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Bygone Glories Passed is a Quest Domain during Sincerity's Facade in Dehya's Story Quest, Mantichora Chapter: Act I - Lionsblood.

Trial Character[]

WLWL Character
& Weapon
Talents & Artifacts Attributes


DehyaPyro Lv. 71 C3 Deh­ya
  • Normal Attack Lv. 5
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 5
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 8
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 35,956
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,599
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 685
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 92
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 79.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 16
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece


DehyaPyro Lv. 90 C3 Deh­ya
  • Normal Attack Lv. 8
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 8
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 11
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 47,071
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,427
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 752
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 59.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 154.1%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%

Stamen of Khvarena's OriginVibrant PinionAncient AbscissionFeast of Boundless JoyHeart of Khvarena's Brilliance
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Vourukasha's Glow 4-Piece


  1. Enter the room and defeat the enemies.
  2. Enter the room on the left to access the first puzzle.
    • Adjust the beam to the middle position and change its color to gold.
  3. Defeat the enemy.
  4. Advance through the corridor to access the second puzzle.
    • Rotate the pyramid mechanism in the middle of the room twice.
    • Set the beam of the mechanism on the east to the lowest height.
  5. Defeat the enemies.
    • A Common Chest will unlock.
  6. Defeat the enemies in the next room.
  7. Advance to the end of the room to access the third puzzle.
    • On the west side of the room, set the beam of the mechanism on the west to the highest height, then change its color to purple.
    • On the east side of the room, change the beam of the mechanism on the south to purple, then change it back to gold.
  8. Defeat the enemies.
  9. Take the elevator to the second floor.
  10. Enter the hallway on the right and enter the Records Room.
    • The player will be teleported out of the Domain after the dialogue in the Records Room.




No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
58Smoldering GlowThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
59Ruins of Scorching MightThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot
60Now and ThenThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Quests, Event Gameplay
61Distant RetrospectionThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
62Reminiscences of RemnantsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
63Land of Hidden DepthsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
64Shade of Reticent ConundrumsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
65Past RepastThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Quests, Event Gameplay
66Crumbled PledgeThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
67Stairway of NeterikhetThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Quests, Event Gameplay
68Millennial SailsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
101Wrathful Streaming GoldThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages (combat), Fane of Panjvahe (combat), City of the Deceased (combat), Red Desert Threshold (combat), Court of Desolation (combat), Mysterious Ruins (combat), Bygone Glories Passed (combat)
Combat, Event Gameplay
102Across Dimming AsterismsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages (combat), Fane of Panjvahe (combat), City of the Deceased (combat), Red Desert Threshold (combat), Court of Desolation (combat), Mysterious Ruins (combat), Bygone Glories Passed (combat)
Combat, Event Gameplay

Video Guides[]

Bygone Glories Passed Guide (4 Chests)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBygone Glories Passed
Xīrì "Róngguāng" Yǐ Shì
The Bygone "Glory" of the Old Days
Xīrì "Róngguāng" Yǐ Shì
Sugisarishi Oujitsu no "Eikou"
"Glory" of the Bygone Past
Korean사라진 과거의 「영광」
Sarajin Gwageo-ui "Yeonggwang"
"Glory" of the Past That Disappeared
SpanishGloria del pasadoGlory of the Past
FrenchGloires d'antan passéesPast Glories of Yesteryear
RussianСлава дней минувших
Slava dney minuvshikh
Glory of the Days Gone By
Thai"ความรุ่งโรจน์" ในอดีตที่ดับมอด
Vietnamese"Vinh Quang" Ngày Xưa Đã Mất"Glory" of the Bygone Old Days
GermanVerblasster Ruhm vergangener TageFaded "Glory" of Bygone Days
IndonesianBygone Glories Passed
PortugueseMorte da Glória do Passado
TurkishGeçmişin İhtişamı Geçmişte Kaldı
ItalianGlorie di un tempo passatoGlories of a Bygone Age

Change History[]

