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Bantan Sango Case File: The Truth (Just About) Comes to Light is the third quest of the Bantan Sango Case Files: The Warrior Dog Event.


  1. Wait until the following day (06:00 – 18:00)
  2. Go to Bantan Sango Detective Agency
  3. Go to the investigation site and perform the rescue (0/2)
    • (Place of Interest: Den of Thieves) Save the small animals (0/2)
    • (Place of Interest: Hiding Spot) Small animals saved: (0/3)
  4. Report back to Ryuuji

Gameplay Notes[]


UI Quest Quest Description

Ryuuji seems to have gotten further leads and must investigate once more...
(Talk to Ryuuji)
Ryuuji: Oh, you're right on cue.
Ryuuji: I just finished scouting out several suspicious spots.
Ryuuji: One of those encampments is guarded by the "Top"...
Ryuuji: Ahem. I mean, by "Black Shadow." If you've got no other questions...
Icon Dialogue Talk As for yesterday's investigations...
Ryuuji: As for that, I don't know anything at the moment.
Paimon: Eh!? Didn't Sango get you to go investigate?
Ryuuji: She did, yes, but... How should I put it?
Ryuuji: For example, "some overripe Lavender Melons" and "muddy hand-prints on a door" don't connect meaningfully in my mind.
Ryuuji: But for Sango, these are the materials she needs to unlock mysteries as complex as "yosegizaiku."
Paimon: "Some overripe Lavender Melons" and "muddy hand-prints on a door"... How are these related, actually?
Ryuuji: I'm just using an analogy. At her direction, I investigated some locations in Yashiori Island and Chinju Forest before reporting what I had seen back to her.
Ryuuji: As for any conclusions she might have drawn from my reports, only she knows what they are.
Ryuuji: To be honest, only Shikanoin is able to keep up with her train of thought...
Icon Dialogue Talk Shikanoin?
Ryuuji: Someone from the Tenryou Commission. We had the privilege of making his acquaintance on a previous case.
Ryuuji: He's a rather... unique character. You'll know what I mean should you ever meet him.
Ryuuji: Well then. The animals are in your hands.
Paimon: Paimon's still thinking about those "overripe Lavender Melons"...
(Talk to Ryuuji again)
Ryuuji: I will continue to investigate "Black Shadow." The matter of the small animals is yours to resolve.
(Talk to Sango)
Sango: Don't worry, I've already made some initial deductions. Ryuuji will continue to investigate "Black Shadow," while you will focus on rescuing those animals.

(Approach Place of Interest: Den of Thieves)
Paimon: It's these incorrigible guys again!
Paimon: Let's teach them a lesson, (TravelerTraveler)!
(After rescuing the animals)
Paimon: Well, that should be the little animals now. Hmph! These baddies had better spend some time thinking about what they've done!

(Approach Place of Interest: Hiding Spot)
Paimon: Its [sic] the Black Shadow...
Paimon: We've gotta make sure it doesn't see us, (TravelerTraveler)!
(After freeing the animals)
Paimon: Woohoo! That should be all the animals in this area.

(After rescuing all animals in both places)
Paimon: We've gone to all the places that Ryuuji marked out. Let's head back to the Bantan Sango Detective Agency and look for him there!

(Talk to Ryuuji)
You recount the events to Ryuuji...
Ryuuji: Ah. Wonderful! This should be all of them now...
Ryuuji: ...Wait. Why *isn't* it all of them?
Paimon: Uh-oh... Why does Paimon feel like this is just dragging out?
Ryuuji: It is true that resolving cases sometimes requires a great deal of patience. Going the wrong way could end with you finding nothing at all.
Ryuuji: We have found a great deal of these little animals, so we are at least headed in the right direction.
Ryuuji: We might just have missed a few clues along the way or left a few locations un-searched, thus leading to our current impasse. It will be a temporary one, I believe.
Paimon: Ooh, Paimon gets it! You're saying that we'll need a bit of boom shaka-laka to finally clear this up!
Ryuuji: Mm, yes, you could say that we are presently boom shaka-lacking. But not by much, I would say — we have been making great progress thanks to the two of you.
Icon Dialogue Talk (He... actually understood you, Paimon.)
Icon Dialogue Talk (It feels like he already understands you pretty well, Paimon...)
Paimon: That makes a ton of sense, Ryuuji!
Ryuuji: You flatter me. This is merely experience talking.
Ryuuji: The further down the truth is buried, the more value there is in uncovering it.
Ryuuji: It's just a shame that we don't have any additional information at the moment. Hmm...
Ryuuji: I suppose I'll simply report our present status to Sango.
Ryuuji: She should be able to consider some angles that haven't come to mind yet.
Paimon: Sure! Paimon has faith in your good sense, after all!
Ryuuji: Then it's decided. Let's meet at the usual place once more clues emerge.
Ryuuji: If I am otherwise occupied at the time, you can just look for Sango directly.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBantan Sango Case File: The Truth (Just About) Comes to Light
Wànduān Shānhú Shìjiàn-bù ・ shāo qiàn língguāng
Bantan Sango Case File: Just Needs a Bit More Enlightenment
Wànduān Shānhú Shìjiàn-bù ・ shāo qiàn língguāng
Bantan Sango Jikenbo - Shinjitsu made Ato Ippo
Bantan Sango Case File: One Step Closer to the Truth
Korean만능 산고 사건부・떠오르지 않는 실마리
Manneung Sango Sageonbu - Tteooreuji Anneun Silmari
Bantan Sango Case Files - Evading Clue
SpanishExpediente Sango: la verdad a punto de revelarseSango File: The Truth About To Be Revealed
FrenchL'affaire du Bantan Sango : La vérité sur le point d'éclaterBantan Sango Case: The Truth About to Come Out
RussianДело Бантан Санго: Истина (почти) становится явью
Delo Bantan Sango: Istina (pochti) stanovitsya yav'yu
Bantan Sango Case: Truth (Almost) Came to Light
Thaiแฟ้มคดีของ Bantan Sango - แสงสว่างอันเลือนราง
VietnameseHồ Sơ Bantan Sango - Gần Chạm Ánh Sáng
GermanFallakte Bantan Sango: Die Wahrheit kommt ans LichtCase File Bantan Sango: The Truth Comes to Light
IndonesianBerkas Kasus Bantan Sango: Kebenaran (Hampir) TerungkapBantan Sango Case File: The Truth (Almost) Exposed
PortugueseDossiê de Bantan Sango: A Verdade (Quase Que) Está Vindo à Tona

Change History[]
