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As the Sun Rises and Sets is the second part in the Teyvat storyline Archon Quest Chapter V: Act V - Incandescent Ode of Resurrection.


  1. Go to the Speaker's Chamber to meet Mavuika
  2. Invite Mavuika to come along with you
  3. Go to the People of the Springs
  4. Chat with your friends and wait for the feast to begin
    • Have a chat with Kachina and Mualani (optional)
    • Have a chat with Kinich (optional)
    • Have a chat with Ororon (optional)
    • Have a chat with Iansan (optional)
    • Have a chat with Chasca (optional)
  5. Follow Ororon and take part in the ceremony
  6. Return and rejoin the feast
  7. Follow the path to escort Kachina back to the tribe
  8. Continue forward along the path
  9. Follow Hanwi
  10. Talk to Ayo and his family
  11. Take Kachina back home
  12. Check on how the forging of the Ancient Name is going
  13. Test the Ancient Name outside the camp
  14. Talk to the soul that suddenly appeared
  15. Talk to the souls that suddenly appeared
  16. Check on the Tepetlisaurus's condition

Gameplay Notes[]


UI Quest Quest Description

The time for the meeting has finally come. Head over to the Speaker's Chamber.
(Enter the Speaker's Chamber)
Media:vo ntaq301 7 xilonen 01.ogg Xilonen: I see. If all goes well, three days should be more than enough to forge the name. You won't need to push back the plan.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 01.ogg Mavuika: Thank you. I'd say the sooner you can finish it, the better. I still need to announce the matter to everyone.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 citlali 01a.ogg Media:vo ntaq301 7 citlali 01b.ogg Citlali: Don't worry. We should only need half a day. (TravelerTraveler) has been in Natlan a while, now. The Pilgrim's Chronicle should have enough records of (‍hishis/herher‍) adventures.
(Traveler and Paimon knock on the door)
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 02.ogg Mavuika: Come in.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey, Mavuika! Oh, Xilonen and Citlali are here too! Hello!
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 03.ogg Mavuika: We were just talking about you. I invited you here for two reasons. First, there's (TravelerTraveler)'s Ancient Name, which is ready to be forged.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Oh, yeah! You need the Pilgrim's Chronicle, right? The device the Lord of the Night gave us.
Icon Dialogue Talk I brought it with me.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 xilonen 02.ogg Xilonen: Perfect. Could I take a look?
Media:vo ntaq301 7 xilonen 03.ogg Xilonen: Hmm... Yep.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 xilonen 04.ogg Xilonen: Looks good. This is definitely enough to work with.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 xilonen 05.ogg Xilonen: Usually, the first step to forging an Ancient Name is performing a ceremony to extract memories from the Ley Lines. But, since the Lord of the Night gave us this record, we can skip that part.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 xilonen 06.ogg Xilonen: Still, I've never used something like this before. This is an entirely new material for me, so I need to look into how the process might change.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 citlali 02.ogg Citlali: I'll help you. My knowledge on the Lord of the Night and the Wayob might come in handy.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 04.ogg Mavuika: That brings me to the second matter. As you already know, once your Ancient Name is complete, we need to venture into the deepest part of the Night Kingdom.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 05.ogg Mavuika: That will happen in three days' time.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Th—Three days!? So soon?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll start getting ready.
Icon Dialogue Talk That won't be a problem.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Wait! But, um...
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 06.ogg Mavuika: You're worried about (TravelerTraveler), aren't you?
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Well, Paimon gave it a lot of thought, and Paimon's not very good at thinking or fighting to begin with. It's just...
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: This plan could save countless lives. Paimon understands why people would want to be a part of something so important...
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 07a.ogg Paimon: But... all this time, Paimon has barely left (TravelerTraveler)'s side. Not to mention, we all know this will be a super dangerous mission...
Icon Dialogue Talk Just trust us.
Icon Dialogue Talk We have to be the ones to do this.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 07.ogg Mavuika: That's right. And, as long as we win, the Ode of Resurrection will return us to this land.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 08.ogg Mavuika: The Night Kingdom is a realm of souls and memories, where mental fortitude outweighs physical strength.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 09.ogg Mavuika: All in Natlan are resolved to win this war. The Sacred Flame will connect us to their fighting spirit. We will do whatever it takes to win.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 10.ogg Mavuika: So, if you want to contribute, just cheer us on alongside all the people of Natlan. For (TravelerTraveler), I'm sure your words of encouragement are among the most important.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: The most important? Really...?
Icon Dialogue Talk That way, it'd be like we're still together.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 09a 1.ogg Paimon: That's right! Overcoming danger side by side, just like always!
Icon Dialogue Talk That way, I'll always remember how much you care about me.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 09b 1.ogg Paimon: Okay... then, please don't do anything reckless! That's what Paimon's trying to avoid!
Icon Dialogue Talk That way, it'll be just like fishing with you cheering me on.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 09c 1.ogg Paimon: Uh, not sure what fishing has to do with anything, but... If you're making weird analogies, guess that means you're not nervous.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Alright, it's decided! Paimon will cheer the loudest out of everyone in Natlan!
Media:vo ntaq301 7 citlali 03a.ogg Citlali: It's less about volume, and more about mental focus. But, I get it. You're just trying to show how much you care.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 11.ogg Mavuika: Of course, this all depends on the successful completion of the Ancient Name.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 12a.ogg Mavuika: Otherwise, (TravelerTraveler) will not join me. That is the condition.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 xilonen 07.ogg Xilonen: Don't worry. I swear on the honor of my tribe — I will not fail. I know how important this is.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 citlali 04.ogg Citlali: There's no time to lose. Let's go.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 xilonen 08.ogg Xilonen: Alright, everyone. When we meet again, it will be to deliver the Ancient Name.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Good luck, you two!
(Xilonen and Citlali exit)
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Three days, huh... What should we do in the meantime? We know you're still rebuilding, so is there anything we can do to help?
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 13.ogg Mavuika: From what I've heard, the two of you have helped more than enough. You should take a well-deserved rest.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 14.ogg Mavuika: Even if there are stray Abyss monsters out there, our warriors can handle them. Don't worry.
Icon Dialogue Talk Still, if things haven't returned to normal...
Icon Dialogue Talk Resting isn't my style.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Exactly! We can't take a break! We're adventurers! We've gotta live up to the name!
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: We still have a long journey ahead of us and so many places to go! The battle in three days is just another part of our adventure!
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 15.ogg Mavuika: Haha, I see. In that case, just do what you think is best.
Icon Dialogue Talk What about you?
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 16.ogg Mavuika: This final battle is extremely important to me — the culmination of my life's work. Still, I think you've got the right idea.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 17.ogg Mavuika: I'm also going to follow my heart. I plan on using these three days to calm my mind and work on a painting.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Oh? You know how to paint?
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 18.ogg Mavuika: I just learned, actually. I hear it takes a lot of practice to get any good.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 19.ogg Mavuika: It could be anything, though. What I really enjoy is the process of getting better at something through practice. It's how I relax.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 20.ogg Mavuika: Of course, that's only when I have the time. I'm usually too busy.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: So, that's how you relax... Well, it definitely seems like your style.
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll leave you to it, then.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mavuika 21.ogg Mavuika: Alright. Let's go our separate ways for now.
(Mavuika exits)
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: So, if Mavuika relaxes by working really hard at something... That basically means she never takes a break, right? Wow, she's definitely something else...
(Someone knocks on the door)
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: Oh, uh... hello? Sorry, Mavuika's not here right now.
(Mualani and Kachina enter)
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mualani 01.ogg Mualani: There you are!
Media:vo ntaq301 7 kachina 01.ogg Kachina: *panting*... We made it.
Icon Dialogue Talk Why are you so out of breath?
Icon Dialogue Talk Is something wrong?
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mualani 02.ogg Mualani: Haha, other than our plan almost falling through? Nothing at all!
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mualani 03.ogg Mualani: The preparations took longer than expected. We were so worried we wouldn't make it before you left on your next big adventure.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 kachina 02.ogg Kachina: Well, if you hadn't overslept...
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mualani 04.ogg Mualani: Details, details. Anyway, come on! Let's go to the People of the Springs!
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: Hold on! Tell us what's going on first.
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mualani 05.ogg Mualani: Oh, yeah, haha. Jumped the gun a bit there, didn't I? Basically, we know about your super important mission coming up, and we want to give you a proper send-off!
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mualani 06.ogg Mualani: Before the Pilgrimage, we usually hold a huge feast! All you can eat, with meat by the tableful!
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 20.ogg Paimon: Ooh! All you can eat!?
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mualani 07.ogg Mualani: I knew that would pique your interest, Paimon. You can eat to your heart's content. You won't wanna miss out, I promise!
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mualani 08.ogg Mualani: Of course, there's not just meat, but also all kinds of fruit, vegetables, desserts, drinks, you name it! You won't be disappointed!
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 21.ogg Paimon: That sounds amazing! We're in!
Icon Dialogue Talk Didn't you just say we need to live up to our title as adventurers?
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 22.ogg Paimon: Well, the best adventurers know how to go with the flow, right?
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 23.ogg Paimon: Plus, it sounds like this feast is in your honor. If you don't show up, everyone's hard work will be for nothing!
Media:vo ntaq301 7 kachina 03.ogg Kachina: It's our fault for not telling you earlier, so it's okay if you can't make it. Still, if you're not busy, we'd really like you to be there. It won't take up too much of your time!
Media:vo ntaq301 7 kachina 04.ogg Kachina: It'll be super fun! Plus, all our friends will be there.
Icon Dialogue Talk Okay!
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 24.ogg Paimon: YES! Let's go eat!
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 25.ogg Paimon: Huh? What's the hold up, (TravelerTraveler)? Did you think of something?
Icon Dialogue Talk Why don't we invite Mavuika?
Media:vo ntaq301 7 together 01.ogg Paimon & Kachina & Mualani: Huh!?
Media:vo ntaq301 7 paimon 26.ogg Paimon: I—Isn't she painting?
Media:vo ntaq301 7 kachina 05.ogg Kachina: Is that okay? It's not like we prepared anything fancy...
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mualani 09.ogg Mualani: W—Well, I definitely wasn't expecting that suggestion. She's the Archon, after all. Maybe it's not our place...
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mualani 10.ogg Mualani: But, we might as well extend the invitation! The Archon is about to fight for us with everything she has! This feast is in her honor, too!
Media:vo ntaq301 7 kachina 06.ogg Kachina: Um, then who's gonna be the one to invite her?
Media:vo ntaq301 7 mualani 11.ogg Mualani: All of us, of course!
(Knock on Mavuika's door)
Media:vo ntaq301 8 mavuika 01.ogg Mavuika: Come in.
Media:vo ntaq301 8 mavuika 02.ogg Mavuika: Oh, it's you four. Is there something you need?
Media:vo ntaq301 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We're here to invite you to the People of the Springs for a feast!
Media:vo ntaq301 8 mavuika 03.ogg Mavuika: Ah, I see. This is a special kind of feast, isn't it?
Media:vo ntaq301 8 mualani 01.ogg Mualani: Exactly! It's a tradition to hold a feast before battle! We couldn't miss out on this opportunity. It's our way of cheering you on!
Media:vo ntaq301 8 kachina 01.ogg Kachina: Plus, I always wanted to do something to thank you for saving me from the Night Kingdom...
Media:vo ntaq301 8 mavuika 04.ogg Mavuika: That was my duty. Besides, it's all in the past now. You don't owe me anything.
Media:vo ntaq301 8 mavuika 05.ogg Mavuika: Although, this feast does sound rather interesting.
Media:vo ntaq301 8 mualani 02.ogg Mualani: So, you'll come?
Media:vo ntaq301 8 mavuika 06.ogg Mavuika: Of course. No need to notify Amina in advance. I'll just surprise her, haha.
Media:vo ntaq301 8 mavuika 07.ogg Mavuika: You don't need to turn this into some kind of grand banquet on my account.
Media:vo ntaq301 8 mavuika 08.ogg Mavuika: I'll try my best to attend as an ordinary person, not an Archon.
Media:vo ntaq301 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: It's not like you're the type to pull rank or something.
Media:vo ntaq301 8 mavuika 09.ogg Mavuika: True, but my presence changes the way people act. I just don't want to spoil the fun — a lot of things can change once an Archon is involved.
Media:vo ntaq301 8 mavuika 10.ogg Mavuika: Barbecue is best fresh off the grill. And still, people will insist on waiting for me to eat first.
Media:vo ntaq301 8 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh, yeah... Paimon can see that...
Media:vo ntaq301 8 mualani 03.ogg Mualani: Don't worry, I'll jump in if that happens! I can throw manners to the wind, no problem!
Media:vo ntaq301 8 mavuika 11.ogg Mavuika: No need, I can take care of it. Anyway, thank you for inviting me. It really means a lot.
Icon Dialogue Talk What about your painting?
Media:vo ntaq301 8 mavuika 12.ogg Mavuika: I don't need to finish it. I enjoy the process, but now there's something more interesting to do.
Media:vo ntaq301 8 kachina 02.ogg Kachina: Th—Then, let's go together! The main dish should be ready soon!
Icon Quest Step Step Description

Citlali and Xilonen are preparing to craft a brand-new Ancient Name for you. While you wait, Mualani and Kachina invite you to a feast hosted by the People of the Springs, to which Mavuika will accompany you also.
(Approach Amina and Kinich)
Media:vo ntaq301 9 kinich 01.ogg Kinich: Amina, there's been another delivery.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 amina 01.ogg Amina: You're kidding! ANOTHER one?
Media:vo ntaq301 9 kinich 02.ogg Kinich: Just like the others — they heard about the feast and wanted to send something to contribute.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 amina 02.ogg Amina: But, this is just a small send-off. What are we going to do with all this stuff?
Media:vo ntaq301 9 amina 03.ogg Amina: Then again, I understand where they're coming from... I'll deal with it. *sigh* What a headache... If this continues, half of this stuff's gonna go bad before we get to it...
(Traveler, Paimon, Mualani and Kachina arrive with Mavuika in tow)
Media:vo ntaq301 9 amina 04.ogg Amina: HUH!? You... you're here already!? And you've even brought the...
Media:vo ntaq301 9 amina 05.ogg Amina: A—Archon!? What are you doing here?
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mualani 01.ogg Mualani: We invited her! She agreed to come as a surprise guest!
Media:vo ntaq301 9 amina 06.ogg Amina: Surprise is putting it lightly... Sorry, sorry. I'm happy you're here, it's just...
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mavuika 01.ogg Mavuika: No apology necessary. What's going on?
Media:vo ntaq301 9 amina 07.ogg Amina: Well, I started spreading the word about the send-off, just around the area, like usual. A lot of people are still busy repairing their homes, so I didn't think many people would come.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 amina 08.ogg Amina: But, the turnout has been overwhelming. Not to mention, we've received a small mountain of deliveries. There's no way we can use all this stuff.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mualani 02.ogg Mualani: That's our Star Outlander's popularity for you!
Icon Dialogue Talk So, you remember that nickname...
Media:vo ntaq301 9 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: You're saying... everyone's here because of us?
Media:vo ntaq301 9 amina 09.ogg Amina: Yep! The news about your impending mission with the Pyro Archon has spread all over Natlan.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 amina 10.ogg Amina: Plus, you were amazing in the recent battle. A lot of people are here just to thank you, or wish you good luck.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 amina 11.ogg Amina: Basically, this whole thing is happening because so many people wanted to see you.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 kinich 03.ogg Kinich: Still, we definitely weren't expecting you to show up with the Pyro Archon.
Icon Dialogue Talk It was my idea.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 paimon 02a.ogg Paimon: Yeah! Mavuika and (TravelerTraveler) are in this together! They both deserve a celebration.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 amina 12.ogg Amina: Well, this is the perfect excuse to throw an even bigger party! All this extra stuff was gonna go to waste, anyway...
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mavuika 02.ogg Mavuika: No need to go to all that trouble on my account. That's not why I'm here.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mavuika 03.ogg Mavuika: Besides, with so much of our nation in ruins, resources are still scarce. Extra spending for my sake is the last thing we need.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 amina 13.ogg Amina: That's true...
Media:vo ntaq301 9 amina 14.ogg Amina: *sigh* Party-planning isn't easy. I can handle the big picture, but I'm not used to dealing with the finer details. That was always Auntie Atea's job...
Media:vo ntaq301 9 amina 15.ogg Amina: Sorry, I'm just feeling a bit in over my head.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh, speaking of Atea, how is she? Is she feeling any better?
(Everyone goes silent)
Media:vo ntaq301 9 kachina 01.ogg Kachina: ...
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mualani 03.ogg Mualani: Actually, there's something we haven't told you...
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mualani 04.ogg Mualani: Auntie Atea passed away not long after the attack on our tribe.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: ...What?
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mavuika 04.ogg Mavuika: When you brought me her talisman, I knew her end was near. Luckily, I got the chance to see her one last time.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mavuika 05.ogg Mavuika: She was a hero to the very end. Even though her body was at its breaking point, she showed no pain or sorrow.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mavuika 06.ogg Mavuika: In her final moments, her thoughts were entirely with her tribe and her people.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mavuika 07.ogg Mavuika: Gatherings like this remind me of her and the parties she loved to organize. So, I decided to attend in her memory.
Icon Dialogue Talk So, you already knew...
Media:vo ntaq301 9 kachina 02.ogg Kachina: We didn't mean to hide anything from you. It's just... there was never a good time to bring it up.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mualani 05.ogg Mualani: Cheer up, everyone! Auntie Atea wouldn't want us to remember her with tears!
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mualani 06.ogg Mualani: Parties like this were her specialty, but now it's up to us to carry on her legacy! So, we can't let her down — believe me, she has high standards!
Media:vo ntaq301 9 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Yeah, that sounds about right...
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mualani 07.ogg Mualani: So, come on, let's get to work, everyone! Oh, uh... Chief Amina and our guests of honor excluded! Kachina, Kinich, time to go!
(Mualani drags Kachina away)
Media:vo ntaq301 9 kachina 03.ogg Kachina: Wait, you don't have drag me...
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mavuika 08.ogg Mavuika: Amina, you mentioned something about a surplus of supplies. I may have a solution...
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mavuika 09.ogg Mavuika: First, invite anyone who comes to deliver supplies to stay for the gathering.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mavuika 10.ogg Mavuika: If it's a caravan, ask them to extend an invitation to the sender, as well.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mavuika 11.ogg Mavuika: Make it clear in the invitation that anyone is welcome to attend, but you're no longer accepting donations.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mavuika 12.ogg Mavuika: In addition, all leftover supplies will be purchased by the Speaker's Chamber, sorted, and donated to the appropriate areas.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 amina 16.ogg Amina: Th—That would be such a big help, Archon! Thank you!
Media:vo ntaq301 9 amina 17.ogg Amina: I'll get on it, right away!
Media:vo ntaq301 9 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Amazing plan, Mavuika! It was clear, concise, and organized... But, uh, weren't you trying to keep this small?
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mavuika 13.ogg Mavuika: I don't mind increasing the size of the gathering, I just didn't want it to be because of me.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mavuika 14.ogg Mavuika: My approach to problem-solving is always the same. Different solutions lead to different outcomes. The method may change, but the "right choice" is always grounded in logic and reason.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Whoa, Paimon feels like she just learned a thing or two!
Media:vo ntaq301 9 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Well, should we take a walk while everyone finishes the preparations?
Icon Dialogue Talk I mean, we are the guests of honor.
Media:vo ntaq301 9 mavuika 15.ogg Mavuika: Sounds good. A casual stroll can be hard to come by. Let's go.
(Talk to Kinai, optional)
Media:vo ntaq301 15 kinai 01.ogg Kinai: If we don't solve the crisis in the Night Kingdom, war will continue to ravage our nation.
Media:vo ntaq301 15 kinai 02.ogg Kinai: We've achieved a brief moment of peace, but we can't get complacent. Even if it's not on the front lines, there are still things we can do.
Media:vo ntaq301 15 kinai 03.ogg Kinai: Like fortifying our defenses, eliminating remaining monsters, rebuilding our homes...
Media:vo ntaq301 15 kinai 04.ogg Kinai: And coming together like this to sing for you and offer our warmest blessings.
(Talk to Caipa, optional)
Media:vo ntaq301 16 caipa 01.ogg Caipa: Archon, what is it like in the depths of the Night Kingdom? We really can't go with you?
Media:vo ntaq301 16 mavuika 01.ogg Mavuika: No, that region has been completely corroded by the Abyss. Without protection, an ordinary person would not last a minute.
Media:vo ntaq301 16 caipa 02.ogg Caipa: Oh... I guess we'd only get in your way... Then, this really is a battle reserved for the gods.
Media:vo ntaq301 16 mavuika 02.ogg Mavuika: Fear not — I've been preparing for this moment a long time.
Media:vo ntaq301 16 mavuika 03.ogg Mavuika: This duty is mine to bear, and I will succeed.

(Approach Kachina at Golden Dusk)
Media:vo ntaq301 10 kachina 01.ogg Kachina: Mualani, it's almost time for the feast!
Media:vo ntaq301 10 kachina 02.ogg Kachina: Maybe we should send the drinks out first? There's a bunch of guests here already.
Media:vo ntaq301 10 mualani 01.ogg Mualani: Yep, yep! I'm making the juice as we speak... Oh, right! The ice!
(Kachina paces back before being startled)
Media:vo ntaq301 10 kachina 03.ogg Kachina: Huh!? Oh, you scared me! Sorry, we're a little busy in the kitchen right now, but the food is almost ready!
Media:vo ntaq301 10 mualani 02.ogg Mualani: AJAW! Get out of the ice bucket!
Media:vo ntaq301 10 ajaw 01.ogg Ajaw: The Almighty Dragonlord K'uhul Ajaw will not tolerate this stifling hut! We seek a cool place of repose. This bucket suits our taste.
Media:vo ntaq301 10 mualani 03.ogg Mualani: Great, now we can't use any of this ice. HEY! This is your mess! Get back here!
Media:vo ntaq301 10 mualani 04.ogg Mualani: Kachina, Ajaw is on the run. Help me catch him!
Media:vo ntaq301 10 kachina 04.ogg Kachina: O—Okay...! Sorry, I gotta help with Ajaw.
Media:vo ntaq301 10 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: As usual, Ajaw brings chaos wherever he goes.
Media:vo ntaq301 10 mavuika 01.ogg Mavuika: Lively, isn't it?
Media:vo ntaq301 10 mavuika 02.ogg Mavuika: Leave this to me, Kachina.
(Mavuika captures Ajaw)
Media:vo ntaq301 10 ajaw 02.ogg Ajaw: What is this? Who dares lay a hand on the Almighty... Tch, Mavuika.
Media:vo ntaq301 10 mavuika 03.ogg Mavuika: I got him, Mualani.
Media:vo ntaq301 10 mualani 05.ogg Mualani: Expert Ajaw-wrangling, Archon! Thank you!
Media:vo ntaq301 10 ajaw 03.ogg Ajaw: You shall utter our name with more reverence! Or we shall... or I'll get Kinich to... ask you to apologize.
Media:vo ntaq301 10 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Some dragonlord you are, if you need your "servant" to protect you...
Media:vo ntaq301 10 mualani 06.ogg Mualani: Ajaw ruined an entire bucket of ice. We have others, but still... That was not cool! How should he be punished, Archon?
Media:vo ntaq301 10 mavuika 04.ogg Mavuika: Let me think...
Media:vo ntaq301 10 mavuika 05.ogg Mavuika: Seems like you could use some extra hands around here. Ajaw, help out in the kitchen.
Media:vo ntaq301 10 ajaw 04.ogg Ajaw: What? The Almighty Dragonlord K'uhul Ajaw shall not be reduced to a menial kitchen laborer...
Media:vo ntaq301 10 mavuika 06.ogg Mavuika: I wasn't asking.
Media:vo ntaq301 10 ajaw 05.ogg Ajaw: ...Understood.
Media:vo ntaq301 10 kachina 05.ogg Kachina: Ajaw, you have to learn to be good at some point.
Media:vo ntaq301 10 mualani 07.ogg Mualani: Well? Hop to it! There's a pile of vegetables with your name on it! You need to wash every leaf!
Media:vo ntaq301 10 ajaw 06.ogg Ajaw: H—Help! Someone save meeeeee!
(Talk to Kinich)
Media:vo ntaq301 11 kinich 01.ogg Kinich: Hm, this box is missing a label... Oh, it's you. What's up?
Media:vo ntaq301 11 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Nothing! We're just taking a look around!
Icon Dialogue Talk What have you been up to?
Media:vo ntaq301 11 kinich 02.ogg Kinich: Well, everyone's busy rebuilding the tribes, so there's not a lot of saurian hunting work out there.
Media:vo ntaq301 11 kinich 03.ogg Kinich: But, the Pyro Archon assigned me a special mission.
Media:vo ntaq301 11 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Oh, really?
Media:vo ntaq301 11 mavuika 01.ogg Mavuika: That's a bit of an exaggeration — I just asked Kinich to help identify some of the unknown casualties from the battle.
Media:vo ntaq301 11 mavuika 02.ogg Mavuika: The fighting consumed all of Natlan. Countless humans and saurians were dragged into the conflict. So, a lot of investigative work is required to confirm their identities.
Media:vo ntaq301 11 kinich 04.ogg Kinich: Just like a detective, I only have tiny details to work with. The goal is to deduce their habits and find evidence to corroborate their identity.
Media:vo ntaq301 11 kinich 05.ogg Kinich: It's tricky work, but we have every reason to keep going.
Media:vo ntaq301 11 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Because Natlan's heroes deserve to be remembered... right?
Media:vo ntaq301 11 mavuika 03.ogg Mavuika: Exactly. That is how we, as the living, respect our heroes and the value of their lives.
Media:vo ntaq301 11 mavuika 04.ogg Mavuika: So, let me know if you need extra help, Kinich.
Media:vo ntaq301 11 kinich 06.ogg Kinich: I'm doing fine for now. The teams searching for the fallen need the help more than me. The longer we take to find the dead, the harder it will be to piece things together.
Media:vo ntaq301 11 mavuika 05.ogg Mavuika: Understood. Thank you for your hard work.
Media:vo ntaq301 11 kinich 07.ogg Kinich: Just doing my part.
(Talk to Kinich again, optional)
Media:vo dialog ntaq301 kinich 01.ogg Kinich: Huh, still no label... If I want to know who sent this, guess the box will be my only clue.
(Talk to Chasca)
Media:vo ntaq301 12 mavuika 01.ogg Mavuika: Chasca.
Media:vo ntaq301 12 chasca 01.ogg Chasca: Hello, Archon. I'm fishing.
Media:vo ntaq301 12 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Oh... Doesn't look like the fish are biting today.
Media:vo ntaq301 12 chasca 02.ogg Chasca: Yeah.
Media:vo ntaq301 12 chasca 03.ogg Chasca: ...
(An awkward silence fills the air)
Media:vo ntaq301 12 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Um...
Media:vo ntaq301 12 chasca 04.ogg Chasca: It's okay, you don't have to walk on eggshells around me. I know you can tell I'm not really trying to fish. But, gazing at the water puts me at ease...
Media:vo ntaq301 12 mavuika 02.ogg Mavuika: I went to visit your parents, Chasca. Of course, I could only offer a few simple condolences...
Media:vo ntaq301 12 chasca 05.ogg Chasca: You helped a lot, actually. My mom has been doing much better since your visit.
Media:vo ntaq301 12 chasca 06.ogg Chasca: I've always been grateful to my parents for taking me in, but now I have an even deeper sense of responsibility.
Media:vo ntaq301 12 chasca 07.ogg Chasca: I'll never be able to replace Chuychu, but I will do everything in my power to pull them out of their loneliness and despair.
Media:vo ntaq301 12 mavuika 03.ogg Mavuika: That's exactly what your mother is worried about. She doesn't want you to push yourself to make up for their loss. After all, it's your loss, too.
Media:vo ntaq301 12 mavuika 04.ogg Mavuika: Grief is not something that can be measured against others. You don't need to make amends, Chasca. Your loss is a tragedy, not a debt.
Media:vo ntaq301 12 mavuika 05.ogg Mavuika: In any case, they've always loved both of you. There's no need for you to become Chuychu when they love you just for yourself.
Media:vo ntaq301 12 chasca 08.ogg Chasca: ...
Media:vo ntaq301 12 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Yeah! Don't put too much pressure on yourself!
Media:vo ntaq301 12 chasca 09.ogg Chasca: Thank you, everyone.
Media:vo ntaq301 12 chasca 10.ogg Chasca: Sounds like I owe my parents a conversation.
(Talk to Chasca again, optional)
Media:vo dailog ntaq301 chasca 1.ogg Chasca: Thank you for everything you said. I'll talk to my parents soon.
(Talk to Iansan or Huaccue)
Media:vo ntaq301 13 iansan 01.ogg Iansan: Hello, you guys! Sorry for the wait. We're still setting up the venue.
Media:vo ntaq301 13 iansan 02.ogg Iansan: Hey, did I say you could take a break!? Keep pushing! This is the home stretch, and then we get to feast!
Media:vo ntaq301 13 huaccue 01.ogg Huaccue: Yes, Coach!
Media:vo ntaq301 13 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Are you still helping rebuild the tribes?
Media:vo ntaq301 13 iansan 03.ogg Iansan: That work is pretty much done, but I've discovered a lot more people with Abyssal Corrosion Syndrome in the process.
Media:vo ntaq301 13 iansan 04.ogg Iansan: So, I've been compiling patient records while helping them overcome the hallucinations. Thanks to The Captain, we have the Draught of Lucidity for the worst cases.
Media:vo ntaq301 13 mavuika 01.ogg Mavuika: I heard about your efforts. The Speaker's Chamber can take it from here.
Media:vo ntaq301 13 mavuika 02.ogg Mavuika: It's more effective to have a focused task force, and the Speaker's Chamber can contact the Fatui directly for more doses.
Media:vo ntaq301 13 iansan 05.ogg Iansan: The doctors at the Stadium aren't too busy?
Media:vo ntaq301 13 mavuika 03.ogg Mavuika: The worst is over, so it should be fine. I'll confirm it myself later.
Media:vo ntaq301 13 mavuika 04.ogg Mavuika: I'll be in touch with next steps. I just need you to compile all existing patient records to ease the transition.
Media:vo ntaq301 13 iansan 06.ogg Iansan: Understood, Archon! Although, I'd like to continue helping out with the treatment. I can't let everything I've learned go to waste.
Media:vo ntaq301 13 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wow, that's so responsible of you!
Media:vo ntaq301 13 iansan 07.ogg Iansan: Well, haha... Knowledge is power, after all.
(Talk to Iansan again, optional)
Media:vo dialog ntaq301 iansan 01.ogg Iansan: Alright, break time! Get some water, and let me know if you start to feel dizzy.
Media:vo dialog ntaq301 iansan 02.ogg Iansan: I'll take things from here.
(Talk to Ororon)
Media:vo ntaq301 14 olorun 01a.ogg Media:vo ntaq301 14 olorun 01b.ogg Ororon: Oh, (‍GrampsGramps/other Grannyother Granny‍), Archon... I swear, I've been on my best behavior recently.
Media:vo ntaq301 14 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: *sigh* Paimon knows it's just how you talk, but you've gotta realize how suspicious that sounds, right?
Media:vo ntaq301 14 mavuika 01.ogg Mavuika: Haha, I am curious, though... Are you still working with The Captain?
Media:vo ntaq301 14 olorun 02.ogg Ororon: No, I don't have a reason to follow him anymore, so my life is back to normal — growing vegetables, raising aphids...
Media:vo ntaq301 14 olorun 03.ogg Ororon: Well, maybe not completely normal. I'm still keeping tabs on the situation in the Night Kingdom... The Ley Lines are in a bad state.
Media:vo ntaq301 14 mavuika 02.ogg Mavuika: We plan on bringing that to an end.
Media:vo ntaq301 14 olorun 04a.ogg Media:vo ntaq301 14 olorun 04b.ogg Ororon: I know. You... and (‍GrampsGramps/other Grannyother Granny‍), right?
Media:vo ntaq301 14 olorun 05.ogg Ororon: You're going to become great heroes, and the most I can do is... weave a scroll of your deeds.
Media:vo ntaq301 14 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Oh, you know how to do that?
Media:vo ntaq301 14 olorun 06.ogg Ororon: Most people from my tribe know the art, but I'm not very good... I can never seem to empty my mind.
Media:vo ntaq301 14 olorun 07.ogg Ororon: We commemorate the deeds of others as a form of inspiration. But, rather than waiting for someone else to be inspired, isn't it faster to just take things into your own hands?
Media:vo ntaq301 14 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Well... There are always things we can't do on our own.
Media:vo ntaq301 14 mavuika 03.ogg Mavuika: I wouldn't phrase it quite like that, but Paimon's not wrong.
Media:vo ntaq301 14 mavuika 04.ogg Mavuika: Time will give you an answer. I know how you feel, Ororon. It took me a long time to find my place in the world.
Media:vo ntaq301 14 mavuika 05.ogg Mavuika: I'm more mature now, but that passion, that drive to prove myself... I miss it sometimes. Maybe you'll change in the future, but you can still be proud of who you are now.
Media:vo ntaq301 14 olorun 08.ogg Ororon: You're saying... I need to live in the present?
Icon Dialogue Talk Just do what you think is right.
Media:vo ntaq301 14 olorun 09.ogg Ororon: Hm... Thank you, Archon. That's what I've always tried to do.
(Talk to Ororon again, optional)
Media:vo dialog ntaq301 olorun 01.ogg Ororon: The Pyro Archon is right. I still have a long way to go, but I will have time to grow.
(If three interactions have been completed)
Media:vo ntaq301 16 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey, looks like the food is almost ready! Let's head over! Paimon can't wait to feast!
Media:vo ntaq301 16 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Oh, but if there are still people you want to see, that's okay... We can head over later, too...

(Interact with the chair)
Icon Dialogue Quest Rest
For now, you set aside your troubles to savor the delicious food and this happy occasion.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 mualani 01.ogg Mualani: So... full. I'm practically a Blubberbeast, hehe...
Media:vo ntaq301 17 kachina 01.ogg Kachina: Wh—What's that?
Media:vo ntaq301 17 mualani 02.ogg Mualani: A creature from Fontaine with a super round belly... You've never seen a picture of one?
Media:vo ntaq301 17 kachina 02.ogg Kachina: Aw, it sounds so cute!
Media:vo ntaq301 17 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Paimon can vouch for their cuteness! You can pat their belly, and they'll even join in!
Media:vo ntaq301 17 iansan 01.ogg Iansan: That reminds me of my saurian companion. Her name was Emela. She wasn't the sharpest Tatankasaur, but she was incredibly brave.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 iansan 02.ogg Iansan: When there was nothing to do, she would lounge around the tribe without making a sound, even if you bumped into her. Sometimes, visitors would think she was all passed out!
Media:vo ntaq301 17 iansan 03.ogg Iansan: But, she was completely different once we were on the move. When she was little, I took her on all sorts of adventures. But, saurians grow a lot faster than humans. Before long, she was the one dragging me all over the place.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wow, she must have been a great fighter to keep up with you!
Media:vo ntaq301 17 iansan 04.ogg Iansan: Yeah, she was tough. Varesa told me she was amazing in the final battle...
Media:vo ntaq301 17 iansan 05.ogg Iansan: I had to defend the Stadium, so... I never got the chance to see her one last time. It was a choice I had to make, but it was hard to accept.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 iansan 06.ogg Iansan: Sorry, I didn't mean to bring down the mood. I'll just get to the important part...
Media:vo ntaq301 17 iansan 07.ogg Iansan: I actually saw her in my dreams the past few nights! It felt so real, like it was really her.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 iansan 08.ogg Iansan: She gave me a ride, and we traveled all around Natlan together. We were both so happy.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 mualani 03.ogg Mualani: Wait, now that you mention it...
Media:vo ntaq301 17 mualani 04.ogg Mualani: I've had dreams of Auntie Atea! She was her typical self — brave and stern, always with that indescribable warmth.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 mualani 05.ogg Mualani: I've never had a dream that felt so real. Just like you said, it felt like I actually got to see her again!
Media:vo ntaq301 17 olorun 01.ogg Ororon: So, it wasn't just me...
Media:vo ntaq301 17 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Wait, you've had dreams, too? Don't tell Paimon you dreamt of your aphids or something...
Media:vo ntaq301 17 olorun 02.ogg Ororon: It wasn't just them. Some of the Gramps and Grannies who looked after me were there, too.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 olorun 03.ogg Ororon: Growing up, I could always hear a degree of guilt in the way they spoke to me. It's why they never asked anything of me, why they gave me so much freedom.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 olorun 04.ogg Ororon: I never wanted things to be that way. But, even in my own dreams, nothing changed... They sounded exactly the same, just like real life.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 kachina 03.ogg Kachina: The same thing happened to me! I dreamt of Ayo's grandparents.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Ayo... Oh, right! Your saurian companion.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 kachina 04.ogg Kachina: Ayo's grandparents fell to the Abyss during the battle... So, it's been really hard for him. He's barely been eating.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 kachina 05.ogg Kachina: I set up a tent near his home so I could be there for him, and I had a dream that his grandparents came back.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 kachina 06.ogg Kachina: I was so happy. In the dream, Ayo seemed like his normal self again. But, it was only for a moment, and then I woke up...
Media:vo ntaq301 17 kachina 07.ogg Kachina: In real life, Ayo is still struggling. He barely sleeps or eats... But, it's alright! I'll be there for him!
(TravelerTraveler): (Everyone's had dreams, including me. Could they be related somehow?)
Media:vo ntaq301 17 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: (TravelerTraveler)? Chasca? Did you two... Oh, um, sorry. Never mind...
Media:vo ntaq301 17 chasca 01.ogg Chasca: ...Heh, when did this become story hour?
Media:vo ntaq301 17 chasca 02.ogg Chasca: Still, I have nothing to hide. I dreamt about Chuychu.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 chasca 03.ogg Chasca: She told me I felt like a completely different person. She said I'm going down the right path, so she doesn't need to pick fights with me anymore.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 chasca 04.ogg Chasca: Maybe your dreams felt real, but the Chuychu I saw was nothing like her "real" self. She would never say anything like that to me.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 chasca 05.ogg Chasca: It was a dream, nothing more.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 iansan 09.ogg Iansan: Sorry. I shouldn't have brought this up in the first place.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 chasca 06.ogg Chasca: It's fine. I'm the one being a buzzkill...
Media:vo ntaq301 17 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: W—Well, what about you, (TravelerTraveler)? Did you have a special dream?
You tell everyone about your dream, including The Captain and the souls...
Media:vo ntaq301 17 mualani 06.ogg Mualani: You're kidding! The Captain?
Media:vo ntaq301 17 iansan 10.ogg Iansan: D—Does that mean you have some kind of secret connection to him?
Media:vo ntaq301 17 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: No! Of course not!
Media:vo ntaq301 17 olorun 05.ogg Ororon: Maybe (TravelerTraveler)'s dream is a different kind of phenomenon...
Media:vo ntaq301 17 mavuika 01.ogg Mavuika: I may know the cause of the dreams. At the end of the battle, I launched a special kind of Night War by using the power of the divine throne.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 mavuika 02.ogg Mavuika: Its great power allowed the Ode of Resurrection to bring back all casualties, independent of the time of victory, or the possession of an Ancient Name.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 mavuika 03.ogg Mavuika: In addition, the power of the divine throne revitalized the souls and memories within the Night Kingdom, allowing them to take the form of their past selves.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 mavuika 04.ogg Mavuika: Even after the battle, that effect still lingers. That's why those you lost were able to reappear in your dreams.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 mavuika 05.ogg Mavuika: But, I agree with Ororon... (TravelerTraveler)'s dream is likely a different matter.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 olorun 06.ogg Ororon: The shamans of my tribe often receive visions of the future through dreams... Is that what you're suggesting?
Media:vo ntaq301 17 mavuika 06.ogg Mavuika: Yes, exactly.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: So, (TravelerTraveler) saw... The Captain's future?
Media:vo ntaq301 17 olorun 07.ogg Ororon: It's still unclear. But, Granny taught me how to interpret dreams. Would it be okay if I try to take a look?
Media:vo ntaq301 17 olorun 08.ogg Ororon: If I can observe your soul, I can find out the key elements of the dream.
Icon Dialogue Talk That's incredible.
Icon Dialogue Talk That power reminds me of someone.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 olorun 09.ogg Ororon: You're thinking of the Dendro Archon, right? My tribe's power over dreams is nothing compared to that of an Archon.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 olorun 10.ogg Ororon: Observing the dreamscape requires a ritual and can only reveal static images. We also need the full cooperation of the dreamer.
Media:vo ntaq301 17 olorun 11.ogg Ororon: Otherwise, the process could be used to violate the privacy of others...
Media:vo ntaq301 17 mavuika 07.ogg Mavuika: I also have a fairly good understanding of the ritual. What do you say, (TravelerTraveler)? Should we start the preparations?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm curious about The Captain.
Icon Dialogue Talk I want to know about his true goal...
Media:vo ntaq301 17 olorun 12.ogg Ororon: Then, I'll start getting ready. We'll carry out the ceremony somewhere else.
(Talk to Kachina or Mualani again, optional)
Media:vo dialog ntaq301 mualani 01.ogg Mualani: You've got me curious about this dream, too! Be sure to come back and tell us what you learn!
Media:vo dialog ntaq301 kachina 01.ogg Kachina: Yeah! And let us know if you need any help!
(Approach Mavuika and Ororon)
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 01.ogg Ororon: I never knew you could make it this way. This formula is new to me...
Media:vo ntaq301 18 mavuika 01.ogg Mavuika: Your granny never taught you about incense-making?
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 02.ogg Ororon: No, she usually just lists off the ingredients and tells me to follow the formula...
Media:vo ntaq301 18 mavuika 02.ogg Mavuika: Haha, then you still have a lot to learn from her.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 mavuika 03.ogg Mavuika: Alright, we're ready, (TravelerTraveler). Once you head inside, you'll fall into a brief sleep.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 mavuika 04.ogg Mavuika: Ororon will interpret the dreamscape, but you won't feel a thing.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 03.ogg Ororon: That's right. Everything's all set.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: So, you just need to take a nap? Sounds easy enough.
Icon Dialogue Talk See ya later.
(The Traveler enters the room and falls asleep)
(Through the door, Paimon hears Ororon)
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 04.ogg Ororon: ...
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 05.ogg Ororon: Th—This is...
You sleep for a brief period. When you open your eyes again, the ceremony appears to be over.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 mavuika 05.ogg Mavuika: Here, have some water. It'll help to clear your head.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: You're awake already, (TravelerTraveler)? That was fast...
Icon Dialogue Talk It felt like only a few minutes...
Media:vo ntaq301 18 mavuika 06.ogg Mavuika: It was enough. What did you learn, Ororon?
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 06.ogg Ororon: The person next to The Captain... I've seen him before. He was the one who tried to possess me back at the ruin.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Huh? It was him!? Guthred, right? The military doctor?
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 07.ogg Ororon: So, you know that name, too...
Media:vo ntaq301 18 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Yeah! The Captain told us about him when we were helping Iansan.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: He was the one who developed the Draught of Lucidity, a drug that can help people with hallucinations.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 08.ogg Ororon: I see...
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 09.ogg Ororon: After the battle, I returned to my tribe and began searching through our records of the catastrophe five hundred years ago. Even though my encounter with him was brief, I managed to track down some information...
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 10.ogg Ororon: The records said he was cold and decisive. Like The Captain, he was formidable in battle, but the two upheld very different ideas of justice.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: So, he didn't have The Captain's sense of... honor?
Media:vo ntaq301 18 mavuika 07.ogg Mavuika: That makes sense. The best partners are those who complement each other.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Wait, if there are records of all this, that must mean The Captain was famous in Natlan!
Media:vo ntaq301 18 mavuika 08.ogg Mavuika: Yes, but unless he brings up his past, few are likely to make the connection between a Fatui Harbinger and Thrain, one of Natlan's legendary heroes.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 11.ogg Ororon: Guthred is also a respected figure in our nation. The story of how he sacrificed himself for Natlan is a pretty famous tribal legend.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 12.ogg Ororon: But, there's still something I don't understand. I'm the only one who saw him. You shouldn't be able to dream of someone you've never met...
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 13.ogg Ororon: And yet... The figure in your dream looked exactly like him.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 mavuika 09.ogg Mavuika: I don't think that's a coincidence. I believe what (TravelerTraveler) saw was Guthred's soul.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 14.ogg Ororon: But didn't he die hundreds of years ago? There's no way his soul could have survived that long...
Media:vo ntaq301 18 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Maybe he found his way to the Night Kingdom for a little bit?
Media:vo ntaq301 18 mavuika 10.ogg Mavuika: No, the Night Kingdom only accepts the souls of Natlan. It's always been that way. The Ruler of Death likely wanted to prevent the Ode of Resurrection from being abused.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 15.ogg Ororon: When I was with The Captain, I could hear something coming from him, souls that were not his own. I heard voices of sorrow and pain, sometimes faint, sometimes strong.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Wait, are you saying The Captain has had Guthred's soul inside of him all along!?
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 16.ogg Ororon: That's the part I don't understand. Ordinary people shouldn't be able to carry the souls of others...
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 17.ogg Ororon: It's only possible for me because my situation is unique. And, even then, you saw what happened... The Lord of the Night's voice triggers a violent reaction in those with fragmented souls.
Icon Dialogue Talk But The Captain didn't react at all.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 18.ogg Ororon: I even checked his soul myself. It's resilient, radiant, and entirely in one piece.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Maybe it has something to do with Guthred, then...
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 19.ogg Ororon: It's very possible.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 20.ogg Ororon: It's still too early to tell, but the continued existence of Guthred's soul is likely the key to figuring out The Captain's true intentions.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 mavuika 11.ogg Mavuika: I agree.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: The Captain never revealed anything to you? The two of you worked together for quite some time...
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 21.ogg Ororon: No, he rarely talked about himself. We were united in our efforts to save Natlan, but it never went beyond that.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 mavuika 12.ogg Mavuika: Let's come back to this later. One final step, and we save Natlan for good. That must be our focus.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 mavuika 13.ogg Mavuika: I'll tell the officials at the Speaker's Chamber to monitor The Captain. Nevertheless, I doubt his goal will interfere with our plan.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Yeah, he's definitely up to something, but there are far more important things for Paimon to worry about...
Media:vo ntaq301 18 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Like, if Paimon had to rate her level of worry... The Captain gets maybe fifty points. But, considering the final battle, you two get at least two thousand!
Media:vo ntaq301 18 mavuika 14.ogg Mavuika: In any case, conjecture will only get us so far. It might be more useful for you to ask The Captain directly, Ororon. With any luck, he might just tell you the truth.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 22.ogg Ororon: Huh? M—Me...?
Media:vo ntaq301 18 mavuika 15.ogg Mavuika: Don't tell me you haven't noticed his respect for you? The First of the Fatui Harbingers doesn't work with just anyone.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 mavuika 16.ogg Mavuika: Fortune favors the bold. So, if you ask me, posing the question directly is the wiser choice.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 olorun 23.ogg Ororon: I'm not so sure... But I'll give it a try.
Media:vo ntaq301 18 mavuika 17.ogg Mavuika: Alright, let's head back and enjoy the party.
(Return to the feast)
After you return, everyone enjoys the gathering until sundown.
Media:vo ntaq301 19 amina 01.ogg Amina: Thank you so much for coming, everyone! As this gathering comes to a close, let's hear it for the Pyro Archon and (TravelerTraveler) one last time!
Media:vo ntaq301 19 kinai 01.ogg Kinai: Good luck!
Media:vo ntaq301 19 caipa 01.ogg Caipa: You've got this!
Media:vo ntaq301 19 mualani 01.ogg Mualani: For Natlan!
Media:vo ntaq301 19 mavuika 01.ogg Mavuika: Thank you, everyone. Today has meant so much to me. It's been a long time since I had the chance to truly relax.
Media:vo ntaq301 19 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Yeah! Today was great!
Icon Dialogue Talk Thank you very much.
Media:vo ntaq301 19 amina 02.ogg Amina: Well, that concludes the send-off! Everyone is free to go. Any volunteers willing to stick around for clean-up, follow me!
Media:vo ntaq301 19 mualani 02.ogg Mualani: Oh, I'm in!
Media:vo ntaq301 19 mavuika 02.ogg Mavuika: Alright, I'm going to head back to the Stadium. I'm sure there's a lot of work to make up at the Speaker's Chamber.
Media:vo ntaq301 19 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wait, what happened to taking a break?
Media:vo ntaq301 19 mavuika 03.ogg Mavuika: There is no break from the responsibilities of an Archon. Anyone else heading to the Stadium? We can go together.
Media:vo ntaq301 19 chasca 01.ogg Chasca: Yeah, I'll come. There's a few things I want to pick up before I head home. No one really needs a peacemaker right now, so I think I'll spend some time with my parents.
Media:vo ntaq301 19 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Okay, see you soon!
Media:vo ntaq301 19 olorun 01.ogg Ororon: Time for me to head back, too... Oh, wait! I should stop by Ifa's place first.
Media:vo ntaq301 19 olorun 02.ogg Ororon: I need to make sure he's taking care of my radishes.
Media:vo ntaq301 19 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Of course you do... Well, safe travels!
Media:vo ntaq301 19 kinich 01.ogg Kinich: I should also get going. Bye for now, everyone.
Media:vo ntaq301 19 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Oh, wait! Paimon wanted to ask something... Where was Ajaw this whole time?
Media:vo ntaq301 19 kinich 02.ogg Kinich: Ajaw's not exactly a good party guest — unless you prefer parties with less food and more insults.
Icon Dialogue Talk So, you put him in a timeout?
Media:vo ntaq301 19 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Heh, what goes around comes around!
Media:vo ntaq301 19 iansan 01.ogg Iansan: I'm gonna go, too! Good luck with your Ancient Name!
Media:vo ntaq301 19 iansan 02.ogg Iansan: Not sure if you already know this, but being the first bearer of your name is a huge honor in Natlan. It comes with a lot of responsibility.
Media:vo ntaq301 19 iansan 03.ogg Iansan: But, I'm sure your deeds will be remembered for generations to come! I believe in you!
Icon Dialogue Talk Thank you.
Media:vo ntaq301 19 kachina 01.ogg Kachina: Well, guess I should head out, too. It's gonna be super late by the time I get back...
Media:vo ntaq301 19 kachina 02.ogg Kachina: I think I'll go see Xilonen. She's probably done with your Ancient Name by now. I can check for you!
Icon Dialogue Talk So soon?
Media:vo ntaq301 19 kachina 03.ogg Kachina: Yeah! Xilonen is an amazing engraver! She usually works really fast, but your ancient name is a special case, so I can't say for sure...
Media:vo ntaq301 19 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Well, we also don't have anything to do, so why don't we go together?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sounds good.
Icon Dialogue Talk At this time of night, it's dangerous to go alone.
Media:vo ntaq301 19 kachina 04.ogg Kachina: Oh, it's okay! I'm not alone — Turbo Twirly's with me!
Media:vo ntaq301 19 kachina 05.ogg Kachina: Still, if you want to check on the progress, we should definitely go together! Getting an Ancient Name is such a special moment!
Media:vo ntaq301 19 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Whoo, let's go!
(The camera pans to a rattling box near Golden Dusk)
Media:vo ntaq301 19 ajaw 01.ogg Ajaw: H—Help! Someone save meeeeee!
(Interact with the door behind Kupo Nui at Golden Dusk, optional)
Media:vo dialog ntaq301 ajaw 01.ogg Ajaw: Little Kinich, think you can lock me away forever? Heh, we'll see who gets the last laugh!
Icon Quest Step Step Description

As the feast comes to an end, you plan to escort Kachina back to her tribe and check up on how far the Ancient Name's forging has progressed.
(Approach the marker)
Media:vo ntaq301 20 kachina 01.ogg Kachina: Hey, remember when you first arrived in Natlan? It was still light out, and we traveled on this road together!
Media:vo ntaq301 20 kachina 02.ogg Kachina: It was the day before the Pilgrimage, and we met up with Kinich and Mualani.
Media:vo ntaq301 20 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Wow, feels like it was just yesterday!
Icon Dialogue Talk We've had a lot of adventures.
Media:vo ntaq301 20 kachina 03.ogg Kachina: Yeah! You saved me from the Night Kingdom, you helped us win that battle against the Abyss...
Media:vo ntaq301 20 kachina 04.ogg Kachina: And the final battle is just around the corner.
Icon Dialogue Talk We sent you off to battle. Now, you get to do the same.
Media:vo ntaq301 20 kachina 05.ogg Kachina: Huh? Oh, yeah... Hehe, you're right!
Media:vo ntaq301 20 kachina 06.ogg Kachina: I was so nervous the night before the Pilgrimage, but your words of encouragement made me feel a lot better!
Media:vo ntaq301 20 kachina 07.ogg Kachina: I slept so well that night, and earned the best score I've ever had in the Pilgrimage!
Media:vo ntaq301 20 kachina 08.ogg Kachina: S—So, if you're nervous, (TravelerTraveler), maybe I can encourage you this time...
Media:vo ntaq301 20 kachina 09.ogg Kachina: *sigh* I've learned so much from you. But, I doubt I can return the favor...
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't worry, I'm not nervous.
Media:vo ntaq301 20 kachina 10a 1.ogg Kachina: Hehe, I knew it! I really look up to your bravery, (TravelerTraveler)!
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm a little nervous.
Media:vo ntaq301 20 kachina 10b 1.ogg Kachina: Oh, um... D—Don't worry! I'll be rooting for you! And, if you need help, I'll always be first in line!
Media:vo ntaq301 20 kachina 10b 2.ogg Kachina: I bear the ancient name "UthabitiResilience." That means I'll never give up! So, I guess the only piece of advice I can give you is... Don't back down!
Media:vo ntaq301 20 kachina 11.ogg Kachina: Alright, let's keep going!

(Approach the second marker)
Media:vo ntaq301 21 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey, this is where we met Toto, isn't it?
Media:vo ntaq301 21 kachina 01.ogg Kachina: Yeah, but Toto probably won't be able to come back here for a while.
Media:vo ntaq301 21 kachina 02.ogg Kachina: During the battle, Toto refused to leave this place. Monsters started closing in, and he got really injured... But, an amazing doctor saved his life!
(If Toto was found during Despair Engulfs the Heavens)
Media:vo ntaq301 21 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Yeah, we saw him during the battle... Thank goodness he made it!
Media:vo ntaq301 21 kachina 03.ogg Kachina: The doctor said he refused to leave because of his "territorial instincts." I have a different idea, though...
Media:vo ntaq301 21 kachina 04.ogg Kachina: Toto is a gentle creature — he's not aggressive or territorial. He loves his home and wants to share that with everyone in the area.
Media:vo ntaq301 21 kachina 05.ogg Kachina: I don't like conflict or violence, either — Toto and I are similar in that way. But, we want to protect the things we love from being destroyed. So... we chose to fight.
Media:vo ntaq301 21 kachina 06.ogg Kachina: Love is an extremely positive and powerful emotion, but sometimes it comes with pain — that's what my dad always says.
Media:vo ntaq301 21 kachina 07.ogg Kachina: Now, I finally understand what he meant.
Icon Dialogue Talk You and Toto are both very brave.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm sorry you had to grow up so fast.
Media:vo ntaq301 21 kachina 08.ogg Kachina: It's alright. This will all be over soon.
Media:vo ntaq301 21 kachina 09.ogg Kachina: The fact that I was born in this era, that I got to meet legendary heroes like you and our Archon... actually makes me feel really lucky.
Media:vo ntaq301 21 kachina 10.ogg Kachina: I've always wanted to see what Natlan would be like without the Abyss...
Media:vo ntaq301 21 kachina 11.ogg Kachina: And now, that day is just around the corner. I know you two can win this!
Media:vo ntaq301 21 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Yeah, it's time to get this over with. We've still got a long journey ahead of us!
Icon Dialogue Talk Thanks, you two.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll give it my all.
Media:vo ntaq301 21 kachina 12.ogg Kachina: C'mon, we're almost there!

(Approach the third marker)
Media:vo ntaq301 22 kachina 01.ogg Kachina: Wait, that's Hanwi... Hey, Hanwi! What are you doing here?
Media:vo ntaq301 22 kachina 02.ogg Kachina: Oh, let me introduce you — this is Ayo's mom!
Media:vo ntaq301 22 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hello!
Media:vo ntaq301 22 hanwi 01.ogg Hanwi: Roar, roar!
Media:vo ntaq301 22 kachina 03.ogg Kachina: Oh no, you seem worried... Is something wrong?
Media:vo ntaq301 22 kachina 04.ogg Kachina: She left! C'mon, let's follow her!
(While following Hanwi)
Media:vo ntaq301 22 hanwi 02.ogg Hanwi: Roar—
Media:vo ntaq301 22 kachina 05.ogg Kachina: She's really freaking out! What's going on?
(Approach Ayo)
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 01.ogg Kachina: Oh, it's because of Ayo. *sigh* Still no change, huh... Poor thing.
Media:vo ntaq301 23 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Oh, right... You said Ayo's grandparents died in the battle.
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 02.ogg Kachina: Yeah. When the Abyss attacked, Ayo's entire family fought to defend our tribe.
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 03.ogg Kachina: Ayo's parents made it through, but his grandparents weren't so lucky...
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 04.ogg Kachina: The whole family was really close, and now, Ayo barely sleeps or eats. All he wants to do is look for them.
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 05.ogg Kachina: Maybe he thinks his grandparents are still out there somewhere, but there's no bringing them back...
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 06.ogg Kachina: Hey, Ayo... It's me! Feeling any better?
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 07.ogg Kachina: I brought some steak for you. I know it's your favorite, and it's still warm... Want some?
Media:vo ntaq301 23 ayo 01.ogg Ayo: Roar...
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 08.ogg Kachina: Nope. It's like he doesn't even know I'm here...
Media:vo ntaq301 23 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: (TravelerTraveler), doesn't this situation remind you of Abyssal Corrosion Syndrome?
Icon Dialogue Talk Kind of...
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 09.ogg Kachina: Huh? What's Abyssal Corrosion Syndrome?
Media:vo ntaq301 23 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: According to The Captain, it's a kind of mental disorder that results from Abyssal contamination, even after its power has been purified.
Media:vo ntaq301 23 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: It can cause hallucinations, mental breakdowns... It's really dangerous.
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 10.ogg Kachina: That does kind of sound like what's happening to Ayo, but I don't think he was contaminated by the Abyss...
Media:vo ntaq301 23 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: It's hard to say for sure. Still, Abyssal power was everywhere during the battle. Maybe it affected him indirectly...
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 11.ogg Kachina: It's possible...
Icon Dialogue Talk We have a few doses of medicine on us.
Media:vo ntaq301 23 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Yeah! That medicine was really effective against the worst cases. Since we don't have any other options, should we give it a try?
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 12.ogg Kachina: Okay, but just a small amount. Since it was developed for humans, it might have a different effect on a saurian.
Media:vo ntaq301 23 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Yeah, better safe than sorry!
After you administer the medicine, Ayo immediately perks up and scarfs down the steak in one bite!
Media:vo ntaq301 23 ayo 02.ogg Ayo: Roar!
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 13.ogg Kachina: You're okay? I'm so relieved!
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 14.ogg Kachina: Thank you so much! That medicine is amazing!
Media:vo ntaq301 23 together 01.ogg Hanwi & Anpao: Roar, roar...
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 15.ogg Kachina: Done eating, Ayo? Then, you should get some rest. You've barely slept these past few days.
Media:vo ntaq301 23 ayo 03.ogg Ayo: Roar, roar!
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 16.ogg Kachina: Okay, okay! You're full of energy, aren't you? Fine, I won't nag you. Just don't overdo it!
Media:vo ntaq301 23 ayo 04.ogg Ayo: Roar, roar!
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 17.ogg Kachina: Thank you so much, you two. You helped save Ayo!
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 18.ogg Kachina: Could you share some of that medicine with me? I want to be able to help someone else if I were to run into a similar situation.
Media:vo ntaq301 23 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Of course.
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 19.ogg Kachina: Y'know, I used take a lot of things for granted. Growing up, it's easy to think that everything around you will just exist forever.
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 20.ogg Kachina: But the battle taught me that very few things in life are permanent. Like this path, for example... It's the same one we walked before, but now, the view is completely different.
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 21.ogg Kachina: It makes the things we love even more precious. So, I want to do as much as I can to defend my family and friends, so I can move forward without regrets.
Icon Dialogue Talk I feel the same way.
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 22.ogg Kachina: Actually, that's something I learned from you, hehe! You've really taught me a lot.
Icon Dialogue Talk You give me too much credit.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're a fast learner.
Media:vo ntaq301 23 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Yeah! You're so talented and strong — practically a star pupil!
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 23.ogg Kachina: R—Really? So, you think I'm doing a good job? I've been a good... disciple? Or, uh, student? Or, um...
Icon Dialogue Talk How about... friend?
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 24.ogg Kachina: *tearful whimper*...
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 25.ogg Kachina: Thank you! I... I won't let you down! I'll train even harder tomorrow!
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 26.ogg Kachina: Hehe, alright, we're not far from the tribe. Let's go.
Media:vo ntaq301 23 kachina 27.ogg Kachina: Bye, Ayo! Bye, Hanwi! Bye, Anpao!

(Approach the Statue of the Seven)
Media:vo ntaq301 24 kachina 01.ogg Kachina: Phew, we're here! That was quite the trek.
Media:vo ntaq301 24 kachina 02.ogg Kachina: After you visit Xilonen, you should come over for dinner! You can stay the night, too. I'll help my parents get everything ready!
Media:vo ntaq301 24 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We wouldn't want to impose...
Media:vo ntaq301 24 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Let's see how things go with Xilonen first.
Media:vo ntaq301 24 kachina 03.ogg Kachina: Totally up to you! You're always welcome!
Media:vo ntaq301 24 kachina 04.ogg Kachina: Bye!
(Kachina leaves)
Media:vo ntaq301 24 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: When you think about it, we haven't actually known Kachina that long...
Media:vo ntaq301 24 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Our journey in Natlan feels like it just started, and now it's about to end.
Icon Dialogue Talk There are still a lot of places we haven't seen.
Media:vo ntaq301 24 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: That's true! We'll just have to add them to the itinerary!
Media:vo ntaq301 24 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Alright, time to go check on our... *ahem* your ancient name!
(Approach Citlali)
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 01.ogg Citlali: Oh, it's you two. The party's over, I'm guessing...
Media:vo ntaq301 25 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Huh? You knew about that?
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 02.ogg Citlali: Of course! Everyone in Natlan is rooting for you.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 03.ogg Citlali: Xilonen is working on the last part of your Ancient Name. It's best not to bother her when she's in the zone.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 04.ogg Citlali: Your Name is a special case. There were quite a few headaches along the way, which slowed the progress.
Icon Dialogue Talk This is already faster than I expected.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 05.ogg Citlali: I told Xilonen, if we hurry, we might make it to the feast in time to snag the last round of barbecue.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 06.ogg Citlali: I was just teasing, but she gave it some serious thought, nodded, and really hit the ground running after that... It's like my joke lit a fire under her or something.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Sounds like she really wanted that barbecue.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 07.ogg Citlali: Yeah, it's a favorite in her tribe. I bet she still hasn't realized the feast is already over...
Media:vo ntaq301 25 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Wait, should we go make some for her, then?
Icon Dialogue Talk Yeah, if she's looking forward to it that much.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 xilonen 01.ogg Xilonen: I appreciate the thought, but there's no need. I can tell what time it is — the light outside is a dead giveaway.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 xilonen 02.ogg Xilonen: Besides, I knew it was a joke. But, we were having a serious conversation at the time, so I decided to give a serious response.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 08.ogg Citlali: ...
Media:vo ntaq301 25 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: ...
Media:vo ntaq301 25 xilonen 03.ogg Xilonen: *ahem* Anyway, I have something more important to show you. Here, take a look.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: WOW! It's your Ancient Name!
Media:vo ntaq301 25 xilonen 04.ogg Xilonen: "TumainiHope"... a name surfaced from the very bottom of the river of souls. It means "hope."
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 09a.ogg Citlali: A light to guide us through the darkness, like the stars or the moon... It's a perfect fit.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Amazing! Does this name come with a cool chant like the others?
Media:vo ntaq301 25 xilonen 05a.ogg Media:vo ntaq301 25 xilonen 05b.ogg Xilonen: Of course, but that'll come later. (TravelerTraveler) is the first bearer of this name — those words will emerge naturally during (‍hishis/herher‍) journey.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 xilonen 06.ogg Xilonen: Once you return triumphant from the battle, I'm sure you will have fully understood why the Lord of the Night chose this name for you.
Icon Dialogue Talk Everything's ready...
Icon Dialogue Talk Now, we just need to strike.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Well, getting this Name turned out to be easier than Paimon was expecting.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 xilonen 07.ogg Xilonen: It all came down to the Lord of the Night's power. This situation is the first of its kind. Heck, I doubt we'll ever get a chance like this again.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 10.ogg Citlali: Imagine receiving that much help from the Lord of the Night only for our most trusted engraver to fail... That would have been so embarrassing for humanity.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 xilonen 08.ogg Xilonen: Success was never a question. You just like to make things seem dramatic. It's all those novels you read...
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 11.ogg Citlali: Hey, it's not like I wanted you to fail! When you've been alive as long as me, you learn that anything can happen!
Media:vo ntaq301 25 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Okay, okay. It all worked out in the end...
Media:vo ntaq301 25 xilonen 09.ogg Xilonen: Your Name was successfully forged, and it passed all my technical tests... But there's still one more step.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 xilonen 10.ogg Xilonen: We need to make sure the name has accepted you, and will function normally in your possession.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 12.ogg Citlali: An outlander has never received an Ancient Name before. I wouldn't be surprised if something equally unprecedented happens when you connect to it...
Media:vo ntaq301 25 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: So you're saying, it's still too early to celebrate...?
Media:vo ntaq301 25 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Well, when it comes to something this important, we can't leave anything to chance. Let's run this final test!
Media:vo ntaq301 25 xilonen 11.ogg Xilonen: Don't worry, the process is simple. We can find a quiet place to test it out after dinner.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 xilonen 12.ogg Xilonen: Basically, I need to observe whether your soul can connect to the Ley Lines, and make sure there are no signs of rejection.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 13a.ogg Citlali: Last time, you essentially "barged into" the Night Kingdom, but now, we must make sure that it will truly accept you.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 14.ogg Citlali: Just leave it to me — I'm a professional.
Icon Dialogue Talk Just like that...
Media:vo ntaq301 25 xilonen 13.ogg Xilonen: Oh, and you can have the Pilgrim's Chronicle back.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Huh? It wasn't destroyed?
Media:vo ntaq301 25 xilonen 14.ogg Xilonen: If forging an Ancient Name consumed the memories used to create it, the first person to bear the name would never be remembered.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 xilonen 15.ogg Xilonen: The Pilgrim's Chronicle is still the most significant proof of your adventures in Natlan.
Icon Dialogue Talk Thank you.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 15.ogg Citlali: No need to make a fuss... Let's go eat. I'm starving.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 xilonen 16.ogg Xilonen: C'mon, I'll take you to my favorite barbecue place.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 16.ogg Citlali: Hah, barbecue! See? I knew you couldn't resist!
Media:vo ntaq301 25 xilonen 17.ogg Xilonen: Oh, I forgot to mention... The place has top-tier alcohol as well.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 17.ogg Citlali: Well, what are we waiting for? Hop to it, people!
You enjoy a delicious barbecue dinner together. It seems to be Xilonen and Citlali's first meal of the day.
The alcohol is equally delicious, but out of respect for the test that will come next, Citlali only takes a few sips.
After the meal, Xilonen heads back to retrieve her tools while you wait outside with Citlali.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Is something on your mind, Citlali? You barely had anything to drink at dinner...
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 18.ogg Citlali: Heh, I didn't think anything could shake me at this age...
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 19.ogg Citlali: But, the closer we get to the final battle, the more worried I feel... You have an Ancient Name now, but the Ode of Resurrection only takes effect if you win.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 20.ogg Citlali: And, the Pyro Archon's fate... is pointing toward "death."
Icon Dialogue Talk No fate is set in stone.
Icon Dialogue Talk We will achieve victory together.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 21.ogg Citlali: ...
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 22.ogg Citlali: I believe in you... And, thank you — your words mean a lot.
Media:vo ntaq301 25 xilonen 18.ogg Xilonen: Alright, I'm ready... Oh, is something wrong?
Media:vo ntaq301 25 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: No, not at all! Citlali just... ate too much!
Media:vo ntaq301 25 citlali 23.ogg Citlali: Yes, that's right! So, I should really walk it off. C'mon, let's run the final test.
(Obtain Obsidian Ancient Name Obsidian Ancient Name and Pilgrim's Chronicle Pilgrim's Chronicle)

(Approach the marker)
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 01.ogg Citlali: All set, Xilonen?
Media:vo ntaq301 26 xilonen 01.ogg Xilonen: Just need to check one more thing, and... Yeah, okay! We're good!
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 02.ogg Citlali: Alright, I'll stand next to you and monitor your connection to the Ley Lines. It shouldn't take long, but you need to look out for one thing.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 03.ogg Citlali: This test relies on the same principles as the Spiritspeaker Stone. I heard about what happened when you used it last time...
Media:vo ntaq301 26 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Oh, yeah! Abyssal power kept surging out! If Chasca hadn't destroyed the stone, Vichama would have been consumed by the Abyss.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 04.ogg Citlali: That's exactly what I'm worried about. All this time, our final foe has continued to corrode the Ley Lines from the depths of the Night Kingdom.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 05.ogg Citlali: Your resistance to its power is remarkable, but you need to tell me if anything feels wrong.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 06.ogg Citlali: If either of us notices something off, the test ends, got it?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll be fine.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm more worried about Abyssal power leaking out.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 07.ogg Citlali: Don't worry, I'll use Elemental power to take care of that. This isn't exactly a picnic in the park, but everyone knows you never leave trash behind.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 08.ogg Citlali: Xilonen, I'm ready to start.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 09.ogg Citlali: Paimon, give us a little more space.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Oh, okay!
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 10.ogg Citlali: Let's do this.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Whoa, that light is beautiful! It's exactly like when we used the Spiritspeaker Stone.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 11.ogg Citlali: Your connection to the Ley Lines looks good... I can sense the Lord of the Night.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 12.ogg Citlali: Your soul is remarkable. Such a strong presence... even on par with the Lord of the Night.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 13.ogg Citlali: Looks like the Lord of the Night has accepted this Name and acknowledged you as its bearer... No surprise there, considering we only got this far because of her.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 14.ogg Citlali: Stable connection to the Ley Lines, no unexpected fluctuations... Both good signs.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 15.ogg Citlali: How do you feel, (TravelerTraveler)?
Icon Dialogue Talk All good.
Icon Dialogue Talk Completely normal.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 xilonen 02.ogg Xilonen: Then, it looks like your Ancient Name is good to go. That's great news.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Wait, look! Something's coming!
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 16.ogg Citlali: No need to panic, Paimon. The damage to the Ley Lines has allowed these soul-like beings to leak out onto the surface.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 17.ogg Citlali: It's just because of the ritual. It makes it so that everyone can see them. I know they look like ghosts, but it shouldn't last long...
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 18.ogg Citlali: A—Although, there shouldn't be this many!
Media:vo ntaq301 26 olaya 01.ogg Olaya: Home...
Media:vo ntaq301 26 cahuia 01.ogg Cahuia: This... way...
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 19.ogg Citlali: Xilonen, stop the test! We've already confirmed what we came here for!
Media:vo ntaq301 26 xilonen 03.ogg Xilonen: Got it!
Media:vo ntaq301 26 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Wh—What's going on?
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 20.ogg Citlali: I see... It wasn't just escaped souls. The ritual attracted all the souls in the surrounding area.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Surrounding area?
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 21.ogg Citlali: The Night Kingdom is getting weaker by the day, especially in its capacity to accept souls. After death, many souls fail to return to the Ley Lines.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 22.ogg Citlali: Once a soul becomes lost, it can never return to the Night Kingdom. Lost souls can only wander listlessly, gradually fading from existence before disappearing entirely.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 poloa 01.ogg Poloa: Please... Take me back...
Media:vo ntaq301 26 zumalli 01.ogg Zumalli: I... cannot... disappear...
Media:vo ntaq301 26 xilonen 04.ogg Xilonen: So, the connection we established to the Night Kingdom... That's what drew them here?
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 23.ogg Citlali: Yes. (TravelerTraveler)'s soul is powerful, so the echoes coming back from the Night Kingdom were loud and strong...
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 24.ogg Citlali: Some of these souls never made it to the Ley Lines, others escaped from the Night Kingdom, and even more don't even come from Natlan... Complicated doesn't even begin to describe it.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: S—So, they've always been around? We just couldn't see them most of the time?
Icon Dialogue Talk Can we save them?
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 25.ogg Citlali: We can try. Returning souls to the Ley Lines usually requires a complex ritual. But, we don't have time for that, and neither do they...
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 26.ogg Citlali: That's exactly why my people turned to "vessels" like Ororon.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 27.ogg Citlali: He has a remarkable ability to perceive souls. Even after the failed ceremony, he made it his mission to travel around Natlan and return as many souls as possible.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 28.ogg Citlali: But, most of the time, having the ability to perceive souls means watching them wither away in agony, completely powerless to stop it...
Media:vo ntaq301 26 xilonen 05.ogg Xilonen: So you're saying... There will always be those that we can't save?
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 29.ogg Citlali: That's right, but saving some is still better than saving none at all. After all, souls that disappear can never be reborn...
Media:vo ntaq301 26 citlali 30.ogg Citlali: That has to be true loneliness... The knowledge that you've been abandoned by the world, even in death...
Icon Dialogue Talk Then, we have to do something.
Media:vo ntaq301 26 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Yeah! We should try to save whoever we can!
(Approach Vichama's soul)
Media:vo ntaq301 27 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: V—Vichama!? Is that you!?
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 01.ogg Vichama: Oh... I know you.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 02.ogg Vichama: I didn't think we would meet again, especially like this.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 03.ogg Vichama: Using the Spiritspeaker Stone meant so much to me... Thank you, Citlali. I finally have the chance to say that in person.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 citlali 01.ogg Citlali: Enough of that... What happened to you?
Icon Dialogue Talk You... didn't make it through the battle?
Media:vo ntaq301 27 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wait, you're from the Scions of the Canopy! During the battle, your tribe was...!
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 04.ogg Vichama: It's okay. The battle finally gave me the chance to fulfill my dream.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 05.ogg Vichama: Back then, I missed my chance at the Night Warden Wars. I wasn't about to let that happen twice.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 06.ogg Vichama: I scouted the location and direction of the attacks, so I could tell Chief Wayna the safest way to evacuate.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 07.ogg Vichama: Those with grappling hooks escaped through the air. Everyone else banded together on the ground to break through the front.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 08.ogg Vichama: But, people needed information, so I stayed behind until the very end.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 xilonen 01.ogg Xilonen: ...You're a true hero.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 09.ogg Vichama: Thank you, but that's not why I did it.... I did it for the future of my tribe and the future of Natlan.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 10.ogg Vichama: The battle gave me back my sense of purpose. That's all I wanted.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 11.ogg Vichama: And, anyway, I was supposed to see Mallko again. I thought we would witness Natlan's rebirth together...
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 12.ogg Vichama: But the Night Kingdom rejected me.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Even though you're a hero of Natlan? How could that happen?
Media:vo ntaq301 27 citlali 02.ogg Citlali: I'm sorry... The Lord of the Night didn't do it on purpose, I can promise you that. The Ley Lines are in terrible shape. Even the Ode of Resurrection is no longer working like it should...
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 13.ogg Vichama: I know... She can't help it, right?
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 14.ogg Vichama: I get it. It just feels like fate is mocking me. Even in death... I won't ever get to be with Mallko again.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 citlali 03.ogg Citlali: No, it hasn't been long since the battle. The door to the Night Kingdom should still be open to you.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 citlali 04.ogg Citlali: Give me some time. I'll think of something.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 15.ogg Vichama: I—Is that even possible?
Media:vo ntaq301 27 citlali 05.ogg Citlali: It doesn't matter — I have to try. A hero of Natlan deserves a better fate than this!
(Citlali performs a ritual on Vichama)
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 16.ogg Vichama: This feeling... Is this the Night Kingdom?
Media:vo ntaq301 27 citlali 06.ogg Citlali: Phew... Looks like this method worked on you.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 17.ogg Vichama: Thank you... Thank you so much! People don't always have the nicest things to say about you... But, shows what they know...
Media:vo ntaq301 27 citlali 07.ogg Citlali: Hmph, that's a given.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 citlali 08.ogg Citlali: I hope you come back to us soon, Vichama.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 18.ogg Vichama: If I may... What about the others? Can you save them, too?
Media:vo ntaq301 27 citlali 09.ogg Citlali: ...
Media:vo ntaq301 27 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: We're sorry.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 19.ogg Vichama: Don't apologize. You're doing everything you can. This isn't anyone's fault.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 20.ogg Vichama: Let this land bear witness to my final wish for this world...
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 21.ogg Vichama: From now on, may every soul in Natlan find haven and home.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 citlali 10.ogg Citlali: I promise you, Vichama — I will not abandon the Ley Lines to their fate.
Icon Dialogue Talk Leave it to us.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 22.ogg Vichama: Thank you... People like you are the true heroes.
Media:vo ntaq301 27 vichama 23.ogg Vichama: Goodbye.
(Vichama disappears)
(Approach the first soul)
Media:vo ntaq301 28 olaya 01.ogg Olaya: Let me... Go back...
Media:vo ntaq301 28 olaya 02.ogg Olaya: Please... My child... is waiting for me...
Media:vo ntaq301 28 citlali 01.ogg Citlali: ...
Media:vo ntaq301 28 citlali 02.ogg Citlali: I'm sorry... Too much time has passed. There's nothing I can do...
Media:vo ntaq301 28 olaya 03.ogg Olaya: Nothing... you can do...
Media:vo ntaq301 28 olaya 04.ogg Olaya: Is this... the punishment... I deserve?
(The soul disappears)
(Approach the first group of souls)
Media:vo ntaq301 29 cahuia 01.ogg Cahuia: Home... Here... Home...
Media:vo ntaq301 29 citlali 01.ogg Citlali: She's one of the souls that overflowed from the Night Kingdom. She can no longer go back there.
Media:vo ntaq301 29 cahuia 02.ogg Cahuia: Home... Home...
Media:vo ntaq301 29 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We're sorry... If there was anything we could do...
Media:vo ntaq301 29 cahuia 03.ogg Cahuia: Home...
Media:vo ntaq301 29 cahuia 04.ogg Cahuia: Ho...
Media:vo ntaq301 29 cahuia 05.ogg Cahuia: ...
(The souls disappear)
Media:vo ntaq301 29 xilonen 01.ogg Xilonen: She's at her limit. Just getting here has taken all her strength.
Media:vo ntaq301 29 citlali 02.ogg Citlali: Ugh...
(They turn towards another group of souls nearby)
Media:vo ntaq301 30 poloa 01.ogg Poloa: Let me go back... Let me go...
Media:vo ntaq301 30 citlali 01.ogg Citlali: The Night Kingdom isn't responding. *sigh* That means its doors are closed...
Media:vo ntaq301 30 poloa 02.ogg Poloa: Why...
Media:vo ntaq301 30 poloa 03.ogg Poloa: I... fought... my entire life... I... believed... the Lord of the Night... would...
Media:vo ntaq301 30 xilonen 01.ogg Xilonen: I'm sorry. The Ley Lines are overwhelmed, and the Lord of Night has no strength left...
Media:vo ntaq301 30 poloa 04.ogg Poloa: Why... me...?
Media:vo ntaq301 30 poloa 05.ogg Poloa: Who... am I?
Media:vo ntaq301 30 poloa 06.ogg Poloa: Does it even matter... who I am...?
(The souls diappear)
Media:vo ntaq301 30 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Of course you matter! Wait!
Icon Dialogue Talk He's gone.
Media:vo ntaq301 30 citlali 02.ogg Citlali: Absolute helplessness... that's what he felt in his final moments. I could sense it.
Media:vo ntaq301 30 citlali 03.ogg Citlali: I'm sorry...
(Approach the second group of souls)
Media:vo ntaq301 32 ayele 01.ogg Ayele: Save me...
Media:vo ntaq301 32 citlali 01.ogg Citlali: Don't worry, I can help you. Just hold on.
(Citlali performs a ritual on Ayele)
Media:vo ntaq301 32 ayele 02.ogg Ayele: The... Night Kingdom...
Media:vo ntaq301 32 ayele 03.ogg Ayele: Thank you...
Media:vo ntaq301 32 ayele 04.ogg Ayele: You must be from the Masters of the Night-Wind. Would you tell me you [sic] name, kind soul?
Media:vo ntaq301 32 citlali 02.ogg Citlali: Citlali.
Media:vo ntaq301 32 ayele 05.ogg Ayele: Cit... lali...
Media:vo ntaq301 32 ayele 06.ogg Ayele: What a beautiful name...
Media:vo ntaq301 32 ayele 07.ogg Ayele: Dazzling... just like the stars in the sky.
Media:vo ntaq301 32 ayele 08.ogg Ayele: ...
(Ayele disappears)
Media:vo ntaq301 31 zumalli 01.ogg Zumalli: I... can't... disappear...
Media:vo ntaq301 31 citlali 01.ogg Citlali: It hasn't been long since he died. I can still try to save him!
Media:vo ntaq301 31 zumalli 02.ogg Zumalli: I... can't...
Media:vo ntaq301 31 zumalli 03.ogg Zumalli: I... ■...
Media:vo ntaq301 31 zumalli 04.ogg Zumalli: ■...■■...
Media:vo ntaq301 31 xilonen 01.ogg Xilonen: Watch out, Citlali! The Abyss is corrupting him!
Media:vo ntaq301 31 zumalli 05.ogg Zumalli: ■■ ■■...
(Xilonen knocks him out)
Media:vo ntaq301 31 zumalli 06.ogg Zumalli: ...
Media:vo ntaq301 31 xilonen 02.ogg Xilonen: I'm sorry.
Media:vo ntaq301 31 xilonen 03.ogg Xilonen: The Abyss has corrupted his soul from the inside. Even if we could send him back to the Night Kingdom, it would only make the situation worse.
Media:vo ntaq301 31 citlali 02.ogg Citlali: I know. If we were just a little quicker, we could have stripped away its power...
Media:vo ntaq301 31 citlali 03.ogg Citlali: ...But, it's too late. Let's go check on the others.
(Approach the souls of Cetan and Hnaska)
Media:vo ntaq301 33 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Oh no... Saurian souls can be affected, too?
Media:vo ntaq301 33 citlali 01.ogg Citlali: Their souls are still intact... I should be able to help them.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 ayo 01.ogg ???: Roar, roar...
Media:vo ntaq301 33 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hold on, is that...!?
Icon Dialogue Talk Ayo?
Media:vo ntaq301 33 ayo 02.ogg Ayo: Roar...
Media:vo ntaq301 33 hnaska 01.ogg Hnaska: ...
Media:vo ntaq301 33 xilonen 01.ogg Xilonen: That's right, I recognize him, and the two souls next to him should be his grandparents. Kachina told me about what happened.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 xilonen 02.ogg Xilonen: It all makes sense now. Ayo could barely sleep or eat because he sensed the presence of his grandparents.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: That must be why he looks so happy right now — they're finally reunited.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 ayo 03.ogg Ayo: Roar, roar...
Media:vo ntaq301 33 citlali 02.ogg Citlali: When was the last time Ayo slept?
Media:vo ntaq301 33 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: From what Kachina said, it's been a while. He hasn't been doing so hot lately.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: But, now that he's seen his grandparents again, he looks completely at ease.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 xilonen 03.ogg Xilonen: Kachina's taken me to meet Ayo before. He's always been such an energetic little saurian. If he didn't want to sleep, even his parents couldn't make him.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 xilonen 04.ogg Xilonen: But, whenever his grandparents started to sing to him, he would fall asleep in no time.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 xilonen 05.ogg Xilonen: I think it's a song from when Ayo's father was a baby, or even before then.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 cetan 01.ogg Cetan: Roar, roar, roar...
Media:vo ntaq301 33 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: That's amazing... Ayo was so restless earlier, and now he's completely calm.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 ayo 04.ogg Ayo: ...
Media:vo ntaq301 33 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Ayo can finally get a good night's sleep.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Still... It's not like this can go on forever.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 citlali 03.ogg Citlali: No, their time is running out... I have to send them back to the Night Kingdom before it's too late.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 hnaska 02.ogg Hnaska: Rawr!
Media:vo ntaq301 33 cetan 02.ogg Cetan: Roar, roar!
Media:vo ntaq301 33 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Wh—What's wrong with them? They got super angry all of a sudden...
Media:vo ntaq301 33 xilonen 06.ogg Xilonen: They don't want to go.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 citlali 04.ogg Citlali: I know you don't want to leave Ayo, but you can't stay here. You're running out of time.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 citlali 05.ogg Citlali: If you don't go back to the Night Kingdom now, you'll disappear in a few days!
Media:vo ntaq301 33 hnaska 03.ogg Hnaska: Rawr!
Media:vo ntaq301 33 cetan 03.ogg Cetan: Roar, rawr!
Media:vo ntaq301 33 xilonen 07.ogg Xilonen: They've made their position clear.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 xilonen 08.ogg Xilonen: "We want to stay by his side, no matter what."
Media:vo ntaq301 33 ayo 05.ogg Ayo: ...
Media:vo ntaq301 33 xilonen 09.ogg Xilonen: *sigh*...
Media:vo ntaq301 33 xilonen 10.ogg Xilonen: We should respect their decision.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 citlali 06.ogg Citlali: I don't want to leave them to that fate... But, if this is what they want, then I can't separate them.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: What fate? You mean, like the other lost souls?
Media:vo ntaq301 33 cetan 04.ogg Cetan: Roar, roar, roar.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 citlali 07.ogg Citlali: Yes... They will gradually fade away, painfully and slowly, until nothing is left.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 citlali 08.ogg Citlali: But, that is their choice. For the next few days... At least Ayo will get a good night's sleep.
Icon Dialogue Talk We must save the Ley Lines.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 xilonen 11.ogg Xilonen: That's the only way to prevent more souls from suffering the same fate.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 xilonen 12.ogg Xilonen: Once all traces of Abyssal power are removed from the Night Kingdom, the Pyro Archon will restore the Ley Lines — that's the final step of her plan.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: So we're not just fighting for the living, but for the dead, too...
Icon Dialogue Talk That reminds me of the dream I had about The Captain...
Media:vo ntaq301 33 citlali 09.ogg Citlali: What dream?
Media:vo ntaq301 33 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Oh yeah, you said The Captain had a bunch of these kinds of souls with him. Maybe they're looking for a home, too...
Media:vo ntaq301 33 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: ...But, it's impossible for Khaenri'ahns to enter the Night Kingdom, right?
Media:vo ntaq301 33 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Although, it wouldn't be the first time The Captain tried to do the impossible.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 citlali 10.ogg Citlali: Even in its fully functional state, the Night Kingdom can't accept foreign souls. It's completely isolated from the Ley Lines of other nations.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 citlali 11.ogg Citlali: In theory, that means Khaenri'ahn souls shouldn't be drawn to the presence of the Night Kingdom. Something strange is going on...
Media:vo ntaq301 33 xilonen 13.ogg Xilonen: One thing's for sure — it seems like The Captain wants to help these souls.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Well, he usually keeps his cards close to his chest. If we want to know what he's up to, we just have to wait for him to act.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Anyway, let's focus on the final battle. That's the most important thing right now.
Icon Dialogue Talk Agreed. Also...
Icon Dialogue Talk We should probably mention Ayo's grandparents to Kachina.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 xilonen 14.ogg Xilonen: I will.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 xilonen 15.ogg Xilonen: Good or bad, happy or cruel, we always have to face the truth. Reality doesn't change just because we choose not to face it.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 citlali 12.ogg Citlali: I just wish I could have done more. So many souls, and I could barely help. I'm so sorry...
Media:vo ntaq301 33 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: Hey, don't apologize! None of this was your fault.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 citlali 13.ogg Citlali: I guess you're right... If we want to end this, we have to tackle the root of the problem — the Ley Lines.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 xilonen 16.ogg Xilonen: It's just another reason why this battle is so important.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 xilonen 17.ogg Xilonen: (TravelerTraveler), before you set off, remember to give your ancient name to the Pyro Archon. She will introduce it to our people and explain its meaning.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 xilonen 18.ogg Xilonen: Then, the rest is up to you.
Icon Dialogue Talk Got it.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll try to remember everything I've learned on my journey.
Media:vo ntaq301 33 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: And don't forget — we're all cheering for you!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAs the Sun Rises and Sets
Zhèngrú Rìchū Rìluò
Just Like Sunrise and Sunset
Zhèngrú Rìchū Rìluò
Hi ga Nobori, Mata Shizumu you ni
In the way the Sun Rises and Sets
Korean해가 뜨고 지는 것처럼
Haega Tteugo Jineun Geotcheoreom
SpanishComo el alba y el crepúsculoAs the Dawn and the Dusk
FrenchAlors que le soleil se lève et se coucheAs the Sun Rises and Sets
RussianПодобно закату и рассвету
Podobno zakatu i rassvetu
As the Dusk and the Dawn
VietnameseGiống Như Mặt Trời Mọc Rồi Lặn
GermanSo wie die Sonne auf- und untergeht ...Just As The Sun Rises And Sets ...
IndonesianMatahari Terbit dan Terbenam
PortugueseComo o Sol Nasce e Se PõeAs the Sun Rises and Sets
TurkishGüneş Doğup Batarken
ItalianCome l'alba e il tramonto

Change History[]

