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Cleansing Light is the first part of Raiden Shogun's Story Quest, Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II - Transient Dreams.


  1. Talk to Katheryne
  2. Go to the area where the monsters have appeared
  3. Defeat the Rifthounds
  4. Talk to Raiden Ei
  5. Look for the marks left behind
  6. Try to figure out what happened
  7. Continue the pursuit
  8. Defeat the Rifthounds
  9. Talk to the person who appeared
  10. Go to the Kamisato Estate to get a tea set
  11. Talk to Ei
  12. Go to where the tea master is
  13. Talk to Ei once again

Trial Character[]

WLWL Character
& Weapon
Talents & Artifacts Attributes


  • Normal Attack Lv. 5
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 5
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 8
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 20,788
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,770
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 732
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 42
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 51.8%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 204.4%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 16
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece


  • Normal Attack Lv. 6
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 6
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 9
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 25,798
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 2,154
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 884
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 217.3%
Icon Attribute Electro DMG Bonus: 46.9%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece


  • Normal Attack Lv. 8
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 8
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 11
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 20,925
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 2,024
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 935
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 293.9%
Icon Attribute Electro DMG Bonus: 124.2%

Magnificent TsubaSundered FeatherStorm CageScarlet VesselOrnate Kabuto
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Emblem of Severed Fate 4-Piece


UI Quest Quest Description

The Adventurers' Guild in Inazuma seems to have a commission concerning the Sacred Sakura...
(Talk to Katheryne at the Inazuma Adventurers' Guild)
Media:vo sglq101 1 katheryne 01.ogg Katheryne: Ad astra abyssosque, (TravelerTraveler).
Media:vo sglq101 1 katheryne 02.ogg Katheryne: Recently, the Adventurers' Guild has received an unusual commission, and after careful consideration, we believe that—
Media:vo sglq101 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: "The traveler would be the most suitable candidate." Right?
Media:vo sglq101 1 katheryne 03.ogg Katheryne: Hehe, indeed. As ever.
Media:vo sglq101 1 katheryne 04.ogg Katheryne: I will spare the pleasantries, then. May I ask if you two are available to help?
Icon Dialogue Talk Of course, that's what we're here for.
Icon Dialogue Talk It'll depend on the task and the compensation.
Media:vo sglq101 1 katheryne 05.ogg Katheryne: Well, let me go over it briefly. Our client for this job is the Yashiro Commission. Apparently, rifthounds are attacking the roots of the Sacred Sakura nearby Mt. Yougou in great numbers.
Media:vo sglq101 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Rifthounds? ...On Narukami Island?
Media:vo sglq101 1 katheryne 06.ogg Katheryne: Yes. We are not sure where exactly these creatures come from. But this time, they are attacking in alarming numbers with great aggression and a clear target.
Media:vo sglq101 1 katheryne 07.ogg Katheryne: The Sacred Sakura is of tremendous importance to Inazuma. I trust you are aware of this already?
Icon Dialogue Talk I believe I understand.
Media:vo sglq101 1 katheryne 08a.ogg Katheryne: Good. Then you can see that this case is very urgent indeed.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm hazy.
Media:vo sglq101 1 katheryne 08b.ogg Katheryne: For a long time, the Sacred Sakura has been absorbing filth from Inazuma's Ley Lines to maintain stability in the land.
Media:vo sglq101 1 katheryne 08b 1.ogg Katheryne: If it were ever damaged, the filth would once again invade Inazuma, causing great catastrophe. That's why this is a rather urgent case.
Media:vo sglq101 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Is the Tenryou Commission aware?
Media:vo sglq101 1 katheryne 09.ogg Katheryne: Yes, and they are already taking action of their own. However, given that the Sacred Sakura's root system is vast and complex, and faced with the unpredictability and scale of the rifthounds' attacks, they are finding it difficult to defend against them.
Media:vo sglq101 1 katheryne 10.ogg Katheryne: Their main priority is to protect the civilian population. So they are actively looking to cooperate with all other available forces to eliminate the monsters.
Media:vo sglq101 1 katheryne 11.ogg Katheryne: The Adventurers' Guild is one of the key parties assisting the Tenryou Commission with their work. But so far, the combined efforts to combat the rifthounds has failed to substantially ameliorate the situation.
Icon Dialogue Talk Time to make some whelps yelp.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll send these pooches packing.
Media:vo sglq101 1 katheryne 12.ogg Katheryne: You have our deepest gratitude. Your confident response puts me far more at ease.
Media:vo sglq101 1 katheryne 13.ogg Katheryne: I will mark on your map the areas where rifthound appearances have been recently reported. I hope you won't encounter too much trouble overcoming them.
Media:vo sglq101 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Relax! We'll be back before you can say "ad astra abyssosque."
(After talking to Katheryne if Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual is completed)
Media:vo sglq101 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: The Sacred Sakura's in danger again, huh. Who'd have thought.
Media:vo sglq101 1 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Keeping the Sacred Sakura safe was Hanachirusato's greatest wish, and now these mangy mutts are trying to destroy it. Time to teach them a lesson!
(Go to the area where the monsters have appeared)
Media:vo sglq101 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: They're attacking the Sacred Sakura! Stop them!
(After defeating the second wave of Rifthounds)
Media:vo sglq101 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wow, there are so many of them! No wonder the Tenryou Commission needed help...
Media:vo sglq101 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Come on, (TravelerTraveler)! You can take 'em!
(After defeating the third wave of Rifthounds, two more Thundercraven Rifthound Whelps approach the Traveler)
(And just as they attack...)
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 01.ogg Raiden Shogun?: Torn to oblivion!
(The whelps are defeated by the "Raiden Shogun?" much to Paimon's surprise)
(Talk to Raiden Ei)
Media:vo sglq101 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Sh—Shogun? Wait, no... could also be Ei...
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 02.ogg Raiden Shogun?: ...It's you two.
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 03.ogg Ei: It has been a long time. We have not seen each other since the resolution of the Tenryou Commission crisis.
Media:vo sglq101 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Okay, sounds more like Ei... it is you, right?
Media:vo sglq101 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: You sure made short work of them. That was amazing!
Icon Dialogue Talk ...What are you doing here?
Icon Dialogue Talk What brings you out this time?
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 04.ogg Ei: I'm making early preparations for what is to come.
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 05.ogg Ei: Last time we took a walk around Inazuma together, I witnessed the way the world is today. I was finally able to comprehend some things that I had never understood in the past.
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 06.ogg Ei: Since then, every time I encounter an obstacle in my thinking, I find myself having the urge to spend some time in the outside world.
Media:vo sglq101 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Makes sense. You must get super bored being stuck in there all the time.
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 07.ogg Ei: ...Might I remind you that I am not here to amuse myself.
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 08.ogg Ei: Recently, I have observed a number of changes in the external world from the Plane of Euthymia. The most serious of these being the attack on the Sacred Sakura by numerous rifthounds.
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 09.ogg Ei: I considered this matter worthy of my attention. So I pursued them, and they led me here, where I happened to run into you.
Icon Dialogue Talk But the Commissions and adventurers can deal with monsters.
Icon Dialogue Talk It doesn't seem like a matter needing the archon's attention...
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 10.ogg Ei: If the Shogun rather than I were to discover them... Yes, perhaps she would have left the situation alone.
Media:vo sglq101 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Hmm? Why? Because she's just a puppet?
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 11.ogg Ei: Precisely. According to the rules I designed for her, matters of this nature are to be delegated to the Tri-Commission.
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 12.ogg Ei: But rifthounds attacking the Sacred Sakura... it brings back bad memories of that terrible disaster...
Media:vo sglq101 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: A disaster?
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 13.ogg Ei: Yes. Five hundred years ago, a great catastrophe befell Inazuma.
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 14.ogg Ei: Everything was engulfed in a pitch-black fog and monsters ravaged the land... Countless lives were lost, and this homeland that the people had worked so hard to build barely escaped being obliterated entirely.
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 15.ogg Ei: The monsters committed many atrocities on Inazuman soil. And the rifthounds were always their advance guard.
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 16.ogg Ei: Their duty was to tear open a passage through space with their claws and teeth, and then call in even more powerful beasts.
Icon Dialogue Talk Five hundred years ago... Khaenri'ah.
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 17.ogg Ei: Hmm. So you've heard of it, too.
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 18.ogg Ei: That's an episode of history that I am loath to recall. Maybe to you, it seems like my response to these creatures was an excessive one.
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 19.ogg Ei: But an excess of caution is not unwarranted in this case.
Media:vo sglq101 2 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Guess you can't argue with that...
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 20.ogg Ei: Since we are both here for the same reason, let us work together.
Media:vo sglq101 2 raidenei 21.ogg Ei: From the traces they've left in the surrounding area, there should be many more monsters nearby. All of them must be eliminated.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's go.
Media:vo sglq101 2 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Paimon feels so safe when we're in Ei's company! Having someone uber-powerful on your team kinda makes you feel invincible, doesn't it?
Media:vo sglq101 2 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Oh, yeah — after we've dealt with the monsters, we should ask her to tell us more about Khaenri'ah.

Icon Quest Step Step Description

The Adventurers' Guild has noticed that the Rifthounds are attacking the Sacred Sakura. As you head to resolve this incident, you encounter Raiden Ei. After speaking with her, you decide to travel together.
(Look for the marks left behind)
Media:vo sglq101 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: This color... It's similar to the color when the Sacred Sakura takes damage!
Media:vo sglq101 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Let's follow it, it should be this way.
(Try to figure out what happened)
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 01.ogg Ei: We are lucky... the damage is not too serious. The Yashiro Commission will be able to nurse the root system back to health.
Media:vo sglq101 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: This stuff that's flowing out, is it sap or something? And how come it's glowing...
The light disperses in all directions before coalescing into human form...
Media:vo sglq101 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: ...Huh?
Media:vo sglq101 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Wh—What's this?
Icon Dialogue Talk Is someone injured?
Icon Dialogue Talk How terrible.
Media:vo sglq101 4 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Could they be... dead people? It wouldn't be the first time we'd seen ghosts on our journey.
Media:vo sglq101 4 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: But... why would they appear here?
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 02.ogg Ei: Let's search the area. Perhaps we will find out.
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 01.ogg Kitamura: Ugh... ugh...
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 02.ogg Kitamura: I can't go on like this... not when the other troops are counting on me...
Media:vo sglq101 4 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: What happened here? Could you tell us?
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 03.ogg Kitamura: Who are you? What are you doing here?
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 04.ogg Kitamura: Run, quick, while you still can! The monsters will be back... And once you're in their sights, I'm telling you — there's no escaping them!
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 05.ogg Kitamura: We will defend Inazuma... until our dying breath!
Icon Dialogue Talk What exactly happened?
Icon Dialogue Talk What monsters?
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 06.ogg Kitamura: You... you don't know? Inazuma is engulfed in darkness.
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 07.ogg Kitamura: Beasts and horrifying monsters are everywhere! They are merciless, ferocious... and they will devour everything in their path...
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 08.ogg Kitamura: Every last trace of humanity's existence, I tell you... they'll devour it all...
Media:vo sglq101 4 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: But look... none of that seems to be going on around here.
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 09.ogg Kitamura: Not right now, but they'll be back... Look — get out of here, now!!! There's no time left!
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 10.ogg Kitamura: The Almighty Shogun is gone, so is Kitsune Saiguu. There's no one left to rely on but ourselves.
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 11.ogg Kitamura: I don't know how long we can hold out for, but... if we abandon our hope, then we've got nothing left at all.
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 03.ogg Ei: Don't worry. I am right here.
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 12.ogg Kitamura: It's... the Shogun!?
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 13.ogg Kitamura: You're back!
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 14.ogg Kitamura: Please, we beg you... you have to help us... you have to save Inazuma!
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 15.ogg Kitamura: Only the glow of your supreme lightning can dispel this terrible darkness... please, or the whole of Inazuma will be reduced to a hunting ground for the beasts!
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 04.ogg Ei: Calm down. The war you speak of is over.
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 16.ogg Kitamura: Over? But... what do you mean, Shogun...
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 05.ogg Ei: Look around you. The grass grows green and lush and a soft breeze blows. This is Inazuma at peace, as you will no doubt remember.
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 06.ogg Ei: There are no monsters, nor is there anything else here that could threaten your life.
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 17.ogg Kitamura: Hmm...
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 18.ogg Kitamura: But... how? Just moments ago, they were everywhere...
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 19.ogg Kitamura: I saw them tear my comrade to shreds with my own eyes...
Media:vo sglq101 4 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Hey, calm down! Everything's fine now!
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 20.ogg Kitamura: Huh...
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 21.ogg Kitamura: I think I understand... Almighty Shogun... you saved Inazuma!
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 22.ogg Kitamura: Yes... we were right to place our trust in the Almighty Shogun. As long as the Shogun is with us, Inazuma will last for an eternity...
Media:vo sglq101 4 kitamura 23.ogg Kitamura: Thank you, Your Excellency, thank you, thank you...
(The ghostly samurai dissipates)
Media:vo sglq101 4 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Wh—What's wrong with him?
Icon Dialogue Talk Is he disappearing?
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 07.ogg Ei: ...He's gone.
Media:vo sglq101 4 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: ...Paimon can't even begin to understand what that was all about... but somehow, Paimon feels all sad and hopeless...
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 08.ogg Ei: If I am not mistaken, what we just saw was a samurai's memory that was buried in the land.
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 09.ogg Ei: The Sacred Sakura can absorb and purify the filth in the Ley Lines. After the rifthounds attacked, some of this filth leaked out through the cracks in the trunk and formed a physical entity.
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 10.ogg Ei: An entity formed with strong filth would be highly aggressive. But when purified, it presents in the form of a memory.
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 11.ogg Ei: Purified filth quickly dissipates and will be absorbed by the Ley Lines shortly afterwards. In other words, it cannot exist for too long.
Icon Dialogue Talk I see...
Icon Dialogue Talk The same thing happened to Dusky Ming.
Media:vo sglq101 4 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: So the memories of the ones that died are all appearing at this moment?
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 12.ogg Ei: Yes. That soldier was one of the many thousands who made the ultimate sacrifice. What he was describing just now was precisely the disaster that happened in Inazuma 500 years ago.
Icon Dialogue Talk He mentioned that the Shogun was absent...
Icon Dialogue Talk He mentioned that Kitsune Saiguu was absent...
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 13.ogg Ei: Yes. Inazuma was facing many great crises at that time. Some were local in origin, while others... others came from the now-fallen kingdom of Khaenri'ah.
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 14.ogg Ei: The disaster in Inazuma caused me great concern. I felt that I had to step in before it was too late, otherwise it would spread to all of Teyvat.
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 15.ogg Ei: But my friend, Kitsune Saiguu, reassured me that I had nothing to worry about. She would shoulder the responsibility of protecting Inazuma, and mobilize all forces at her disposal to combat the threat.
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 16.ogg Ei: ...I could tell that although neither of us acknowledged it, we both knew that the road ahead would likely end in tragedy.
Media:vo sglq101 4 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: So... Inazuma was attacked at the same time as when the disaster happened in Khaenri'ah?
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 17.ogg Ei: Indeed. Countless monsters suddenly appeared throughout all of Inazuma. In the end... Kitsune Saiguu sacrificed her life to protect the people.
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 18.ogg Ei: I never had the chance to see her one last time. But I would like to believe that she kept her promise to me until the very last.
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 19.ogg Ei: But even then, Inazuma was left more devastated than we could have ever imagined. Those terrible tragedies left great wounds that are still felt to this day, both on the land itself... and in my heart.
Media:vo sglq101 4 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Ei...
Icon Dialogue Talk Is this the "loss" that Yae Miko mentioned?
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 20.ogg Ei: Yes. For the longest time, I couldn't bring myself to face the pain of that loss.
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 21.ogg Ei: All my martial might was in vain... Though I could conquer Tatarigami and vanquish monsters, I was helpless against the ravages of time, powerless to keep the ones I cherished alive.
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 22.ogg Ei: ...
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 23.ogg Ei: But after my clash with human ambition, I thought long and hard. Now I realize I cannot fixate on the past forever.
Icon Dialogue Talk So you're no longer stuck in the past?
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 24.ogg Ei: ...When I traveled around Inazuma with you, I caught a glimpse of how the nation has progressed over the centuries. A glimpse of human potential. Everything far exceeded my expectations.
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 25.ogg Ei: Moving forward inevitably invites further loss, but also new encounters.
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 26.ogg Ei: Just think of that soldier. Despite all the losses he had experienced, he still chose to keep fighting, for the sake of moving forward.
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 27.ogg Ei: All those who sacrificed themselves back then gave their lives fighting for a future... but perhaps the future they were hoping for is not the eternity that I once strove for.
Icon Dialogue Talk Absolutely.
Icon Dialogue Talk That's what being human is about.
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 28.ogg Ei: As Inazuma's god, it is high time I honored their wishes.
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 29.ogg Ei: Warriors of the past who spilled your blood on this land, your noble souls now rest in this earth.
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 30.ogg Ei: I will never forget you, and all that you did for Inazuma.
Media:vo sglq101 4 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Ei's taking all this pretty hard...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 31.ogg Ei: Come on. Let's keep investigating the damage to the Sacred Sakura.

(Approach the location)
Media:vo sglq101 4 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: As expected, there are a load of rifthounds here, too.
Media:vo sglq101 4 raidenei 32.ogg Ei: Leave them to me.
(Talk to Ei and the person who appeared after defeating the Rifthounds)
Media:vo sglq101 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hmm, something seems wrong with Ei...
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you feeling okay?
Media:vo sglq101 5 raidenei 01.ogg Ei: Why would you ask that?
Media:vo sglq101 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Well, usually, you'd pull out your sword and "swish," vaporize them all in one go, no?
Media:vo sglq101 5 raidenei 02.ogg Ei: You are unduly concerned. I'm simply conserving my energy.
Media:vo sglq101 5 raidenei 03.ogg Ei: Although I have some understanding of the situation already, it could take an unexpected turn at any time.
Media:vo sglq101 5 raidenei 04.ogg Ei: I must be prepared for anything. If there are more formidable monsters lying in wait in this area, I must make sure I have the strength to face them.
Media:vo sglq101 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Ah, makes sense! Spoken like a seasoned shogun.
Media:vo sglq101 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: The roots seem pretty badly damaged this time... We definitely need to tell the Yashiro Commission about this.
Media:vo sglq101 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Hey, the same light is leaking out again.
The light disperses in all directions before coalescing into human form once again...
Icon Dialogue Talk Is it the same situation as before?
Media:vo sglq101 5 raidenei 05.ogg Ei: ...Furuyama? Is that you?
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 01.ogg Furuyama: Hmm?
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 02.ogg Furuyama: Almighty Shogun? What brings you back so soon? I thought you were off fighting a battle in a distant land?
Media:vo sglq101 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: (Fighting a battle in a distant land? Sounds like this guy's talking about 500 years ago, too.)
Media:vo sglq101 5 raidenei 06.ogg Ei: Allow me to introduce Furuyama. He is a tea master and a member of my retinue.
Media:vo sglq101 5 raidenei 07.ogg Ei: Though blind, Furuyama is unparalleled in his ability to appraise tea. He brews some of the very finest tea in all of Inazuma.
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 03.ogg Furuyama: Your Excellency, you shower me with praise undeserved. I have simply had the good fortune to be in Your Excellency's presence long enough to become acquainted with all the skills that are required of me.
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 04.ogg Furuyama: It sounds like the Almighty Shogun has brought a guest?
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 05.ogg Furuyama: ...I'm afraid I am unable to serve you any respectable refreshments on account of the current situation... but please sit and rest.
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 06.ogg Furuyama: After all... it's quite a mess out there.
Media:vo sglq101 5 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Um... what should we do?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's go along with what he says.
Icon Dialogue Talk I want to learn more about the past.
Media:vo sglq101 5 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Oh, um... yeah, sheesh, there's monsters everywhere out there, it's pitch-black, and loads of people have been injured...
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 07.ogg Furuyama: I see. So they have fought their way this far already.
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 08.ogg Furuyama: Most of the residents in this neighborhood have already escaped. They wanted to take me with them, but it seemed rather pointless to me. So I decided to stay.
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 09.ogg Furuyama: And now the Almighty Shogun is here, I have even less reason to run away, hehe.
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 10.ogg Furuyama: Imagine, if this was something that even the Almighty Shogun was powerless to resolve, where could I possibly run to then?
Icon Dialogue Talk How come you're not panicking?
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 11.ogg Furuyama: People flee out of a desire to live on. And the desire to live on stems from a feeling of having unfinished business in life.
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 12.ogg Furuyama: But me? I have no such thoughts, and I have no regrets.
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 13.ogg Furuyama: The Almighty Shogun often speaks to me about her dreams over tea.
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 14.ogg Furuyama: Just listening to her stories, ahh... I've been blind for many years, but her vivid descriptions took me on a splendid journey to all the most beautiful places in Inazuma... Over time, I've come to understand her mindset. Quite the romantic at heart. A true dreamer.
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 15.ogg Furuyama: One thing she always says is... "Good things don't last forever. Everything changes, fades, disappears completely over the passage of time. And so, people must make the most of the life they have, seize the chance to enjoy it while it lasts, and have no regrets in the end..."
Media:vo sglq101 5 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Umm...
Icon Dialogue Talk (That doesn't sound like Ei at all...)
Icon Dialogue Talk (This doesn't fit the definition of eternity at all.)
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 16.ogg Furuyama: So you see, as bleak as things may be now, I have experienced countless wonderful things in life, and have no reason not to be satisfied.
Media:vo sglq101 5 raidenei 08.ogg Ei: Perhaps... you are right.
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 17.ogg Furuyama: It won't be long now before I have to say goodbye to the Almighty Shogun for the last time. Ah, what a pity... I'll never get to see what Inazuma looks like after the Almighty Shogun rebuilds it anew.
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 18.ogg Furuyama: But I suppose it doesn't matter. Everyone says that Inazuma has turned dark now... but to me, it went dark a long time ago.
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 19.ogg Furuyama: Once this catastrophe is over, life is sure to spring forth anew. But even if I survived until then, I'd probably be a hopelessly befuddled old so-and-so by then... Hahaha, so never mind, eh.
Media:vo sglq101 5 raidenei 09.ogg Ei: ...
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 20.ogg Furuyama: Oh, goodness me. Speaking of befuddled, look at me rambling away to my heart's content and forgetting to serve the tea.
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 21.ogg Furuyama: The Almighty Shogun comes to visit and I don't have the tea ready. A truly egregious loss of decorum.
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 22.ogg Furuyama: One moment, I'll just... Hmm? Where in the world is the tea set?
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 23.ogg Furuyama: I hope the others didn't smash it to smithereens in their hasty departure.
Media:vo sglq101 5 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Can't see a tea set anywhere around here...
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 24.ogg Furuyama: Really? But it's always been right by my side... Goodness gracious... What a fool I'm making of myself.
Icon Dialogue Talk We know where to find a tea set.
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 25.ogg Furuyama: I couldn't possibly have my guests fetch it themselves, that would be most discourteous indeed.
Media:vo sglq101 5 raidenei 10.ogg Ei: Don't worry about it. Take a rest, we'll be back right away.
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 26.ogg Furuyama: Almighty Shogun, you're not going too, are you? No, no, no, your humble servant implores you... Not with the war raging outside...
Media:vo sglq101 5 raidenei 11.ogg Ei: This place is... complicated. It's quite unlike the tea house in your memories.
Media:vo sglq101 5 raidenei 12.ogg Ei: Leave it to us.
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 27.ogg Furuyama: But... well, okay. I never thought I'd see the day that I need the Almighty Shogun to personally collect my tea set for me...
Media:vo sglq101 5 furuyama 28.ogg Furuyama: I can't decide whether it's a final regret or a final stroke of good fortune, haha.
(After talking to Furuyama)
Media:vo sglq101 5 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Where should we go to find a tea set?
Media:vo sglq101 5 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Having a cup of tea isn't exactly the most urgent thing to do right now... but at the same time, this lovely old man from 500 years ago has been through so much, and it makes Paimon so sad...
Media:vo sglq101 5 raidenei 13.ogg Ei: I'm also feeling very nostalgic for his tea.
Media:vo sglq101 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Oh, why don't we go to the Kamisato Estate? There'll definitely be a tea set we can borrow there.
(Talk to Furuyama again)
Media:vo dialog sglq101 furuyama 01.ogg Furuyama: After my eyes went bad, many aspects of daily life became much more challenging. But I always wanted to be a competent tea brewer, right to the end.
Media:vo dialog sglq101 furuyama 02.ogg Furuyama: *sigh* But now, it looks like I have to rely on you.

(Go to the Kamisato Estate to get a tea set)
Media:vo sglq101 6 hirano 01.ogg Hirano: It's the Traveler, and... the Almighty Shogun!
Media:vo sglq101 6 hirano 02.ogg Hirano: How might I be of assistance, Your Excellency?
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 01.ogg Ei: I wish to borrow a tea set from the Yashiro Commission.
Media:vo sglq101 6 hirano 03.ogg Hirano: Oh, uh, sure! I'll fetch that for you right away.
Media:vo sglq101 6 hirano 04.ogg Hirano: Uh, please step into the courtyard and have a rest, Almighty Shogun. Oh, and I'll inform my lord about your visit immediately. Ah, and the tea set, I'll bring that here as soon as it's ready...
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 02.ogg Ei: Be at ease, I'm not here to see Commissioner Kamisato. Actually, I'd prefer to spend this time chatting with the Traveler. Please, fetch the tea set at your convenience.
Media:vo sglq101 6 hirano 05.ogg Hirano: No, no, no. I am your humble servant, I daren't think of my own convenience when the Almighty Shogun graces me with her presence! I'll deal with it right away.
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 03.ogg Ei: Well, it's not often we have the chance to chat. I'm sure you must have a lot of questions?
Icon Dialogue Talk Was it really you that that tea master used to serve?
Media:vo sglq101 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Right, Paimon wanted to ask that, too! The Almighty Shogun that he described didn't sound anything like you at all.
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 04.ogg Ei: I seldom had the time to drink tea. Any free time I had was spent practicing martial arts.
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 05.ogg Ei: So in the vast majority of cases, the one he made tea for was the former Electro Archon... who was also my sister. Raiden Makoto.
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 06.ogg Ei: He may well have had an inkling about there being two "Raiden Shoguns." But he always acted as if he was completely unaware of it.
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 07.ogg Ei: The philosophy of life that he shared with us just now, that was Makoto's view on reality. She always saw things that way.
Media:vo sglq101 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: You and Makoto had pretty different views, huh...
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 08.ogg Ei: Indeed we did. It was the biggest difference between us.
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 09.ogg Ei: In her eyes, the most precious things in this world were dreams — the yearning for a better future held by living beings.
Icon Dialogue Talk Dreams... or in other words, "ambitions"?
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 10.ogg Ei: They are similar, but not identical.
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 11.ogg Ei: When you came charging into the Plane of Euthymia, I saw human aspirations light up the sky far above in the form of countless stars. This... somewhat shook me.
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 12.ogg Ei: Now, it seems like she was right, while I took the wayward path.
Media:vo sglq101 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Wow. There sure was a lot going on beneath the surface...
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 13.ogg Ei: Makoto saw a bigger picture than I did. In her view, a "dream" is more imaginary, more abstract than an "ambition."
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 14.ogg Ei: An "ambition" is a yearning for something material, or a concrete outcome. It is finite in nature, and will be replaced by a new ambition in due course.
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 15.ogg Ei: Makoto was more concerned with the force that drives humans to constantly generate new ambitions in the first place. It is something innate, rooted in instinct — in other words... it is something eternal.
Media:vo sglq101 6 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: That's, uh, quite a lot to take in...
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 16.ogg Ei: To put it simply, Makoto wasn't concerned about outcomes.
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 17.ogg Ei: I didn't understand at the time. How can we say that we are maintaining eternity when things are constantly moving forward and evolving?
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 18.ogg Ei: I suppose what it comes down to is the definition of "eternity" she set out with.
Icon Dialogue Talk It seems more in line with how humans view the world.
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 19.ogg Ei: Yes, it does. I always thought that she must have grasped some elusive, arcane wisdom to arrive at the conclusions she did.
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 20.ogg Ei: But in the last analysis, Makoto's philosophy was — on the surface, at least — an elegantly simple one. Notwithstanding that it was also the more prudent choice, based on a more mature, far-sighted outlook.
Media:vo sglq101 6 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Do you feel you're starting to understand her better now?
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 21.ogg Ei: You have already witnessed my previous views on eternity.
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 22.ogg Ei: But now, I no longer cling to what was lost. I suppose that means our differences have been reconciled.
Media:vo sglq101 6 hirano 06.ogg Hirano: Almighty Shogun, I found a tea set! This one in particular should be fit for Your Excellency's use...
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 23.ogg Ei: It's quite beautiful. Thank you.
Media:vo sglq101 6 hirano 07.ogg Hirano: You are too kind, a humble servant such as I does not deserve the gratitude of the Almighty Shogun...
Media:vo sglq101 6 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: It's all good, Sir! She's actually pretty chill.
Media:vo sglq101 6 raidenei 24.ogg Ei: Let us return. We ought not keep Furuyama waiting too long.
(Talk to Hirano again)
Media:vo dialog sglq101 hirano 01.ogg Hirano: Take care, Almighty Shogun. You too, Traveler... And you too, um, uh... y—you take care too, anyway.

(Go to where the tea master is)
(Talk to Ei again after failing to find the tea master)
Media:vo sglq101 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey, where'd he go?
Media:vo sglq101 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: He wouldn't have gone looking for a tea set himself, would he?
Icon Dialogue Talk Wouldn't put it past him...
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 01.ogg Ei: Or perhaps the Ley Lines did not have the power to sustain him for very long. As was the case with the memory we saw earlier.
Media:vo sglq101 7 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: So... so we won't get to drink his tea?
Media:vo sglq101 7 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: We didn't even have a chance to say goodbye... *sobs*
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 02.ogg Ei: The information held in the Ley Lines is complex and disorderly. The fact that we were able to meet him to begin with was a miracle of fate...
Media:vo sglq101 7 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Mmm...
Icon Dialogue Talk Cheer up, Paimon.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's make our own tea.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 03.ogg Ei: Well, this chance won't come often, and we do have a tea set. Perhaps I should try my hand at making us a pot of tea.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 04.ogg Ei: I've watched Furuyama brew tea on many occasions... I doubt I should have any major problems doing it myself.
Ei brews a piping-hot pot of tea with the tea set.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 05.ogg Ei: The tea is ready, please give it a try.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 06.ogg Ei: So many thoughts were racing through my head as I was brewing it, I... I'm not sure how to explain it...
Icon Dialogue Talk You don't need to. I understand.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's just the memories flooding back in...
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 07.ogg Ei: You're right, but the things we've seen today have brought back many memories for me.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 08.ogg Ei: I've been reminded of many people, too. Kitsune Saiguu, Makoto, and all the other friends who I watched pass even further back.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 09.ogg Ei: Back at the Yashiro Commission, I kept the conversation reasonably light-hearted. But now... I'd like to broach a heavier topic, if I may.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 10.ogg Ei: The events of 500 years ago not only robbed me of my friend, Kitsune Saiguu... they also took Makoto away from me for good.
Media:vo sglq101 7 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: She died in that disaster too?
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 11.ogg Ei: Yes. She went to Khaenri'ah alone, without telling me.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 12.ogg Ei: Unlike me, Makoto was no martial artist. Whenever similar crises had arisen in the past, I was always the one to face them in her stead.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 13.ogg Ei: But this time, the circumstances were so grave that Makoto had no choice but to leave me behind. Or... perhaps it was more that she went ahead of me, put herself in front of me so that I would remain hidden. In any case, by the time I realized what was happening...
Icon Dialogue Talk Makoto had already...
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 14.ogg Ei: Yes. It was too late. I arrived only in time to hear her dying breath.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 15.ogg Ei: She had already lapsed into unconsciousness by that point, so all I could do was enter into her mind... As far as you're concerned, it would be somewhere similar to the Plane of Euthymia.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 16.ogg Ei: It was there that we bid each other a final farewell. I cried bitterly. Even in those final moments, I couldn't understand her actions.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 17.ogg Ei: Why did she go to Khaenri'ah first, and not I? Why did she keep me in the dark about it? Was it to shield me?
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 18.ogg Ei: It was there and then that I resolved to pursue eternity. As a testament to that decision, I saved her realm of consciousness just before it collapsed completely, and brought it back to Inazuma.
Media:vo sglq101 7 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: That's quite a story...
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 19.ogg Ei: When I returned to Inazuma, I was shocked to find that a great sakura tree had appeared on Mt. Yougou. The tree that you know as the Sacred Sakura.
Icon Dialogue Talk ..."Appeared"?
Icon Dialogue Talk The Sacred Sakura has always been there, hasn't it?
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 20.ogg Ei: That's exactly what everyone back then told me as well. That it had existed since time immemorial. They were so matter-of-fact about it, and couldn't at all understand what I was so surprised about.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 21.ogg Ei: No one questioned it, and yet its presence contrasted so starkly with the area as I remembered it... it seemed as if I was the only one to have noticed it appear suddenly out of thin air.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 22.ogg Ei: In the end, I simply had to accept that it was a miraculous effect of Makoto's consciousness.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 23.ogg Ei: With the help of the Sacred Sakura's power, I was finally able to overcome the monsters and quell the disaster in Inazuma.
Media:vo sglq101 7 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: This is all really hard to understand... Kinda beyond Paimon's level.
Icon Dialogue Talk Simply put, Makoto's power somehow made that tree appear.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 24.ogg Ei: Yes... She had such a great love for this land, and for its people. In this respect, I still do not compare to her.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 25.ogg Ei: I once told myself that I would never speak of these events again. Facing the fact that she is gone is unbearably painful.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 26.ogg Ei: But even the tea that is most bitter to the tongue, once swallowed, leaves some sweetness in the throat.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 27.ogg Ei: ...And it's time I came to terms with it all.
Icon Dialogue Talk It seems like you've done a lot of thinking about this already.
Icon Dialogue Talk I know the pain of separation too.
Media:vo sglq101 7 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Oh, um, while we're on the topic, since you experienced that battle in person...
Icon Dialogue Talk Have you seen my (‍sistersister/brotherbrother‍) before?
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 28a.ogg Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 28b.ogg Ei: (‍SisterSister/BrotherBrother‍)? Hmm... I had heard that you were looking for your family.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 29a.ogg Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 29b.ogg Ei: You mean to say that (‍sheshe/hehe‍) was somehow involved in the Khaenri'ah disaster?
Media:vo sglq101 7 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Based on what we've learned so far, it seems so, yeah.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 30.ogg Ei: I'm sorry. I wasn't there for the whole thing. By the time I arrived, the worst of the fighting was already over.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 31.ogg Ei: And also... my mind was consumed entirely with the plight of Inazuma and the fate of those closest to me.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 32.ogg Ei: So I am afraid I can't help you.
Media:vo sglq101 7 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Oh... well that's a shame. But it can't be helped I guess...
Media:vo sglq101 7 paimon 12a.ogg Paimon: Boy, both of you have experienced great tragedy...
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 33.ogg Ei: With this last cup of tea, let us honor the tea master's memory.
Media:vo sglq101 7 raidenei 34.ogg Ei: Thank you, destiny, for giving us the chance to meet again.
(Observe the teacup after the quest ends)
Observe Teacup: (A cup of tea has been left for Furuyama.)
Observe Teacup: (How much did he actually perceive, and how much did he let on?)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishCleansing Light
Dídàng Huìzhuó zhī Guāng
Light that Cleanses the Filth
Dídàng Huìzhuó zhī Guāng
Fujou Haraishi Meikou
Light That Purifies Filth
Korean오염된 정화
Oyeomdoen Bit Jeonghwa
Purifying Polluted Light
SpanishLuz purificadoraCleansing Light
FrenchLumière de purificationLight of Cleansing
RussianСвет, очищающий от скверны
Svet, ochishchayushchiy ot skverny
Light That Cleanses the Filth
Light of Cleansing
VietnameseÁnh Sáng Gột Rửa
GermanLäuterndes LichtPurifying Light
IndonesianCahaya PenyucianPurifying Light
PortugueseLuz PurificadoraCleansing Light
TurkishArındırıcı Işık
ItalianLuce purificatrice

Change History[]
