Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Condensed Ice is a Ley Line Disorder that increases the player's stamina consumption.

It can be removed via Elemental Reactions. If applied as a domain debuff, the player can also reduce the time affected by the debuff by using an artifact from Prayers to Springtime or the Fervent Flames Elemental Resonance. However, the duration-shortening methods do not work if the debuff is applied by an enemy.


Debuff Level Stamina Consumption Increase Stamina Recovery Speed Decrease Applied Gauge Units Duration Application Interval Sources
1 200% 50% 1 20s 30s Forsaken Rift I-II
2 200% 70% 1 20s 30s Forsaken Rift III
3 200% 100% 2 20s 30s Forsaken Rift IV
Spiral Abyss
Special 100% 0% 1 20s 15s Enemies

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishCondensed Ice
Níngjié zhī Bīng
Condensed Ice
Níngjié zhī Bīng
Gyouketsu no Koori
Congealed Ice
Korean응결의 얼음
Eunggyeol-ui Eoreum
Ice of Congelation
SpanishHielo condensadoCondensed Ice
FrenchGlace condenséeCondensed Ice
RussianЗастывший лёд
Zastyvshiy lyod
Frozen Ice
ThaiCondensed Ice
VietnameseBăng Ngưng Kết
GermanErstarrte GliederCongealed Limbs
IndonesianCondensed Ice
PortugueseGelo CondensadoCondensed Ice
TurkishYoğun Buz
ItalianGhiaccio Condensato

Change History[]

