Bantan Sango Case File: Recognition is the fourth and final quest of the Bantan Sango Case Files: The Warrior Dog Event.
- Wait until the following day (06:00 – 18:00)
- Go to Bantan Sango Detective Agency
- Find Ryuuji and talk to him
- Open the cage
- Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
- Encounter the strange dog
- Pursue the dog that ran off
- Read the letter
- Pursue Kageroumaru again
- Enter Dilapidated Old House
- Defeat "Black Shadow: Hayate no Gotoku" Kageroumaru
- Talk to Ryuuji
- Report back to Sango

The case draws to a close. The truth is at hand...
- (Approach Bantan Sango Detective Agency)
- Paimon: Huh? Ryuuji's not in. Let's go ask Sango, then.
- (Approach Sango)
- Sango: Ah, you're here, as expected.
- Sango: Ryuuji is currently investigating Yashiori Island to follow up on my hunches.
- Sango: Let me mark the locations on your map. If you hurry, there will still be time to catch up with him.
- Paimon: Why are we in such [sic] hurry? Wasn't Ryuuji gonna meet us here and head out together with us?
- Sango: Because this investigation is fast approaching its end, of course. Hurry now. We're about to witness the truth coming to light.
- Paimon: Ooh, now that you say it like that, Paimon's getting all excited too! C'mon, (TravelerTraveler), let's go!
- (Talk to Sango again)
- Sango: Looks like this matter is coming to a close...
- Sango: What should we call this case... "The Phantom Dog Owner"? "The Treasure Hoarder with Twelve Faces"?
- Sango: Ugh. Naming this case is going to be hard. Should just ask someone from Yae Publishing House next time, I think.
- (Approach the area)
- Paimon: Sango said that this should be the place. Let's look around and see if we can find Ryuuji.
- (Approach Ryuuji)
- Paimon: There! There he is! C'mon, let's go meet him.
- Paimon: Ryuuji! We're here!
- Ryuuji: Ah, it's you two. Sango sent me here to do some preliminary investigations, saying that you would arrive shortly. Indeed you have.
- Paimon: Well, she told us you'd be here! How's everything going?
- Paimon: Huh. There's nothing here but a bunch of cages for small animals. Where are the people at?
- Ryuuji: They just left. It's the Treasure Hoarders. Sango told me that they were planning to steal dogs and train them to become Treasure Hunting Hounds.
Like the Weasel Thieves?
- Ryuuji: Exactly. The thing about weasels is that they're mischievous creatures that are hard to teach. As such, their training was a failure. This time, they were planning to try this again, but with the more loyal "dogs."
Huh, just like Paimon.
- Paimon: Hey!
- Ryuuji: Previously, we also handled quite a few commissions regarding the Treasure Hoarders. Now that I think about it, Sango was right about that, too.
- Ryuuji: Just as people leave footprints behind, so too, do organizations leave unique traces. Although there were other lost and imprisoned animals that came up throughout this process, the signs eventually pointed back to the Treasure Hoarders all the same.
- Ryuuji: After consulting the previous methods we used to resolve these cases, I found my investigations leading me here.
- Ryuuji: Still, to not leave a single guard behind... I must say that these perpetrators are just way too careless.
- Paimon: That's real complacent of them, alright! Still, Paimon's sure that even you're tired after so many days of fighting, aren't you, (TravelerTraveler)?
Well, since nobody's home...
Guess we can just snag the animals in secret.
- Paimon: Yeah, that's what Paimon was just thinking!
- (Open the cage)
- Paimon: Huh. This dog isn't leaving.
- Paimon: Is it ill?
- (Treasure Hoarders appear)
- Paimon: Ugh, these guys are back! Guess it's come down to a fight after all, huh? Be careful not to hurt the animals, (TravelerTraveler)!
- Ryuuji: It's fine. Fight as you wish. I'll take the animals someplace safe.
- (Defeat the Treasure Hoarders)
- ???: ...
- ???: Woof!
- Paimon: I—It's...
"Hat Dog."
- Paimon: Eh? No, c'mon, what sort of nickname is that?
It's "Blade Pup."
- Ryuuji: No, no. It should be "Hat Dog."
Black Shadow.
- Ryuuji: Well, whatever the case. He seems to have no desire to attack us...
- ???: Woof woof—
- Paimon: Aaaand he's gone.
- Ryuuji: He's turning back to look at us every so often. Does he want us to follow?
Let's catch up.
- Ryuuji: Indeed. Perhaps the truth really is ahead... Perhaps things are just as Sango predicted...
- (Follow and approach Kageroumaru)
- Paimon: Whew, we finally caught up.
- Ryuuji: Eh? There's some kind of... letter over here.
- Ryuuji: Let's read it. It is the last clue we have, after all.
- Paimon: Hehehe, right! Let Paimon see...
- Paimon: "To whomsoever..." Something something... Ugh, it's all battered and stuff!
- Ryuuji: It's probably "to whomsoever should read this letter."
- Paimon: Huh. Guess so. It goes on... "Our clan's profession is the training of ninken, and to this end we have provided the ninja with a great many reliable companions."
- Paimon: "...I fear that I am unlikely to return from this latest expedition of mine. I have no regrets, but if I were to still have worries, it would be for Kageroumaru."
- Paimon: "He was too weak when he was young, and so he was left out when the ninja came to make contracts with their ninken. That mattered little to me. As a trainer, I refused to give up on a single dog."
- Paimon: "Day after day of training passed, and with each day, Kageroumaru grew stronger. Unfortunately, he has no wish to make a contract with any ninja."
- Paimon: "War has not broken out yet, but the Police Station's missives have become more urgent. I no longer have time to spend with him — it is time to go."
- Paimon: "I can only leave this letter behind. If anyone should find it in the days to come, please help me take care of Kageroumaru."
- Paimon: "He has a scar on his face that we got when he was young, and he holds himself in manner evidently different from other dogs."
- Ryuuji: So the "Kageroumaru" the letter speaks of is...
This fellow who brought us here, I guess.
- Paimon: He really is very unique! Hang on, there's more stuff here...
- Paimon: "I understand that this is a presumptuous request, but I do not have any other choice. Also, should he wish to make a contract in the future and can bring the one he wishes to follow to this place, then the method to make a contract is as follows..."
- Paimon: Wait, seriously!? The writer canceled the most important bit out!
Probably thought this was impossible.
- Ryuuji: That is true. There was no evidence that would indicate otherwise from the beginning, after all.
- Kageroumaru: Woof woof—
- Paimon: Eh? It ran off again, and into a building this time, too. C'mon, (TravelerTraveler), after it!
- (Enter the domain)
- Paimon: It's attacking us! (TravelerTraveler), you've gotta calm it down somehow!
- (Defeat Kageroumaru)
- Paimon: Well, that's that done. Still, that was strange. Kageroumaru seemed so friendly at first, and then before we knew it, we were in a fight! Thank goodness for (TravelerTraveler), huh?
- Paimon: ...Actually, why's Kageroumaru following you around, (TravelerTraveler)?
- Kageroumaru: Woof, woof!
This barking sounds... happier, somehow?
- Paimon: How can you tell? Paimon didn't get it at all!
- Ryuuji: Unless I miss my guess, Kageroumaru is now (TravelerTraveler)'s ninken.
- Paimon: Eh?
- Ryuuji: Well, I'm no expert on ninken contracts. However, they do say that a ninja must defeat a ninken to receive its acknowledgment.
- Ryuuji: Ninja desire strong companions, and so too do ninken. Only through mutual recognition can such contracts be established. It certainly seems to be the case here, too.
- Paimon: But (TravelerTraveler) isn't a ninja! And also... Uh...
- Paimon: Um...
Something the matter, Paimon?
- Paimon: ...Promise Paimon something, (TravelerTraveler)!
What's that?
- Paimon: You've gotta promise first!
Uh, sure, I promise.
- Paimon: Even if you're now contracted to Kageroumaru, never forget that Paimon's your bestest companion ever!
I promise never to forget that Paimon is my bestest companion ever.
- Paimon: Yay!
I mean, I'd call you more reliable...
...Than a cat or a dog.
- Paimon: Uh-huh! We're the best of friends!
- Ryuuji: Ahem. It's nice to see that the two of you get along and all...
- Ryuuji: But back to the topic at hand... If Kageroumaru really is so strong, then why did the person from before leave a letter asking someone to take care of him?
- Paimon: Ooh, ooh, Paimon knows this one! You see, Ryuuji, (TravelerTraveler) is super strong, right?
- Ryuuji: Far beyond the norm for sure.
- Paimon: Right? But see, if someday, Paimon had to leave (TravelerTraveler), Paimon would still be really worried. It's got nothing to do with whether (TravelerTraveler) is strong or not.
- Paimon: ...Pfft, but that'll never happen! Paimon's just making an analogy and stuff, y'know? We won't split up, no way!
- Ryuuji: Your reasoning makes a lot of sense, Paimon. In which case, we're left with one final question. Why did this dog steal small animals from the villagers and then protect them?
- Paimon: Oh, uh... Actually, that one's a toughie, even for Paimon...
- Paimon: It's a real shame that Kageroumaru can't speak, either. Otherwise, we could just get (TravelerTraveler) to ask him!
I suggest we look for Sango instead.
- Paimon: Ooh, that's right! Time for the brains of this operation to show her stuff, eh?
- Ryuuji: Agreed. Allow me to return these animals first, and we shall meet up at the agency later.
- (Talk to Sango)
- Ryuuji: We're back, Sango. Here's what happened...
- Ryuuji tells Sango what happened.
- Sango: Ah, so that's the case. I think I've got a pretty good idea why Kageroumaru was protecting the little animals.
- Sango: He must have been trying to make the other animals stronger.
- Sango: He must have been weak when he was little, only to become strong over time. It thus stands to reason that he wanted to help make the other animals stronger through training.
- Sango: But eventually, Kageroumaru found you, someone willing to protect the weak, and has thus acknowledged you as his master.
- Sango: This is also born from his sympathy for the weak.
- Sango: Well, that's what my deductions from the clues we currently have would say, anyway.
- Sango: As for the actual circumstances, I doubt I'm particularly far off, but since Kageroumaru can't speak, we won't get a firm answer either.
- Paimon: Huh. That really makes sense. As expected of the "brains" of this operation, eh?
- Kageroumaru: Woof woof woof!
- Paimon: Ehe, you're agreeing with Sango, aren't you?
- Sango: Haha. Thanks for the flattery, but that's not going to net you any discounts if you ever send me a commission. Still, I guess we can consider this case closed.
- Ryuuji: Many thanks to the two of you, of course.
- Sango: Ah, yes. I almost forgot. How did you find using the Ubiquity Net?
It was pretty handy.
Trust me, I lived in fear of it tearing...
- Sango: Alright, noted. I'll send your feedback to my friend. Thanks.
- Paimon: No problem! Feel free to come to us if you ever have any problems. (TravelerTraveler) will be on the case in no time!
- Sango: You're indeed very skilled, Traveler. But there's no need for these pleasantries. Sentimentality is the enemy of truth, after all.
- (Obtain
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Bantan Sango Case File: Recognition | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 万端珊瑚事件簿・它的认可 Wànduān Shānhú Shìjiàn-bù - Tā de Rènkě | Bantan Sango Case File - Its Approval |
Chinese (Traditional) | 萬端珊瑚事件簿・牠的認可 Wànduān Shānhú Shìjiàn-bù - Tā de Rènkě | |
Japanese | 万端珊瑚事件簿・承認 Bantan Sango Jikenbo - Shounin | Bantan Sango Case File - Recognition |
Korean | 만능 산고 사건부・그의 인정 Manneung Sango Sageonbu - Geu-ui Injeong | Bantan Sango Case Files - His Recognition |
Spanish | Expediente Sango: reconocimiento | Sango Document: Recognition |
French | L'affaire du Bantan Sango : Reconnaissance | Bantan Sango Case: Recognition |
Russian | Дело Бантан Санго: Признание Delo Bantan Sango: Priznaniye | Bantan Sango Case: Recognition |
Thai | แฟ้มคดีของ Bantan Sango - การยินยอมของมัน | |
Vietnamese | Hồ Sơ Bantan Sango - Sự Công Nhận | |
German | Fallakte Bantan Sango: Anerkennung | Case Files Bantam Sango: Recognition |
Indonesian | Berkas Kasus Bantan Sango: Pengakuan | Bantan Sango Case File: Confession |
Portuguese | Dossiê de Bantan Sango: Reconhecimento |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.3