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Booming Bathysmal Vishap Herd is an event-exclusive enemy encountered during the Feast of the Departed Warriors event. The pair consists of a Frostshrieker Bathysmal Vishap and a Blitzroarer Bathysmal Vishap.



Energy Drops
TypeHP ThresholdDrop(s)
Cryo/Electro75%Particle ×1
50%Particle ×1
25%Particle ×1
0%Orb ×1


Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
Frostshrieker 30% 10% 10% 10% 30% 10% 10% 10%
Blitzroarer 30% 10% 10% 30% 10% 10% 10% 10%

Toggle Levels

Level Scaling

Note that HP and ATK values may change in Co-Op Mode, some Quests, and certain Domains (including Spiral Abyss and Imaginarium Theater). For more details, see Enemy/Level Scaling § Other Multipliers.

Weak Point Location[]


Ability names are unofficial except for Cleansing Shower; This section is based on the highest-difficulty version available in the event. Some information may be inaccurate in lower difficulties.


ATK Bonus
The Frostshrieker and Blitzroarer Bathysmal Vishaps have a 25% ATK Bonus at all times. This stacks additively with other sources of ATK% buffs or debuffs.
Cleansing Shower
Forms an orb within their mouth and launches it at the player. On hit, the orb deals 5% ATK as Cryo DMG or Electro DMG and drains 30 (or optionally 45) Energy from the active character. If the active character has less Energy than the attack is capable of draining, the rest of the drain is converted to HP Loss.
  • The HP Loss is calculated as:
    • If the optional setting that increases the Energy drain is disabled:
    • If the optional setting that increases the Energy drain is enabled:
A visible link connects the two Vishaps. If one Vishap's HP reaches 1.2% and the other Vishap is not defeated within the next 10 seconds, the defeated Vishap will be revived with 50%/25%/10% of its Max HP if revived 1/2/3+ time(s).


Rapid Fire
The vishaps connect their tails and fire a barrage of alternating Cryo and Electro shards at the player, each dealing 20% ATK as Cryo DMG or Electro DMG. Additionally, spawns a large stone pillar at the center of the arena the first time this attack is used. This pillar is a Geo object and is most effectively destroyed using Blunt Attacks.
Ward Data
GU Required to Break[1]Poise DMG
Required to Break
Requires manually triggering Crystallize by applying Geo on a Cryo aura. Consumption scales with the aura's gauge at the moment Crystallize is triggered.
Cleansing From Above
If the stone pillar spawned during Rapid Fire is not destroyed, both vishaps climb up the pillar and repeatedly launch Cleansing Shower orbs at the player. Orbs launched this way have the same Energy or HP draining effects, although with a minor homing property and a slower travel speed. Destroying the pillar during this attack will cause the vishaps to fall, temporarily incapacitating them.
Double Beams
Both vishaps join their tails at the center of the arena, forms a circular field below them that deals 100% ATK as Cryo DoT and Electro DoT simultaneously, and each fires a laser beam from its mouth, raking across the arena, randomly rapidly dealing 100% ATK, as Cryo DMG or Electro DMG to players caught in the beam.
Frigid Thunderstorm
Both vishaps insert their tails into the ground at the center of the arena and repeatedly launch attacks. The Frostshrieker Bathysmal Vishaps marks circular areas on the ground in which it will produce ice spikes, dealing 67% ATK as Cryo DMG; The Blitzroarer Bathysmal Vishap marks cone-shaped areas on the ground in which it will rain down lightning, dealing 66.6% ATK as Electro DMG.


Slash Combo
If the player is within melee range, the Frostshrieker Vishap performs 2 horizontal slashes followed by a downward smash, dealing 30% ATK, 50% ATK, 80% ATK respectively as Physical DMG with each hit.
Spinning Sweep
Curls up and quickly spins, dealing 30% ATK * 2 as Cryo DMG.


Spike Field
Plugs its tail into the ground, creating a large field, within which Electro energy frequently spikes from the ground at random locations, dealing 60% ATK as Electro DMG. If a player is within the field, a spike will appear at the player's exact location every 2 seconds.
Homing Shards
Shoots three shards from the tip of its tail, which home towards the player at high speed, each dealing 30% ATK as Electro DMG.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBooming Bathysmal Vishap Herd
Shēnhǎi Lóngxī zhī Qún - Hōngxuán
Shēnhǎi Lóngxī zhī Qún - Hōngxuán
Abisaru Vishappu no Mure - Gousen‍[!][!]
Korean심해 도마뱀 무리・회전
Simhae Yong Domabaem Muri - Hoejeon
Herd of Deep Sea Vishap - Turn
SpanishManada de Dragartos de las Profundidades - Rotación fulminantePack of VishapVishapVishapVishapTooltip for VishapVishaps of the Depths - Fulminating Rotation
FrenchHarde explosive d'Élémentosaures abyssauxBooming Abyssal VishapVishapVishapVishapTooltip for VishapVishap Herd
RussianСтая вишапов глубин: Гулкий вихрь
Staya vishapov glubin: Gulkiy vikhr'
Bathysmal VishapBathysmal VishapBathysmal VishapBathysmal VishapTooltip for Bathysmal VishapBathysmal Vishap Herd: Booming Whirlwind
ThaiBooming Bathysmal Vishap Herd
VietnameseĐàn Rồng Biển Sâu - Oanh Tạc
GermanKnallende Tiefsee-Drachenechsen-HerdeBanging Deep Sea Dragon-Lizard Herd
IndonesianBooming Bathysmal Vishap Herd
PortugueseBando de Dragartos das Profundezas Estrondosos
TurkishGürleyen Su Ejderi Sürüsü
ItalianMandria fragorosa di Elementosauri abissaliThunderous Herd of Abyssal VishapVishapVishapVishapTooltip for VishapVishaps

Change History[]

