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Genshin Impact Wiki

Cryo Hypostasis is a Character Card obtained in Genius Invokation TCG.


Icespike Shot Character Card SkillIcespike ShotNormal Attack12
Deals 1 Cryo DMG.
Ice Ring Waltz Character Card SkillIce Ring WaltzElemental Skill3
Deals 3 Cryo DMG. This character gains Overwhelming Ice.

Overwhelming Ice
When the character uses a Normal Attack: Deal 1 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters on standby.
Usage(s): 1
Plunging Ice Shards Character Card SkillPlunging Ice ShardsElemental Burst32
Deals 2 Cryo DMG. deals 1 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters on standby, summons 1 Piercing Iceridge.

Piercing Iceridge
End Phase: Deal 1 Cryo DMG to the opposing Character Closest to Your Current Active Character.

Character Closest to Your Current Active Character
The opposing "character closest to your current active character" is the opposing character whose position is closest to that of your active character.
If multiple such characters exist, the one with the foremost position will be viewed as being "closest."
Usage(s): 2
Cryo Crystal Core Character Card SkillCryo Crystal CorePassive Skill
(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Cryo Crystal Core.

Cryo Crystal Core
When the character to which this is attached would be defeated: Remove this effect, ensure the character will not be defeated, and heal them to 1 HP.

Talent Cards[]

Sternfrost Prism Equipment CardSternfrost PrismNone1
Can only be played if your active character is Cryo Hypostasis: Attach Cryocrystal Core to them.
After Cryo Hypostasis, who has this card equipped, triggers Cryocrystal Core: Attach Sheer Cold to the opposing active character.

Sheer Cold
End Phase: Deals 1 Cryo DMG to attached character.
Usage(s): 1
When attached character has Blazing Heat attached, remove this effect.

Proficiency Reward[]

After reaching Proficiency 10, the following Dynamic Skin is obtained:
Sternfrost Prism Equipment Card GoldenSternfrost Prism1


Cryo Hypostasis

Code name: Daleth. A high-purity Cryo entity.
It doesn't seem all that good at ball sports...

Stage Appearances[]

Cryo Hypostasis appears in 5 stages:

Prince Icon PrinceClever Strategems: Ruinous CompetitionAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceClever Strategems: Ruinous CompetitionAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceClever Strategems: Ruinous CompetitionAdventure Challenge
Sneku Icon SnekuCryo Hypostasis's Voiceless CryFriendly Fracas
Sneku Icon SnekuCryo Hypostasis's Rolling RumbleSerious Showdown


Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Character SelectMedia:vo gcg monster effigyice selectonstage 01.ogg
DefeatedMedia:vo gcg monster effigyice die 01.ogg



Card Showcase[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishCryo Hypostasis
Wúxiàng zhī Bīng
Signless Ice
Wúxiàng zhī Bīng
Musou no Koori
Signless Ice
Korean무상의 얼음
Musangui Eoreum
Signless Ice
SpanishHipostasis CryoCryo Hypostasis
FrenchHypostase CryoCryo Hypostasis
RussianКрио гипостазис
Krio gipostazis
Cryo Hypostasis
ThaiCryo Hypostasis
VietnameseBăngBăng Nguyên BảnNguyên BảnThe Original Ice
GermanKryo-HypostaseCryo Hypostasis
IndonesianCryo Hypostasis
PortugueseHypostasis CryoCryo Hypostasis
TurkishBuz HipostazıCryoCryoCryoCryoTooltip for CryoCryo Hypostasis
ItalianIpostasi di CryoCryo Hypostasis

Change History[]

