Bantan Sango Case File: The Truth (Just About) Comes to Light is the third quest of the Bantan Sango Case Files: The Warrior Dog Event.
- Wait until the following day (06:00 – 18:00)
- Go to Bantan Sango Detective Agency
- Go to the investigation site and perform the rescue (0/2)
- (Place of Interest: Den of Thieves) Save the small animals (0/2)
- (Place of Interest: Hiding Spot) Small animals saved: (0/3)
- Report back to Ryuuji
Gameplay Notes[]
- The Place of Interest: Hiding Spot and Place of Interest: Den of Thieves can be done in either order.
- To unlock the cage in Place of Interest: Den of Thieves, 2 waves of opponents need to be defeated
- Wave 1:
- Wave 2:
- (Talk to Ryuuji)
- Ryuuji: Oh, you're right on cue.
- Ryuuji: I just finished scouting out several suspicious spots.
- Ryuuji: One of those encampments is guarded by the "Top"...
- Ryuuji: Ahem. I mean, by "Black Shadow." If you've got no other questions...
As for yesterday's investigations...
- Ryuuji: As for that, I don't know anything at the moment.
- Paimon: Eh!? Didn't Sango get you to go investigate?
- Ryuuji: She did, yes, but... How should I put it?
- Ryuuji: For example, "some overripe Lavender Melons" and "muddy hand-prints on a door" don't connect meaningfully in my mind.
- Ryuuji: But for Sango, these are the materials she needs to unlock mysteries as complex as "yosegizaiku."
- Paimon: "Some overripe Lavender Melons" and "muddy hand-prints on a door"... How are these related, actually?
- Ryuuji: I'm just using an analogy. At her direction, I investigated some locations in Yashiori Island and Chinju Forest before reporting what I had seen back to her.
- Ryuuji: As for any conclusions she might have drawn from my reports, only she knows what they are.
- Ryuuji: To be honest, only Shikanoin is able to keep up with her train of thought...
- Ryuuji: Someone from the Tenryou Commission. We had the privilege of making his acquaintance on a previous case.
- Ryuuji: He's a rather... unique character. You'll know what I mean should you ever meet him.
- Ryuuji: Well then. The animals are in your hands.
- Paimon: Paimon's still thinking about those "overripe Lavender Melons"...
- (Talk to Ryuuji again)
- Ryuuji: I will continue to investigate "Black Shadow." The matter of the small animals is yours to resolve.
- (Talk to Sango)
- Sango: Don't worry, I've already made some initial deductions. Ryuuji will continue to investigate "Black Shadow," while you will focus on rescuing those animals.
- (Approach Place of Interest: Den of Thieves)
- Paimon: It's these incorrigible guys again!
- Paimon: Let's teach them a lesson, (TravelerTraveler)!
- (After rescuing the animals)
- Paimon: Well, that should be the little animals now. Hmph! These baddies had better spend some time thinking about what they've done!
- (Approach Place of Interest: Hiding Spot)
- Paimon: Its [sic] the Black Shadow...
- Paimon: We've gotta make sure it doesn't see us, (TravelerTraveler)!
- (After freeing the animals)
- Paimon: Woohoo! That should be all the animals in this area.
- (After rescuing all animals in both places)
- Paimon: We've gone to all the places that Ryuuji marked out. Let's head back to the Bantan Sango Detective Agency and look for him there!
- (Talk to Ryuuji)
- You recount the events to Ryuuji...
- Ryuuji: Ah. Wonderful! This should be all of them now...
- Ryuuji: ...Wait. Why *isn't* it all of them?
- Paimon: Uh-oh... Why does Paimon feel like this is just dragging out?
- Ryuuji: It is true that resolving cases sometimes requires a great deal of patience. Going the wrong way could end with you finding nothing at all.
- Ryuuji: We have found a great deal of these little animals, so we are at least headed in the right direction.
- Ryuuji: We might just have missed a few clues along the way or left a few locations un-searched, thus leading to our current impasse. It will be a temporary one, I believe.
- Paimon: Ooh, Paimon gets it! You're saying that we'll need a bit of boom shaka-laka to finally clear this up!
- Ryuuji: Mm, yes, you could say that we are presently boom shaka-lacking. But not by much, I would say — we have been making great progress thanks to the two of you.
(He... actually understood you, Paimon.)
(It feels like he already understands you pretty well, Paimon...)
- Paimon: That makes a ton of sense, Ryuuji!
- Ryuuji: You flatter me. This is merely experience talking.
- Ryuuji: The further down the truth is buried, the more value there is in uncovering it.
- Ryuuji: It's just a shame that we don't have any additional information at the moment. Hmm...
- Ryuuji: I suppose I'll simply report our present status to Sango.
- Ryuuji: She should be able to consider some angles that haven't come to mind yet.
- Paimon: Sure! Paimon has faith in your good sense, after all!
- Ryuuji: Then it's decided. Let's meet at the usual place once more clues emerge.
- Ryuuji: If I am otherwise occupied at the time, you can just look for Sango directly.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Bantan Sango Case File: The Truth (Just About) Comes to Light | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 万端珊瑚事件簿・稍欠灵光 Wànduān Shānhú Shìjiàn-bù ・ shāo qiàn língguāng | Bantan Sango Case File: Just Needs a Bit More Enlightenment |
Chinese (Traditional) | 萬端珊瑚事件簿・稍欠靈光 Wànduān Shānhú Shìjiàn-bù ・ shāo qiàn língguāng | |
Japanese | 万端珊瑚事件簿・真実まであと一歩 Bantan Sango Jikenbo - Shinjitsu made Ato Ippo | Bantan Sango Case File: One Step Closer to the Truth |
Korean | 만능 산고 사건부・떠오르지 않는 실마리 Manneung Sango Sageonbu - Tteooreuji Anneun Silmari | Bantan Sango Case Files - Evading Clue |
Spanish | Expediente Sango: la verdad a punto de revelarse | Sango File: The Truth About To Be Revealed |
French | L'affaire du Bantan Sango : La vérité sur le point d'éclater | Bantan Sango Case: The Truth About to Come Out |
Russian | Дело Бантан Санго: Истина (почти) становится явью Delo Bantan Sango: Istina (pochti) stanovitsya yav'yu | Bantan Sango Case: Truth (Almost) Came to Light |
Thai | แฟ้มคดีของ Bantan Sango - แสงสว่างอันเลือนราง | |
Vietnamese | Hồ Sơ Bantan Sango - Gần Chạm Ánh Sáng | |
German | Fallakte Bantan Sango: Die Wahrheit kommt ans Licht | Case File Bantan Sango: The Truth Comes to Light |
Indonesian | Berkas Kasus Bantan Sango: Kebenaran (Hampir) Terungkap | Bantan Sango Case File: The Truth (Almost) Exposed |
Portuguese | Dossiê de Bantan Sango: A Verdade (Quase Que) Está Vindo à Tona |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.3