdj002 15 beier 07.ogg Bei'er: Of course, if it turns out you're not a real adeptus...
Media:vo eqhdj002 15 crafty 04.ogg Crafty: Then please, don't blame our weapons for treating everyone equally...

(After defeating them)
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 beier 01.ogg Bei'er: Please, oh great one! Heroic Yaksha of Liyue! Divine Adeptus and friend of the people! Have mercy!
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 crafty 01.ogg Crafty: The letter is drivel anyway! It's not worth an armed conflict... Just take it!
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: How about that — Paimon knew it all along!
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Let's see what they wrote.
Letter to the Treasure Hoarders Preview

Letter to the Treasure Hoarders

Treasure hoardur big folk
I have an oppawtunity so crazy lucrative yet feasible
Once a lifetahm thing aye yall wouldnt wanna miss eh
Intrigued right
meet me in the dead of the night
I ll put my finest mask on to honaw yall guys and for yall to recognize me
and I humbly recommend that there yall do too
just so that there the authawity dont recognize yall folks
anyway Im no snitch of course
Just a kind reminder I think that theres the way treasure hoardur do things right to put on cool masks
and I know yall are cool folk, cool folk geds along with cool masks that
theres so cool and I like cool things yeah
so meet yall there then
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 xiao 01.ogg Xiao: I see. Then let us send these two to the meeting.
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 xiao 02.ogg Xiao: The sender may be plotting something truly diabolic for the Lantern Rite. It seems they want to burn down the entire city.
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 beier 02.ogg Bei'er: Great, everyone's happy. You're good, we're good. However...
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 crafty 02.ogg Crafty: These two... They don't look anything like us.
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: It'll be fine. When we're in disguise, no-one will be the wiser.
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 beier 03.ogg Bei'er: It still seems like a long shot to me, but... with the help of an adeptus, hopefully everything will turn out fine...
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 crafty 03.ogg Crafty: Well, the safety of Liyue is in your hands now. Good luck — even the Treasure Hoarders don't want to see the city burned to the ground.
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 xiao 03.ogg Xiao: Then it is settled.
Icon Dialogue Talk Wait!
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 xiao 04.ogg Xiao: *sigh* What is it?
Icon Dialogue Talk Next time we meet...
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 xiao 05.ogg Xiao: Huh?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's make it somewhere with a view of the Mingxiao Lantern.
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 xiao 06.ogg Xiao: ...I am not partial to crowded areas. Especially at this time of the year.
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 xiao 07.ogg Xiao: When this matter is resolved... come to Wangshu Inn.
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 xiao 08.ogg Xiao: In previous years, the Mingxiao Lantern has been visible even from there.
(Xiao vanishes)
Icon Dialogue Talk Huh!? Wait...
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: He's... vanished. Did he go back to Wangshu Inn already...?
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: But the time mentioned in the letter, that's today, isn't it?
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Come on, let's go to the meeting place.
(After cutscene)
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Paimon wonders what the sender of the letter is planning...

(Approach the sender)
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 stupidthief 01.ogg ???: Alright, you folks from the Treasure Hoarders, yeah? I thought I insinuated in my letter there that you should have done like I done and put on a mask and a costume and so forth...
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 stupidthief 02.ogg ???: ...But seems you didn't all get the memo. Hehehe... it's pretty cool though... gutsy.
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Hmph! Well guess what? We don't need to go sneaking around everywhere wearing disguises! Because unlike you, we would never do anything so shameful that we would need to wear masks while doing it!
(Camera pans to the Traveler wearing a mask)
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Really!? I was in the middle of my speech and everything!
Icon Dialogue Talk I think he just enjoys dressing up...
Icon Dialogue Talk This get up is pretty cool, though...
Media:vo eqhdj002 16 stupidthief 03.ogg ???: Wait a second now... You folks ain't no Treasure Hoarders! What game are you two playing!?

(After defeating the suspicious person)
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Tell us your diabolical plan, now! It's over, buster!
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 stupidthief 01.ogg ???: Okay! I give up!
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Give up now or feel the wrath of my Paimonial... Huh? You're giving up just like that?
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 stupidthief 02.ogg ???: I, uh... I'm just a lowly apprentice thief who really looks up to the Treasure Hoarders...
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: An apprentice thief!?
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 stupidthief 03.ogg ???: Yeah... For a greenhorn like me, 'specially working on my own an' all... The Treasure Hoarders? Man, they're my heroes...
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Wait a second, so—
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 stupidthief 04.ogg ???: ...So, I thought I'd try and set up some sorta lucrative opportunity, then submit my pledge of loyalty...
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Wait a second! None of this is making any sense!
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Paimon was expecting a serial arsonist to be someone more... sinister! Evil-looking! But instead... We get you!?
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 stupidthief 05.ogg ???: ...Arson? What the heck are you talking about?
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Don't pretend! Paimon's seen you, loitering around piles of highly flammable materials!
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 stupidthief 06.ogg ???: Oh... Oh yeah, yeah, I know what you're talkin' about. But I was only checking the place out.
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 stupidthief 07.ogg ???: My plan ain't got nothing to do with those lantern construction materials.
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: ...Are you serious!?
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 stupidthief 08.ogg ???: I just wanted to nab me the biggest chunk of Plaustrite in twenty years is all...
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 stupidthief 09.ogg ???: I was gonna wait till nightfall, chop of half the tethers, float it out to sea...
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Oh...
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 stupidthief 10.ogg ???: Then all I'd have to do is find some way or another of bringing it down, so I could hide it underwater in the shallows. The perfect crime!
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Uhh, for a perfect crime, it sure has a lot of holes... For example, how exactly were you planning to bring down the Plaustrite once it was airborne?
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 stupidthief 11.ogg ???: I was still in the process of figuring out the details, hence why I hadn't made my move yet.
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: This guy is an imbecile!
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Okay, (TravelerTraveler), let's teach him a lesson.
The Traveler hands the stupid thief over to the Millelith...
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Now that the Millelith have gotten hold of that idiot...
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Let's head back. We can notify the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

(Talk to Jiayi)
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 jiayi 01.ogg Jiayi: Traveler, word spreads fast! We will keep watch over the thief, thanks for your help.
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 jiayi 02.ogg Jiayi: Looks like the Mingxiao Lantern will be ready soon. A critical juncture, we can not afford the slightest influence.
Icon Dialogue Talk On the topic of keeping Lantern Rite safe...
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 jiayi 03.ogg Jiayi: Rest easy, word was passed up the chain. Another group of very capable troops has been brought in.
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 jiayi 04.ogg Jiayi: They're dressed as ordinary citizens, you wouldn't notice them in the crowd. If anyone dares to make a move, they'll be on them in an instant.
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 jiayi 05.ogg Jiayi: That's sorted then. You two get some rest, we'll take it from here. Enjoy Lantern Rite in peace!
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: So... Paimon supposes that's taken care of, then.
Icon Dialogue Talk If only Xiao were here to see the Mingxiao Lantern.
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: *sigh* Paimon wishes so too, guess he won't make it this time.
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: Wait, do you remember what the inspiration for the Mingxiao lantern was?
Icon Dialogue Talk An adeptus...
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 18a.ogg Paimon: Yeah, with a name like... Skybracer, or something.
Icon Dialogue Talk Skybracer sounds right...
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: So if it's modeled on an adeptus, maybe Xiao would be interested this time?
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 20.ogg Paimon: On the day the Mingxiao lantern is ready, we can meet him at Wangshu Inn like he suggested, then try to persuade him.
Media:vo eqhdj002 17 paimon 21.ogg Paimon: Even though he said you can see the Mingxiao Lantern from Wangshu Inn... We should get up close if we wanna get that festival atmosphere.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishCurrents Deep Beneath the Lanterns
Dēng Xià Ànliú Shēn
Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns
Dēng Xià Ànliú Shēn
Hi no Shita ni Aru Anryuu
Undercurrent Beneath the Lanterns
Korean등잔 밑이 어둡다
Deungjan Michi Eoduptta
The Husband is Always the Last to Know
SpanishPenumbra bajo la linternaShadows Under the Lantern
FrenchL'ombre sous la lumièreThe Shadow Under the Light
RussianТечения под фонарями
Techeniya pod fonaryami
Currents Under Lanterns
Nam An Chiao Krak Tai Saeng Fai
Rapid Waters Beneath the Light
VietnameseSóng Ngầm Dưới Ánh Đèn
GermanTiefe Wasser unter den LaternenDeep Waters Under the Lanterns
IndonesianAir Tenang di Bawah LenteraCalm Water Beneath the Lanterns
PortugueseCorrente Profunda Sob as LanternasDeep Current Beneath the Lanterns

Change History[]
