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Archenoul is an open-world NPC located in Poisson, Belleau Region, Fontaine.


Quests and Events[]

Story Quests

Idle Quotes[]

Prior to completing Masquerade of the Guilty and again after Condition missing
Icon Dialogue Idle Inspect regularly...
Media:VO Archenoul 01.ogg "It's important to inspect your diving equipment regularly."
After completing Masquerade of the Guilty
Icon Dialogue Idle Won't take other work...
Media:VO Archenoul 02.ogg "Sorry, I'm not taking any new jobs right now."


Dialogue Set #1[]

Available prior to completing Masquerade of the Guilty.

Archenoul: Hello there.
Archenoul: I'm a diver employed by the Spina di Rosula, so I usually don't accept outside commissions. I hope you'll understand.
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell me about diving...
Archenoul: If people without Visions want to dive, they need to go through specialized training first, and they must be accompanied by a professional diver when they first go underwater.
Archenoul: The underwater world is very beautiful, but never underestimate its potential dangers.
Archenoul: For example, most people only pay attention to whether their diving equipment is intact and functional, but ignore their own physical condition.
Archenoul: If you do not warm up before a dive, or if you cannot adapt to the water pressure in time, you can get muscle cramps or symptoms such as tinnitus.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll leave you to it...
Archenoul: Sure. See you.

Dialogue Set #2[]

Available after completing Masquerade of the Guilty.

Archenoul: Hello.
Archenoul: I'm the diver hired by Spina di Rosula, and I'm afraid I'm not taking any other commissions. My apologies.
Icon Dialogue Talk For rebuilding Poisson, right?
Archenoul: Hmm... half-and-half.
Archenoul: It's partly to clear out the junk in the water and perform underwater reconstruction work. And partly to recover everyone's belongings.
Archenoul: Loads of valuables belonging to the citizens were washed away. It doesn't matter how much they're actually worth, but they all meant something.
Archenoul: I'd like to help recover them, if I can.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll leave you to it, then.
Archenoul: Okay, goodbye.

Dialogue Set #3[]

Available after Condition missing.

Archenoul: Hello there.
Archenoul: I'm a diver employed by the Spina di Rosula, so I usually don't accept private commissions. I hope you'll understand.
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell me about diving...
Archenoul: Specialized diving training is required for people without Visions, and they must be accompanied by a professional diver for their first dive.
Archenoul: The underwater world is very beautiful, but never underestimate the dangers lurking within its depths.
Archenoul: For example, most people only pay attention to whether their diving equipment is intact and functional, and they ignore their own physical condition.
Archenoul: If you do not warm up before a dive, or if you cannot adapt to the water pressure in time, you may suffer from muscle cramps or other symptoms such as tinnitus.
Icon Dialogue Talk About the flood...
Archenoul: The situation was bad back then, but it's all in the past now.
Archenoul: This is exactly why I've constantly emphasized the necessity of regular diving equipment checks. It's so that we're always ready to deal with emergencies like this.
Archenoul: Even though Navia said that the kind of disaster mentioned in the prophecy won't happen again, we should still pay attention to our safety.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll leave you to it, then.
Archenoul: Okay, goodbye.


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]

Version 4.2

Version 4.0

  • Archenoul was released.

