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Genshin Impact Wiki

Bolts of Downfall is Fischl's Normal Attack.

Gameplay Notes[]

Passive Effects
  • Passive Talent 1, Stellar Predator Stellar Predator: "When Fischl hits Oz with a fully-charged Aimed Shot, Oz brings down Thundering Retribution, dealing AoE Electro DMG equal to 152.7% of the arrow's DMG."
Constellation Effects
  • Constellation Level 1, Gaze of the Deep Gaze of the Deep: "Even when Oz is not present in combat, he can still watch over Fischl through his raven eyes. When Fischl performs a Normal Attack against an opponent, Oz fires a coordinated attack, dealing DMG equal to 22% of Fischl's ATK."

Advanced Properties[]

Internal CooldownPoise
Stagger EffectBlunt
TagTagTypeTypeS. L.S. L.H. F.H. F.V. F.V. F.
Normal Attack 1-HitNo ICD12Shake00
Normal Attack 2-HitNo ICD12.9Shake00
Normal Attack 3-HitNo ICD15.9Shake00
Normal Attack 4-HitNo ICD15.6Shake00
Normal Attack 5-HitNo ICD19.71Shake00
Aimed ShotNo ICD10Light2000
Aimed Shot (Hit Weak Spot)No ICD30Air480600
Fully-Charged Aimed Shot1U
(w/ Dropoff)
No ICD20Light2000
Fully-Charged Aimed Shot (Hit Weak Spot)1U
(w/ Dropoff)
No ICD60Air480600
Plunging Attack CollisionNo ICD10Light2000
Low PlungeNo ICD50Light2000
High PlungeNo ICD100Heavy2000


Recovery Animations

Attribute Scaling[]

Talent Levels past 10 require Normal Attack Level Increase methods, such as Constellations and Passives.

1-Hit DMG (%)44.1247.7151.356.4360.0264.1369.7775.4181.0587.2193.37
2-Hit DMG (%)46.7850.5954.459.8463.656873.9879.9785.9592.4899.01
3-Hit DMG (%)58.1462.8767.674.3679.0984.591.9499.37106.81114.92123.03
4-Hit DMG (%)57.7162.467.173.8178.5183.8891.2698.64106.02114.07122.12
5-Hit DMG (%)72.0777.9383.892.1898.05104.75113.97123.19132.4142.46152.52
Charged Attack (Aimed Shot)
Aimed Shot (%)43.8647.435156.159.6763.7569.3674.9780.5886.792.82
Fully-Charged Aimed Shot (%)124133.3142.6155164.3173.6186198.4210.8223.2235.6
Plunging Attack
Plunge DMG (%)56.8361.4566.0872.6977.3182.689.8797.14104.41112.34120.27
Low Plunge DMG (%)113.63122.88132.13145.35154.59165.17179.7194.23208.77224.62240.48
High Plunge DMG (%)141.93153.49165.04181.54193.1206.3224.45242.61260.76280.57300.37

Talent Leveling[]

1 → 2
Mora 12,500[12,500]
Firm Arrowhead 6[6]
Teachings of Ballad 3[3]
2 → 3
Mora 17,500[30,000]
Sharp Arrowhead 3[3]
Guide to Ballad 2[2]
3 → 4
Mora 25,000[55,000]
Sharp Arrowhead 4[7]
Guide to Ballad 4[6]
4 → 5
Mora 30,000[85,000]
Sharp Arrowhead 6[13]
Guide to Ballad 6[12]
5 → 6
Mora 37,500[122,500]
Sharp Arrowhead 9[22]
Guide to Ballad 9[21]
6 → 7
Mora 120,000[242,500]
Weathered Arrowhead 4[4]
Philosophies of Ballad 4[4]
Spirit Locket of Boreas 1[1]
7 → 8
Mora 260,000[502,500]
Weathered Arrowhead 6[10]
Philosophies of Ballad 6[10]
Spirit Locket of Boreas 1[2]
8 → 9
Mora 450,000[952,500]
Weathered Arrowhead 9[19]
Philosophies of Ballad 12[22]
Spirit Locket of Boreas 2[4]
9 → 10
Mora 700,000[1,652,500]
Weathered Arrowhead 12[31]
Philosophies of Ballad 16[38]
Spirit Locket of Boreas 2[6]
Crown of Insight 1[1]


  • Fischl presents special recovery animations after stopping her Normal Attack combo at the 3rd and 5th hit.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBolts of Downfall
Zuìmiè zhī Shǐ
Arrow of Atonement‍[※][※]
Zuìmiè zhī Shǐ
Tsumihoroboshi no Ya
Arrow of Atonement
Korean죄멸의 화살
Joemyeol-ui Hwasal
Arrow of Atonement
SpanishFlechas del juicioArrows of Judgement
FrenchFlèche de culpabilitéArrow of Guilt
RussianСтрела возмездия
Strela vozmezdiya
Arrow of Retribution
ThaiBolts of Downfall
VietnameseMũi Tên Diệt ÁcArrow of Killing
GermanPfeil der VergebungArrow of Forgiveness
IndonesianBolts of Downfall
PortugueseFlechas da Culpa
TurkishDüşen YıldırımlarFalling Thunderbolts
ItalianCascata di dardiWaterfall of Darts

Change History[]

