Capitolium is a subarea located in Sea of Bygone Eras, Fontaine.
It is the inner city of Remuria's capital. To access it, one must first enter the Initium Iani in the outer city, Machimos, then travel through the Passage of Ianus.[1]
Points of Interest[]
There are 5 points of interest in Capitolium:
Name | Description |
Alta Semita | The Alta Semita is an aqueduct that once carried Ichor from the Domus Aurea out into "the great lake in the far north."[2] It visually resembles a giant harp. |
Clivus Capitolinus | Clivus Capitolinus refers to the hill that holds the heart of Capitolium: the Domus Aurea. The term also encompasses the cavern beneath the hill, which contains the Local Legend |
Collegium Phonascorum | Collegium Phonascorum was once the educational center of Remuria, where the Harmosts and music lecturers taught Remurians about Phobos' Symphony.[3] |
Domus Aurea | The Domus Aurea is the royal palace of the kingdom of Remuria. It was fashioned from King Remus's ship, the Fortuna, and is designed to be a giant instrument on which the Grand Symphony Phobos can be played. It is considered the "heart" of Phobos, and is thus protected by its power.[4] |
Sacellum Requietis | The Sacellum Requietis is the throne room of the royal palace. It is where the God-King Remus once ruled, and where the Traveler later silences the Grand Symphony, "Phobos." |
World Quests
Hidden Exploration Objectives
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Clivus Capitolinus | Latin: Capitoline Hill |
Chinese (Simplified) | 卡皮托林山 Kǎpítuōlín-shān | Capitoline Hill |
Chinese (Traditional) | 卡皮托林山 Kǎpítuōlín-shān | |
Japanese | カピトリヌス山 Kapitorinusu-san | Capitolinus Hill |
Korean | 카피톨리누스-산 Kapitollinuseu-san | Capitolinus Hill |
Spanish | Colina Capitolina | Capitonline Hill |
French | Clivus capitolinus | — |
Russian | Капитолийский холм Kapitoliyskiy kholm | Capitoline Hill |
Thai | Clivus Capitolinus | — |
Vietnamese | Đồi Capitolinus | Capitolinus Hill |
German | Clivus Capitolinus | — |
Indonesian | Clivus Capitolinus | — |
Portuguese | Monte Capitoline | Mount Capitoline |
Turkish | Capitol Tepesi | Capitol Hill |
Italian | Clivus Capitolinus | — |
Change History[]
- ↑ World Quest, Canticles of Harmony: Second Movement - Prisoner in Shackles, Part 1: The Last Day of Remuria
- ↑ NPC Dialogue: Scylla
- ↑ Weapon: Finale of the Deep
- ↑ World Quest, Canticles of Harmony: Third Movement - Pharsalia's Rhapsody, Part 1: Gradus ad Capitolium