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As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared is an Event Quest during the Summertime Odyssey Event. It is the second quest of the second part.


  1. Look around for the items you need
  2. Place the rock into the bonsai
  3. Explore the area and look for an exit
  4. Follow the path
  5. Enter the dojo and defeat the opponent(s)
  6. Operate the device and enter the new space
  7. Explore the area and look for an exit
  8. Follow the path
  9. Enter the dojo and defeat the opponent(s)
  10. Follow the voice
  11. Approach Kazuha
  12. Enter the last room
  13. Go through the unknown space
    • The Traveler can only control movement keys, camera control is disabled.


UI Quest Quest Description

After touching the bonsai, everyone enters some kind of mysterious mirage — an old mansion where the long-forgotten past of a clan resurfaces... This place is intimately linked to Kaedehara Kazuha.
(Enter the domain)
Media:vo yqeq103 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Wow, it's a new place!
Media:vo yqeq103 1 oz 01.ogg Oz: As was the case last time, only Lord Kazuha is missing.
Media:vo yqeq103 1 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: Don't worry, leave it to us!
(Approach the marked area)
Media:vo yqeq103 2 kageharu 01.ogg Kaedehara Kageharu: ...This will do. Ah, Kazuha, you've come just at the right moment. What do you think of this rock carving?
Media:vo yqeq103 2 kazuha 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: It's very intricate.
Media:vo yqeq103 2 kageharu 02.ogg Kaedehara Kageharu: I based it on a mountain scene I saw in a book. You know, there are nations in this world where the mountains reach all the way up into the clouds. If only I had the chance to see them with my own eyes...
Media:vo yqeq103 2 kazuha 02.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Father, you can go anywhere whenever you want.
Media:vo yqeq103 2 kageharu 03.ogg Kaedehara Kageharu: That's not true. Though the Kaedehara Clan is far from what it used to be, I still bear all the same responsibilities as the clan heads before me.
Media:vo yqeq103 2 kageharu 04.ogg Kaedehara Kageharu: But then again... continuing in the way of our forefathers, sacrificing everything for our declining clan... is it really worth it?
Media:vo yqeq103 2 kazuha 03.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: But I... I don't understand.
Media:vo yqeq103 2 kageharu 05.ogg Kaedehara Kageharu: ...Kazuha, there's one thing I want you to always remember.
Media:vo yqeq103 2 kageharu 06.ogg Kaedehara Kageharu: Family ties are important, but you ought to not let them hold you back.
Media:vo yqeq103 2 kageharu 07.ogg Kaedehara Kageharu: Family only exists because of the people in it. If we are unhappy, how can we hope to build a joyful one?
Media:vo yqeq103 2 kageharu 08.ogg Kaedehara Kageharu: The events of the past have had a profound impact on our family, but they are not your burden to carry.
Media:vo yqeq103 2 kageharu 09.ogg Kaedehara Kageharu: ...If you ever grow tired of this tedious life, just drop everything and go off on a journey, see the world. Remember, Kazuha, don't let yourself get tied down in life.
Media:vo yqeq103 2 kazuha 04.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Yes, father.
(Enter the dojo)
Media:vo yqeq103 2 soldier 01.ogg ???: I've heard a lot about you, Mr. Kaedehara. It's my honor to meet you today.
Media:vo yqeq103 2 hisamichi 01.ogg Kaedehara Hisamichi: It is Kazuha's honor to duel with a military man like yourself. Kazuha, get ready.
(Approach the marked area)
Media:vo yqeq103 3 kazuha 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: I'm sorry, but I just don't understand!
Media:vo yqeq103 3 kageharu 01.ogg Kaedehara Kageharu: Kazuha, have you forgotten our promise?
Media:vo yqeq103 3 kazuha 02.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: You really want to give it all up? But... but even if we're having a rough time, you still have me by your side! Can't I be of any help?
Media:vo yqeq103 3 kazuha 03.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: When you were my age, you were already helping grandfather out! Am I so incompetent that I'm a disappointment to you? Or...
Media:vo yqeq103 3 kageharu 02.ogg Kaedehara Kageharu: Kazuha!
Media:vo yqeq103 3 kageharu 03.ogg Kaedehara Kageharu: *sigh* ...Now you're blaming yourself for all of this... That's why I have failed you as a father.
Media:vo yqeq103 3 kageharu 04.ogg Kaedehara Kageharu: The Kaedehara Clan has been paying the price for our past mistakes ever since your great-grandfather's generation. To this day, we have never fully recovered from it.
Media:vo yqeq103 3 kageharu 05.ogg Kaedehara Kageharu: Though we are a family of bladesmiths, you don't have to devote your life to the family craft.
Media:vo yqeq103 3 kageharu 06.ogg Kaedehara Kageharu: If a wounded animal wants to escape from a trap, it has to sacrifice the hind leg that was caught. You might think of this as a loss, but staying in the trap has far more deadly consequences.
Media:vo yqeq103 3 kageharu 07.ogg Kaedehara Kageharu: Enough now, Kazuha. As the head of the family, I failed to revitalize our clan. You never blamed me for not giving you the life promised to you by our heritage, and I'm grateful enough for that.
Media:vo yqeq103 3 kageharu 08.ogg Kaedehara Kageharu: All these generations of suffering... let's end them today. From now on, live your life with no burdens.
Media:vo yqeq103 3 kageharu 09.ogg Kaedehara Kageharu: Don't worry, I'll carry the blame for abandoning our family business.
Media:vo yqeq103 3 kazuha 04.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Father, please don't... You should not be to blame for not upholding our family name.
Media:vo yqeq103 3 kazuha 05.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Even if that day comes, let me share the burden with you.
Media:vo yqeq103 3 kazuha 06.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Let's just wait and see. Sooner or later, I will have to lead the Kaedehara Clan. When the time comes, I'll deal with all our problems.
(Enter the dojo)
Media:vo yqeq103 3 samurai 01.ogg ???: Hey, think you're tough enough to go against me? Ha, no response! What's wrong — you scared?
Media:vo yqeq103 3 kazuha 07.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Did you really think it would be wise to pick a fight with the Kaedehara Clan?
(Approach the marked area)
Media:vo yqeq103 4 kazuha 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: The Kaedehara Clan is no longer what it used to be...
Media:vo yqeq103 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: That's Kazuha's voice!
(Approach the image of Kazuha)
Media:vo yqeq103 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: But... why can't he hear us?
Media:vo yqeq103 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Looks like it's just an illusion. This isn't the Kazuha who came here with us.
(While going through the unknown space)
Media:vo yqeq103 5 kazuha 01.ogg Kazuha: Maybe if I were more adept in the sword arts, I'd be able to share my father's burdens...*sigh*
Media:vo yqeq103 5 kazuha 02.ogg Kazuha: This won't do... I'm getting distracted by family matters, and making too many mistakes.
Media:vo yqeq103 5 kazuha 03.ogg Kazuha: "I yearn to hear the song of nightingale, my patient ears ready to attend. A veil of mist obscures the western skies, into its midst a silver moon descends."
Media:vo yqeq103 5 kazuha 04.ogg Kazuha: To know one is fighting a losing battle, and yet never once falter... This shall be my father's legacy.
(After exiting the unknown space)
Media:vo yqeq103 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Thought we might find you trapped here again.
Media:vo yqeq103 6 kazuha 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Haha, yeah, it seems those are the rules.
Media:vo yqeq103 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: We entered that maze in the mirage again, but the scene was different this time.
You tell Kazuha what you saw...
Media:vo yqeq103 6 kazuha 02.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: The mood was more deflated, and the place more humbly furnished... yes, that makes sense.
Media:vo yqeq103 6 kazuha 03.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: What you saw was the Kaedehara Clan in decline.
Media:vo yqeq103 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: We saw you in the mirage too, but you looked a little different than now.
Media:vo yqeq103 6 fischl 01.ogg Fischl: Indeed, I most certainly agree.
Media:vo yqeq103 6 oz 01.ogg Oz: Compared to the Lord Kazuha before us now, the mirage we saw appeared lost, with the burden of fate weighing heavily upon him.
Media:vo yqeq103 6 mona 01.ogg Mona: I can confirm that. His fate was a heavy burden indeed.
Media:vo yqeq103 6 kazuha 04.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: That means I am older and wiser now. I am sorry you had to see my less mature former self.
Media:vo yqeq103 6 kazuha 05.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: For a long time after leaving Inazuma, I've lived the life of a drifter. But this is no bad thing, because I learned much from the experience.
Media:vo yqeq103 6 kazuha 06.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: I wish that I could've met my past self, too. If he saw me, I know that he would understand:
Media:vo yqeq103 6 kazuha 07.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Life is a long journey, and that's why I must travel far and wide.
(A domain transition occurs)
Media:vo yqeq103 7 kazuha 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Just as I thought, the bonsai is the key to entering the mirage.
Media:vo yqeq103 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: C'mon, let's continue looking for the rock garden.

Video Guides[]

As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared Guide

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAs the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared
Chūn Tíng Jǐng Rú Jiù
Scenery of the Spring Courtyard in the Past
Chūn Tíng Jǐng Rú Jiù
Arishihi no Haruniwa
The Olden Days' Spring Garden
Korean변함없는 봄의 정경
Byeonhameomneun Bom-ui Jeonggyeong
Unchanging Sunlight of Yard of Spring
SpanishJardín primaveral de antañoSpring Garden of Old
FrenchLa cour printanière d'antanThe Vernal Courtyard of Yesteryear
RussianВесенний дворик прошлых лет
Vesenniy dvorik proshlykh let
Spring Courtyard of Past Years
Dang Yon Wio Thiothat Suan Wasan
As Yesteryear in the Spring Garden
VietnameseVườn Xuân Cảnh Như Xưa
GermanDer Frühlingshof, wie er einst warThe Spring Courtyard as It Once Was
IndonesianBagaikan Pekarangan Musim Semi yang Dulu Pernah AdaLike the Spring Courtyard That Once Existed
PortugueseJardim Primaveril de OutroraSpring Garden of Yore
TurkishBahar Bahçesinden Manzaralar
ItalianCome appariva un tempo il cortile in primaveraAs the Courtyard Once Appeared in Spring

Change History[]
