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Genshin Impact Wiki

Cloudy Haze Bed is a creatable Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for Cloudy Haze Bed is obtainable from the Realm Depot for Realm Currency Realm Currency ×160.


First time creation grants Trust Trust ×60.

Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 14 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
Cloudy Haze Bed 1 Cloudy Haze Bed

Furnishing Sets[]

There are 2 Furnishing Sets that use Cloudy Haze Bed as a component:

ItemCraft TypeComponents
Gift SetEntrance Rug: A Warm Welcome Entrance Rug: A Warm Welcome ×1
Red Cedar Curio Stand Red Cedar Curio Stand ×1
Gold-Lined Sandbearer Wardrobe Gold-Lined Sandbearer Wardrobe ×1
Square Pine Tea Table Square Pine Tea Table ×1
Glazed Porcelain Tea Set: "Embracing Truth" Glazed Porcelain Tea Set: "Embracing Truth" ×1
Pine-Backed Tea Chair Pine-Backed Tea Chair ×2
Gold-Lined Sandbearer Nightstand Gold-Lined Sandbearer Nightstand ×1
Seashell Table Lamp Seashell Table Lamp ×1
Cloudy Haze Bed Cloudy Haze Bed ×1
Potted Plant: Crystalline Breeze Potted Plant: Crystalline Breeze ×1
Liuli Pavilion Sandbearer Floor Lamp Liuli Pavilion Sandbearer Floor Lamp ×1
Pine Folding Screen: Billowing Sails Pine Folding Screen: Billowing Sails ×1
Furnishing SetTavern Rug: Home Away From Home Tavern Rug: Home Away From Home ×1
Gold-Lined Sandbearer Wardrobe Gold-Lined Sandbearer Wardrobe ×1
Gold-Lined Sandbearer Nightstand Gold-Lined Sandbearer Nightstand ×1
Seashell Table Lamp Seashell Table Lamp ×1
Cloudy Haze Bed Cloudy Haze Bed ×1

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishCloudy Haze Bed
Yānxiá Yún Mèng Tà
Yānxiá Yún Mèng Tà
Enka no Yume no Beddo
Korean안개 노을의 침대
Angae Noeul-ui Kkum Chimdae
SpanishCama sueños de nubes
FrenchLit « Brume de nuages »
RussianКровать пасмурной дымки
Krovat' pasmurnoy dymki
VietnameseGiường Giấc Mơ Bềnh Bồng
GermanBett der Wolkenträume
IndonesianRanjang Selembut Awan
PortugueseCama Nebulosa
TurkishPuslu Rüyalar Yatağı
ItalianLetto nuvole e nebbia

Change History[]

