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Cassiodor, also known as the Golden Hunter, is a quest-exclusive NPC and historical figure from Fontaine, back when it was ruled by the ancient civilization of Remuria and its God King Remus.[5] He is notable for both being one of the four Harmosts of Remuria and the founder of Fontaine's Marechaussee Hunters.


Cassiodor was a warrior and servant of the king Remus. He originated from the same tribe as Erinnyes, until it was destroyed by the encroaching armies of Remuria and its people enslaved—he and Erinnyes were the only tribespeople who escaped this fate. During the war, Cassiodor met Boethius, a Harmost of Remuria, and defected to the side of the empire. Cassiodor eventually rose to become a Harmost himself,[6] and two men came to regard each other as brothers.[citation needed] Cassiodor survived the destruction of Remuria's capital, as he was outside the kingdom at the time.[7]

Following Remuria's destruction, he joined Egeria's people in a new form and founded the Marechaussee Hunters to combat the Golden Troupe led by Boethius.[5] He remained alive over the next two millennia, giving guidance to future generations.[8]


Cassiodor is a man of good heart, a perceptive nature and a strong sense of wit and reason. As someone from a tribe Remuria had conquered himself, Cassiodor was hesitant to embark on the empire's path of conquest and destroy the "barbarian tribes" of Fontaine, which prompted the more fanatical Boethius to accuse him of having a soft heart.[9]. Despite this, his soft heart was what ultimately saved the life of Este the Quick-Witted and other Remurians, and his loyalty would ultimately be rewarded.

He found his title of "Golden Hunter" to be humiliating, although the reason why has not been explained.[5]

Quests and Events[]

World Quests



Cassiodor was born and raised in the same tribe as Erinnyes, and was the only other survivor of Remuria's campaign alongside her. Where Erinnyes would not bow to them and left to the side of Egeria, Cassiodor would join the Remurians, becoming close friends with Boethius. After some time, Remus would make Cassiodor a Harmost, and at some point, Cassiodor would 'ascend' with the rest of the Remurians into their new forms.

Despite being a Harmost, Cassiodor held reservations about destroying the "barbarian tribes" of Fontaine, in turn being accused of having a soft heart. However, it was this soft heart that made him so effective, as he was inevitably entrusted by Remus with the solemn duty of guarding Remuria after its fall. On the day Remuria fell, he was not in the capitol, having been sent to escort certain Remurians - including Este the Quick-Witted - to the safety of Fontaine.

Following the fall, Cassiodor would take on many forms to fulfil his duty via possession, and joined his former kin Erinnyes to serve Egeria. He took the name "Ouranides of Ouranopolis" at this time, no longer being known as Cassiodor. He then founded the Marechaussee Hunters with the Lochknights to fight the remnants of Remuria led by Boethius. His guidance and skill at fighting the Golden Troupe's enslaved golems led him to earn the name "Golden Hunter".[5]

Over a millennium later, Cassiodor would guide the master Ruggiero through the Faded Castle, leading to the latter rebuilding the town of Petrichor and spreading false narratives about the Golden Troupe to hide their secrets.[8]

Present Day[]

In the World Quest Series Canticles of Harmony, the Traveler and Paimon encounter Cassiodor in the form of a white cat in the town of Petrichor. Cassiodor guides them to the ruins of the Faded Castle in order to solve the crisis of identity and memory being collectively experienced by Petrichor's people. There, the group encounters the Harmost Boethius, who informs them that the people's personalities have been overwritten using the Symphony, which he has finally reconstructed after two millennia.

To stop Boethius enslaving the people of Fontaine beyond just Petrichor, Cassiodor, the Traveler and Paimon descend into the Sea of Bygone Eras, where Remuria's ruins lie. At the Initium Iani, they find the dragon prince Scylla, who has been imprisoned by Boethius since Remuria's fall. Cassiodor learns from Scylla that the vishaps did not betray Remuria when they attacked, and were instead acting on orders from Remus. Scylla leads the group through the Initium Iani into the Capitolium proper, where they must reconstruct a portion of the Symphony to gain access to Domus Aurea, where Boethius is hiding.

In Domus Aurea, the three confront Boethius, and learn that he, and every Remurian since before the fall, is being controlled by Phobos, the heart of the Symphony. Phobos intends to raise Boethius in physical form into a second Remus and director of the Symphony. To defeat it, Cassiodor must sacrifice his life by possessing the same Legatus Golem body as Phobos, disabling it and allowing the Traveler to destroy Phobos and Cassiodor once and for all.

Following the destruction of Phobos, the Traveler is able to complete the Requiem, the final part of the Symphony planned by Remus millennia ago. Doing this releases all the souls of Remurians trapped in Ichor, including Cassiodor and Boethius, allowing them to return to the Primordial Sea. Scylla believes that one day, they will all be reborn as new beings.

The white cat, Osse, whose form Cassiodor once took is returned to Petrichor, where it is taken care of by the residents and may be played with by the Traveler.


Due to leading Este the Quick-Witted to Fontaine in the past, the young Remurian would eventually have a family. Este's descendant of the same name would ultimately become the person that would guide the Traveler and Paimon to Cassiodor, with the young man also coming to take care of Osse once Cassiodor left his body.

Character Mentions[]

Character Stories




  • Cassiodor's name may be a reference to Cassiodorus, a Roman scholar of antiquity.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]


  1. Book: La Chanson d'Erinnyes
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 World Quest, Canticles of Harmony Prelude - Petrichorror Dream, Part 1: The Shadow Over Petrichor
  3. World Quest, Canticles of Harmony: First Movement - In the Hall of the Sea King, Part 1: Underwater Nocturne
  4. World Quest, Canticles of Harmony: Second Movement - Prisoner in Shackles, Part 1: The Last Day of Remuria
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Artifact, Marechaussee Hunter: Hunter's Brooch
  6. Weapon: Splendor of Tranquil Waters
  7. World Quest, Canticles of Harmony: Second Movement - Prisoner in Shackles, Part 1: The Last Day of Remuria
    Monsieur Os: That is true... I only heard tell of events after it had all transpired myself, having not been in the capital when disaster struck...
  8. 8.0 8.1 Faded Castle, Ruggiero's Notes
  9. Artifact, Golden Troupe: Golden Bird's Shedding