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Beatrice is an open-world NPC in the City of Mondstadt. She can be found at Quinn's fruit stall at the city's main gate during daytime (07:00–19:00).



Beatrice is Quinn's childhood friend. She is infatuated with him, but her somewhat bizarre way of flirting with him results in him never getting the hint while others, such as Rudolf, have.[3] She attempts to haggle for his fruit on account of their long history, which he always turns down in return because of the extremely low prices she sets: 3 apples for 1 Mora.

During Quinn's version of the Mondstadt Commission A Surprise Gift, he mentions how she grew extremely enthusiastic in figuring out a present for a "female friend" when he consulted her for advice. (The gift was really for Jilliana, at the request of her husband Rudolf.) Based on Rudolf's comments, this is a relatively common occurrence.


Beatrice is a woman with fair height. She has an average length of blonde hair, as most of the Mondstadters do. She has straight fringes and two pieces of hair curl near her shoulder. Her eyes are an emerald-green color.

She wears a collared shirt with blue ribbons, off-shouldered sleeves, short dark blue pants, a small brown hat. The bottom of her shirt has an intricate design with a blue-black triangle pattern, a small loose belt on it.

Quests and Events[]

Story Quests

Hangout Events



Idle Quotes[]

During daytime, Quinn and Beatrice also have unvoiced idle quotes that are identical to their dialogue, which play in the same order. Their ordinary idle quotes can also play in between those lines.

Icon Dialogue Idle Can't you go any lower?
Media:VO Beatrice 01.ogg "Can't you give me a better price?"
Icon Dialogue Idle We've known each other since we were kids...
Media:VO Beatrice 02.ogg "But we grew up together, after all!"
During Invitation of Windblume and Windblume's Breath events
Icon Dialogue Idle Unique-looking Sunsettias...
Media:VO Beatrice Invitation of Windblume 01.ogg "I swear! There really are some unique-looking Sunsettias around Cape Oath."
During Of Ballads and Brews event
Icon Dialogue Idle Don't go yet...
Media:VO Beatrice Of Ballads and Brews 01.ogg "Wait, don't go yet!"


Quinn: Fresh fruit only at Quinn's Fruit!
Beatrice: Quinn!
Quinn: Oh, it's you again. What will you have today?
Quinn: Just a reminder: No discounts!
Beatrice: Not even for a friend?
Quinn: I've said this before, and I'll say it again.
Quinn: No discounts on the goods, because they're worth the price!
Beatrice: Oh, come on!
Beatrice: What if I bring you lunch?
Quinn: No discounts. No matter what you say!
Beatrice: Please! Pretty please?

Event Dialogue[]

Invitation of Windblume and Windblume's Breath[]

Beatrice: I'm being serious, there really are heart-shaped Sunsettias around Cape Oath...
Quinn: Bea, your eyes must have been playing tricks on you. Sunsettias just don't grow into that shape. It's against the laws of nature.
Quinn: And even if they did exist, there's no way that they could be sweeter than the ones I'm already selling.
Beatrice: Well, why don't we just go over to Cape Oath to have a look? It won't take long...
Quinn: No. This has to do with my convictions! Using visual attraction to sell fruit is just a cheap trick. I would never do that.
Beatrice: ...Oh come on, why won't you just get it already...
Quinn: Hmm? Come again?
Beatrice: *cough* Uh, nothing... Come on, just consider it for a second!

Of Ballads and Brews[]

Beatrice: Quinn!
Quinn: ... It's you again, you're not gonna drag me into giving you another discount, are you?
Quinn: Before you saying anything, I'm way too busy for this Weinlesefest!
Beatrice: Even if you're busy, you shouldn't forget about me!
Beatrice: No matter fruit or fruit wine, for the sake of childhood friendship, can't you get me a discount?
Quinn: I've told you many times, the fruit is not on sale. And I'm just helping deliver fruit to the drink stands. How can you insist on a discount?
Beatrice: Come on, hook a sister up!
Beatrice: I know you love wine. I'll get some and share with you. Then I'll help you make some refreshments. Could you just give me a discount?
Quinn: No discounts. No matter what you say!


  • During Quinn's version of A Surprise Gift, Beatrice cannot be interacted with due to her conversation partner, Quinn, being involved in the commission. This is also the only time she acknowledges the player's presence (turning her head towards the character on the field), as she is usually too busy talking to Quinn to notice you.
  • Beatrice shares her English voice actor with Kamisato Ayaka.


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]


  1. YouTube: EN VA Self Announcement (Timestamp: 37m 5s)
  2. Amuleto: JP VA's Profile
  3. Point of Interest, Cat's Tail Message Board: Beatrice's Message