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Chasmic Maze is the second part in the Teyvat storyline Archon Quest Interlude Chapter: Act II - Perilous Trail.


  1. Enter the Domain
  2. Ascertain if the Domain leads outside
  3. Leave the Domain
  4. Talk to everyone (0/3)


UI Quest Quest Description

The ground at the bottom of The Chasm suddenly collapsed, causing everyone to fall in. As it turns out, there is an unknown space further below, and everyone works together to investigate...
(Enter the domain)
(After rotating the first mechanism)
Media:vo cyaq002 1 yanfei 03.ogg Yanfei: Labyrinths like this are unique to Liyue.
Media:vo cyaq002 1 itto 06.ogg Arataki Itto: This place is actually pretty cool. If we weren't in such a hurry to get out, we could kick back and enjoy the scenery a little.
(After rotating the second mechanism)
Media:vo cyaq002 1 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: All these twists and turns remind Paimon of the adepti domains we've been to before. Could there be an adeptus here?
(On defeating the last set of enemies)
Media:vo cyaq002 1 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Hey, look over there. It looks like an exit!

(Upon leaving the domain)
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 01.ogg Arataki Itto: Wh— Huh? Wait, this ain't right!
Media:vo cyaq002 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Uh, how did we end up back here!?
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 02.ogg Arataki Itto: So we've been here already?
Media:vo cyaq002 2 shinobu 01.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Yes, this is exactly where we started.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 03.ogg Arataki Itto: But we couldn't have taken a wrong turn, we were headed in the same direction the entire time. We never turned around...
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yelan 01.ogg Yelan: Yes, that's what I thought, too.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 04.ogg Arataki Itto: Traveler, we were going the right way, weren't we?
Icon Dialogue Talk Yes, I thought we were headed in the right direction.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: How strange...
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 05.ogg Arataki Itto: There's a legend in Inazuma about a merchant who was tricked by a bake-danuki one evening and kept circling around the same place the whole night. Even by dawn, they still hadn't found a way out...
Media:vo cyaq002 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon": Yeah, Paimon's heard that one before too.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 06.ogg Arataki Itto: So we're all familiar with the story then? Good, because I'm pretty sure that's what's happening to us right now.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 07.ogg Arataki Itto: But fear not, I happen to have a certain sidekick who can exorcise youkai and spirits and whatnot. Let me summon him real quick.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Unbelievable. An oni who's friends with an exorcist... What an open-minded guy.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 shinobu 02.ogg Kuki Shinobu: For the boss, ignorance is a virtue.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 08.ogg Arataki Itto: You're up, Ushi, go get that spirit!
Media:vo cyaq002 2 ushio 01.ogg Ushi: Moo!
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 09.ogg Arataki Itto: This is Ushi, an auxiliary member of the Arataki Gang.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 ushio 02.ogg Ushi: Moo, moo.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 10.ogg Arataki Itto: Haha, oh, Ushi says hello everyone. You can just call him "Ushi" or "Beefcake." Yeah, he's got a keen sense of direction, so I'll let him lead the way.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yelan 02.ogg Yelan: I didn't know gangs could have auxiliary members...
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yanfei 01.ogg Yanfei: This does not have the trappings of something that's gonna work.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yelan 03.ogg Yelan: You're telling me.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 11.ogg Arataki Itto: Alright, go Ushi! Go find us a way outta here!
Media:vo cyaq002 2 ushio 03.ogg Ushi: Moo!
Ushi begins looking around for a hidden exit...
Media:vo cyaq002 2 ushio 04.ogg Ushi: Moo... Moo, moo... Moo!
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 12.ogg Arataki Itto: Huh? What's that... Really!? Aw, no way!
Media:vo cyaq002 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: What's wrong?
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 13.ogg Arataki Itto: Ushi says he's searched everywhere but there's no exit.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 14.ogg Arataki Itto: That doesn't add up, if we were able to come in, then there must be a way to get out. Here, lemme take another look.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yanfei 02.ogg Yanfei: Has anyone else noticed this? We initially thought we fell here from above. At that time, there was a way out high overhead... But now, it seems even that exit has disappeared.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yanfei 03.ogg Yanfei: Inexplicable, if you ask me...
Media:vo cyaq002 2 shinobu 03.ogg Kuki Shinobu: It seems there's more than meets the eye with these underground structures.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yelan 04.ogg Yelan: ...I'm gonna take another look around.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Everywhere we look there are just more and more rocks. Uh, maybe we've just misremembered, maybe this isn't the place we started from!
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 15.ogg Arataki Itto: What, you scared now?
Media:vo cyaq002 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: N—No, Paimon's super brave...!
Media:vo cyaq002 2 ushio 05.ogg Ushi: Moo...
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 16.ogg Arataki Itto: Oh yeah? Well Ushi also thinks you're scared. It's okay, don't be scared to admit you're uh... scared. You've got us here to protect you.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm here for you too, Paimon.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 17.ogg Arataki Itto: We can't just sit here twiddling our thumbs, let's keep looking for a way out. Shinobu, you stay here with my precious savior, I'll take (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon with me.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 shinobu 04.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Got it. Be careful, everyone.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yanfei 04.ogg Yanfei: Please, there's no need to keep calling me "savior," just Yanfei is fine. Mr. Arataki, it seems that as the head of the Arataki Gang, you possess a strong sense of leadership.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 18.ogg Arataki Itto: Too kind, too kind. And just call me Itto. Since we're a team now, we should have each other's backs. Paimon, if you feel scared again, I can cover your eyes for you.
You split into teams to investigate the surroundings, but fail to find anything...
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 19.ogg Arataki Itto: ...*sigh*
Media:vo cyaq002 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Seems there's really no way out...
Media:vo cyaq002 2 ushio 06.ogg Ushi: Moo!
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 20.ogg Arataki Itto: I can't shake the feeling that there's something off about this place.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 shinobu 05.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Boss, did you guys find anything over there?
Icon Dialogue Talk No, nothing.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 21.ogg Arataki Itto: Not only that, I coulda sworn I saw some shadows moving a second ago... This place better not be haunted.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Probably not the right time to ask this, but Paimon just can't help it. Itto, you're an oni... Doesn't that kinda mean everywhere you go is haunted?
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 22.ogg Arataki Itto: No! ...Ignore the red horns, okay? I'm talking about spooky, floaty ghosts, now-you-see-'em, now-you-don't kinda haunted.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Uh, Itto? Are you... afraid of ghosts?
Media:vo cyaq002 2 shinobu 06.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Oh no, Boss. You've been found out.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 itto 23.ogg Arataki Itto: What, me? Hah, no way! You kidding? Stop joking around... seriously though.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Hehe, looking at you, Paimon suddenly doesn't feel scared anymore... Hey, Bull-Chucker, if you're scared, Paimon can cover your eyes for you.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 shinobu 07.ogg Kuki Shinobu: ...
Media:vo cyaq002 2 shinobu 08.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Maybe I should make better use of my time.
(TravelerTraveler): (Hmm? Shinobu walked off to grab a few stones, then she took out some twigs and Lavender Melons from her pocket... What?)
Media:vo cyaq002 2 shinobu 09.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Add a little salt... and some pepper.
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you roasting Lavender Melons?
Media:vo cyaq002 2 shinobu 10.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Yeah. Roasted Lavender Melon is delicious. You can try some when it's done.
Icon Dialogue Talk Okay.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 shinobu 11.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Oh right, there are two types: sweet and savory. Which would you prefer?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm happy with either.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 shinobu 12.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Alright, you can try them both then. It's important that we remain calm, especially when we are in the throes of a tough situation like this.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 shinobu 13.ogg Kuki Shinobu: If I'm reading the situation correctly, there seems to be some secret here that the boss and I are not supposed to know about. But don't worry, I'll distract the boss while you discuss things with the others.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yanfei 05.ogg Yanfei: Ooh, I thought I smelled something cooking.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 shinobu 14.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Would you like some, Yanfei?
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yanfei 06.ogg Yanfei: Thank you, but I'm not hungry. You guys go ahead.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yanfei 07.ogg Yanfei: Oh, and by the way, I haven't seen you in a while, Shinobu.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 shinobu 15.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Yeah, it has been a while, hasn't it? The last time I saw you was when you taught one of my classes as a substitute while I was studying in Liyue.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yanfei 08.ogg Yanfei: Substitute teacher... Ah yes, now I remember. It was during winter, wasn't it?
Media:vo cyaq002 2 shinobu 16.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Yes, I remember everyone said your lecture was very interesting. Now that I think about it, I should call you "Senpai."
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yanfei 09.ogg Yanfei: Ooh, I like the sound of that! Hehe!
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yanfei 10.ogg Yanfei: Who would've ever guessed that we'd get caught up in such a dilemma together. It must be fate.
Icon Dialogue Talk So Yanfei gives lectures too? That's incredible.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 shinobu 17.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Not only that, she's funny and engaging while she speaks. Needless to say, she is very popular among the students.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yanfei 11.ogg Yanfei: Haha! Aww, I'm flattered.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yelan 05.ogg Yelan: I see everyone is still here.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yanfei 12.ogg Yanfei: Yelan, we split into groups and searched the area, but there are no signs of any way out. How about you? Did you manage to find anything?
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yelan 06.ogg Yelan: No.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yelan 07.ogg Yelan: And... though I'd prefer not to say it, we'd better mentally prepare ourselves.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yelan 08.ogg Yelan: If we can't find a way out, we may be stuck underground for some time.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yanfei 13.ogg Yanfei: ...I think you might be right.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 shinobu 18.ogg Kuki Shinobu: ...I understand.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yelan 09.ogg Yelan: Hmm, an underground space with an entrance but no exit... it just doesn't make any sense. I'll figure something out, just give me some time.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 yelan 10.ogg Yelan: If anyone happens to find a potential exit, please be sure to take every precaution before exploring further.
(TravelerTraveler): (Come to think of it, Xiao is here, too. He said we can always call his name if we get into trouble.)
(TravelerTraveler): (Maybe it's worth a try...)
Media:vo cyaq002 2 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Hey, Traveler? What's with the serious face? Do you have a plan?
Icon Dialogue Talk Well, I was just thinking that Xiao is also here, remember?
Media:vo cyaq002 2 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Xiao... oh, right! Do you want to get him to help us?
Icon Dialogue Talk I think it's worth a try.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Sure, let's give it a shot!
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
You try reciting Xiao's name in your heart
Icon Dialogue Talk Xiao, can you hear me?
Media:vo cyaq002 2 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: ...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Icon Dialogue Talk Uh, Xiao?
Media:vo cyaq002 2 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Huh, no response... Paimon thought Xiao would come no matter where we are.
Media:vo cyaq002 2 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: Oh no, does that mean even Xiao can't sense our presence here?
(TravelerTraveler): (...)
(TravelerTraveler): (Wonder what that could mean... What's the deal with this place?)
Icon Quest Step Step Description

The ground at the bottom of The Chasm suddenly collapsed, causing everyone to fall in. As it turns out, there is an unknown space further below, and everyone works together to investigate, but the clues that you find are themselves rather suspicious...
(Talk to Yanfei)
Media:vo cyaq002 3 yanfei 01.ogg Yanfei: Who could've ever guessed we'd get trapped in a place like this. It's quite the predicament...
Media:vo cyaq002 3 yanfei 02.ogg Yanfei: For all the studying I've done in my life, all I know is how to land people in prison... I don't know the first thing about breaking out of one...
Media:vo cyaq002 3 yanfei 03.ogg Yanfei: I've even made a contract with my father to "live a happy life"... I can't give up hope now.
Media:vo cyaq002 3 yanfei 04.ogg Yanfei: Try and stay positive... At least I've explored a new place and seen more of the world while reuniting with some old friends.
Media:vo cyaq002 3 yanfei 05.ogg Yanfei: Uh-huh... Yeah, there's still a silver lining. I guess...
(Talk to Yelan)
Media:vo cyaq002 3 yelan 01.ogg Yelan: Our situation is grim. There doesn't appear to be a way out for now. We should be prepared to stay for a while.
Media:vo cyaq002 3 yelan 02.ogg Yelan: Fortunately, we don't seem to lack supplies, and even our motley crew has people who can keep their cool when the stakes are high.
Media:vo cyaq002 3 yelan 03.ogg Yelan: Just focus on taking care of yourselves, I'll figure out the rest.
(Talk to Arataki Itto)
Media:vo cyaq002 3 itto 01.ogg Arataki Itto: That's it, I wanna take another look. And this time, I, Arataki "The One and Oni," will...
Media:vo cyaq002 3 shinobu 01.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Boss.
Media:vo cyaq002 3 itto 02.ogg Arataki Itto: Whoa! What's up, sourpuss?
Media:vo cyaq002 3 shinobu 02.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Time for some Roasted Lavender Melon.
Media:vo cyaq002 3 itto 03.ogg Arataki Itto: Huh? We're trapped in a life and death situation underground, and you're telling me it's time for Roasted Lavender Melon?
Media:vo cyaq002 3 ushio 01.ogg Ushi: Moo, moo.
Media:vo cyaq002 3 itto 04.ogg Arataki Itto: Interesting, you hear that? Ushi says you're completely right... Wait, hold on, whose side are you on, Beefcake?
Media:vo cyaq002 3 ushio 02.ogg Ushi: Moo...
Media:vo cyaq002 3 shinobu 03.ogg Kuki Shinobu: It's important to stay replenished. We must keep our energy and morale up in preparation for facing the unknown.
Media:vo cyaq002 3 shinobu 04.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Even Ushi knows that.
Media:vo cyaq002 3 itto 05.ogg Arataki Itto: Fine, you two... Hey are you already eating?
Media:vo cyaq002 3 itto 06.ogg Arataki Itto: Hold on, is it still warm? Oh, that does smell good... Mmm...
Media:vo cyaq002 3 itto 07.ogg Arataki Itto: Fine, yeah, we'll have a quick snack and then we'll keep looking for a way out. Hey, don't eat them all, leave a couple for me!

Video Guides[]

Chamber of Twisted Cranes Domain Guide

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishChasmic Maze
Yán Xià Míjìng
Mysterious Realm Under the Rocks
Yán Xià Míjìng
Ganka no Meikyou‍[!][!]
Illusory Boundary Under the Rocks
Korean거연 아래의 미궁
Geoyeon Arae-ui Migung
Maze Under the Chasm
SpanishLaberinto bajo las rocaslabyrinth Below the Rocks
FrenchLabyrinthe souterrainUnderground Labyrinth
RussianПодземный лабиринт
Podzemnyy labirint
Underground Labyrinth
Dungeon Tai Sila
Dungeon Underneath the Rock
VietnameseNham Hạ Mê CảnhNham Hạ Mê CảnhMysterious Realm Under the Rocks‍[※][※]
GermanLabyrinth der AbgründeLabyrinth of Chasms
IndonesianLabirin BebatuanStony Labyrinth
PortugueseLabirinto RochosoRocky Labyrinth
TurkishKanyon LabirentiChasmChasmChasmChasmTooltip for ChasmChasm Labyrinth
ItalianLabirinto della Voragine

Change History[]

