Genshin Impact Wiki
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Genshin Impact Wiki


 This is your team? Cool... I like the vibe. I'm Bennett, leader of Benny's Adventure Team. Any chance we can team up? Please?
Chat: Treasures
 Let's go find some treasure!
Chat: Adventures
 No one's joined me on an adventure in ages. C'mon, let's go!
Chat: Self-Deprecation
 "Good things come to those who don't wait around!" That's what they say, anyway. Knowing my luck, the opposite is probably true for me...
When It Rains
 It always rains when I go on an adventure.
When Thunder Strikes
 Don't stand too close to me, or you might get hit by lightning too.
When the Sun Is Out
 Weather's not bad today... Oh crud, I jinxed it! Now it's bound to rain.
When the Wind Is Blowing
 Careful! In this kind of wind, it's easy to get hit in the head by flying rocks.
Good Morning
 Morning! Where's the adventure at today?
Good Afternoon
 I brought a sandwich. You want some? I'll give you hal- *choking* *spluttering* ...Phew. Sorry, nearly choked to death there!
Good Evening
 Hey, wanna go talk to my dads for a bit? They tell the best adventure stories!
Good Night
 You're headed off? Cool. It was awesome adventuring with you. We should totally do it again!
About Bennett: Adventure Team
 I'm the leader of Benny's Adventure Team — a rising star in the Mondstadt Adventurers' Guild! ...Where are the others? Ah, haha, they're all on leave right now.
About Bennett: Bad Luck
 Eh, it's not as bad as you've heard! Everyone falls into a trapper's pit or gets hit on the head by a falling tree now and then, right?
About Us: Teammates
 Hahaha, you wish! Benny's Adventure Team has had no vacancies in ages... I mean, you must be spoiled for choice, right? Why'd you wanna join the unluckiest adventurer alive, anyway?
About Us: Division of Labor
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 6
 From now on, I'll distract the monsters and set off the traps while you grab the treasure. Sound good? ...You don't like it? Oh — don't worry about me getting injured! It's what I'm best at... And for you, it would be my pleasure!
About Us: Dangerous Places
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 6
 I think I get why you teamed up with me now. It's 'cause we're the same, you and I — we both like that adrenaline rush you get from being in dangerous situations. That's what makes adventuring so addictive!
About the Vision
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 Getting recognized by the gods was the last thing I expected, seeing as how I'm so unlucky all the time. But if the gods haven't given up on me, I guess that means I shouldn't give up on me either.
Something to Share
 Do you wanna come and see the view of Mondstadt from above some time? It's real pretty at night, when the city's all lit up and you can see the moon reflected on Cider Lake... Huh? From where? Haha, well, there was this one time when I got picked up by a tornado and ended up on this cliff way up high— Not interested? Oh, okay then, never mind.
Interesting Things
 I actually quite like cabbage. It's not much to look at, but you can't imagine a world without it. You can grow it anywhere, it goes with everything, and the flavor never gets in the way. I dunno, there's something... nice about being ordinary.
About Barbara
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 She's the best singer and dancer out there! I always go to watch her in concert after an adventure goes south — it really lifts my mood, chanting along with all the other fans, cheering her on. It's really kinda magical! It's no wonder she's so popular... Boy, if I had even half her popularity as leader of my adventure team...
About Klee
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 She's a cute kid... but I have to keep my distance. Whenever she plays with me, her bombs always end up going off... It's not so much me I'm worried about, it would just be awful if something happened to Klee. The Knights of Favonius would never forgive me, that's for sure.
About Fischl
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 Oh yeah, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung from the world beyond! She's amazing. I keep asking her if we can go adventuring in her home world together, but each time I bring it up she sort of avoids the topic... She's probably just worried about my safety. Her home world sounds like a dangerous place, for sure.
About Jean
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 I keep meaning to ask Master Jean for some help with the Mondstadt Adventurers' Guild, but I don't know how to go about it. The Guild doesn't have as many rules and regulations as the Knights of Favonius, the dads and I are pretty laid back about everything. Pretty sure that attitude wouldn't fly with Jean though... I guess I should read up on the Knights' etiquette or something?
About Varka
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 He's my role model! Talk about team leaders — he's the Grand Master! Leads the whole darn Knights of Favonius! How incredible do you have to be to do that!? Recently, though, I've been thinking that having a smaller Adventure Team isn't such a bad thing after all. I mean, if things got too busy in the team, I'd have no time to look after all my dads in the guild, would I? Yeah... Yeah, things are fine the way they are.
(Actual Voice-Over: He's my role model! Talk about team leaders — he's the Grand Master! Leads the whole darn Knights of Favonius! How incredible do you have to be to do that!? Recently, though, I've been thinking that having a smaller Adventure Team isn't such a bad thing after all. I mean, if things got too busy in the team, I'd have no time to look after my dads in the guild, would I? Yeah... Yeah, things are fine the way they are.)
About Razor
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 Wolvendom guy! Looks a little on the feral side... doesn't talk much... but he's alright! We both love eating meat, so we got that in common. I sometimes cook some meat for him, and he teaches me how wolves communicate in return. Haha! You should join us next time!
About Amber
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 Oh, I know who you mean. The girl who's always charging around all over the place. She's always off adventuring in the wild, just like me... But if you ever see her near a cooking pot, you'll soon find a cloud of thick black smoke blowing in your direction, followed by the smell of burnt steak... Huh, maybe she was born unlucky too?
About Noelle
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 Noelle's someone I've been watching for a while. She's really talented, and extremely hardworking. But somehow she's still a maid — the Knights of Favonius still haven't made her a knight. It's a shame, don't you think? Boy, if she switched to the Adventurers' Guild, she'd easily be one of the best there is.
More About Bennett: I
 Oh... you wanna know about me? Haha, I'm just your average adventurer. 'Cept I'm more unlucky than average. Anyway, I'm nothing compared to you — you're the star of all those legendary tales. What do I got to show for myself?
More About Bennett: II
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 3
 "The dads..." That's how I refer to all the older adventurers in Mondstadt. Apparently, I was an orphan kid that they rescued from the most perilous situation ever. How cool is that? I have such terrible luck all the time, and yet I was rescued against the odds and survived all this time. It's a miracle if you ask me.
More About Bennett: III
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 You've, uh, noticed then... Heh. Yeah, Benny's Adventure Team has been me on my own for a long time now. Reason is, I have such bad luck that even the most benign of adventures end up turning into the adventure from hell, and no one wants to come with me... Do you feel the same way?
More About Bennett: IV
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 5
 I was born unlucky. That's just the way it is, and I've lived with it so long now that I'm just used to it. But you know what? Maybe it's a good thing. It means I know that whatever luck I do have left is gonna run out sooner rather than later... so I'd better make the most of my life while it lasts. You know, go on plenty of adventures, meet loads of people... I mean, if I didn't live like that, I may never have even met you! Can you imagine? Haha!
More About Bennett: V
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 6
 Time flies! We've been a team for a while now, haven't we? Anyway, I have a dream I wanna tell you about. Once the Mondstadt Adventurers' Guild becomes the biggest branch in Teyvat, I wanna go adventuring all over the whole world! Benny's Adventure Team will be the greatest adventure team there ever was, because you and me are the greatest adventurers! ..."Since when?" Uh... I don't remember exactly when you signed onto Benny's Adventure Team. But whatever, it's just details, right?
Bennett's Hobbies
 I like all kinds of things, but most of all, I like adventures! One day I'm gonna find the most valuable treasure in the whole world, and then my dads can have a better life... and the Mondstadt Adventurers' Guild will be back in business!
Bennett's Troubles
 Hmm... Well, if you really wanna know... When I have a bad day, I feel a bit glum. Like, it sucks when I come back empty-handed from an adventure, or when one of my dads' old injuries start acting up. But... they're just small things, really. After a good night's sleep I forget all about them. New day, new start! Haha!
Favorite Food
 Meat! Meat is the best sustenance there is. Chicken-Mushroom Skewers, Steaks, and Sweet Madames are all my specialties. You won't go hungry if you come adventuring with me, that's for sure!
Least Favorite Food
 You can't really afford to be picky as an adventurer. That said, I can't really handle spicy food. I find it hard to breathe after eating Jueyun Chilis, like the spice went right into my lungs. And there's no avoiding the diarrhea afterward... It's the devil's fruit, I say. Who knows where it came from?
Receiving a Gift: I
 Whoa, lucky me! Haha... Oh wait! Does that mean I just used all of my good luck for today...?
Receiving a Gift: II
 Literally everything you cook ends up tasting amazing. Hehe, you're awesome!
Receiving a Gift: III
 Oh no... my stomach hurts...
 Happy birthday! Best of luck in the year ahead. Don't worry, bad luck isn't contagious! As long as I'm around, it'll be drawn to me and not you, so you're safe.
Feelings About Ascension: Intro
Icon Character Ascension Unlocked Ascension Phase 1
 I feel stronger in every sense! Just as unlucky as ever, though. Hehe.
Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
Icon Character Ascension Unlocked Ascension Phase 2
 I'm catching up with you, Traveler! One step at a time.
Feelings About Ascension: Climax
Icon Character Ascension Unlocked Ascension Phase 4
 Wow, check out all this power! How can I repay you, though? Hmm... Oh yeah! I know this Domain where there's a priceless treasure hidden somewhere inside! Let's go hit it up!
Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
Icon Character Ascension Unlocked Ascension Phase 6
 Thanks to your help, I should finally be able to keep everyone safe now. Hopefully, people's opinions of me will start to change. Once the unluckiest guy alive, with a million cuts and bruises to show it. Now, a dependable adventurer at long last! ...Heh, well, I—I can hope.


Elemental Skill
 (Press) Hah!
 (Press) Let's light it up!
 (Hold Level 1) Get outta here!
 (Hold Level 1) Haah!
 (Hold Level 2) Take cover!
 (Hold Level 2) Outta the way!
Elemental Burst
 Everybody stand back!
 I'm going in!
 Teamwork is dreamwork!
Sprint Start
 Adventure time!
 Off we go!
Deploying Wind Glider
Opening Treasure Chest
 Now that's what I call treasure!
 Even better than I imagined! It's my lucky day!
 *chuckle* It's a miracle!
Low HP
 Shoot, I can't afford any more bandages...
 Don't worry. I got this.
 I always bounce back, just watch me...
Ally at Low HP
 You're in over your head! Lemme try!
 Hey, pick on someone your own size!
 Benny's Adventure Team... I have failed you...
 This is just my luck...
 Couldn't break... the curse...
Light Hit Taken
 Didn't see that coming.
Heavy Hit Taken
 That's gonna hurt in the morning...
 Why do they never miss?
Joining Party
 Y—You want me on your team?
 I won't hold you back! ...Much.
 Gonna be epic!
Character Idles
(Note: Chat & Weather voice-over can also be heard as idles.)
 (Not recorded in Profile)
(Actual Voice-Over: Benny's Adventure Team, assemble! ...Oh, or not.)
 (Not recorded in Profile)
(Actual Voice-Over: Oh, ow! Where did that come from?)
Light Attack
Mid Attack
Heavy Attack
Climbing Breath

