Blazin' Trails is an Event Quest during the Summertime Odyssey Event. It is the first quest of the third part.
- Rest until the following day (06:00–24:00)
- Talk to everyone
- Head to the island in the north
- Strike the strangely shaped plant
- Enter The Islands' Stirring Strings's Quest Domain: Blazin' Trails
- Talk to everyone
- Go to the brightly lit place
- Look for the key
- Open the door using the key
- Follow the path
- Approach the giant flower
- Clear the water veins that flow through the mountains
- Talk to everyone
- Clear the water veins that flow through the mountains
- Obtain Glacial Spring Water

Following Mona's divination result, the party heads to another island. There, you see a strangely shaped plant which looks like... some kind of musical instrument?
- (Approach the camp)
- Paimon: Get up, lazybones! The sun's so high, it's right in your eyes!
Paimon, it's fine, I sleep with my eyes closed.
- Paimon: Yeah, that's why you couldn't see that the sun's in your eyes!
- TravelerTraveler)? Kaedehara Kazuha: I trust you slept well, (
Well enough.
I slept great!
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Sounds like the same story for everyone. I got up first today, so I took a walk around and picked some fruits for our breakfast.
- Paimon: And Paimon's been waiting for you to get up so she can finally dig in!
- You all enjoy breakfast together and get chatting...
- Paimon: Huh? Fischl left first thing in the morning?
- Xinyan: Yeah, she seemed unwilling to stay with us. She said she had some other work to do for the Adventurers' Guild.
- Paimon: A likely story! What happened to coming here to restore the glory of the Immernachtreich? Now she has Guild work to do all of a sudden?
Alright, Paimon, keep it together...
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Judging by that look on her face... there was probably something on her mind.
- Xinyan: We tried sending Mona to comfort her, like before... but she said Mona doesn't understand the work of the Adventurers' Guild, and can't go with her.
- Paimon: She didn't even make up some excuse about the Immernachtreich to get some time alone? That's out of character for her.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Then she must be feeling quite troubled.
- Mona: I'd love to help her as a friend... but she was right about one thing. We're going to explore another island today.
Oh? Is that so?
- Paimon: Yup, votes are in, it's unanimous.
But I wasn't there for the vote!
- Xinyan: Oh, yeah, about that... Paimon went ahead and voted for you. She said since you're always together, her opinion counts as yours, and vice versa.
- Paimon: Hehe, well, you are an adventurer, after all. Paimon knew you'd wanna go exploring!
- (TravelerTraveler): (Aah, Paimon... well, guess it's happening now...)
- Mona: Fischl said there's something she wants to investigate, and suggested that we all go ahead in the meantime. She told me not to worry, she'll catch up with us when she's done.
- Mona: Despite her... quirks, she's still an experienced adventurer. I think we should trust her.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: I haven't known her for long, so this is just an observation, but... it seems like she's struggling with some internal conflict.
- Paimon: Hmm, that seems about right...
- Kaedehara Kazuha: In conflict with others, you either resolve it or let it be. But when the conflict is within yourself, it's much harder to do either.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: ...I've also had a time like that in my life, so I understand what she's going through. It may be best to give her some space.
- Xinyan: I agree. Still, it's a pity for today's adventure. Adventuring is always more fun when everyone's together.
- Paimon: Xinyan always has great team spirit...
- TravelerTraveler). Xinyan: Oh, one other thing. This morning, we saw a mirage on the island in the north. We can go take a look once you're done with your breakfast, (
- (Approach the marked area)
- Paimon: This island looks pretty normal.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: ...I smell something burning on the wind.
- Mona: Ugh... my scryglass is getting clearer, but I still can't see much...
- Xinyan: Hey, look what I found!
- Xinyan: It's a... well, is it a drum, or a plant?
- Kaedehara Kazuha: An instrument made of a plant? Hmm...
- Mona: Xinyan, do you think this could be your island?
- Xinyan: Oh, you mean this instrument could have been put here just for me? Okay, let me give it a try...
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Hold on. When I touched the rock garden in the bonsai yesterday, we were all transported to another space. Xinyan, do you want to take some time first to get ready?
- Xinyan: You're right, but it's all good. I'm always ready to make some music!
- (On entering the domain)
- Paimon: *cough* *cough* Paimon just got a mouthful of dirt...
- Xinyan: Paimon, are you okay?
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Just as we thought... we've been sent to another place.
- Mona: Why does this place feel so bleak? ...Xinyan, are you sure this is your mirage?
- Xinyan: I think so, yeah, but... you're right, why is it so bleak here?
- Paimon: Look, there's something really bright over there. It's almost like it's inviting us to go check it out.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Okay, let's go have a look.
- Paimon: Wait, wait, wait! This is too obvious. Surely it's gotta be a trap?
- Mona: That may well be, but there's also nowhere else for us to go.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: If this mirage belongs to Xinyan, I don't think we will find any traps there.
- Xinyan: Now you're talking! You know that wouldn't be my style.
- Paimon: Hmm, that makes sense. Alright, let's go then, but let's also make sure to be careful.
- (Approach the marked area)
- Mona: The door is locked.
Mona, do that thing where you turn into water, and slide under!
- Mona: Keep your nonsense to yourself, thank you very much.
Kazuha, lift yourself into the air and jump over it!
- Kaedehara Kazuha: ...Let's keep thinking this through.
- Paimon: Xinyan, why did you lock the door?
- Xinyan: You'd think I'd know this... Haha...
- Xinyan: Oh, actually... I usually put my key under the flower pot next to the door. So... maybe the key is nearby.
- Paimon: Oh! Is there a flower pot around here?
There are no pots, but there is... a flower.
- Xinyan: I guess it's worth a shot.
- (After activating the Melodic Harp)
- Paimon: Uh, I hear music.
- Xinyan: This place really is dedicated to music.
- (After opening the chest)
- Paimon: Wow, so we did get the key from the plant! The puzzles in Xinyan's mirage seem way easier than Kazuha's.
- Xinyan: Well, his life experiences are far richer than mine.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Haha, you flatter me.
- (Approach the giant flower)
- Paimon: Wow, that flower is huuuge!
- Mona: It's so hot here... is it because of that flower?
- Blazing Heart: Heck yeah, I wasn't expecting visitors.
- Paimon: Aaaah!!! It talks!
So did the squirrel from yesterday.
So did the boat from yesterday.
- Paimon: Paimon knows! But this is different!
- Xinyan: Hi, we touched those drum-like plants growing on the beach outside, and were transported here. Are you the owner of this place?
- Blazing Heart: This is the hall of music, and I'm merely its gatekeeper. Tell me, my friends, are you here to pursue the ultimate expression of music?
- Xinyan: Ohh, you betcha!
- Blazing Heart: Then tell me, what do you hope to express with music?
- Xinyan: The spirit of resistance!
- Blazing Heart: Right on, great answer! I'm so glad to hear that. I consider myself very lucky to meet another musician with the same ideals.
- Paimon: Even giant flowers get along well with Xinyan...
- Mona: People who are easy to get along with make friends wherever they go.
- Blazing Heart: If you've made it this far, you must wish to venture deeper into the hall of music. However, I must apologize. My singing voice is required for entry, but unfortunately my pipes are a little dry...
- Xinyan: Are you alright? Do you need... uh, some cold medicine or something?
- Blazing Heart: It's just that I haven't had any Glacial Spring Water in a very long time. If I could drink some of that, my voice would be rocked and loaded, and ready to clear your path.
- Xinyan: Glacial Spring Water?
- Blazing Heart: Yeah. With one sip of that, anyone could sing the most beautiful song, no matter if they were a weary adult, a sleepy bird, or even an ignorant child...
- Xinyan: ...
- Xinyan: Okay, I'll find some for ya. Where is this spring?
- Blazing Heart: Thanks, you're the best! Well, spring water helps plants grow up strong so that they can scale the mountains that lie in their way... so, I imagine the spring can be found somewhere on the mountain range protected by plants.
- Paimon: You mean we have to go hiking? Oh, Paimon thought some seawater would be enough.
- Mona: Spring water and seawater could not be more dissimilar.
- Blazing Heart: Oh, but you may need my powers in order to see the spring. Give me your hand, friend, so that you can see through my eyes.
- Xinyan: Thanks! You shook my hand — guess that makes this friendship official!
- (A scene transition)
- Paimon: Oh, we're out!
- Xinyan: It's much brighter here. I didn't mind that hot cave, though.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Glacial Spring Water can be found on one of the mountains around here. Let's all look for it.
- Mona: Wait, how can there be light coming from below the ground here? Is this... a water vein?
- Xinyan: According to that flower, the water vein is related to the plants, and the plants will lead us to that spring. So I guess we should follow the water veins.

Following Mona's divination result, the party heads to another island. There, you are greeted by the sight of various strangely shaped plants that look like musical instruments when seen from afar — so, this is Xinyan's mirage.
- (Approaching the water source)
- Xinyan: The flow of water is blocked here.
- Paimon: Is it because of that pile of rocks? Let's remove them!
- (After destroying the first pile of rocks)
- Paimon: Done!
- (After destroying the second pile of rocks)
- (Open A Seemingly Waterproof Note)
- A Seemingly Waterproof Note
- This series of islands is the most unique area I have encountered on this trip. It seems ostensibly ordinary, but the various mountains here have been hollowed out such that changes in their internal water levels will cause them to resound.
- At the same time, the waters that crisscross the mountains are linked. At high tide, the mountains will play a preset tune together as they resonate as one.
- I have never encountered the use of mountains, let alone an entire island chain, as a musical instrument of titanic proportions. The designer of this setup must have had great ingenuity, but also a pair of immensely skilled hands.
- I stayed here for a while longer to closely observe and record the geography and design of these mountains, while listening to the music that they make at various times of the day.
- The great creativity of their creator in blending nature and artistry together so perfectly leaves me, frankly, in awe.
- Good designs should never be lost, and so I have left these notes for any who should come by after me.
- If you, too, have come to this place, rest awhile on the mountaintops and let the tides make music for you.
- It is no easy undertaking to make nature itself lie beside you and sing to you. Indeed, it is an epoch-making deed.
- I hope that you, too, will get to enjoy this sight.
- P.S.: This sheet of paper has been alchemically treated to be water- and fire-proof. Do not worry about the veracity of these notes. Just enjoy the music and the scenery.
- Albedo
Kaedehara Kazuha: Everyone, I found a note here.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Oh, so that's how it is. What an interesting island.
- Paimon: Look at this style and signature... it's from Albedo! He's one of our friends from Mondstadt.
- Paimon: He's an amazing alchemist who's visited this island before. He left this note here for future adventurers.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Oh? So it's him.
- Xinyan: He's saying this whole island has been turned into an instrument!? Amazing...
- Paimon: And the underground water veins play an important part too... Oh, maybe we need to clear all the water veins to "play" this island.
- Xinyan: Clean your instrument before the performance! Makes a lot of sense.
- (Approaching the water source)
- Paimon: These plants look a lot like the ones we saw in the cave.
- (Interact with the pond)
- Paimon: This should be the Glacial Spring Water we're looking for.
- Mona: So if you drink this, you can suddenly sing like an angel?
- Kaedehara Kazuha: You should give it a try, if you're curious.
- Mona: No no no, I'm terrible at singing... it would be extremely embarrassing if it didn't work.
- Xinyan: Haha, Mona, I actually think you've got a sweet voice that's well-suited for singing! If you're interested, I can teach you a few things about vocals once we get back to camp.
- Mona: Really? I—I'd love to, but you'd have to promise you won't laugh at me.
- Xinyan: Of course not! Everyone's gotta start somewhere, right?
- Mona: R—Right... then maybe I can give it a try.
- Xinyan: Great! But before that, we should deliver the spring water to that flower.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Well, to re-enter the mirage, we just need to touch the drum on the beach again.
Video Guides[]
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Blazin' Trails | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 烈火踏歌行 Lièhuǒ Tàgē-xíng | Blazing Trails of Round Dance[• 1] |
Chinese (Traditional) | 烈火踏歌行 Lièhuǒ Tàgē-xíng | |
Japanese | 烈炎踏歌行 Retsuen Touka-kou[!][!] | Blazing Trails of Round Dance[※][※][• 1] |
Korean | 뜨거운 노래의 길 Tteugeoun Norae-ui Gil | Passionate Road of Songs |
Spanish | Canción ardiente | Blazing Song |
French | Chanson endiablée | Wild Song |
Russian | Пламенная песнь Plamennaya pesn' | Fiery Song |
Thai | ขับขานบทเพลงที่แผดเผา Kabkarn Bot Plaeng thi Paedpao | Echoes of Blazing Song |
Vietnamese | Hành Trình Lửa Và Nhạc | Journey of Fire and Music |
German | Flammende Pfade | Flaming Paths |
Indonesian | Jalan yang Membara | The Burning Road |
Portuguese | Caminhada Dançante Pelo Fogo Ardente | Dancing Walk Through The Burning Fire |
Turkish | Alevli Yollar | |
Italian | Scie infuocate |
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Chinese and Japanese: 踏歌 tàgē/踏歌 touka, lit. "tap dancing and singing" is a literary term for round dance.
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.8