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Ballads of Breeze is an Event Quest during the Windblume's Breath Event.


  1. Go to Mondstadt's side gate to look for Lizzie
  2. Talk to Lizzie


UI Quest Quest Description

Lizzie of the Knights of Favonius seems busy with something...
(Talk to Lizzie)
Lizzie: Hello there, and welcome to the Windblume Festival. You've come at a good time — we're currently organizing a little game known as "Ballads of Breeze."
Lizzie: Taking part in this game will allow you to play some lovely tunes, just like the bards of Mondstadt...
Icon Dialogue Talk How can I measure up to bards...?
Icon Dialogue Talk Will I really sound good...?
Lizzie: Oh, don't you worry! We've had, um, lots of play-testers in the past!
Lizzie: Even someone with zero knowledge of how to play instruments will be able to play something that... uh, won't sound too bad...
Lizzie: Please, believe me. Have faith in the Knights of Favonius!
Lizzie: As long as you do your best to keep up with the rhythm and beat, you'll be able to strum up a storm with ease.
Lizzie: Focus only on the wind around you and the lovely song you wish to play, and all your troubles will surely fade away.
Icon Dialogue Talk Well, I imagine bards must be quite carefree, then.
Lizzie: Hahaha, I wouldn't say that for sure! After all, they do fret about whether their songs will move people enough to fork some Mora over.
Lizzie: As for you... You just need to play to your heart's content.
Lizzie: W—Well, uh, never mind what I just said! I hope you know how this works by now, yes? Well, if it interests you, you're free to give it a go.
Lizzie: You can use your own instrument to play said tunes, and if you haven't brought one, we can lend you some...
Lizzie: Hehe... not to brag, but we do have quite a few on hand here, and each of them is quite different from the rest.
Lizzie: Which of the instruments would you like to use first?
Icon Dialogue Talk The Windsong Lyre.
Icon Dialogue Talk The Floral Zither.
Icon Dialogue Talk The Festive Drum.
Lizzie: Oh, this one, then? No problem!
Lizzie: Oh, and there's one more thing I forgot to mention! Please wait for a moment, I need to consult my notes...
Lizzie: Hmm, right... In order to make sure that everyone is able to play the best they can, we've decided to implement a "tuning" phase to this game.
Lizzie: Simply put, we mean to help you tune your instrument to be in the best state possible. Don't worry, it's easy. The first step should be...
(The minigame's calibration screen appears)
Lizzie: Alright! That should do it. Your instrument's all tuned up, and the musical scores should be ready as well.
Lizzie: You can start any time now — so long as you want to, of course.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBallads of Breeze
Fēngwù zhī Gē
Song of Scenery
Fēngwù zhī Gē
Soyokaze no Baraddo
Ballads of Breeze
Korean바람의 노래
Baram-ui Norae
Song of the Wind
SpanishBaladas del vientoBallads of the Wind
FrenchL'air du ventThe Tune of the Wind
RussianПеснь ветров
Pesn' vetrov
Song of Winds
VietnameseBài Ca Của Gió
GermanLied der LandschaftSong of Scenery
IndonesianNyanyian Angin MerduMelodious Wind Ballad
PortugueseMelodia da Paisagem
TurkishRüzgarın Şarkıları
ItalianArie di vento e musicaAirs of Wind and Music[• 1]
  1. Italian: Arie can also mean "arias."

Change History[]
