Caribert is an Achievement in the category Wonders of the World. To complete this achievement, the player needs to complete Portended Fate.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Caribert |
Chinese (Simplified) | 卡利贝尔 Kǎlìbèi'ěr |
Chinese (Traditional) | 卡利貝爾 Kǎlìbèi'ěr |
Japanese | カリベルト Kariberuto |
Korean | 카리베르트 Karibereuteu |
Spanish | Cariberto |
French | Caribert |
Russian | Кариберт Karibert |
Thai | Caribert |
Vietnamese | Caribert |
German | Caribert |
Indonesian | Caribert |
Portuguese | Caribert |
Turkish | Caribert |
Italian | Caribert |
Change History[]
Released in Version 3.5