As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared is an Event Quest during the Summertime Odyssey Event. It is the first quest of the second part.
- Rest until the following day (06:00–24:00)
- Talk to Paimon
- Board Miitoboru
- Summoning another Waverider and boarding it will also fulfil this step
- Go to the island where the strange phenomena occurred
- Touch the bonsai
- Enter Misty Hills, Foggy Vales's Quest Domain: As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared: Part I
- Investigate the area
- Operate the device and investigate further
- Enter the corridor and explore further
- Investigate the area
- Investigate the surroundings and find a way to open the door
- Operate the device and investigate further
- Place the offerings (0/3)
- Look for Kazuha

The first day on the island was rather peaceful, yet things start to get strange the next morning... It seems to be just the beginning. You and the others trace the strange phenomena to an island and find a bonsai that is not supposed to be there.
- (After reaching the next day)
- Still half-asleep, you can make out the sound of people talking. Then, you are greeted by the voice of a panicked Paimon trying to stay calm...
- Paimon: ...Up! Wake up!
- TravelerTraveler), wake up! Paimon: (
(I don't want to...)
(But I can't leave Paimon unattended.)
- Paimon: Oh, thank goodness you're awake! Uh, Paimon has good news and bad news. Which one do you wanna hear first?
- Paimon: Aaah! Okay, okay, Paimon's sorry! Wake up, something's happened!
Go on, I'm listening.
- Paimon: Okay, uh, bad news first. The bad news is... something weird's going on with this island.
- Paimon: And the good news is, is... it seems like it has nothing to do with what we came across yesterday. Today, is a different issue entirely.
And what might that be?
- (hehe/
sheshe)'s awake!
???: Ah, look, - (himhim/
herher). (HeHe/ SheShe)'s probably just like the others. Ah, humans... such delicate little things.
???: Careful not to frighten - ???: How're ya doing, mate? Feeling a little fragile?
- Paimon: So as you can see, the boat can talk, heh.
I might just go back to sleep for a bit...
- Paimon: No, avoidance isn't gonna solve anything!
- Squirrel: Poor soul, imagine being scared of talking squirrels and boats!
- (himhim/
herher). After all, humans aren't quite accustomed to hearing things like us talk.
Fantastic Boat: Haha, well, we can't blame - Paimon: Wait... have you guys always been able to talk?
- Squirrel: Of course! Otherwise, how would we communicate with others of our kind?
- Paimon: So in other words... we suddenly gained the ability to understand you? How strange...
- Squirrel: Maybe you've gained some intelligence. Congratulations.
- TravelerTraveler)? Time to rise and shine! Mona: So, you're finally awake, (
- Paimon: You're back!
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Yes, we went for a little walk. The enchanting scenery and pleasant weather here soothes the body and mind.
- Oz: Everything is fine, except that some places are a little peculiar...
- Fischl: Hohoho! The servants of darkness have descended. Rejoice, for the return of the Immernachtreich is nigh!
- Oz: Mein Fräulein means that this is an unexpected development, and she has never seen anything like this before.
- Paimon: No, that's not even close to what she said!
- Oz: My apologies. Please take that as my own opinion.
What happened?
- Kaedehara Kazuha: After last night, there have been some... unusual spectacles on this island.
- Mona: Yes. Swimming birds, flying squirrels, the sun and moon in the sky together... Some of these sights only lasted for a moment, but that doesn't make it any less bizarre.
- Xinyan: I heard a strange flapping sound on the island, but didn't see a single flying creature around.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: There was also a peculiar floral scent on the wind. Though there are many flowers on this island, that scent did not resemble any of them.
- Xinyan: Seems to me like whatever these things are, they aren't visible to the naked eye...
- Mona: I tried to perform a divination, but my scryglass showed only a chaotic mess that was impossible to decipher.
- Paimon: Oh, Paimon has a bad feeling about this... What have we gotten ourselves into...
- Fischl: Hmm... I had resolved to summon the Immernachtreich in this land, but now we observe these puzzling phenomena... Could this be the spawn of the condemned, trying to thwart my sacred endeavor?
- TravelerTraveler)... you don't think Alice could be behind all this, do you? Paimon: Wait, (
It's not impossible.
- Paimon: But if it really was her, it wouldn't make sense to do all this...
- Squirrel: Hahaha, look at them, old chap, seems we scared the pants off them!
- Fantastic Boat: Aye, well, they've never seen anything like this before.
- Fantastic Boat: This old boat's sailed all over the briney seas in its time, and tried talking to many a sailor, too. But in all that time, not a single person has ever spoken back.
- Squirrel: Exactly. If it weren't for this environment, who would've thought humans would be able to chat with us?
- Paimon: This environment? What do you mean by that?
- Mona: The environment... Could it be that... the environment is what's interfering with my divinations?
Feels like...
I might be still dreaming.
- Paimon: Uh... even if you were...
- Paimon: Dreams aren't supposed to become reality, right? And a dream won't make you suddenly understand boats and squirrels... Aah!
- Xinyan: What's wrong?
- Paimon: Look! Over there!
- (A cutscene plays)
- (The sky turns dark and purple)
- (A ruined tower flickers in and out on an isle)
- (As lightning flashes across the sky, a castle does the same on Twinning Isle)
- (Red maple trees appear on Pudding Isle)
- (Kazuha holds out his hand to catch a maple leaf, but it passes through his hand and fades away)
- (The weather returns to normal and cutscene ends)
- Kaedehara Kazuha: An illusion? No... it felt too real to be an illusion.
- Mona: Those things we saw flickering in and out, that's exactly what I saw earlier this morning!
- Fischl: Does this mean... the Immernachtreich... is real?
- Xinyan: Wait, what?
- Fischl: Ahem!
- Fischl: Hehe! Behold, the Immernachtreich has come, just as your Prinzessin had prophesied! Come, my people, a new chapter awaits us!
- Oz: Indeed, mein Fräulein. We all have witnessed this miracle with our own eyes, and now is the time to celebrate the creation of a new world! Rejoice!
- Fischl: Hahahaha, welcome to the Immernachtreich!
- Paimon: She looks so happy, Paimon doesn't have the heart to interrupt her right now...
- Mona: She doesn't seem surprised in the slightest. Does that just come with being an experienced adventurer, or...?
- Kaedehara Kazuha: If this isn't an illusion, we ought to go and investigate.
- Xinyan: I got an idea. If you hurt yourself in a dream, you wake up right away, don't ya?
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Hmm? Yes, you have a point.
- Xinyan: Right? So c'mon, Kazuha, hit me.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Uh... I'd rather not... How about you hit me instead?
- Xinyan: But that'll hurt real bad.
- Paimon: Hey! There'll be no need for any of that!
- TravelerTraveler), can Paimon hit you? Paimon: Just leave it to us! Hey (
What are you talking about?
- Fantastic Boat: Haha, I like yer senses o' humor, me hearties. An illusion? So, talking boats and squirrels are just an illusion to humans, huh.
- Squirrel: Now, now, it's understandable, old chap. Haven't you heard? As humans grow older, they forget many important things and lose many of their abilities.
- Fantastic Boat: Aye, so they do... A pity, to be sure. Thinking back, in all those years I spent sailing with the fleet, I would've never imagined that one day I'd be laughing over something like this.
- Fantastic Boat: Well then, me lads and lasses, don't you want to take a wee gander at all the places you're so curious about?
- Paimon: Of course! But how do we get there?
- Fantastic Boat: Look! Here!
- Mona: At what?
- Fantastic Boat: Blimey, at me, of course! Oh, that's right, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm the smartest ship you'll find in all these parts! The name's... argh, just call me whatever takes yer fancy.
- Paimon: Don't you have a name?
- Fantastic Boat: That I do, I just can't remember it. All I know is that I came here from Inazuma.
- Paimon: In that case, Paimon shall name you... "Miitoboru"! How's that? All the other ships in Inazuma seem to have names ending in "ru," too.
- Fantastic Boat: Miitoboru? Haha, that'll do nicely.
- Miitoboru: You're lucky to have met me. I can sail through the choppiest seas with ease, there isn't a wave out there that can capsize me! So...
- Miitoboru: Come aboard, and I'll take you wherever you'd like to go!
- Squirrel: Ah, how very kind of you, old chap. Unlike that Anemo Archon who abandoned us here.
The Anemo Archon?
- Squirrel: You know, the Anemo Archon of Mondstadt.
- Squirrel: Don't you know? Some of these islands used to be Mondstadt's mountaintops. Once upon a time, the Anemo Archon sliced them off to neaten the place up, and chucked them into the ocean.
- Squirrel: My great-great-great-great-great-great... great grandfather was on one of the mountaintops, and got sent flying here along with it. Wretched Anemo Archon!
- Paimon: How could that happen!
- Squirrel: And we've been living here for generations since then, haha. Fortunately, there were a few other squirrel families that got stranded on these islands as well, so we built ourselves a kingdom here.
- Squirrel: The good thing is that there are no predators or competitors around. All the pinecones on this island are ours for the taking. The bad thing is... we're stuck here.
- Paimon: Didn't see that coming... Sounds like the Immernachtreich is a kingdom of squirrels!
- Fischl: Hold thy tongue!
- Oz: Paimon, please do not make such slanderous statements. The Immernachtreich is, of course, a kingdom of night ravens.
- Miitoboru: Hey, lad, yes, you! You're from Inazuma, aye? That makes us brothers, haha. Every young lad of Inazuma has to pluck up the courage to set sail on an adventure one day! So, are you coming?
- Kaedehara Kazuha: ...
- Kaedehara Kazuha: To set sail... is to leave one's homeland and travel far away.
- Miitoboru: Aye, you need lots of courage and just a dash of heartlessness. 'Cause once you leave, you may never return. But if you stay, you're forever a prisoner in your own heart.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: ...Huh. Inspiring words, Miitoboru. And you're right. The wanderer's spirit runs in my blood. I'll go with you.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: My friends, are you coming too? I want to take a look at the strange phenomena on that island.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Also, I smell ancient timber and waterproof varnish on this boat... The scent is indeed from Inazuma, so I believe he speaks the truth.
- Mona: Hmm... what does everyone think?
- Fischl: Oz, lay down the gangplank! Thy Prinzessin shall take to the seas!
- Xinyan: Let's all go! It'll definitely be an experience.
- Miitoboru: Haha, great! Aaand we're off!
- Squirrel: Safe travels!
- (Talk to Squirrel)
- Squirrel: Hey friend. Your eyes betray your thoughts - you still look very bemused.
- Squirrel: Oh, come now, do you see me acting surprised at the sudden arrival of you and your party? Well then. I'm sure we can get along quite amicably.
- Squirrel: If you want to know where the most scrumptious pinecones are, come find me anytime!
- Squirrel: Ah... Mondstadt. I wonder what it's really like...
- (On boarding the waverider)
- Miitoboru: Good going, lads and lassies! Miitoboru admiers your bravery.
- Miitoboru: How long have you been here? Oh, it's not your first time? Haha, well I never.
- (Approach the island)
- Miitoboru: We're almost there! Please take all yer personal belongings with ye, and mind your step as you disembark!
- Paimon: Look! There's something over there!
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Wow, it's...
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Let's take a closer look.
- (Approach the Bonsai Pot)
- Kaedehara Kazuha: ...
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Well, I certainly didn't expect to see you here.
- Xinyan: This is a bonsai pot, right? It's nice, but it looks like it's been a little neglected.
- (If "True Tales of the Violet Garden" was not completed[verification needed])
- Kaedehara Kazuha: This bonsai... was in my family for many generations. Sadly, it ended up in a Tenryou Commission warehouse in my generation.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Haha, one thing you might not know about my past is that I spent some time as one of Inazuma's most wanted fugitives. I suspect this bonsai was confiscated during my long time on the run.
- Fischl: Fugitive...
- Mona: *sigh* ...Life throws all kinds of hardships at us. I doubt a single person in this world lives a truly carefree life.
- (If "True Tales of the Violet Garden" was completed)
- Kaedehara Kazuha: This bonsai... was in my family for many generations. I saw it once in a Tenryou Commission warehouse, but it looked quite different from how it does now.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: At that time, there was a withered tree inside.
- Mona: Why would someone keep the plant in there if it's dead?
- Kaedehara Kazuha: It's a way of sending a secret message. It indicated that there was something hidden inside the flowerpot.
- letter buried down at the bottom, which told of an ancient secret in my clan. I did not take the bonsai with me after reading the letter, which means it should still be in the warehouse now. Kaedehara Kazuha: There was a
- Kaedehara Kazuha: I wonder who removed the plant and placed the pot here...
- Xinyan: So the bonsai pot belonged to your ancestors? Seems a shame to leave it empty like this.
- Xinyan: Hmm, Kazuha, what do you think about maybe putting a little something inside it?
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Alright.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Though I still don't understand why it has appeared here, I can give that a try.
- Paimon: Eek!
- (A domain transition occurs)
- Paimon: Paimon knew it wasn't gonna be that simple.
Where's Kazuha?
- Paimon: Huh? Oh yeah... everyone's here... except for Kazuha!
- Xinyan: Kazuha! Where are you? Are you okay?
- Paimon: No response. Well, let's keep an eye out for him.
- Mona: Look at the decor here... it's like the inside of a grand mansion. I don't think this is a perilous maze — it's somebody's home.
- Fischl: Most curious. What secrets lie within this place, I shall surely uncover.
- (Interact with the Elegantly-Written Note)
- Elegantly-Written Note
- When I was flipping through some old books today, I found my father's old notes.
- I read them, of course. He wouldn't mind. As I expected, most of the content concerned forging techniques as well as tricks on how to handle certain ores.
- The tail end featured a number of hand-drawn drafts, mostly bonsai designs. Well, I suppose this love for them does count as a clan tradition.
- My son turns six this year. His name is "Kazuha," just as my wife wished.
- ...
- His coming and her going were not far apart. To think that it has been six years since then... If she were still here, she would surely be helping my father in the yard.
- My father lived well in his younger years, and that lifestyle has greatly deteriorated in his latter ones. It fills me with shame to admit that ::I am unable to improve these circumstances.
- He says that it is not important, however, and that it is instead we who are young who are the key.
- Paimon: It looks like this letter was written by Kazuha's father.
- Paimon: So keeping bonsai plants really does run in the family.
- Paimon: Hmm... But the fact that we're even here and could see his father's notes... It just seems so unbelievable.
- (Interact with A Letter)
- A Letter
- To My Dear Father, Kaedehara Kageharu:
- Ever since the official dissolution of our house, I have packed my bags and left our ancestral home, wandering the world, and I have learned much on this journey.
- Today, I was reminded of the many scenic artworks you drew in your notes as I passed some seaside cliffs by. The sight gave me much to think about.
- A wanderer's leisure is not the tradition of our clan, but the appreciation of scenery surely counts. I believe it was Great Grandfather who started that particular practice.
- You mentioned that he enjoyed planting small trees, loving their supple branches, while Grandfather was of a different temperament, enjoying fiddling with stones more.
- When I was young, our backyard was full of the many curious stones that Grandfather collected. Back then, I thought the ground was littered with treasure, but now that I know much more of the world, I can be quite certain that at least some of them were sword-testing stones that Grandfather brought back from the forging station.
- I knew precious little about stones then, believing them all to be of great value.
- But can there really be so much treasure in life?
- ...I am writing this letter as I rest in a shady spot on a hilltop.
- I intend to burn this letter shortly, before using the water from a mountain stream to quench the remnant embers. This way, I believe that this message will reach you, though you can no longer receive letters.
- I dismissed the servants after your passing and settled our various assets. It isn't worth much, but it's enough to live on.
- I fear that our bonsais may not have fared as well as I hoped. I sold what I could get my hands on to pay our debts, save for Great Grandfather's old relic.
- It was confiscated by the Tenryou Commission... That said, I suspect that staying in their storehouse may have been a better fate for it than remaining in my hands.
- I have not been here in a long while. The wind whistling through the mountains is just as lovely as it was when you first brought me here, many years ago.
- I'm setting off again.
- Farewell.
- Kaedehara Kazuha
- Xinyan: Looks like a letter Kazuha wrote while he was traveling.
- Mona: What a sad letter...
- Fischl: ...Lord Kazuha...
- (Interact with Old Yellowed Notes in Warehouse)
- Old Yellowed Notes
- Something quite amusing happened today that I just have to preserve in my diary: the young master got a little tipsy. Well, a lot tipsy, haha.
- It must be said that the young master is way underage to drink at all. Not knowing any better, he must've confused his father's drink with his own, mistaking that glass of wine for grape juice.
- From a distance, I noticed someone practicing martial arts in the courtyard. I expected it to be our young master, which I wasn't wrong in assuming, but I never expected to see him in such a state — that is to say utterly sloshed.
- He greeted me in high spirits, and if it wasn't for his lobster-red face, I wouldn't have suspected anything.
- Overdrinking on a summer night is hardly a crime. But considering his age, I simply felt that I had to keep an eye on him.
- At first, I wanted to pretend that I didn't see it. I even made a detour to take things out to the backyard so as to spare him the embarrassment.
- By the time I finished my work, the young master was already lying on the steps, asleep. Ah, what a rare sight it was to see this precocious young man revealing this side of him... A right sight indeed.
- Another servant and I quietly carried the young master back inside and prepared some tea and snacks to help him sober up and ease the discomfort later. He might have called his parents' names while sleeping. His eyes closed, he looked so contented. Perhaps he had dreams of some happy moments in his past.
- Dear young master, you still have a long life ahead of you. There shall be plenty of opportunities to drink — in the future, that is.
- (Listen to the first Melodic Omamori)
- Kaedehara Hisamichi: The flesh resides in society, while the heart yearns for the natural world... Such has been the way of the Kaedeharas for many generations.
- Kaedehara Hisamichi: Kazuha, the future of this clan will one day be in your hands.
- Kaedehara Hisamichi: When that time comes, remember to always stay true to yourself.
- Xinyan: I heard an old man say something about the "Kaedeharas"...
- Mona: Sounds like it might be Kazuha's grandfather.
- (Listen to the second Melodic Omamori)
- Kaedehara Hisamichi: Listen carefully, Kazuha. A Kaedehara blade is not forged for the purpose of harming people.
- (Listen to the third Melodic Omamori)
- Kaedehara Kageharu: Father, what are you carving?
- Kaedehara Hisamichi: Haha, it's a rock garden. I'm modeling it after the scenery I saw on my travels abroad. It'll go in my bonsai later.
- Kaedehara Hisamichi: Work has been so busy these years, I've barely had a moment to spend with my grandson. I hope he doesn't take after me... when he's older, he should get out there and see more of the world.
- Oz: I believe the other voice belongs to Lord Kazuha's father.
- Fischl: Oh? I see... We have ventured into Lord Kazuha's memory.
- (Approach Kazuha)
- Xinyan: Oh there you are!
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Huh? Where did you all go?
- Paimon: This place is a maze! We all got trapped inside, except for you.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: I've been stuck in this room the whole time, and can't seem to find a way out. I have to say, this place looks a lot like my childhood bedroom.
- Paimon: If this is your home, why would you be trapped here? Is the maze trying to keep you out?
- You tell Kazuha about everything that just happened...
- Kaedehara Kazuha: ...
- Kaedehara Kazuha: It appears that this whole maze is modeled after my family home. And all the conversations you heard in there are in fact words once spoken by my father and grandfather.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: You said that the maze is trying to keep me out... Indeed, I'm the only one unable to explore this place.
- Mona: I think these unusual structures are some kind of mirage. According to what Kazuha said, all this seems to be constructed based on Kazuha's memory.
- Fischl: But why should Lord Kazuha be the only one excluded?
- Kaedehara Kazuha: ...Maybe that comes from me, too.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: To me, what is past is gone. Everything in the world is guided by its own rules, and as for people... we can never relive the past.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: I think that this belief is the reason why the mirage was keeping me out.
- Xinyan: I can get behind that. It's a very sensible way of looking at things.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: All our thoughts have consequences. I don't consider it strange, and I don't think it's anything you should be worried about.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Hmm... we got in here by touching the bonsai, didn't we? So perhaps if we touch it again...
- (A domain transition occurs)
- Paimon: We're back!
- Xinyan: Hey, look, that whole mountain's changed completely.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: ... Wait.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: ...
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Everyone, I might have an explanation. The changes in the mirage could be related to the bonsai.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: My father once mentioned that this pot was originally part of a collection belonging to my great-grandfather. He adored his bonsai and always took great care of them.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: When our family fell upon hard times, my grandfather traveled far and wide, looking for a way to save the clan. However, during that time, my great-grandfather became gravely ill.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: He knew my grandfather had no interest in bonsai, so before his death, he gave most of his carefully crafted bonsai away. This is the only one he retained.
- (If "True Tales of the Violet Garden" was completed[verification needed])
- Paimon: To hide the letter with that secret in, right?
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Yes, and to give his son something to remember him by.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: My grandfather returned as quickly as he could, but my great-grandfather had already passed away. They never got the chance to say goodbye to each other before the end. After that, my grandfather would spend long periods of time standing in front of this bonsai, lost in thought.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Eventually, he started to make his own bonsai. Unlike his father, he preferred arranging rock gardens instead of plants.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Perhaps influenced by my grandfather, my father also took a liking to crafting bonsai. Back then, our courtyard was filled with all kinds of them.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: And this flowerpot was passed down to me as a family treasure.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: It's certainly no coincidence that it appeared here and became the entrance to the mirage. It's almost as if... it's giving me a chance to make up for past regrets.
Regrets about what?
- Kaedehara Kazuha: There was once a time when the Kaedeharas were an illustrious clan in Inazuma.
- Raiden Gokaden incident, our clan's fortunes took a turn for the worse. By the time of my generation, our downfall was complete. Kaedehara Kazuha: After the
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Later, I fled Inazuma as I didn't want be arrested. With no one left in the Kaedehara Clan, the authorities confiscated everything in our home, including this bonsai.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Like my ancestors before me, I think I'd like to try it out for myself... recreate a favorite scene from my travels and place it into this pot.
- Mona: ... *sigh*
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Since the contents of this bonsai affect the mirage, I'd at least like to try my hand at making something.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: But what style? Should I use plants for the bonsai like my great-grandfather, or rocks like my father and grandfather...
- Kaedehara Kazuha: ...Perhaps a rock garden would suit me better.
- Paimon: So do you need any supplies to make this bonsai?
- Kaedehara Kazuha: I think I'll need a set of tools and some rocks that can be carved and made into decorations.
- Paimon: Got it, we'll help you look!
- Xinyan: We might just get lucky. If the pot's here, then surely other stuff related to crafting bonsai can't be far away.
- Fischl: I concur! Lord Kazuha, take heart in your search, for my retinue and I shall help you retrieve your missing treasures.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Thank you, everyone.
No. | Soundtrack Name | Album | Played In |
50 | Prelude of Change | The Shimmering Voyage Vol. 2 | As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared (Part 1) (cutscene) |
- The travel via the Waverider can be skipped if the teleport waypoint at the destination is unlocked, by fast traveling to the position where the quest is.
Video Guides[]
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 春庭景如旧 Chūn Tíng Jǐng Rú Jiù | Scenery of the Spring Courtyard in the Past |
Chinese (Traditional) | 春庭景如舊 Chūn Tíng Jǐng Rú Jiù | |
Japanese | ありし日の春庭 Arishihi no Haruniwa | The Olden Days' Spring Garden |
Korean | 변함없는 봄의 정경 Byeonhameomneun Bom-ui Jeonggyeong | Unchanging Sunlight of Yard of Spring |
Spanish | Jardín primaveral de antaño | Spring Garden of Old |
French | La cour printanière d'antan | The Vernal Courtyard of Yesteryear |
Russian | Весенний дворик прошлых лет Vesenniy dvorik proshlykh let | Spring Courtyard of Past Years |
Thai | ดั่งย้อนวิวทิวทัศน์สวนวสันต์ Dang Yon Wio Thiothat Suan Wasan | As Yesteryear in the Spring Garden |
Vietnamese | Vườn Xuân Cảnh Như Xưa | |
German | Der Frühlingshof, wie er einst war | The Spring Courtyard as It Once Was |
Indonesian | Bagaikan Pekarangan Musim Semi yang Dulu Pernah Ada | Like the Spring Courtyard That Once Existed |
Portuguese | Jardim Primaveril de Outrora | Spring Garden of Yore |
Turkish | Bahar Bahçesinden Manzaralar | |
Italian | Come appariva un tempo il cortile in primavera | As the Courtyard Once Appeared in Spring |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.8