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Blazin' Trails is the third act of the Summertime Odyssey event.



The following day, Xinyan and the others decide to head to the Broken Isle; however, Fischl has made up an excuse not to join them. When they get there, Xinyan spots a drum-like instrument covered in vines and touches it, which transports everyone to an underground domain. They eventually meet a massive flower known as Blazing Heart, who tells the group that they will need to bring it Glacial Spring Water to open the path before they can proceed any further. While following a water vein, the group finds a note left by Albedo, which claims that the island is actually a giant musical instrument. The group draws water from the spring and sprinkles it on Blazing Heart, which revitalizes it and opens the path to the hall of music.

Much like in Kazuha's mirage, the mirage in the hall of music touches on many parts of Xinyan's past: Xinyan's own mother had not supported her dreams of becoming a singer, telling her that birds were only capable of singing because they drank spring water from the mountains. As Xinyan grew older, she faced more pushback from her family and other Liyue residents, who disapproved of her music. Mona, Kazuha, and Paimon are angered on Xinyan's behalf; however, she tells them that she has grown a thick skin from all the criticism, learning how to solve her problems without anger or conflict. After going through some memories, the group stop for lunch by Xinyan's house, which is also located in the mirage. Inside, Xinyan finds that the mirage had conjured Xiangling and Yun Jin from her memories, who had come to throw her a surprise birthday party. Xinyan makes a birthday wish — "to perform with someone completely unexpected" – which transports everyone out of the mirage.

The group decides to clear the blockages in the water veins to connect the islands and reform the giant instrument described in Albedo's notes. The group speaks to another flower, Frozen Soul. who allows them to use its power to dredge the mountains on the island. With this, they restore the water levels on the island, bringing music back to the isle and allowing Xinyan to fulfill her wish. She performs a special song, paying respect to the musician who transformed the island into an instrument in the past. Soon after, Mona reveals that, like Kazuha and the Traveler, she was aware of the Fatui presence on the Archipelago and had also already warned Fischl. The group heads to the island to the north, but finds the Fatui camp completely empty and the strange machine abandoned. Mona performs a divination and finds an energy flow leading to Twinning Isle.

There, they run into Fischl, whose odd behavior causes everyone to be concerned for her. Nonetheless, Mona insists on waiting for Fischl's mirage to appear so they can get to the bottom of the matter.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
51Phantasm SuiteThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 2As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared (Part 3) (cutscene), Blazin' Trails (Part 3) (cutscene), Immernachtreich Apokalypse (Part 3) (cutscene), The Ancient Azure Stars (Part 3) (cutscene)
14Happy JourneyThe Wind and The Star TravelerLittle Chef on a Hunt, Secret Ingredient, Master's Day Off (Quest), Across the Sea, The Shadows Deepen, Blazin' Trails (Part 2), Congenial Gathering (Quest)
Locations, Domains, Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBlazin' Trails
Lièhuǒ Tàgē-xíng
Blazing Trails of Round Dance[• 1]
Lièhuǒ Tàgē-xíng
Retsuen Touka-kou‍[!][!]
Blazing Trails of Round Dance‍[※][※][• 1]
Korean뜨거운 노래의
Tteugeoun Norae-ui Gil
Passionate Road of Songs
SpanishCanción ardienteBlazing Song
FrenchChanson endiabléeWild Song
RussianПламенная песнь
Plamennaya pesn'
Fiery Song
Kabkarn Bot Plaeng thi Paedpao
Echoes of Blazing Song
VietnameseHành Trình Lửa Và NhạcJourney of Fire and Music
GermanFlammende PfadeFlaming Paths
IndonesianJalan yang MembaraThe Burning Road
PortugueseCaminhada Dançante Pelo Fogo ArdenteDancing Walk Through The Burning Fire
TurkishAlevli Yollar
ItalianScie infuocate
  1. 1.0 1.1 Chinese and Japanese: 踏歌 tàgē/踏歌 touka, lit. "tap dancing and singing" is a literary term for round dance.

Change History[]
