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Rocking Carriage is a part of the Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses event in Version 5.1.

It is unlocked after completing the Event World Quest Rocking Carriage in Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses and accessed by talking to Masud at the Icon Dialogue Rocking Carriage icon.


Tutorial Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Rocking Carriage 1
While the Flower Carriage is in motion, you can change its route to avoid obstacles. The Flower Carriage will lose HP when it hits any obstacles, and if HP is fully depleted, you will fail the challenge. Additionally, collect as many flowers as possible to fulfill the score requirements.

Tutorial Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Rocking Carriage 2
The Flower Carriage will automatically collect nearby flowers for a time after you collect a Clustered Blessing.

Tutorial Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Rocking Carriage 3
The flowers you obtain will grant you bonus points for some time after obtaining a Blooming Boon.

Tutorial Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Rocking Carriage 4
The Flower Carriage will become immune to the negative effects of collisions with obstacles for some time after obtaining a Buttressing Blessing.

Tutorial Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Rocking Carriage 5
In some stages, the Flower Carriage will continuously accelerate up to top speed if it hits no obstacles for a while.

Tutorial Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Rocking Carriage 6
The stage "A Gorgeous, Lovely, Endless Journey!" is an endless, cyclical stage. The Flower Carriage will keep proceeding onward, facing speedier, tougher challenges. You can end the challenge whenever you wish.


A game run by the "Phantom Toy Master" Masud that is imbued with a heartwarming fairytale- "Smart or not, nice or naughty, every child with a good heart will receive their own Flower Carriage during the Sabzeruz Festival celebrations..." "Riding in their carriage, the children shall embark on unique adventures, encountering and overcoming danger, and finding the greatest treasure, a thousand blooming flowers..."

Map Marker Description

It's Adventure Time, Flower Carriage![]

Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Rocking Carriage Stage 1
At the beginning of this story of adventure, the Flower Carriage departs amidst the excitement and anticipation of the children. As the wheels slowly turn, the path is wide and flat and obstacles appear but now and again, serving as the first trials on the road ahead...

Unlocks 2024-10-23 10:00

Objective Rewards
Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Medal 1 Score 1,000 points
Primogem 30
Festive Fervor 30
Guide to Admonition 5
Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Medal 2 Score 1,100 points
Primogem 20
Festive Fervor 20
Hero's Wit 5
Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Medal 3 Score 1,200 points
Festive Fervor 20
Mora 20,000
Sanctifying Unction 6
  • Music Track: Sumeru
  • Maximum Score: 1,370
  • Total Flowers: 137
  • Max Distance: 604
  • Max Speed: ?
  • Gameplay Duration: 01:15
  • Total Obstacles
    • Pot: 82
  • Power Ups: (None)

A Dance of Winding Paths[]

Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Rocking Carriage Stage 2
As the journey continues, the winding road unfolds before your eyes. As the Flower Carriage weaves back and forth, the passengers sway with it, as though rocking to the musical rhythm, and the thrilling challenges cease to be nerve-wracking...

Unlocks 2024-10-24 04:00

Objective Rewards
Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Medal 1 Score 1,500 points
Primogem 30
Festive Fervor 30
Hero's Wit 5
Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Medal 2 Score 1,600 points
Primogem 20
Festive Fervor 20
Hero's Wit 5
Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Medal 3 Score 1,700 points
Festive Fervor 20
Mora 20,000
Sanctifying Unction 6
  • Music Track: Hustle and Bustle of Ormos
  • Maximum Score: 1,870
  • Total Flowers: 187
  • Max Distance: 816
  • Max Speed: ?
  • Gameplay Duration: 01:41
  • Total Obstacles
    • Pot: 75
    • Slime Balloon: 9
  • Power Ups
    • Clustered Blessing: 3

Magical Treasure Trove?[]

Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Rocking Carriage Stage 3
The children have heard from Adventurers that treasure is always protected by layers and layers of tough obstacles, and the thousand blooming flowers are no different. However, overcoming difficult trials makes the feeling of accomplishment upon obtaining the treasure all the more glorious...

Unlocks 2024-10-25 04:00

Objective Rewards
Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Medal 1 Score 1,400 points
Primogem 30
Festive Fervor 30
Guide to Ingenuity 5
Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Medal 2 Score 1,500 points
Primogem 20
Festive Fervor 20
Hero's Wit 5
Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Medal 3 Score 1,600 points
Festive Fervor 20
Mora 20,000
Sanctifying Unction 6
  • Music Track: Thanks for Your Patronage!
  • Maximum Score: 1,900
  • Total Flowers: 157
  • Max Distance: 612
  • Max Speed: ?
  • Gameplay Duration: 01:07
  • Total Obstacles
    • Pot: ?
  • Power Ups
    • Blooming Boon: 2
    • Buttressing Blessing: 2

Perfect Plan for Procuring Precious Treasure![]

Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Rocking Carriage Stage 4
After experiencing all the trials along the way, the children have long since grown accustomed to all kinds of obstacles as well as become ace drivers. Now, they can plot an ingenious course through any obstacles, sailing through to reach the final treasure...

Unlocks 2024-10-26 04:00

Objective Rewards
Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Medal 1 Score 2,200 points
Primogem 30
Festive Fervor 30
Hero's Wit 5
Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Medal 2 Score 2,300 points
Primogem 20
Festive Fervor 20
Hero's Wit 5
Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Medal 3 Score 2,400 points
Festive Fervor 20
Mora 20,000
Sanctifying Unction 6
  • Music Track: Euphoric Ride
  • Maximum Score: 2,800
  • Total Flowers: 251
  • Max Distance: 1,337
  • Max Speed: ?
  • Gameplay Duration: 02:02
  • Total Obstacles
    • Pot: ?
    • Slime Balloon: 6
  • Power Ups
    • Clustered Blessing: 3
    • Blooming Boon: 2
    • Buttressing Blessing: 2

A Gorgeous, Lovely, Endless Journey![]

Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Rocking Carriage Stage 5
After returning with the ultimate treasure of a thousand blooming flowers, the children often continue the adventure in their dreams. The Flower Carriage is every bit as magnificent in dreamland, and the road ahead stretches on endlessly. The destination matters not, as all they need to do is enjoy the pleasure of riding along on the Flower Carriage...

Unlocks 2024-10-27 04:00

Objective Rewards
Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Medal 1 Score 3,000 points
Primogem 30
Festive Fervor 30
Guide to Praxis 5
Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Medal 2 Score 3,500 points
Primogem 20
Festive Fervor 20
Hero's Wit 5
Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses Medal 3 Score 4,000 points
Festive Fervor 20
Mora 20,000
Sanctifying Unction 6
  • Music Track: Let's Get Started!
  • Maximum Score: 14,440
  • Total Flowers: 1,253
  • Max Distance: 6,507
  • Max Speed: ?
  • Gameplay Duration: 05:59
  • Total Obstacles
    • Pot: ?
  • Power Ups
    • Clustered Blessing: 11
    • Blooming Boon: 9
    • Buttressing Blessing: 6

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishRocking Carriage
Huāchē Yáoyè
Huāchē Yáoyè
Yurayura Furooto-sha
Rocking Floating Carriage
Korean흔들흔들 꽃마차
Heundeulheundeul Kkonmacha
SpanishVaivén de carrozasRocking of Carriages
FrenchChariot à-folletSprite Carriage[• 1]
RussianМчащийся экипаж
Mchashchiysya ekipazh
Rushing Carriage
VietnameseXe Hoa Lắc Lư
GermanSchaukelnder FestwagenRocking Float
IndonesianKereta Bunga BerguncangShaking Flower Carriage
PortugueseCarruagem de Balanço
TurkishSalıncaklı Araba
ItalianCarrozza a dondolo
  1. French: Wordplay between à follet "sprite-bearing, will-o'-the-wisp-bearing" and affolé "distraught, frantic."

Change History[]
