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Name: Choo-Choo Cart
Note: A rail car that allows people to move around specific areas in the Mirage. The whole experience includes different tines for sightseeing.
It's said that the designs or the Choo-Choo Cart came from a certain adorable little "mage"...

Choo-Choo Carts are an exploration mechanic in Veluriyam Mirage in the Secret Summer Paradise event.

They can be used to traverse the topography and can fire Jubilant Waves to destroy Bloatty Floatties. The track can be switched by pressing a button in time. The player can also exit the Choo-Choo Cart at any time, except during certain quests.

Challenges can be re-initiated by destroying the Bloatty Floatty at the beginning of the track.


Overgrown Valley South[]

At the stop near the Teleport Waypoint in Overgrown Valley, the player can switch between four different tracks in order to reach different locations. Their destinations are indicated by the sign nearby:

View Rail Lines: "Cerulean Flower" heading to the Hub Flower above.
View Rail Lines: "Amber Flower" heading to the Torrential Twister in the southeast.
View Rail Lines: "Violet Flower" heading to the desert in the southwest.
View Rail Lines: "Aquamarine Flower" heading to the cave in the east.

Only the Violet Flower completes a full loop; however, this loop cannot be ridden backwards. Interacting with the nearby flower will switch through the tracks in this order.

Overgrown Valley North[]

At the northern stop, the player can ride three tracks, controlled by the nearby Hydro Eidolons, which each have associated challenges:

  • Meh, It's Okay Rail — The Choo-Choo Cart Curveball
  • Kinda Dizzy Now Rail — The Choo-Choo Cart Crash
  • Aaaah! Please Slow Down Rail — The Choo-Choo Cart's Career


Choo-Choo Cart Platforms[]

Tutorial Choo-Choo Cart Platforms 1
The Cart Platforms of the Choo-Choo Cart are split into locked and unlocked states. You can only summon Choo-Choo Carts at unlocked platforms.

Tutorial Choo-Choo Cart Platforms 2
The first time a Choo-Choo Cart in operation reaches a locked Cart Platform, that Cart Platform will be unlocked.
When the Choo-Choo Cart passes by already activated Cart Platforms, it will not stop and will continue onward.

Jubilant Wave[]

Tutorial Jubilant Wave
The magical weapon mounted on the Choo-Choo Cart can unleash a Jubilant Wave with which to attack the Cheering Bloatty Floatties.
Press the buttons on the left and right sides to fire this wave off on either side of the tracks.

Choo-Choo Cart Challenges[]

Tutorial Choo-Choo Cart Challenges 1
If you pass by a challenge while riding the Choo-Choo Cart, you will immediately activate the corresponding challenge.

Tutorial Choo-Choo Cart Challenges 2
After you complete a challenge and destroy the Cheering Bloatty Floatty within the challenge zone, you can repeat the challenge.

Track Switch[]

Tutorial Track Switch
When the Choo-Choo Cart approaches tracks where you can switch lines, press the button that appears at this time to switch lane.

Track Laying[]

Tutorial Track Laying 1
After the Choo-Choo Cart uses Jubilant Waves or its own body to crash into and break Tracklayer Fruits, you will obtain Tracklayer Stones. A Choo-Choo Cart can carry a max of 3 Tracklayer Stones at any given time.

Tutorial Track Laying 2
When you pass through a Tracklayer Ring while carrying 3 Tracklayer Stones, new Choo-Choo Cart tracks and a Trackchanger Blossom will appear.

Hydro Eidolons and the Choo-Choo Cart[]

Tutorial Hydro Eidolons and the Choo-Choo Cart 1
The Choo-Choo Cart requires the power of a Hydro Eidolon to operate. When a Hydro Eidolon decorporealizes and enters the Choo-Choo Cart, its windows will light up. At this time, you will be able to ride the cart.

Tutorial Hydro Eidolons and the Choo-Choo Cart 2
When the Hydro Eidolon departs the Choo-Choo Cart, its windows will dull, and you will no longer be able to ride the cart.

Track Wreaths and Transport Lines[]

Tutorial Track Wreaths and Transport Lines 1
Rotate the Track Blossom on the screen to change the track the Choo-Choo Cart is traveling on. The color of the flower beneath the larger Track Wreath shows the destination of your present track.

Tutorial Track Wreaths and Transport Lines 2
Use the wooden board within the platform to check the destination of the track the Choo-Choo Cart is traveling on.
You can open up your map to check the distribution of Choo-Choo Cart tracks in the Veluriyam Mirage.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
01Euphoric RideThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3Veluriyam Mirage (Choo-Choo Cart)
Event Gameplay
02Let's Get Started!The Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3Veluriyam Mirage (Choo-Choo Cart)
Event Gameplay


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishChoo-Choo Cart
"Byunbyun Bakusokusha"
Whoosh-Whoosh Explosive Speed Cart
"Vroom-Vroom Train"
SpanishChitty-Chitty VoladorChitty-Chitty Flyer
FrenchChariot tchou-tchouChoo-Choo Cart
RussianТаратайка Чух-Чух
Taratayka Chukh-Chukh
Choo-Choo Cart
VietnameseXe Bay
IndonesianKereta Gedak-GedukChugga-Chugga Train
PortugueseCarrinho Piuí
TurkishÇuf Çuf Vagon
ItalianNavetta FlapflapFlapflap Shuttle

Change History[]

