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Court of Fontaine Region is an area located in Fontaine.


There are 9 subareas in Court of Fontaine Region:

Name Description

It is unlocked during the World Quest The Narzissenkreuz Adventure in Series Ann of the Narzissenkreuz: Act I - The Narzissenkreuz Adventure, and is not labeled on the map prior to this.

Chemin de L'Espoir
Court of Fontaine

It was the court of Focalors, the God of Justice, established at least a thousand years ago. After the events of Masquerade of the Guilty, the court is now under purview of Chief Justice Neuvillette.

The city is also the base of The Steambird, a newspaper read all across Teyvat.

Fountain of Lucine

Fountain of Lucine is a fountain situated in front of Opera Epiclese. It is said that all water ultimately gathers at the fountain.

Institute of Natural Philosophy

The Institute of Natural Philosophy is a dilapidated underwater research facility that once belonged to the organization of the same name, led by Director Dwight Lasker. Much of the Institute's research remains preserved within the ruined facility, including numerous precursors to modern-day Fontainian technologies and the earliest experiements of the Narzissenkreuz Ordo.

Marcotte Station

Marcotte Station is the terminus of the Navia Line.

Opera Epiclese

Opera Epiclese is an opera house designed to function as the main courthouse of Fontaine, located on the island of Erinnyes. Besides trials, the building hosts a variety of other performances, such as Lyney's magic shows.

Behind the opera house, the Fortress of Meropide can be accessed using a lift which descends to River Talionis. This lift is unlocked during Archon Quest A Tea Party Most Thorny in Chapter IV: Act III - To the Stars Shining in the Depths.

Salacia Plain
Thalatta Submarine Canyon

Points of Interest[]

There are 27 points of interest in Court of Fontaine Region:

Name Description
"The Real Annapausis"

"The Real Annapausis" can be first accessed during World Quest Mary-Ann's Story in Series Ann of the Narzissenkreuz: Act III - "If She No Longer Dreams of You..." It then becomes inaccessible until World Quest Rowboat's Wake in Series In the Wake of Narcissus: Act IV - Rowboat's Wake, where it becomes permanently accessible.

This is where the consciousness of Mary-Ann resides.

Beaumont Workshop

Beaumont Workshop is owned by Estelle.

Bertin's House of Curiosities

Bertin's House of Curiosities is run by Mequignon. Its goods have been out of stock because she hasn't encountered anything that catches her fancy recently.

Café Lutece

Café Lutece is run by Arouet and is the main restaurant for Fontaine.

Café Lutece Message Board
Chioriya Boutique

Chioriya Boutique is a fashion label managed by Chiori, a designer from Inazuma.

Court of Fontaine: Court Region Waterway Hub

Court Region Waterway Hub is located in the center of the Court of Fontaine, and contains the Aquabus Main Station.

Court of Fontaine: Fleuve Cendre

Fleuve Cendre is located underground in the Court of Fontaine.

Court of Fontaine: Palais Mermonia Palais Mermonia is located in the northwestern part of the Court of Fontaine, and has its own Statue of The Seven.
Court of Fontaine: Quartier Lyonnais

Quartier Lyonnais is a street of shops located along the northeastern side of the city.

Court of Fontaine: Quartier Narbonnais

Quartier Narbonnais is located at the southwestern side of the city, and is home to The Steambird and Hotel Debord.

It is also considered a place to find the newest fashion and perfume.[1]

Court of Fontaine: Vasari Passage

Vasari Passage is located at the bottom of the city, consisting of a number of shops lining streets that lead towards a large fountain.

Damoville Purveyor

Damoville Purveyor is run by Boucicaut. The supplies restock daily. Reach Reputation Rank 4 in Fontaine to gain a permanent 10% discount.

Fountain of Lucine

Fountain of Lucine is a fountain situated in front of Opera Epiclese. It is said that all water ultimately gathers at the fountain.

Hotel Debord

The hotel owner invites artists to perform at the restaurant.

L'or noir Message Board
Lepaute Horlogerie

Lepaute Horlogerie is a shop found in Quartier Lyonnais, run by Caron.

Leschots Clockwork Workshop

Leschots Clockwork Workshop is a shop found in Quartier Lyonnais, run by Livre.

Newsstand Board
Opera Epiclese (Instance)

Opera Epiclese is a grand, multi-level opera house, complete with raised seating sections and a private VIP area for Furina. The Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale is located on the stage below Neuvillette's seat, which previously generated Indemnitium for the Court of Fontaine through trials.

Opera Epiclese Notice Board It is located across from Luzerne by the opera house's entrance. A second set of messages appears exclusively during Step 2 of Ever-Surging Memories in Neuvillette's Story Quest, Diluvies Chapter: Act I - The Remains of the Past Day.

The messages randomly cycle through every time "Continue Reading" is selected.

Palais Mermonia

Palais Mermonia is the main administrative building in Fontaine, where the Maison Gardiennage, Maison Gestion, Maison Cardinalice, Maison Ordalie and the Marechaussee Phantom are based out of. Neuvillette's office and Furina's former place of residence are also located here.

Rehearsal Location

The rehearsal location was rented by an amateur troupe who was led by the late Aurelie for the production of the musical dedicated to her, titled "The Little Oceanid."

Salon Caritat
The Narzissenkreuz Ordo

The Narzissenkreuz Ordo is a hidden meeting chamber for the secret society of the same name housed at the top of the Tower of Ipsissimus. Embedded in the chamber's ceiling is a Doomsday Clock created by the mage Narzissenkreuz to count down the apocalypse.

The Steambird

The Steambird is the main newspaper of the Court of Fontaine[2] and is read all across Teyvat.

Vasari Passage Advertisement Board


Archon Quests

Story Quests

World Quests


Hidden Exploration Objectives


Ancient Log[]

These interactables are found in the Institute of Natural Philosophy.

Ancient Notes[]

(This interactable is located in the hallway before the final room of the Submerged Ruins: Central Quartier underground area, along with a Hydroculus and a chest guarded by two Riftwolves. It was written by the director of the Institute of Natural Philosophy, Dwight Lasker.)

...Though it's a shame, we'll have to miss it. I was looking forward to Coppelius's new work. Ever since he was a child, he's always been incredibly talented...

...Out of consideration for everyone's safety, it has been decided that the Institute shall close. Driven by the energy and vigor of youth, the young ones are clamoring to go out and do battle. I hope someday they will understand the importance of prioritizing post-disaster reconstruction over marching off to die...

...I fear that it shan't be long before we must depart. We've chosen a good piece of land near the Fountain of Lucine as the post-relocation site... They even say they want to use the land to build an opera house — they'd sooner set faces aflame with shame and laughter! To think that anyone could be so comical...

...We're going to pay our respects at Basil's grave...
...I hope it all turns out like Emanuel said. However, it's the Institute's responsibility to support gifted and talented youths...

...Met with the newly-appointed Iudex. He has a peculiar temperament. Seems much more reliable than Leon and those other clowns...

...If all goes well, it has the potential to completely revolutionize our understanding of clockwork meka. The proposed methodology and plan are reliable. Worth paying more attention...

...The results of early phases have been satisfactory, we will increase our investment... Carter's leave requests have been increasing in frequency. Better have someone keep an eye on him. He may be having financial difficulties (not like it's possible for it to be a family matter)...

After some consideration, I've decided to enroll them and temporarily assign them to the same lab. However, I'm concerned about the impact of their joining after Alain on the mental state of others... must keep careful watch...

...Still unconscious during the visit, so couldn't speak...decided to take a blood sample and see if there's a cure, or a way to mitigate it...

Although the proposed research plan is expected to face challenges in obtaining recognition, I believe it holds significant practical value, so it justifies approval. Toxins remain in the soil and water and have not yet been fully neutralized... The water is producing deformed Oceanids... In a way, this could be a reflection of previous events. I only just learned that these are Karl's adopted children. It's a shame the Narzissenkreuz Institute no longer exists...

...This could be the biggest breakthrough in a century, it will change all of society...

...The report mentioned abnormal movements... I'll have to find a chance to talk to Emanuel about it...

Ancient Investigative Report[]

(This interactable is located before the Ruin Guard at the entrance to the last room of the Submerged Ruins: Central Quartier underground area.)

...There are suspicions of some sort of association or group activity among the leaders, with a so-called "Master" involved. Whilst they are very vigilant towards external investigations, there is currently no evidence of aggression or any invasive nature, so the case is not being pursued through official investigative channels...
...objective remains unclear, and further investigation is required. There is reason to suspect that the Institute may be the hub of these activities...

A Story[]

  • The fountain located southwest of the castle near the statue of Princess Lyris.
Icon Dialogue Talk "Little Fountain"
(If the player has the Sword of Narzissenkreuz)
(TravelerTraveler): (Arriving at the predestined location makes the Sword of Narzissenkreuz tremble as if it has come to life.)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Offer up the Drained Conch Cup.)
(If the player has a Drained Conch Cup)
Drained Conch Cup: (A radiant auric glow pools within.)
(Obtain Surging Sacred Chalice Surging Sacred Chalice)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Switch the Sword of Narzissenkreuz to ousia.)
(If the Sword of Narzissenkreuz is Pneuma)
Sword of Narzissenkreuz: (If the end of the time scale is reached, and the universe is like a blank sheet of paper, the former Holy Blade will project its shadow to reveal the way forward.)
(The Sword of Narzissenkreuz changes to Ousia)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Switch the Sword of Narzissenkreuz to Pneuma.)
(If the Sword of Narzissenkreuz is Ousia)
Sword of Narzissenkreuz: (Even if the sun is extinguished and darkness covers the world, the former Holy Blade will glow faintly to illuminate the way forward.)
(The Sword of Narzissenkreuz changes to Pneuma)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Leave.)
Icon Dialogue Talk A Story
A long, long time ago, in a place far, far away, there was once a beautiful and kind Princess named Lyris... and yup, she's our main character!
"I don't want this name. It's not what you said before."
Oh, come on, it's just a story, there's no need to be so fussy. And so the story goes...
Anyway, a protagonist needs an antagonist... an evil one, at that!
And our evil antagonist... Well, that's the dragon Narcissus. So evil is he that the peace-loving people tremble at the sound of his name— not that he cares about their feelings, though.
He sowed destruction across the land with the searing flames he spewed from his mouth. His great wings turned cities to dust and his burning breath reduced nations to ash.
At last, only the Princess's realm remained safe. But because the Princess worked tirelessly to defend her realm, Narcissus's plot to destroy everything could not succeed.
"So, in Narcissus's story, I'm the evil villain?"
Oh? That could be the case, were he the one telling the tale. Something like "and my plans would have succeeded, if not for that blasted Princess Lyris"... or something like that.
Ah, no. I told you that it's just a story, right? Princess Lyris is just a character, she's made up. You're you, and you're real. Don't get mixed up, okay?
"I don't get it..."
Oh, be patient. Stop cutting me off! Just let me finish the story first, alright? Now, where were we?
Oh, I almost forgot. Our protagonist needs assistants. Princess Lyris, kind and beautiful as she is, must surely have a ton of friends who are willing to lend a helping hand.
Let me see... Princess Lyris has a whole bunch of brave and loyal friends, like Al and Ney...
"That can't be."
Come on! It's just a story. Anything is possible! In our version, Al and Ney are both friends with Lyris.
Ah, yes, what was Lyris's other friend's name again? The little guy with flaxen hair.
"He's not my friend."
But Princess Lyris can be friends with him, right? I wanna be friends with him too. So, let's let him come along, shall we? What's his name, again?
"Alright. Let's call him Kate."
Ah! Then Colonel Kate it is. I mean, he's always got that cool and aloof feel to him. Plus, he's always buried in books, so a rank like that really suits him.
Well, there we have it — we've assembled all the characters for the story! The fearsome dragon, Narcissus, sought to destroy every kingdom upon the land, while Princess Lyris's realm stood strong and unassailable under the protection of her and her trusty friends!
"Yeah, I get it. And just as in those stories, the princess and her friends lived happily ever after, forever and ever."
That's how stories end!
We've only just begun. We haven't even reached the exciting parts yet.
"Exciting parts?"
Of course. After all, why would Narcissus want to destroy everything? And how would Lyris protect everybody? Aren't you the least bit curious about that?
"Knowing the ending is good enough, isn't it?"
Well, that wouldn't be much fun, would it? The endings may seem alike, but the twists and turns in each story set them apart.
Just like our story, the lonely Narcissus coveted Lyris's treasure and envied her beauty and kindness, for they were what the dragon once possessed but later lost.
As for the treasure that Lyris possesses... let's just say that it's "time."
That's right! Al once told me, as I recall, that clocks are proof that "people want to hold time in their hands," and Ney said that time always seems to be running out. And Lyris has been lonely for a very long time, hasn't she? If she has friends, if she could share her "time" with them, then she would be happy! So let's say Narcissus failed to invade Lyris's realm, for she had shared all this time with her friends. So when they fought him, they had more time on their side — that's why the dragon was no match for Lyris's friends!
Think about it, Lyris — if we had more time, wouldn't we be able to do more things? For example, Al could strike Narcissus three or four more times — he'd be way stronger with more time! Yup, so that's how we're doing this!
Following that, Lyris's friends made use of the time she had shared with them to thwart Narcissus again and again.
However, the cunning dragon discovered their secret. Like a patient viper, he kept sending his armies to attack, depleting Lyris's time.
Thus did Princess Lyris sacrifice much to protect the kingdom and help her friends win their battles. Over time, she forgot about her friends, because she had given away her past. She no longer laughed and played with her friends, as she had given away her time in the present...
One day, finally, the once cheerful spring water fell silent and gloom filled the skies with Narcissus's coming, his wings spread wide. Despite the valiant efforts of Lyris's friends in battle, the dragon was unstoppable, for she had no more time to share with them. The dragon soon arrived before the palace.
In the final moments, Lyris gathered her friends, whose names she had no longer remembered, around her and entrusted them with the most precious thing in the world. It was a pure drop of water — yes, as pure as you are.
She said, "This is my future. Take it with you."
She said: "Even if I and the kingdom become subject to Narcissus, it shall not matter, for my 'future' shall lie with you."
Then, she made them a promise. "Even if we have lost our shared 'past' and 'present,' as long as we hold on to the future, the time will come again when we shall reunite, and the kingdom will shine again once more."
At that moment, the dragon's army blew down the castle gates open with cannon-fire. Lyris urged her friends to flee, which they did only with great difficulty and tearstained faces. Now having lost her future, Princess Lyris, along with the tower she lived in, fell into a stagnant slumber devoid of dreams.
So fell the last remaining kingdom of light. Lyris's friends hid in the darkness and endured hardships for a long time. Yet they remained united, bound together by the future the princess had promised them. Well, how do you find the story now?
"I don't understand. The past, the present, and the future... I don't get them either. We have no future after such a disaster."
You see, Al is working hard to assist Lord Neville and secure our future. And aren't you, Ney, and Jak all striving together to create one? Together — that's how we've created much of our "past," right? Now, we are united in the "present," we can surely be together in the "future," too. We'll share the burden of many sorrows and create many joyful moments, too.
"Yup, I know..."
"...What about the story, then? What happened to the princess?"
Hmm... We'll have to save that for another story. Ah, I'm running short on time. Need to head back with that silly dog of mine. I'll share the rest with you next time!
Oh, come on, don't be like that... Alright, how about I come up with the beginning, and you tell me the rest next time? Ahem. Let me think...
"A long, long time in the future, in a place far, far away..."
There was a dark empire ruled by the fell dragon Narcissus.
The princess he once yearned for had, together with the high tower in which she lived, plunged into a stagnant slumber devoid of dreams, thus remaining untouched by the evil dragon. This enraged Narcissus, so he sent out countless minions to scour the empire for her treasure. He also set up many defensive mechanisms using his baleful sorceries to prevent those on the side of justice from resisting him. He swore that he would reclaim the princess' treasure and awaken her, for only then could he claim her wholly for his own.
There was a group of heroes who protected the treasure that the princess had entrusted to them - a clear, bright pearl of water.
One day, a tiny life was born from this pearl of water.
Hmm... and what shall we call this life? Ah, what a pain. If I had known that this was how the story might go, I would've used your name here. Any ideas?

Delaroche's Notes[]

This interactable is located on a crate behind Delaroche. It appears after completing the Delaroche's Bait Hidden Exploration Objective, on the next daily reset.

Delaroche's Notes: (This seems to be a record of the recipe Delaroche used to make bait...)
Icon Dialogue Talk Read.
Delaroche's Notes: My 634th day as director — 75th attempt at formulating bait after meeting the God of Victorious Linebreaking.
Delaroche's Notes: My attempts to analyze the bait samples failed. The highly-adept alchemical process meant that the various raw materials were untraceable, and thus I was forced to combine them by myself.
Delaroche's Notes: I combined the flesh of Cider-Lake-irrigated Sunsettias imported from Mondstadt along with Slime Condensate, using a standard amount for each serving...
Delaroche's Notes: The results are not promising. The fish did not react at all — and this, when they're liable to flee whenever things drop into the water!
Delaroche's Notes: The Sunsettias that that traveling merchant sells are incredibly expensive. That's two days' worth of food money gone down the drain — best not to buy from him in the future...
Delaroche's Notes: ...
Delaroche's Notes: My 635th day as director — 81st attempt at formulating bait after meeting the God of Victorious Linebreaking.
Delaroche's Notes: Further analysis has proved futile, and thus I press on with my own formulation.
Delaroche's Notes: I combined Sakura petals imported from Inazuma, preserved perfectly in ice blocks, with broken-up Fish, in the hopes that this would attract some vicious, carnivorous fish...
Delaroche's Notes: But the Linebreakers seemed uninterested, ignoring my provocations...
Delaroche's Notes: Come on! At least swing your tail my way and tell me you saw what I did!
Delaroche's Notes: ...
Delaroche's Notes: My 636th day as director — 90th attempt at formulating bait after meeting the God of Victorious Linebreaking.
Delaroche's Notes: The researchers all suggest that I give up analyzing the bait samples or commission a professional alchemist to do the job... But I don't know anyone who could do that... So I continue the formulation process on my own.
Delaroche's Notes: This time, I used powdered dried Harra Fruit imported from Sumeru and combined it with Bulle Fruit juice from the latest season. I steamed the mixture over and over, concentrating it as much as I could!
Delaroche's Notes: This was the... strongest combination of aromas I could possibly have thought of!
Delaroche's Notes: If I were to make a comparison... It would be like setting up a big pot in front of someone's house and stewing fish-and-radish paste that has been fermented for five years! Why, any sensible neighbor would have rushed out of doors to beat me senseless!
Delaroche's Notes: Yet these Linebreakers seem to have lost all sense of smell. They did not react at all.
Delaroche's Notes: Is my declaration of war simply too weak for them? In that case, I must seek out a curio merchant... I shall obtain the most flavorful items in the world, and I shall have a showdown with those fish — a battle to end all battles!
Icon Dialogue Talk Leave.

Letters to Earnshaw[]

This interactable is located on the table near Earnshaw.

Icon Dialogue Talk Investigate.
Traveler: (There are a few opened letters on the table...)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Read the first letter.)
Letter #1: "Dear Earnshaw, sorry for being unable to contact you for so long. For various reasons, I moved to the Fortress of Meropide and have been living here for quite some time now."
Letter #1: "Life here isn't so bad though! Though, the Tasses Ragout isn't as good as it is back home, and I don't have the company of any cute animals."
Letter #1: "But I have something even more precious in my life now! Speaking of which, I might be able to return home fairly soon."
Letter #1: "If the door is still open for me to return, please write me back! Even one sentence will do, just telling me how you're doing."
Icon Dialogue Talk (Read the second letter.)
Letter #2: "You didn't write back. Are you still angry? Dad, listen to me. Don't be mad. Why punish yourself for someone else's mistake?"
Letter #2: "Look, I'm the one at fault here. I know I've made mistakes, but that's all in the past now. We can have a fresh start."
Letter #2: "My chronic illness has been flaring up again recently. Nothing like being unwell to make you appreciate the joys of being in good health, huh? I hope all is well with you."
Letter #2: "If you really don't want to tell me how you've been doing, could you at least tell me about Prince, Princess, and Hero? Are they doing okay?"
Letter #2: "I look forward to your response."
Icon Dialogue Talk (Read the third letter.)
Letter #3: "You're really a stubborn one, Dad. I have some news I was planning to share with you when we saw each other, but I've decided to go ahead and tell you now."
Letter #3: "That precious thing in my life I mentioned? Her name is Lanoire, and she's absolutely lovely. She's like a little flower sprouting out of a crack in the rock, determined to grow even in the absence of sunlight or rain."
Letter #3: "I'd like to bring her home, I just know you'll adore her! Even if your door is closed to me, at the very least, please open it for her, even if just a crack, just to see her."
Letter #3: "After that, I'll bring her to the Court of Fontaine. I'm going to work hard!"
Letter #3: "She still hasn't had a good look at this world, so once we leave the Fortress of Meropide, I'm going to give her all the sunlight the world has to offer!"
Letter #3: "Lutz won't let me write too much, so I'll leave it at that for now. Wishing you well!"
Icon Dialogue Talk (We should go...)


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
02Le Souvenir avec le crepusculeFountain of BelleauCourt of Fontaine (dusk)
03Ballad of Many WatersFountain of BelleauCourt of Fontaine (day)
Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot
04City of Mellifluous GloryFountain of BelleauCourt of Fontaine (day)
Quests, Event Gameplay
05Leisurely Days in FontaineFountain of BelleauCourt of Fontaine (day)
Event Gameplay
06Poesy of ChrysoliteFountain of BelleauCourt of Fontaine (day)
Event Gameplay
07Luminescence of EventideFountain of BelleauCourt of Fontaine (night)
08Coruscating StreetFountain of BelleauCourt of Fontaine (night), Chioriya Boutique (interior)
Quests, Domains, Serenitea Pot
09Dreams' Swirling WhispersFountain of BelleauCourt of Fontaine (night)
10La nuit silencieuse et paisibleFountain of BelleauCourt of Fontaine (night)
11Quand la lumiere resplendiraFountain of BelleauCourt of Fontaine (dawn)
Event Gameplay
12Symposion of SpectacleFountain of BelleauHotel Debord
Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot
13Harmonia of PolysynodieFountain of BelleauPalais Mermonia
Event Gameplay
14Pluie sur la villeFountain of BelleauCourt of Fontaine (rain), Belleau Region (rain), Beryl Region (rain), Court of Fontaine Region (rain)
15Le fleuve secretFountain of BelleauCourt of Fontaine: Fleuve Cendre
16Cakes and Ale for the ExiledFountain of BelleauCourt of Fontaine: Fleuve Cendre
Event Gameplay
19Limpide est le sanglot d'eauFountain of BelleauFountain of Lucine (day), Marcotte Station (day), Opera Epiclese (day)
Serenitea Pot
20Clair de luneFountain of BelleauFountain of Lucine (night), Marcotte Station (night), Opera Epiclese (night), Elton Trench (gramophone), Salacia Plain (gramophone)
21Spring SongFountain of BelleauFountain of Lucine (day), Marcotte Station (day), Opera Epiclese (day)
22Where All Waters ConvergeFountain of BelleauFountain of Lucine (day), Marcotte Station (day), Opera Epiclese (day), Elton Trench (gramophone), Salacia Plain (gramophone)
23Raven Gloss of DarknessFountain of BelleauFountain of Lucine (night), Marcotte Station (night), Opera Epiclese (night), Elton Trench (gramophone), Salacia Plain (gramophone)
24Le spectacle doit continuerFountain of BelleauOpera Epiclese (Instance)
Event Gameplay
26Searching for CluesFountain of BelleauOpera Epiclese (Instance) (Clue Investigation)
34Ann's Quiescent ResidenceFountain of Belleau"The Real Annapausis"
Serenitea Pot
38Across the MeadowsFountain of BelleauBelleau Region (day), Beryl Region (day), Court of Fontaine Region (day), Erinnyes Forest (day), Morte Region (day)
39Cobalt RemembranceFountain of BelleauBelleau Region (day), Beryl Region (day), Court of Fontaine Region (day), Erinnyes Forest (day), Morte Region (day)
40Susurrating HoltFountain of BelleauBelleau Region (day), Beryl Region (day), Court of Fontaine Region (day), Erinnyes Forest (day), Morte Region (day)
41Clement RilletFountain of BelleauBelleau Region (day), Beryl Region (day), Court of Fontaine Region (day), Erinnyes Forest (day), Morte Region (day)
Event Gameplay
42Reve d'alouetteFountain of BelleauBelleau Region (day), Beryl Region (day), Court of Fontaine Region (day), Erinnyes Forest (day), Morte Region (day)
Event Gameplay
43Que le vent soit douxFountain of BelleauBelleau Region (day), Beryl Region (day), Court of Fontaine Region (day), Erinnyes Forest (day), Morte Region (day)
Quests, Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot
44Ondulations du rythmeFountain of BelleauBelleau Region (day), Beryl Region (day), Court of Fontaine Region (day), Erinnyes Forest (day), Morte Region (day)
45Expectation for ExplorationFountain of BelleauBelleau Region (day), Beryl Region (day), Court of Fontaine Region (day), Erinnyes Forest (day), Morte Region (day)
46Peripatetic PeregrinationFountain of BelleauBelleau Region (day), Beryl Region (day), Court of Fontaine Region (day), Erinnyes Forest (day), Morte Region (day)
47Langage des fleursFountain of BelleauBelleau Region (day), Beryl Region (day), Court of Fontaine Region (day), Erinnyes Forest (day), Morte Region (day)
Event Gameplay
48Demain, des l'aubeFountain of BelleauBelleau Region (night), Beryl Region (night), Court of Fontaine Region (night), Erinnyes Forest (night), Morte Region (night)
Quests, Serenitea Pot
49Les murmures des flotsFountain of BelleauBelleau Region (night), Beryl Region (night), Court of Fontaine Region (night), Erinnyes Forest (night), Morte Region (night)
52Vespers of PluvioseFountain of BelleauPoisson (Post-disaster), Belleau Region (night), Beryl Region (night), Court of Fontaine Region (night), Erinnyes Forest (night), Morte Region (night)
53Lustrous StarsFountain of BelleauBelleau Region (night), Beryl Region (night), Court of Fontaine Region (night), Erinnyes Forest (night), Morte Region (night)
54Sombre of the White SpringFountain of BelleauBelleau Region (night), Beryl Region (night), Court of Fontaine Region (night), Erinnyes Forest (night), Morte Region (night)
55Floating Into DistanceFountain of BelleauBelleau Region (night), Beryl Region (night), Court of Fontaine Region (night), Erinnyes Forest (night), Morte Region (night)
56Les NuitsFountain of BelleauBelleau Region (night), Beryl Region (night), Court of Fontaine Region (night), Erinnyes Forest (night), Morte Region (night)
57Nocturnal IlluminationFountain of BelleauBelleau Region (night), Beryl Region (night), Court of Fontaine Region (night), Erinnyes Forest (night), Morte Region (night)
60Nymphs' Tea PartyFountain of BelleauThe Narzissenkreuz Ordo (after completing one of the following: Ancient Colors, Ann of the Narzissenkreuz, and Unfinished Comedy)
61Dream Through the Looking-GlassFountain of BelleauThe Narzissenkreuz Ordo (after completing two of the following: Ancient Colors, Ann of the Narzissenkreuz, and Unfinished Comedy)
64La cite en la merFountain of BelleauFontaine (underwater), Institute of Natural Philosophy, Tower of Ipsissimus (underwater, after sinking)
65Passage of an EraFountain of BelleauFontaine (underwater), Institute of Natural Philosophy, Tower of Ipsissimus (underwater, after sinking), Secret Vault
Event Gameplay
66Fading AnticipationFountain of BelleauFontaine (underwater), Institute of Natural Philosophy
Event Gameplay
76Calamitous TidesFountain of BelleauInstitute of Natural Philosophy (Current), Faded Castle (Current)
77Ann's AnapausisFountain of BelleauAnnapausis
Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot
78Marcescent FloretFountain of BelleauAnnapausis, Tower of Ipsissimus (underwater, after sinking)
Serenitea Pot
79All in the Golden AfternoonFountain of BelleauInstitute of Natural Philosophy, Annapausis (Convoluted Corridor)
80Withered Wreath of FlowersFountain of BelleauAnnapausis (Convoluted Corridor)
95Aubade of CoppeliaFountain of BelleauCombat in Fountain of Lucine: Icewind Suite Icewind Suite (base stance)
Event Gameplay
96Envoi of CoppeliusFountain of BelleauCombat in Fountain of Lucine: Icewind Suite Icewind Suite (climax)
27Clio's MemoirsPelagic PrimaevalityRehearsal Location, Game Venue
31Dream AnamnesisPelagic PrimaevalityThe Narzissenkreuz Ordo (after completing Ancient Colors, Ann of the Narzissenkreuz, and Unfinished Comedy)
32A Narcissus LullabyPelagic PrimaevalityThe Narzissenkreuz Ordo (after completing In the Wake of Narcissus)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishCourt of Fontaine Region
Fēngdān-tíng Qū
Court of Fontaine Region
Fēngdān-tíng Qū
Fonteenu-tei Chiku‍[!][!]
Court of Fontaine Region
Korean폰타인성 구역
Pontain-seong Guyeok
Court of FontaineCourt of FontaineCourt of FontaineCourt of FontaineTooltip for Court of FontaineCourt of Fontaine Area
SpanishCondado de la Corte de FontaineCourt of Fontaine County
FrenchRégion de la Cour de FontaineCourt of Fontaine Region
RussianРайон Кур-де-Фонтейн
Rayon Kur-de-Fonteyn
Court of FontaineCourt of FontaineCourt of FontaineCourt of FontaineTooltip for Court of FontaineCourt of Fontaine Region
ThaiCourt of Fontaine Region
VietnameseKhu Đại Sảnh Fontaine
GermanBezirk des Hofs von FontaineCourt of Fontaine District
IndonesianCourt of Fontaine Region
PortugueseDistrito da Corte de Fontaine
TurkishFontaine Şehri BölgesiCourt of FontaineCourt of FontaineCourt of FontaineCourt of FontaineTooltip for Court of FontaineCourt of Fontaine Region
ItalianRegione della Corte di FontaineCourt of Fontaine Region

Change History[]

Version 4.1
  • Added interactable for Earnshaw's letters.‍[verification needed]

Version 4.0

  • Court of Fontaine Region was released.


  1. NPC Dialogue: Sylvie
  2. Mona's Character Story: All Things Astrological

