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Burning-Aflame Wayob Manifestations are Elite Enemies that are part of the Wayob Manifestations enemy group and the Mystical Beasts family.

A Local Legend Burning-Aflame Wayob Manifestation, "Tupayo's Aid" — Will of Honor and Glory, can be found as a Nightsoul Totem challenge in Natlan.



Mora Mora


Energy Drops
TypeHP ThresholdDrop(s)
Pyro60%Particle ×1
0%Particle ×2



Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
10% 50% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Toggle Levels
Level Scaling
Note that HP and ATK values may change in Co-Op Mode, some Quests, and certain Domains (including Spiral Abyss and Imaginarium Theater). For more details, see Enemy/Level Scaling § Other Multipliers.

Local Legend[]

Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
10% 50% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Toggle Levels
Level Scaling
Note that HP and ATK values may change in Co-Op Mode, some Quests, and certain Domains (including Spiral Abyss and Imaginarium Theater). For more details, see Enemy/Level Scaling § Other Multipliers.


Summons 6 consecutive beams of energy to strike down at the player's location, each dealing 30% ATK as Pyro DMG.
Flashing Blaze
Fires 9 fast-moving homing projectiles at the player, each dealing 40% ATK as Pyro DMG. Repeated hits have their DMG reduced according to the Damage Sequence.
  • Local Legend: Prior to firing the projectiles, causes 4 eruptions around it, each dealing 70% ATK as Pyro DMG.
Rupturing Blast
Charges and fires a beam of energy, dealing 70% ATK as Pyro DMG.
Arena: Moment of Trial
Deploys an Arena and gains a non-elemental shield equal to 111.4% of the Wayob Manifestation's Max HP which can be destroyed by dealing DMG.
  • While the Arena is active:
    • Characters within it lose all Energy and cannot gain Energy.
    • Characters within it deal 120% increased DMG, and Nightsoul-aligned DMG is additionally increased by 60%.
    • The Wayob Manifestation summons laser beams that sweep outward in a X-shaped pattern 3 times, each repeatedly dealing 23.3% ATK as Pyro DMG.
  • If the Arena's duration ends and the shield is not destroyed, the Wayob Manifestation causes a massive blast, dealing 100% ATK as Pyro DMG, and converts the remaining percentage of its shield to a Pyro elemental shield.
    Ward Data (Maximum)
    GU Required to Break
  • If the non-elemental shield is destroyed before the Arena's duration ends, a massive amount of Elemental Particles will spawn, restoring 90 base Energy. The actual amount restored will vary based on Energy Recharge, whether the character is on or off-field, and the number of characters in the party.
  • When either shield is active, the Wayob Manifestation is immune to all DMG.
  • When either shield is destroyed, the Wayob Manifestation becomes paralyzed for 5 seconds.
  • Local Legend: This ability is disabled.

Local Legend-Exclusive[]

Rotor Spin
Performs a spinning attack, dealing 20% ATK × 3 as Physical DMG.
Shattering Box
Marks a rectangular area, dealing 70% ATK as Physical DMG after a delay.
Marks a circular area at the player's location and causes an eruption after a delay, dealing 80% ATK as Pyro DMG. The eruption leaves behind a pool of fire that lasts for 35s and deals 10% Character Max HP as True Pyro DMG every 0.5s to characters within it.
Infernal Skyfire 1
Returns to the center of the arena and begins charging, continuously causing eruptions on the floor which each deal 70% ATK as Pyro DMG. Gaseous Phlogiston Currents will appear around the edge of the arena, which allow the player to glide up. When charging completes, the Wayob Manifestation will release 6 massive blasts across the arena in succession, with the first 5 blasts dealing 100% ATK as Pyro DMG and the final blast dealing 300% ATK as Pyro DMG.

Hitting the Wayob Manifestation with a Plunging Attack will interrupt this ability.
Infernal Skyfire 2
Returns to the center of the arena, levitates into the air and begins charging, continuously causing eruptions on the floor which each deal 70% ATK as Pyro DMG. Gaseous Phlogiston Currents will appear around the edge of the arena, which allow the player to glide up, and 3 boosting rings will appear around the Local Legend. When charging completes, the Wayob Manifestation will plunge down, causing a massive blast that deals 600% ATK as Pyro DMG and release 5 lines of eruptions, each dealing 70% ATK as Pyro DMG.

Using the boosting rings to crash into the Wayob Manifestation while gliding will interrupt this ability and cause it to lose 10% Max HP.


There are 3 Achievements obtainable from Burning-Aflame Wayob Manifestation:

Achievement Category Description Primogem
"Tupayo's Aid" Duelist: Series II Duelist: Series II Defeat Local Legend: Tupayo's Aid 5
"Tupayo's Aid" Duelist: Series II Duelist: Series II During the course of completing a single challenge, no characters were downed. 10
"Tupayo's Aid" Duelist: Series II Duelist: Series II Defeat Tupayo's Aid while they are hovering in the air. 20


Burning-Aflame Wayob Manifestation
Tutorial Burning-Aflame Wayob Manifestation
The Wayob worshipped by the various tribes of Natlan manifest themselves in the form of these obsidian totems. In battle, the Wayob Manifestation will deploy its Arena: Moment of Trial, creating a Shield for itself and absorbing the Elemental Energy of all characters in the Arena. Characters in the Arena deal greatly increased DMG. If the Shield is broken before the Arena expires, they will also regain a large amount of Energy. However, if they fail to break the Shield, the Manifestation will generate an Elemental Ward based on the value of the remaining Shield.


The Flower-Feather Clan believe in and worship the Wayob, which manifests upon the land with the power of totems and Nightsouls.
They say that long ago, Wayob Manifestations looked very different from how they do today, taking on a rougher form that was more akin to that of an obsidian statue. But once their outline had been recorded in woven scrolls, there have been few changes in their appearance since.
The people of the Flower-Feather Clan believe their Wayob has the power to control fire and burning flames, and can also control the flow of heat and blazing winds.


Video Guides[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBurning-Aflame Wayob Manifestation
Korean작열・대영혼의 화신
Jagyeol - Daeyeonghonui Hwasin
SpanishManifestación Wayob AbrasadoraScorching Wayob Manifestation
FrenchManifestation enflammée de WayobFlaming Wayob Manifestation
RussianВоплощение Вайоб губительного пламени
Voploshcheniye Vayob gubitel'nogo plameni
Wayob ManifestationWayob ManifestationWayob ManifestationWayob ManifestationTooltip for Wayob ManifestationWayob Manifestation of Ruinous Flame
ThaiBurning-Aflame: Wayob Manifestation
VietnameseHóa Thân Wayob - Lửa Thiêu
GermanFeuerläufer Wayob-Verkörperung
IndonesianBurning-Aflame Wayob Manifestation
PortugueseChama Ardente: Manifestação Wayob
TurkishYakıcı Alev Wayob Tezahürü
ItalianManifestazione ardente della Wayob

Change History[]

