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Bantan Sango Case File: Stealthy Trail is the second quest of the Bantan Sango Case Files: The Warrior Dog Event.


  1. Wait until the following day (06:00 – 18:00)
  2. Go to Bantan Sango Detective Agency
  3. Go to the investigation site and perform the rescue (0/2)
    • (Place of Interest: Den of Thieves) Save the small animals (0/2)
    • (Place of Interest: Hiding Spot) Small animals saved: (0/3)
  4. Report back to Ryuuji

Gameplay Notes[]


UI Quest Quest Description

Ryuuji seems to have gotten some new leads and needs to investigate further...
(Talk to Ryuuji)
Ryuuji: You're here.
Icon Dialogue Talk Found any leads?
Ryuuji: Yes, thanks to Sango.
Ryuuji: We have largely confirmed a few locations with the aid of her deductions.
Ryuuji marks the map...
Ryuuji: At the moment, it appears that one of the camps is guarded by our "Hat Dog." This location requires greater care.
Icon Dialogue Talk That was a very Paimonial nickname...
Paimon: Hey now! Paimon wouldn't come up with such lame nicknames! If it were up to Paimon...
Paimon: This dog would be called "Blade Pup!"
Ryuuji: ...
Ryuuji: I have placed similar devices around that location. Hopefully, they'll have the same effect as before.
Paimon: Hey! Don't ignore Paimon!
Ryuuji: I'll leave the rest in your hands.
Ryuuji: Any other questions?
Icon Dialogue Talk Can we count on this intel?
Ryuuji: Most certainly. I did scout the areas out myself.
Paimon: Why aren't you coming with us this time, Ryuuji?
Ryuuji: I would have, if not for a certain other task that I must perform for Sango.
Ryuuji: Broadly, she has some ideas as to the source of our "Hat Dog," and has asked that I investigate the matter.
Paimon: It's "Blade Pup"!
Ryuuji: "Hat Dog."
Icon Dialogue Talk "Hat Blade Pup."
Ryuuji: That combination doesn't work.
Paimon: What sort of nickname is that, anyway!?
Icon Dialogue Talk C'mon, less fighting...
Ryuuji: Hmm. Perhaps we should just return to calling it "Black Shadow."
Ryuuji: Whatever the case, I leave the animals to you.
(Talk to Ryuuji again)
Ryuuji: Whatever the case, I leave the animals to you.
(Talk to Sango)
Sango: Ryuuji's informed you of the exact locations, has he? Go, then. This time, the two of you should split up.
Sango: I've got an... interesting hunch about Black Shadow's origins that I'd like him to check out.

(Approach Place of Interest: Den of Thieves)
Paimon: It's these incorrigible guys again!
Paimon: Let's teach them a lesson, (TravelerTraveler)!
(After freeing the animals)
Paimon: Well, that should be the little animals now. Hmph! These baddies had better spend some time thinking about what they've done!

(Approach Place of Interest: Hiding Spot)
Paimon: Ah, that's the one from yesterday...
Paimon: (TravelerTraveler), be careful!
(After rescuing the animals)
Paimon: Woohoo! That should be all the animals in this area.

(After rescuing all animals in both places)
Paimon: We've gone to all the places that Ryuuji marked out. Let's head back to the Bantan Sango Detective Agency and look for him there!

(Talk to Ryuuji)
You recount the events to Ryuuji...
Ryuuji: Thank you very much. Hmm... These still aren't all of them...
Paimon: That many animals went missing, huh?
Ryuuji: Unfortunately so, yes. Comparing these to the commissions we received, we should have found around half the missing animals.
Ryuuji: Unfortunately, we're out of leads again. Fortunately, live animals are far easier to investigate than inanimate objects, in any case.
Ryuuji: We did receive just such a request from an important family recently.
Ryuuji: Our trail ran cold, and if not for Sango's deductions, we would have lost it altogether.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's hope it goes well this time, too.
Paimon: Yup! The people who lost their pets must be in a real panic right now...
Icon Dialogue Talk Any details?
Paimon: Yup yup yup! This sounds super interesting — c'mon, let's hear some more!
Ryuuji: I didn't know that you were so interested in our work.
Ryuuji: In truth, we had already locked onto our suspect. The trouble was that we could not find any incriminating evidence at his place, nor could we find any other clues.
Ryuuji: Later, I heard, entirely by chance, that our suspect had sold some Naku Weed the day before. I went to the buyer to inspect the product and discovered it was indeed still fresh.
Ryuuji: After hearing this, Sango bade me go to the foothills of Mt. Yougou to investigate.
Paimon: Eh? Why Mt. Yougou?
Ryuuji: "Our suspect lives on Narukami Island. Although Naku Weed can be found all over Inazuma, most people need a boat to get to the other islands, and we found no boat."
Ryuuji: "Additionally, the Tenryou Commission is very touchy about the use of boats due to the Sakoku Decree. If our suspect was planning to commit a crime, they would not have done it such that they would be exposed to the Commission."
Ryuuji: "That thus eliminates the other islands." That was what she said.
Paimon: But there's Naku Weed around the Grand Narukami Shrine, isn't there? Why did you only check the foothills of Mt. Yougou?
Ryuuji: Sango considered this too. "Naku Weed grows around the Grand Narukami Shrine, yes, but the shrine maidens are there, and many worshippers frequent the area."
Ryuuji: "If anything out of the ordinary were to happen there, it would be liable to be found out."
Paimon: Ooh, so that's how it is! Paimon can see why Sango's the brains of the party now!
Ryuuji: As it turned out, we did find a pile of soil in the foothills that showed signs of having been loosened recently. Our suspect had buried the stolen objects there and had been intending to wait out the heat before emerging and fencing these goods.
Ryuuji: But he thought that he might attract suspicion by leaving heavy-laden and returning empty-handed, so he collected Naku Weed along the way and made to sell them.
Paimon: Hah, but it was also the Naku Weed that got him caught!
Ryuuji: Indeed. As such, I believe that there are leads nearby. We just haven't thought to uncover them yet.
Ryuuji: I believe that our present cooperation is quite ideal. After all, my true specialty is running errands, not stealth or combat. Leaving this part to you, in fact, suits me more than just fine.
Ryuuji: What do you think? Do you have any interest in working at Bantan Sango?
Ryuuji: Sango might seem a little... complicated to speak to, and she says strange things like "conscience holds wisdom back," but she is a gentle person at heart.
Icon Dialogue Talk No thanks.
Icon Dialogue Talk Thanks, but no thanks.
Ryuuji: Ah. That's a shame.
Ryuuji: Well, now that I think about it, this is for the best. If Sango had someone like you, I'd be out of a job.
Ryuuji: I will continue my investigations. If you have other things you need to work on, please do them first.
Ryuuji: We will meet again, when the time comes, at the agency. Thanks once again for your efforts.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBantan Sango Case File: Stealthy Trail
Wànduān Shānhú Shìjiànbù - Yǐnmì Zōngjī
Bantan Sango Case File - Hidden Trail
Wànduān Shānhú Shìjiànbù - Yǐnmì Zōngjī
Bantan Sango Jikenbo - Kakusareshi Konseki
Bantan Sango Case File - Hidden Trail
Korean만능 산고 사건부・은밀한 종적
Manneung Sango Sageonbu - Eunmilhan Jongjeok
Bantan Sango Case Files - Stealthy Whereabouts
SpanishExpediente Sango: rastro misteriosoSango File: Mysterious Trail
FrenchL'affaire du Bantan Sango : Une piste secrèteBantan Sango Case: A Secret Trail
RussianДело Бантан Санго: Скрытая тропа
Delo Bantan Sango: Skrytaya tropa
Bantan Sango Case: Secret Trail
Thaiแฟ้มคดีของ Bantan Sango - ร่องรอยลึกลับ
VietnameseHồ Sơ Bantan Sango - Dấu Tích Bí Ẩn
GermanFallakte Bantan Sango: SchleichwegCase File Bantan Sango: Hidden Path
IndonesianBerkas Kasus Bantan Sango: Jalur TersembunyiBantan Sango Case File: Hidden Trail
PortugueseDossiê de Bantan Sango: Rastro Misterioso

Change History[]
