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Does anyone remember or can anyone find people talking about where Xinyan, Kazuha, and Mona were when they had this quest's #Post-Quest dialogue?

Blazin' Trails is an Event Quest during the Summertime Odyssey Event. It is the third quest of the third part.


  1. Clear the water veins on the island (0/2)
  2. Talk to everyone
  3. Obtain Blazing Heart's help
  4. Look for Frozen Soul
  5. Plant Frozen Soul's petal
  6. Use the powers of Frozen Soul
  7. Clear the water veins on the island (0/2)
  8. Inform Frozen Soul of the result
  9. Go to the hill where the wind blows
  10. Check the Fatui machine
  11. Defeat the opponents
  12. Return to the Fatui's bastion
  13. Go to the island that Mona mentioned


UI Quest Quest Description

Plants and instruments, melodies and memories, old acquaintances and her hometown... All of them constitute a crucial part of Xinyan's music. There must be some reason that her mirage has shown up on this special island.
(Clear the 4 water veins)
(Approach the marked area)
Media:vo yqeq107 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We've done everything we can, but how do we deal with the last two mountains?
Media:vo yqeq107 1 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: Let's stick to it. There's gotta be a way.
Media:vo yqeq107 1 mona 01.ogg Mona: After taking a closer look, it seems to me that most of the island mountains contain water veins and plants in their interior. Those together form a system that connects the mountains with one another.
Media:vo yqeq107 1 mona 02.ogg Mona: However, now that much of the mountains have collapsed, the connection of plants and water veins is blocked.
Media:vo yqeq107 1 kazuha 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: If we can dredge all the blockages, we will be able to connect the islands to form the giant instrument described in Albedo's notes, and play music using the islands themselves.
Media:vo yqeq107 1 xinyan 02.ogg Xinyan: Yep, for me to reach my goal, we gotta do this... But first, I'd like to consult the flower. It should know what to do.
(A scene transition occurs)
Media:vo yqeq107 2 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: Some of the plants and water veins on the island mountains have been lost. Do you happen to know another way to dredge the blockages?
Media:vo yqeq107 2 blizzing 01.ogg Blazing Heart: I know someone who can help you with that. Go ask my companion, Frozen Soul, who lives upstairs.
(Approach Frozen Soul)
Media:vo yqeq107 3 flaring 01.ogg Frozen Soul: Who are you, and what brings you to me?
Media:vo yqeq107 3 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: Nice to meet you. We were wondering if we could use your power to dredge the mountains on the island.
Media:vo yqeq107 3 flaring 02.ogg Frozen Soul: Mountains? Oh, I see... you want to become great musicians too, right?
Media:vo yqeq107 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Oh? Is that what this is about?
Media:vo yqeq107 3 xinyan 02.ogg Xinyan: Correct.
Media:vo yqeq107 3 flaring 03.ogg Frozen Soul: In that case, we seek the same thing. Despite my frailty, I feel obligated to share some of my power with you.
Media:vo yqeq107 3 flaring 04.ogg Frozen Soul: Plant my petal at the ending point of the intersection of melodies, and what had once sunk into the earth will re-emerge with the music. As long as there is music, life will continue to flourish in this world.
Media:vo yqeq107 3 xinyan 03.ogg Xinyan: ...Thank you.
(A domain transition occurs)
(After planting Frozen Soul's Petal)
Media:vo yqeq107 4 mona 01.ogg Mona: Okay, this ought to do the trick.
Media:vo yqeq107 4 kazuha 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: There is a sound coming from the island.

(Clear the 2 water veins)
Media:Broken Isle Mural Puzzle Tune.ogg (A short music theme plays)
(Talk to Frozen Soul)
Media:vo yqeq107 5 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: Can you feel anything, now that we've planted the petal?
Media:vo yqeq107 5 flaring 01.ogg Frozen Soul: Yes, I can feel it. The sun is shining brightly, the sea gleams like a gemstone, the waves lap the milky-white beaches, and the grains of sand are pulled into the sea, then pushed back ashore...
Media:vo yqeq107 5 flaring 02.ogg Frozen Soul: ...the seabirds are landing on the rocks, pecking gently and making rhythmic sounds. ♪ dum-dum, dum-dum ♪...
Media:vo yqeq107 5 xinyan 02.ogg Xinyan: It's music.
Media:vo yqeq107 5 flaring 03.ogg Frozen Soul: This is indeed music. In fact, this whole island is a giant musical instrument. Since you are a musician, you should be able to understand the meaning behind its original creation.
Media:vo yqeq107 5 xinyan 03.ogg Xinyan: Making music with the tides, waves, and sea breeze as your instruments is the most romantic thing in the world.
Media:vo yqeq107 5 xinyan 04.ogg Xinyan: Let's go, everyone. It's time for my performance.
(A scene transition occurs)
Media:vo yqeq107 5 xinyan 05.ogg Xinyan: Kazuha, can you feel the wind? Which direction is it blowing in?
Media:vo yqeq107 5 kazuha 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: It's coming from that direction. I'll take you to a hill where the wind blows.

Icon Quest Step Step Description

Plants and instruments, melodies and memories, old acquaintances and her hometown... All of them constitute a crucial part of Xinyan's music. There must be some reason that her mirage has shown up on this special island. As her fingers dance on the strings, two souls devoted to music resonate in a duet across time.
(Approach the marked area)
Media:vo yqeq107 6 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: ...
Media:vo yqeq107 6 xinyan 02.ogg Xinyan: Finally, the time has come.
Media:vo yqeq107 6 xinyan 03.ogg Xinyan: Everyone, I once made a wish to perform with someone no one could have expected. And today, on this island, I've found my answer.
Media:vo yqeq107 6 xinyan 04.ogg Xinyan: No one knows the name or appearance of the man who transformed this island into a giant musical instrument so many years ago, but he is unquestionably one of Teyvat's greatest musicians.
Media:vo yqeq107 6 xinyan 05.ogg Xinyan: I never imagined I'd be able to see such an instrument, and I never imagined we'd be able to play it during a high tide.
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you going to play some rock 'n' roll?
Media:vo yqeq107 6 xinyan 06.ogg Xinyan: No.
Media:vo yqeq107 6 xinyan 07.ogg Xinyan: Music is the gift one gives to their kindred spirit, so... I'll play something that makes for a better duet with the original musician.
Media:vo yqeq107 6 xinyan 08.ogg Xinyan: No rock music for today. Instead, I'm gonna show you something new!
(A short cutscene plays)
(Xinyan plays the guitar with her hair untied)
(The scene transitions to a young Xinyan looking out the window at a male guitarist playing a tune)
(Young Xinyan sparkles her eyes and imagines herself playing the guitar)
(The scene returns to Xinyan)
Xinyan: To you who lived here in the past, I hope you liked this song
(Cutscene ends)
Media:vo yqeq107 6 xinyan 09.ogg Xinyan: ...Phew.
Media:vo yqeq107 6 xinyan 10.ogg Xinyan: How was it? Not bad, huh?
Media:vo yqeq107 6 mona 01.ogg Mona: Quite impressive.
Media:vo yqeq107 6 kazuha 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: I've never heard a duet like that before. It was very interesting.
Media:vo yqeq107 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: And so elegant as well! Paimon's not sure how best to put it... But it was just super unique.
Icon Dialogue Talk A performance with a lot of personality.
Icon Dialogue Talk A performance with a lot of charm.
Media:vo yqeq107 6 xinyan 11.ogg Xinyan: Hehe, thank you.
Media:vo yqeq107 6 xinyan 12.ogg Xinyan: And now I can say my wish has come true.
Media:vo yqeq107 6 mona 02.ogg Mona: Is there anything else you'd like to do?
Media:vo yqeq107 6 xinyan 13.ogg Xinyan: No, in fact, I reckon I'll get a good night's sleep tonight.
Media:vo yqeq107 6 kazuha 02.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Does this mean everyone is free for the time being? If so, I have a suggestion.
Media:vo yqeq107 6 kazuha 03.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: I'd like to return to the Fatui camp, and see what's going on there.
Media:vo yqeq107 6 mona 03.ogg Mona: Oh? So you've discovered the Fatui camp as well.
Media:vo yqeq107 6 kazuha 04.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Wait, you know about it too?
Media:vo yqeq107 6 mona 04.ogg Mona: Of course, I'm a genius astrologist. Didn't I mention that my scryglass has recovered a little? I can sense what's going on here through divination.
Media:vo yqeq107 6 xinyan 14.ogg Xinyan: Uh, I didn't know the Fatui were here too.
Media:vo yqeq107 6 mona 05.ogg Mona: Indeed. I also informed Fischl of this when we parted ways today. If she runs into them, she'll stay hidden and out of danger.
Media:vo yqeq107 6 kazuha 05.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: I see, then perhaps we should tell everyone what we know.
You tell everyone about the Fatui camp and the strange machine you found on the day you arrived...
Media:vo yqeq107 6 mona 06.ogg Mona: A strange machine, and delirious Fatui...? Are you suggesting these are connected to the mirage?
Media:vo yqeq107 6 kazuha 06.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: I can't say I'm certain, but I don't believe they are completely unrelated.
Media:vo yqeq107 6 xinyan 15.ogg Xinyan: Fair enough. Let's go check out the camp.

(Approaching the Fatui machine)
Media:vo yqeq107 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Whoa! Where did they come from!?
(After defeating the opponents)
Media:vo yqeq107 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: It's strange that on our way here, we've only run into local monsters, and no Fatui.
Media:vo yqeq107 7 mona 01.ogg Mona: How bizarre... there are still signs of the camp, and the machine is still here, but all the people have vanished.
(TravelerTraveler): (This machine must have something to do with the mirages. Sure, it's broken, but maybe that itself is the cause.)
(TravelerTraveler): (...But if the machine can cause people to hallucinate, why did they vanish? Is there anything else going on?)
(TravelerTraveler): (Did they disappear, or are they hiding from us?)
Media:vo yqeq107 7 mona 02.ogg Mona: I give up — I'm just going to divine the answer.
(Mona attempts a divination)
Media:vo yqeq107 7 mona 03.ogg Mona: ...
Media:vo yqeq107 7 mona 04.ogg Mona: What's this...? Some kind of energy flow?
Media:vo yqeq107 7 mona 05.ogg Mona: Sorry, everyone, I can't seem to find any trace of the Fatui. My scryglass has gotten hazy again, but this time, I can sense some sort of energy converging and taking physical form.
Media:vo yqeq107 7 mona 06.ogg Mona: The destination is... the island over there.
(Mona looks at Twinning Isle)
Media:vo yqeq107 7 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: Whose mirage will it be this time?
Media:vo yqeq107 7 mona 07.ogg Mona: Hmm... let's head over and have a look. Maybe we'll be able to find something there.

(Approach the marked area)
Media:vo yqeq107 8 kazuha 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Here we are.
Media:vo yqeq107 8 mona 01.ogg Mona: Huh? Fischl?
Media:vo yqeq107 8 fischl 01.ogg Fischl: ...
Media:vo yqeq107 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: It's really her! Hey, Fischl—!
Media:vo yqeq107 8 fischl 02.ogg Fischl: ...Hmph, my imprudent retainers, you've finally arrived.
Media:vo yqeq107 8 oz 01.ogg Oz: O—Oh my, long time no see!
Media:vo yqeq107 8 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: It hasn't been that long, has it?
Media:vo yqeq107 8 oz 02.ogg Oz: Ahem... Mein Fräulein and I sensed a peculiar aura, and came here ahead of time to reunite with everyone. We weren't expecting you... Well, what I mean to say is, you arrived sooner than we expected.
Media:vo yqeq107 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Is it just Paimon, or does Oz seem nervous?
Media:vo yqeq107 8 fischl 03.ogg Fischl: The advent of the Immernachtreich is imminent, and I still need to prepare for the consecration.
Media:vo yqeq107 8 oz 03.ogg Oz: Mein Fräulein, are you sure you—
Media:vo yqeq107 8 fischl 04.ogg Fischl: I am quite capable of acting on my own, Oz. If you're weary of the encroaching darkness of the night, you're quite welcome to return to the blinding brightness of the day.
Media:vo yqeq107 8 oz 04.ogg Oz: Please, mein Fräulein, do not say such things. I am your loyal attendant, your eyes, and I will never leave your side.
Media:vo yqeq107 8 fischl 05.ogg Fischl: ...Stop staring at me like that! A—Anyway, the time of explanation... is not yet upon us, hmph!
Media:vo yqeq107 8 oz 05.ogg Oz: Oh, mein Fräulein!
Media:vo yqeq107 8 oz 06.ogg Oz: I do apologize, everyone. Mein Fräulein is having a rough day — please do not take it to heart. I must also excuse myself now.
Media:vo yqeq107 8 mona 02.ogg Mona: ...Huh, still no improvement in her mood, even after all this time away from the group.
Media:vo yqeq107 8 mona 03.ogg Mona: As soon as I saw Fischl, I realized that the mirage that's about to take shape here must have something to do with her.
Media:vo yqeq107 8 kazuha 02.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Yes. I, at least, felt a peculiar sense of familiarity when I approached my mirage.
Media:vo yqeq107 8 xinyan 02.ogg Xinyan: Me too. Even though it didn't really make sense, I just had a feeling that something exciting was gonna happen.
Media:vo yqeq107 8 mona 04.ogg Mona: Exactly, if Fischl and Oz can also sense something, then our suspicions are likely to be right on the Mora... Fischl's probably agitated because she doesn't want to confront her mirage.
Media:vo yqeq107 8 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: How come?
Media:vo yqeq107 8 mona 05.ogg Mona: Maybe her mirage conceals some secrets that she doesn't want anyone to know about.
Media:vo yqeq107 8 mona 06.ogg Mona: Let's all take a rest here for now. When the mirage appears, we will get to the bottom of this mystery.
(Quest ends)


These dialogue lines are all time-limited, as they were only available to players who completed Blazing Trails before Immernachtreich Apokalypse became unlockable.

(Talk to Xinyan)
Media:vo yqeq107 8 xinyan 03.ogg Xinyan: The melody from my mirage is stil playing in my head. That was such an incredible experience!
Media:vo yqeq107 8 xinyan 04.ogg Xinyan: I was able to make my wish come true, but I'm not sure if everyone else will have as good an experience as I did...
Media:vo yqeq107 8 xinyan 05.ogg Xinyan: Let's get some rest so we'll have enough energy! Whatever happens, I should do everything I can to help my friends.
(Talk to Kaedehara Kazuha)
Media:vo yqeq107 8 kazuha 03.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: I didn't bring it up at that time since I didn't want to cause anyone any more distress... still, the dissapearance of the Fatui worries me.
Media:vo yqeq107 8 kazuha 04.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: From the look on your face... I see, it appears we have similar thoughts.
Media:vo yqeq107 8 kazuha 05.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Then let's stay diligent, and keeps an eye out for any further developments.
(Talk to Mona)
Media:vo yqeq107 8 mona 07.ogg Mona: What kind of mirage would Fischl not want to confront?
Media:vo yqeq107 8 mona 08.ogg Mona: Could it be... that a swarm of phantoms will emerge, each claiming to be the true Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort, Soveregn of the Immernachtreich, and ruler of the Ashen Darkness...
Media:vo yqeq107 8 mona 09.ogg Mona: And then they'll immediately start arguing with each other in their completely incomprehensible language... eek.
Media:vo yqeq107 8 mona 10.ogg Mona: Forget that, I shouldn't scare myself...


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
51Phantasm SuiteThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 2As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared (Part 3) (cutscene), Blazin' Trails (Part 3) (cutscene), Immernachtreich Apokalypse (Part 3) (cutscene), The Ancient Azure Stars (Part 3) (cutscene)


  • The notes that play upon clearing the water veins for each of the five mountains and when stepping on their corresponding rock pedals at sea level afterward, as well as the final melody that results from them, are the same as what they played when solving the mural lake puzzle during Version 1.6, with the exception of the northeast pedal and mountain, which are one whole step higher than they were in Version 1.6.
    • The 5-note tune at the beginning of the cutscene music matches the high tide alarm that plays at the beginning of Conch Retrospection VII: Island Bygones - Incoming Tide in the Chinese audio. It is also a simplified version of the tune that follows in the cutscene, which is also the beginning of one of the OSTs that plays during the day on the isle.

Video Guides[]

Blazin' Trails Guide

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBlazin' Trails
Lièhuǒ Tàgē-xíng
Blazing Trails of Round Dance[• 1]
Lièhuǒ Tàgē-xíng
Retsuen Touka-kou‍[!][!]
Blazing Trails of Round Dance‍[※][※][• 1]
Korean뜨거운 노래의
Tteugeoun Norae-ui Gil
Passionate Road of Songs
SpanishCanción ardienteBlazing Song
FrenchChanson endiabléeWild Song
RussianПламенная песнь
Plamennaya pesn'
Fiery Song
Kabkarn Bot Plaeng thi Paedpao
Echoes of Blazing Song
VietnameseHành Trình Lửa Và NhạcJourney of Fire and Music
GermanFlammende PfadeFlaming Paths
IndonesianJalan yang MembaraThe Burning Road
PortugueseCaminhada Dançante Pelo Fogo ArdenteDancing Walk Through The Burning Fire
TurkishAlevli Yollar
ItalianScie infuocate
  1. 1.0 1.1 Chinese and Japanese: 踏歌 tàgē/踏歌 touka, lit. "tap dancing and singing" is a literary term for round dance.

Change History[]
