Quests taking place in Fontaine.
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Where His Life Lies -
Daydreams Beyond Space and Time -
Book of Esoteric Revelations -
The Shadow Over Petrichor -
Happy Birthday -
Pursuit (Part 2) -
There Will Come Soft Rains -
Search in the Algae Sea (Quest)
All items (248)
- A Certain Notice
- A Certain Stamp
- A Certain Trifle
- A Clash Between the First and the Latest!
- A Decision (Hangout Event)
- A Familiar Threat
- A Fontainian Message
- A Moment's Respite
- A Not-So-Distant Farewell
- A Tea Party Most Thorny
- Aesthetic Critique: Practice of Aesthetics
- Aesthetic Critique: Principles of Aesthetics
- Aesthetic Critique: Self-Critique
- Aim Upstream
- Alright, Iaune, Alright
- An Expected Plan
- An Eye for an Eye
- An Opportunity for Rebirth
- Ann's Story
- Another Horizon of Adventure
- Apocalypse
- Aqueous Tidemarks
- Ardent Calibration
- At Least the Fish Know
- Fiction and Reality Inside and Outside the Frame (Quest)
- Finale
- Finches Are Still the Cutest!
- Fishing Game
- Fishnado
- Foggy Forest Path (Quest)
- Fontaine Research Institute, Stagnating in the Rubble
- Fortress of Meropide (Quest)
- Fortune Plango Vulnera
- Free Verse
- Furious Mouth of the Spring
- Galathee's Salt Solicitation
- Game of the Rich
- Get a Drink at Least!
- Golden Aqueduct Reconstruction: Part I
- Golden Aqueduct Reconstruction: Part II
- Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste (Belleau Region)
- Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste (Central Beryl Region)
- Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste (Court of Fontaine Region)
- Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste (Southeast Beryl Region)
- Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste (West Beryl Region)
- Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste — Continued
- Impromptu Poem of the Crimson Dawn
- In a New Light
- In Expert Company? (I)
- In Expert Company? (II)
- In Search of Lost Time
- In Search of Lost Time: North
- In Search of Lost Time: South
- In Search of Lost Time: West
- Interactive Tour
- Into the Deepwater Murk
- Into the Sunlight
- Ismenor's Bulle Fruit Bulletin
- It's What He Deserves
- Latecoming Homecoming
- Leroy: Beautiful Friends
- Leroy: Dying Flash
- Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights
- Like the Faint Moonlight of Yesteryear
- Lil' Fungi's Fun-Tastic Fiesta!
- Limner, Dreamer, and Robotic Dog
- Lost in Deep Seas
- Savior's Wake (Quest)
- Scenes from Life in Meropide: A Raw Deal
- Scenes from Life in Meropide: An Actor's Training
- Scenes from Life in Meropide: Chit-Chat
- Scenes from Life in Meropide: Dead End
- Scenes from Life in Meropide: Every Debt has a Creditor
- Scenes from Life in Meropide: Memories
- Scenes from Life in Meropide: Safe Operation
- Scenes from Life in Meropide: The Art of Negotiation
- Scenes from Life in Meropide: Treat the Symptoms
- Scenes from Life in Meropide: Unfinished Task
- Science of Data Management
- Sea Breeze Rendezvous
- Search Chronicle: Audience with the Solitary King!
- Search in the Algae Sea (Quest)
- Secret Keepers and Forbidden Zones
- Semi-Automatic Forging
- Special Lighting and the Stars of Tomorrow!
- Spread Out Less Than An Arcminute!
- Stained Spots
- Steambird Interview
- Strange Stone Chronicle (Part 1)
- Studies in Light and Shadow: A Fontaine of Enchantment (Quest)
- Switcheroo
- Sylvie's Beryl Conch Commission
- Tales From the Court
- The Arrival of a...!
- The Art of the Elegant Blade Dance?
- The Child Who Doesn't Exist
- The City of Rains and Remembrance
- The Final Question
- The Fountain Flows Again
- The Illusion's Finishings
- The Last Day of Remuria
- The Lone Isle Glimpsed Through Fog (Quest)
- The Lone Phantom Sail
- The Long-Failed "Graph Adversarial Technology"...
- The Magician's Secret
- The Opera of Noirceur and Blancheur
- The Peaks and Troughs of Life (Quest)
- The Phantom Thief's Reappearance
- The Proscribed, Hidden in Plain Sight
- The Proud "Beret Society"