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Avant-Garde Graffiti Visionary! is an Event Quest during the Traces of Artistry Event.


  1. Watch the Children of Echoes' dance event


UI Quest Quest Description

The Children of Echoes' dances leave Paimon in awe, and beneath the stage, a certain artist from Natlan with unique views notices the budding talent you and Paimon possess...
(Approach "Dopey Dazzler")
Paimon: Wow...
Paimon: As it turns out, the Children of Echoes sure can dance! Paimon never thought the human body could perform the motions they did onstage!
Paimon: The rhythmic music, the exciting fireworks... All of that combined brings a totally different vibe from anything we've seen so far!
???: Well said, radiant (‍sirsir/ladylady‍), and your wow-warbling floating doll, too!
???: Sharp senses, and distinguished, too... Yes. I'm sure you have what it takes to be the vanguard of avant-garde, and a rising star amongst graffiti artists!
"Dopey Dazzler": So, how about it? Wanna join me, the Dopey Dazzler, in grasping the latest and greatest in trendy artistic thought?
Paimon: Wow, here comes another person with an odd nickname!
Icon Dialogue Talk Wow, you really do "wow" a lot.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're not beating the "wow-warbler" allegations.
Paimon: Don't even try changing the subject! This isn't about the "wow" factor or a silly nickname. The important part is what this girl was talking about.
Paimon: "Avant-garde thought"... Is that the key to Natlan's artistic uniqueness?
"Dopey Dazzler": Ah, there we go. Very perceptive!
"Dopey Dazzler": As you can see, the vibrant dances, the frenetic music, the vivid graffiti... All of this has deep connections to the avant-garde.
"Dopey Dazzler": Fashions, trends, novelty... To us, these are synonyms of "avant-garde."
"Dopey Dazzler": As for me, the Dopey Dazzler, mainstay of the Graffiti Alliance, I'm trying to encourage a greater understanding of such forward thinking. First Natlan, then the world!
"Dopey Dazzler": That way, art will constantly evolve, and works of extraordinary aesthetic value may be produced! Ever upwards and on for large-scale graffiti work!
Icon Dialogue Talk I don't quite get it.
Icon Dialogue Talk Seems a bit abstract.
"Dopey Dazzler": A more specific example, then. See the large work of graffiti in the stage backdrop? I was involved in drawing that.
"Dopey Dazzler": If that backdrop was a realistic landscape painting, a fine oil painting from Fontaine, or a mural from Sumeru...
"Dopey Dazzler": Do you think it would still fit?
Paimon: Huh, okay, that's pretty straightforward. Paimon gets it now.
Paimon: So if the backdrop's patterns and colors weren't as explosive, it would feel less... energetic?
"Dopey Dazzler": Of course, I wouldn't claim that landscape, oil, or wall paintings are bad, but when you need to emphasize vivid tension and burning soul, there's nothing quite like graffiti!
"Dopey Dazzler": If you ask me, every tribe here in Natlan has the impulse to strive ever higher, the desire to pursue strength — that's why avant-garde is our primary style!
Paimon: Y'know, you call yourself "dopey," but you're pretty knowledgeable, aren't you?
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you going to take us on as students?
Icon Dialogue Talk What's your hourly rate?
"Dopey Dazzler": Whoa, whoa, an old hand at this song-and-dance, are we?
"Dopey Dazzler": Don't worry, I'm not too fussed about all that master-student stuff, and I don't care about fortune or fame either. What we do here is share our experiences, in the hope that they will bloom and bear fruit everywhere.
"Dopey Dazzler": As long as you can grasp the essence of avant-garde and create the inspired works of graffiti required, I'll be satisfied.
"Dopey Dazzler": In fact, I'd even cough up as much Mora and material as it took to help you grow into a graffiti master!
"Dopey Dazzler": And then, you can help me with sketches.
Icon Dialogue Talk Me? Sketches?
Icon Dialogue Talk Hmm? Is that how you get your hands on new assistants?
"Dopey Dazzler": You could also help me promote this art elsewhere and attract more talent to our Alliance.
"Dopey Dazzler": After all, our goal is to create unparalleled avant-garde work on every mountain! Currently though, we number at just over ten people, and that's just not going to hack it.
"Dopey Dazzler": My back and waist... *sigh* If I had to carry dyes and paints all day, my bones would be left crooked, and my shoulders and thighs a mess too, no doubt.
Paimon: Paimon was going to say that there seemed to be something fishy about all this...
Paimon: But since you're being so honest, guess there can't be anything too off here.
Paimon: And y'know, (TravelerTraveler), learning graffiti art doesn't sound so bad. We could probably draw something to mark our territory and scare off monsters and baddies!
"Dopey Dazzler": Haha, yes! That's the spirit! In that case, let's get to it.
"Dopey Dazzler": Now, our work isn't too strict about painting skills — it's all about the mindset. Let us begin, therefore, by taking the measure of avant-garde.
Paimon: The "measure?" You mean the "principles"?
"Dopey Dazzler": Close enough! In short, we need to find the inspiration to break out of our constraints and express ourselves freely.
"Dopey Dazzler": Once you have done this, you'll be able to seize upon the scenery even amidst a speedrun challenge, and discover the limits of human movement in the midst of close-quarter combat, just as I do.
"Dopey Dazzler": That way, you'll discover the exaggerated line-work you need for graffiti.
"Dopey Dazzler": As for color schemes, we make use of combinations found in the natural world. You'll be surprised how many surprises it has in store...
Paimon: This sounds familiar... But there's something a bit off...
Icon Dialogue Talk Observing lines of motion while racing and fighting.
Icon Dialogue Talk Collecting materials and studying colors.
Paimon: These methods of studying "aesthetics" really are kinda different. Guess that's Natlan for you...
"Dopey Dazzler": Anyway, take this guidebook and this Kamera, and go forth throughout Natlan. Might as well enjoy the unique sights and sounds while you learn, eh?
"Dopey Dazzler": And once you're back, I'll use what you've seen and heard to help come up with an avant-garde philosophy you can best understand!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAvant-Garde Graffiti Visionary!
Qiánwèi Lǐniàn yǔ Túyā Xiānfēng!
Qiánwèi Lǐniàn yǔ Túyā Xiānfēng!
Zen'eiteki-na Rinen to Rakugaki no Senkusha!
Pioneer of Avant-Garde Ideals and Graffiti!
Korean아방가르드 이념과 그라피티 선구자!
Abanggareudeu Inyeomgwa Geurapiti Seon'guja!
Spanish¡(‍PionerosPioneros/PionerasPioneras‍) de las pintadas e ideas vanguardistas!Pioneers (M/F)Pioneers (M/F) of Graffiti and Avant-Garde Ideas!
FrenchIdées novatrices et graffitis avant-gardistes !Innovative Ideas and Avant-Garde Graffiti!
RussianПередовой взгляд на граффити!
Peredovoy vzglyad na graffiti!
Progressive View on Graffiti!
VietnameseKhái Niệm Graffiti Tiên Phong!
GermanAvantgarde-Konzept und Graffiti-Pionier!Avantgarde Concept and Graffiti Pioneers!
IndonesianIdealisme Grafiti Avant-Garde!Avant-Garde Graffiti Idealism!
PortugueseVisionária do Grafite Avant-Garde!
TurkishVizyoner Avangart Grafitici!
ItalianVisionaria dei graffiti d'avanguardia!

Change History[]
