Arataki Blazing Armor Beetle Battle Boot Camp! is an Event Quest during the Arataki Blazing Armor Beetle Battle Boot Camp Event.
- Go to Wanmin Restaurant
- Go to Guyun Stone Forest to look for Xiangling and the others
- Return to Wanmin Restaurant
- Go to Guyun Stone Forest again
- Engage in a beetle battle with Kuki Shinobu
- Return to the beetle battle arena
Gameplay Notes[]
- Chef Mao is not available during this quest.

Your diet has been quite plain recently, and Paimon's been missing the spice of life in food...
As such, you head over to Wanmin Restaurant, only to meet two old friends...
As such, you head over to Wanmin Restaurant, only to meet two old friends...
- (Upon obtaining quest)
- Paimon: ...Hey, you know where we haven't been in the longest time? Wanmin Restaurant.
- TravelerTraveler), can we go to Wanmin Restaurant, pleeease? Paimon: Paimon suddenly has a craving for food that makes you feel like your mouth's on fire! (
- (Approach Wanmin Restaurant)
- Paimon: Huh? Look, over there by the hot pot stand... We know them!
- Kuki Shinobu: ...
- (If the player has not met Kuki Shinobu yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Kuki Shinobu — Mender of Tribulations
"Deputy of the Arataki Gang, Legal Consultant, Expert Chef, Expert Tailor... Kuki Shinobu."
The many qualifications Shinobu has passed exams for, big and small, are printed on the face of her namecard, and her fields of expertise are many indeed.
"...Please contact me at Hanamizaka if the Gang's members do anything discourteous, and the matter will be fixed within three days."
You can see the emotion behind these words in the way they were written on the back in a hand so strong that you can see their outlines on the card's front face. You can't help but wonder if it is "matters" or "people" that are going to get "fixed."
- TravelerTraveler)? Paimon? You're here too? Yanfei: (
- Paimon: Yanfei, Shinobu! Here for some hot pot, huh? What's the occasion?
Has Wanmin Restaurant gone downhill, or something?
Was Xiangling's cooking too hot to handle?
- Yanfei: No, it's nothing like that! Wanmin Restaurant's just closed for a couple of days.
- Yanfei: But it's nice to try somewhere different for a change. Su Er'niang's hot pot is pretty good, and you can't get it at Wanmin Restaurant.
- Paimon: Wanmin's closed? Why, what happened?
- Kuki Shinobu: Well, it was partly our fault...
- Tongwen Academy got in touch and said they were organizing a get-together. Kuki Shinobu: Recently, some old classmates from the
- Kuki Shinobu: Yanfei's the most senior among us, since she's the most qualified, so she got to pick the location, and she booked Wanmin Restaurant.
- Kuki Shinobu: The turnout was a lot higher than expected, and in the space of two days, we somehow got through all of the restaurant's stock for the week ahead. Boss's enormous appetite was also a significant contributing factor... he went a little crazy.
- Yanfei: Chef Mao was pretty wiped out by the end, but he had a huge smile on his face. It was the best business he's had in months.
- Yanfei: The only thing is, it'll take him a least a couple days to fully restock.
- Paimon: Bull-Chucker's here too!? Paimon's surprised we haven't seen him — those horns stick out like two sore thumbs...
- Kuki Shinobu: Yeah... When he heard I was meeting up with some old classmates, he got very excited, and decided he was coming with me. His logic was, and I quote: "Any classmate of Shinobu's is a classmate of mine."
- Kuki Shinobu: Notwithstanding the fact that Boss has never studied a day in his life... I think he just feels that he didn't get enough chances to indulge his taste buds last time he was in Liyue.
- Yanfei: That other kid you guys brought with you, though — what was his name again...? Oh yeah, Grandmaster Hanakado. He seems like a smart cookie!
- Yanfei: You probably didn't notice because you were busy chatting to your classmates at the time, but he was helping Chef Mao out in the kitchen, trying to pick up some Liyue cooking skills.
- Kuki Shinobu: I suspect he just wanted to learn how to make some new dishes to feed to his Onikabuto and make them stronger.
- Paimon: Grandmaster Hanakado? Uh, where do we know that name from... Oh yeah, didn't we meet him during that beetle-battle thing that Bull-Chucker organized that one time?
The "Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl"?
I can't remember. But anyway, it's not important.
- Kuki Shinobu: That's right. Good memory, Paimon.
- Kuki Shinobu: After the near-catastrophe that was the Beetle Brawl, Hanakado became an ally of the Arataki Gang. He and Boss regularly hang out to have practice matches and discuss Onikabuto rearing strategies.
- Kuki Shinobu: But to his credit, a lot of the things he ropes Boss into doing in the name of beetle brawling actually result in Boss doing some real work for a change. It's made things a lot easier for me.
- Kuki Shinobu: For instance, they've decided to spend a few days helping Chef Mao restock the kitchen, partly to thank him for the "epic feast"...
- Kuki Shinobu: ...And partly because they would like to use the opportunity to look for new ingredients to boost their Onikabuto's performance.
- Yanfei: I think they're out looking for crabs at Guyun Stone Forest right now, with Miss Xiangling and Mr. Guoba...
- Yanfei: They all seem to get along great! Guoba's already made friends with "Crimson Staff," as Itto calls it, and, uh... something-something "Beetle King," or whatever Hanakado's is called.
- Yanfei: They've been out for quite a while, though... Shouldn't they be back by now?
- Kuki Shinobu: Unless something put them in a playful mood... in which case, it's anyone's guess what kind of mess they might be in by now.
- Paimon: Well, now Paimon wants to join in the fun!
- Paimon: Crabs from Guyun Stone Forest... Mmm, Paimon bets they taste great!
- Paimon: Why don't we go see if they need our help? The sooner Wanmin Restaurant is fully stocked, the sooner we get to eat there again!
- Paimon: ...And while we're at it, we can see what Bull-Chucker and Grandmaster Hanakado are really up to over there!
Well, if we're serious about eating at Wanmin Restaurant...
Gathering ingredients will go faster with more hands.
- Kuki Shinobu: So you two are gonna head over?
- TravelerTraveler), Paimon, and Itto make a good team — not everyone can get through to him, but he usually listens to you two. Yanfei: I think that's a great idea. (
- Kuki Shinobu: You make a good point. Well, thanks for checking up on them, you two.
- (Talk to Kuki Shinobu or Yanfei, optional)
- Kuki Shinobu: Ugh... I'm suddenly feeling a bit warm. Maybe I've been eating too much spicy food lately...?
- Yanfei: Oh no, you poor thing! It could be a fever, or maybe the humidity's making you overheat? Wait here, I'll go get you some iced tea!
- (Read the sign in front of Wanmin Restaurant, optional)
- Wanmin Restaurant Notice: "Due to a shortage of ingredients, Wanmin Restaurant will be closed for a week..."
- Wanmin Restaurant Notice: "We'd like to thank all our customers for your understanding and support. We will reopen as soon as we can, and continue providing the most delectable of dishes for everyone!"
- (Approach the marked area in Guyun Stone Forest)
- Arataki Itto: Ahhh, I see it now!
- Arataki Itto: A hard shell, a whole bunch of legs, looks like a born warrior — the Crab is the Onikabuto of the sea! Throw one of these bad boys in the ring, and your Onikabuto will have to seriously up its game!
- (If the player has not met Arataki Itto yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Arataki Itto — Hanamizaka Heroics
Make way, people! Arataki Itto, head of Hanamizaka's Arataki Gang, rolling right up!
Behold these awesome horns, the suave smile, and the rich, velvety voice! That's the leader of the Arataki Gang for you!
Whether spinning tops, kendama, bug-fighting, or cards, all the kids' games...
*cough* Well, either way, Arataki Itto knows 'em all! Yup, he knows it all!
How's that? Cool, huh? So, wanna join the crew?
- Grandmaster Hanakado: That's right, Oni King! Technically, the crab belongs to a different species, but it has all the qualities of the perfect warrior-beetle! Pitting Onikabuto against Crabs during their training is a sure-fire way to rapidly improve their strength!
- Xiangling: Then it's time for Crimson Staff and Ironclad Beetle King to train harder than ever before! No rest until they've flipped every Crab in the area onto its back!
- Xiangling: And once they're done, we'll just need to stoop down and scoop 'em up! No more chasing Crabs all over the beach!
- Guoba: ♪♫♩♪♬~
- Paimon: Looks like Xiangling and Guoba are part of the gang now...
Hahaha, time for Onikabuto versus Crab!
Hehehe, sign me up!
- TravelerTraveler), Paimon! Fancy meeting you here! Are you guys out for a walk or something? Xiangling: Huh? (
- Paimon: Hey Xiangling, hey Guoba!
- Paimon: Well, we were going to gorge ourselves at Wanmin Restaurant, but then we ran into Yanfei and Shinobu, who told us you were closed for a few days... So, we figured we'd come find you guys, and see if you needed any help.
- Xiangling: Aw, you guys! Hee-hee, thanks for being such loyal customers. It's so kind of you to help!
- Xiangling: With Mr. Itto and the grandmaster helping me for the last couple of days, we've actually got most of the things we need now. All that's left for us to get are some fresh Crabs.
- (A Geovishap Hatchling approaches)
Xiangling: And Crimson Staff and Ironclad Beetle King will be able to round them up for us in no time! If everything goes to plan...
- Xiangling: ...Uh-oh, I may have spoken too soon...
- Paimon: It's a Geovishap Hatchling! Bull-Chucker, Hanakado, watch out!
- Arataki Itto: Hold on! Stay calm, I'll assess the situation!
- Arataki Itto: ...Hard shell, check! Legs — not too many, but it more than makes up for that with the whole rolling thing. Yeah, looks like a mean fighter! THIS is what you wanna train your Onikabuto against!
- Grandmaster Hanakado: Uhh... Ahem, h—how right you are, Oni King! With a training partner like this, an Onikabuto is sure to reach the apex of its abilities!
- Paimon: Wh—What? Are they serious right now?
- Xiangling: Wait, I think I recognize that thing!
- Xiangling: It's always rolling around on a nearby island. It's made quite a reputation for itself as far as Guyun Geovishaps go — people have taken to calling it "Crystal Tornado"!
Why "Tornado"?
Why not... "Earthquake"?
- Xiangling: It's because if you ever set foot on its little island, then it whooshes over and gives you a nasty whack on the head. It's really aggressive!
- Paimon: How did you... come to learn that...?
- Grandmaster Hanakado: Oni King, allow me to send in the troops! I shall monitor the battle from a safe distance to assess our enemy's prowess...
- Grandmaster Hanakado: Go, Ironclad Beetle King! Test your challenger to its limits!
- "Crystal Tornado": ?
- Grandmaster Hanakado: Ah, Ironclad Beetle King!
- Arataki Itto: One hit and it's all over!? I don't believe it! Th—That's not possible!
- Arataki Itto: Okay, listen up, Grandmaster! The glorified pet rock is clearly tougher than it looks. Time to show it what we're really made of!
- Arataki Itto: From what I've seen, our opponent has a lot of brute force, but no finesse. Lugging all that weight around is a recipe for crude and clumsy attacks — and if you don't land the hit, it ain't worth squat! Luckily for us, our Onikabuto have a little thing called agility on their side...
- Arataki Itto: Go, Crimson Staff! Dodge the limbs and tail, wait for an opening, and aim for the...
- "Crystal Tornado": ...
- Arataki Itto: ...Belly.
- Grandmaster Hanakado: Oni King... Shall I send in some more Onikabuto, or...?
- Arataki Itto: Uhh... I... wha... yo... ch... wha?
- Paimon: Wait, what's Guoba doing? Nooo!
- Guoba: ♪!♪♪♩!♫♩♬~
- "Crystal Tornado": !!!
- Paimon: Wait... the vishap can understand Guoba? Huh, it just upped and left!
- Xiangling: So, to answer your question from a moment ago, Paimon...
- Xiangling: I found out about Crystal Tornado's aggressive tendencies the last time we came to gather Crabs in Guyun Stone Forest. Tornado gave Guoba a big old bash on the head the moment he saw him...
- Xiangling: But then, Tornado fell unconscious, and apparently wasn't seen for weeks afterwards. I guess he's finally recovered from his injuries.
- Arataki Itto: Man, what a cool guy! I mean, I figured he was a pretty epic dude just from the look of him, but... I've never seen someone just stare an enemy into submission like that...
- Arataki Itto: There's only one possible conclusion... This is a warrior with strength the likes of which I've never seen before!
- Grandmaster Hanakado: I must say, I concur... I don't know how, but Guoba-san simply commanded that hard-shelled beast to stand down and retreat at once.
- Grandmaster Hanakado: Come to think of it, he seems like a pro at catching Crabs, too... Hmm, Guoba-san clearly has some sort of power that lets him bend the minds of shelled organisms to his will...
- Grandmaster Hanakado: ...That's it! The truth has been hiding in plain sight all this time — Guoba-san is a virtuoso beetle-battler! With his skills, he can direct an Onikabuto's each and every move.
- Guoba: ?
- Arataki Itto: Huh? Of course... Yeah, that makes total sense! Haha, these are the kind of brainwaves that make you the Arataki Gang's greatest ally.
- Arataki Itto: If we can get Guoba-san to teach us the art of shelled-organism mind control, we'll be unstoppable! The entire beetle-fighting world will be our oyster!
- Guoba: !?
- Xiangling: Can we stop discussing what special powers Guoba may or may not have? We have to get these Crabs back before too long, or they'll go bad. And then this whole trip will have been a waste!
- Paimon: Right! Get a move on, Bull-Chucker, Shinobu's waiting for you! Also, we wanna eat.
- Arataki Itto: Huh? Wait, when did we get two new people?
- Arataki Itto: Ohhhh! Compadre! Haha, if it isn't the Oni King's Right Hand — and of course, the Flying Lav— Ahem, uh, sorry, Skycleaving White-Iron Lavender Melon!
- Arataki Itto: Wait... Ah man, don't tell me you saw me lose that beetle fight just now!? Gah, so humiliating!
It's all good. Nothing we haven't seen before.
Haha, my bad. Sorry for lurking.
- Paimon: Oh, come on, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. Onikabuto don't stand a chance against a Geovishap Hatchling! Next time, just give it a couple of whacks with your club.
- Arataki Itto: But that would defeat the whole purpose! Lemme explain. Now, it's no secret that you've kicked a fair share of butt in your time — and from what I hear, that includes some of the biggest, most powerful, and meanest butt around.
- Arataki Itto: So how'd you do it, huh? Were you born stronger than your most fearsome foe? No! Do you rock up to every fight believing that your odds of winning are a hundred percent? Of course not!
- Arataki Itto: You start with an impossible goal: defeating the unbeatable enemy. And then you do whatever you gotta do to achieve it! Because even you can't know how much potential you have until you push yourself past your limits. THAT'S how you make yourself not just stronger... but stronger than you ever imagined you could be!
- Arataki Itto: Flee the fight once, you'll probably flee the next time, and the time after that... Next thing you know, you're that boring little twerp who never had the guts to put himself out there. 'Cause when you flee the fight... all you're really running away from is the person you could've become.
Wow. Couldn't have put it better myself.
I'm speechless. Nothing to add.
- Paimon: Huh? What's gotten into Bull-Chucker? He actually said something that made sense! For once, Paimon has nothing to argue back...
- Someone's Belly: *rumble*...
- Xiangling: You hear that? Guoba's getting hungry. Crystal Tornado's gone now anyway, and your Onikabuto won't be ready to fight again any time soon.
- Xiangling: So... are you just gonna stand here gawking, or...?
- Grandmaster Hanakado: Chef-sama makes a good point. We are still far from being worthy enough to seek the tutelage of the mighty sensei, Guoba-san.
- Guoba: ♪~
- a great contest of fine warriors that was once held in this place. We stand on hallowed ground, and the very air we breathe is abuzz with the might of great duelists... Grandmaster Hanakado: I have heard tell of
- Grandmaster Hanakado: ...I say we set up a ring, here and now. I shall summon the mightiest beetle-battlers of Liyue, and as iron sharpens iron, we will hone our skills in training with them. Then, and only then, will we be ready to seek the guidance of Guoba-san.
- Grandmaster Hanakado: Once we have learned his ways, we will track down that shelled beast and do battle against it once more!
- Paimon: Paimon's got a... well, a feeling about this, but not actually sure if it's a good one or a bad one...
- Arataki Itto: Huh? Oh... OHHHHHHHH!
- Arataki Itto: I'm with you, Grandmaster! You're saying the time has come... to unveil the plan!
- Arataki Itto: This is the moment! It's time for the long-awaited "Arataki Blazing Armor Beetle Battle Boot Camp"!
- (Itto and Hanakado run off, leaving a cloud of smoke behind them)
Grandmaster Hanakado: That's right! There's no time to lose, Oni King. Let's set up the arena!
- Paimon: Hey, heeey! We weren't done talking to you yet! Ugh, unbelievable. Look at them, not a care in the world...
Alright! More beetle-fighting, woo!
I always have time for Itto's number one passion.
- Xiangling: What did they say it was called again? The Arataki... something-something... Anyway, some sort of beetle-fighting tournament, right? I think Hanakado might have mentioned it before.
- Xiangling: If I wasn't so busy with work at the restaurant, I'd love to take Guoba along and watch...
- Xiangling: But right now, the top priority is dealing with all these fresh Crabs. Come on, let's head back!
- Paimon: Shinobu was saying the Arataki Gang came to Liyue for her classmates' reunion, right? Won't throwing an impromptu beetle-fighting competition interfere with their plans?
- Paimon: ...Well, not much we can do about it except head back to Wanmin and tell Shinobu.
- (Approach Wanmin Restaurant)
- Paimon: Yanfei, Shinobu! We're back!
- TravelerTraveler), and Paimon... Wait, where are the other two? Yanfei: Guoba, Xiangling, (
- Kuki Shinobu: Lemme guess... Itto and Hanakado are up to their usual antics?
- Mist Flower Corollas won't keep the Crabs cool for much longer! Xiangling: We'll fill you in shortly! First, I need to get all these pristine ingredients safely stored away — the
- TravelerTraveler) and Paimon are valued customers eagerly awaiting a grand feast! I'll get cooking, then we can catch up while we eat... Xiangling: Plus, (
- Xiangling and Guoba whip up a meal from ingredients collected on their trip. It's not long before an exceptional meal is served.
- By now, Yanfei and Shinobu are hungry too. The feasting begins.
- As you dine, you tell Shinobu and Yanfei about Itto and Hanakado's run-in with Crystal Tornado, and the plan to hold a beetle-fighting boot camp...
- Kuki Shinobu: "Arataki Blazing Armor Beetle Battle Boot Camp"? That doesn't bode well. It won't be long before things get out of hand...
- Kuki Shinobu: We're guests here, which means we're supposed to be on our best behavior... Leave them to me, I'll put a stop to it.
- Yanfei: Mmm, I dunno, I think it could be fun... Anyway, don't stress! Beetle-fighting sounds like a great event idea!
- Yanfei: According to The Comprehensive Compendium of Liyue Law, we just need to notify the relevant office of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and they'll issue a permit pretty much right away.
- Yanfei: You never know, maybe you'll make some new friends with this event! Then you'll have even more people to hang out with when you next come to Liyue!
- Xiangling: Yeah! And you can bring them all to Wanmin Restaurant for your meals!
- Guoba: ♪~
- Kuki Shinobu: Wait... First the event, and now you're already planning our next trip?
- Kuki Shinobu: Given the Arataki Gang's financial situation—
- Yanfei: Ah, c'mon, you gotta learn to cut loose more! You came all this way — you should be focused on catching up with old friends, making some new ones, and just generally hanging out and doing lots of fun stuff!
- Yanfei: I need to be at the Ministry of Civil Affairs shortly for something else anyway, so I can get the ball rolling for Itto's thing while I'm there.
- Yanfei: Alright — I'll handle that while you guys head back to Itto and help get the venue set up. I'll join you later and bring the permit with me.
- Paimon: Yanfei's in a good mood today... She didn't take any persuading to help out with the event.
- Masterful Chefs contest, and she has a lot of contacts because of her work. Xiangling: Well, event-planning's right up her alley. She was an officiator in the
- Xiangling: She's also on vacation at the moment, and her old friend Shinobu's in town. That's definitely put her in the mood to have some fun.
- Kuki Shinobu: Well, I've missed my chance to discuss the issue of our funds. Guess I've got no choice but to deal with Boss directly now.
- TravelerTraveler), Paimon, thanks for all your help so far. I promise I'll make it up to you the next time we meet! Kuki Shinobu: (
- Paimon: Huh? You mean, you don't need us to come with you?
- Paimon: But if Itto's serious about defeating that Geovishap Hatchling with Onikabuto, Paimon's kinda curious to see how everything goes down...
We'll help you deal with Boss!
We wanna join the competition, too!
- Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl? Kuki Shinobu: Now that you mention it... Didn't you help Boss out a lot at the last one of these? The
- Paimon: Eh, we didn't really help out, we just played a few matches... But it was actually super fun.
- Kuki Shinobu: Either way, it sounds like you understand Boss's perspective far better than I do, so maybe you'll be able to help me talk some sense into him. I'll take all the help I can get.
- Paimon: Sure. Or, uh, y'know... Maybe we could just let him go ahead with it... huh?
- (Talk to Xiangling or Guoba, optional)
- Xiangling: We've already beaten our expected turnover for this month, and it'll still be a while before dad gets back with the rest of the new stock. So, we should be able to take it easy for a while.
- Xiangling: After that, we should be back to business as usual — things won't be anywhere near as busy as they've been the last few days. That means, we should have time to go and watch Mr. Itto's beetle-fighting event!
- Guoba: ♪~
- (Approach the camp)
- Kuki Shinobu: Alright, Boss. Funtime in Liyue is over. Let's head home.
- Arataki Itto: Shinobu!? I... I can explain!
- Kuki Shinobu: No, you can't. Our funds have run out.
- Kuki Shinobu: We've spent too long here. After buying our tickets for the boat home, the gang fund is down to double-digits. How can we possibly afford to hold a tournament?
- Kuki Shinobu: Yanfei senpai very kindly offered to handle the legalities, otherwise you wouldn't even have a permit. Are you expecting her to foot the bill as well? Put a stop to this now, before things get out of control.
- Arataki Itto: But, but...! You don't understand, we have a situation here! Normally, I'm happy to do things your way, but the Arataki Gang's two top Onikabuto warriors just lost to some pet rock called Crystal Tornado!
- Arataki Itto: Look, we have a whole arena set up and everything! If we back out now, we'll be the laughing stock of the entire beetle-fighting world!
- Kuki Shinobu: You've lost plenty of beetle fights before. Even I can beat you, and I'm not even a serious player. Why are you so bothered about losing to some vishap hatchling?
- Arataki Itto: Shinobu! That was a low blow!
- Arataki Itto: Anyway, that's ancient history! I'm on a whole different level now. There isn't a single beetle fighter out there who can touch me! I'm serious about beating that pet rock. Don't think I've got what it takes? Try me!
- Kuki Shinobu: Gladly. You wanna do this the hard way? We'll do it the hard way.
- Kuki Shinobu: Grandmaster Hanakado, get me and Boss a beetle each. Maybe he'll be more amenable to reason after a crushing defeat.
- Kuki Shinobu: If I win, you have to come back with me — no complaining, and no making any more trouble for Yanfei senpai.
- Grandmaster Hanakado: Shinobu! Oni King! I...
- Arataki Itto: You're really doing this, huh? I, uh... didn't think you'd take it this far!
- Arataki Itto: Okay, uh... so... Skycleaving White-Iron Lavender Melon! I delegate this challenge to you!
- Kuki Shinobu: You're making Paimon fight me?
- Paimon: Hehehe, no surprises there.
No surprises here either...
Itto is so predictable...
- Paimon: What Bull-Chucker is really saying is... "If you wanna fight the Oni King, you have to go through Skycleaving White-Iron Lavender Melon first!"
- Arataki Itto: Exactamundo, amigo. Skycleaving White-Iron Lavender Melon is one of the Arataki Gang's top beetle fighters, but even she isn't in the same league as moi. So Shinobu, if you wanna duel with the don, you gotta beat the melon!
- Paimon: Except... Paimon refuses!
- Arataki Itto: What!?
- Paimon: Even Paimon knows that you can't just expect other people to pick up your slack all the time. It's not right! So if you're out of Mora, then tough luck — you gotta watch your spending.
- Paimon: If Paimon helps you out, that'll just make more trouble for Yanfei, and then Shinobu will owe her a favor.
- Arataki Itto: Okay, true... You make a fair point.
- Arataki Itto: But it's all good! I have a backup plan for situations like this!
- Arataki Itto: If we really are out of funds, then... I'll find a job. I'll work nights, do beetle fighting during the day, and pay any expenses out of my own pocket!
- Arataki Itto: It'll work. The Grandmaster has helped me find a few good gigs before. As long as it's physical work and the pay's good, I'll take it!
- Paimon: Now you're talking! See, that's the kind of attitude Paimon can get behind.
When you're the top dog, you watch the bottom line!
Don't rely on someone else when you can do it yourself!
- Kuki Shinobu: I can't believe you guys...
- Kuki Shinobu: Your plan is all well and good, and I do hope you try not to be a burden on other people. But you still need to beat me first.
- Kuki Shinobu: I know what Boss is trying to do: He's making me fight Paimon first to use up my Onikabuto's stamina. Well, good luck with that — even with a disadvantage, I'm still not gonna make this easy for you!
- Beetle Battle Boot Camp is about to begin...
- (Begin the battle, if the challenge was abandoned)
Begin Battle
- Beetle Battle Boot Camp is about to begin...
- (Complete the tutorial battle against Kuki Shinobu)
- After a fierce battle, Shinobu's Onikabuto narrowly loses to Crimson Staff under Paimon's direction...
- Kuki Shinobu: I lost... I can't believe it...
- Paimon: That... that was so tense! Shinobu nearly got the better of Paimon there...
What a dazzling duel!
What a fantastic fight!
- Arataki Itto: Hey hey! Hahaha, hey hey! Skycleaving White-Iron Lavender Melon destroys Shinobu on the first attempt, haha! ...You really are a natural at this, aren't you?
- Grandmaster Hanakado: As agreed, we now have Shinobu's official support to host the Arataki Blazing Armor Beetle Battle Boot Camp!
- Kuki Shinobu: I haven't battled in ages. Guess I'm out of practice...
- Kuki Shinobu: I'll have to move to plan B: Try to keep costs to a minimum, and make sure Yanfei senpai doesn't end up doing everything for us...
- Kuki Shinobu: I'm gonna hold you to your word, Boss! Fund this event yourself by working nights, battle beetles all you want during the day.
- Kuki Shinobu: And one other thing... Our boat tickets home were booked well in advance. I can amend the date, but only by a few days. So keep this event to maybe four or five other people tops, or you'll run out of time, okay? I don't want you getting carried away.
- Arataki Itto: Got it! Sure! Promise! Cross my heart and hope to die! Shinobu, you've got nothing to worry about!
- Kuki Shinobu: Okay, I'll head down to the harbor and see about changing the tickets... I'm warning you, you'd better not go spending all our Mora while I'm gone!
- Arataki Itto: Okay... So we've only got five battles to get in shape enough for Guoba-san. Then we gotta master what he teaches us, THEN take down that cocky pet rock...
- Arataki Itto: Shinobu is asking us to do the impossible here!
- Arataki Itto: But this is the kind of hardcore challenge I live for! Hahahaha!
- Grandmaster Hanakado: Don't worry, Oni King. I'll find people to join us in our great training endeavor. So long as there are worthy beetle-battlers to be found, I'll be sure to sense their presence, and bring them over to our camp.
- Grandmaster Hanakado: We haven't been in Liyue for long, but I'm certain that this vast land is filled with mighty warriors... We'll have no trouble finding but one of these each day.
- Grandmaster Hanakado: Now, as for the esteemed Oni King's Right Hand and honorable Skycleaving White-Iron Lavender Melon—
- Paimon: Ohoho, we've done our part! We saved your butts by getting Shinobu to agree to this! Paimon saw the look of sheer terror on your faces, you're clearly no match for her!
It would be conventional to show your gratitude with a gift.
Surely the Arataki Gang gives credit where credit is due?
- Arataki Itto: Oh... Of course, heh! I will, uh... leave it to me! I'll come up with something! You'll get your reward, don't you worry!
- Arataki Itto: In the meantime, if the Oni King's Right Hand and Skycleaving White-Iron Lavender Melon don't have other plans, then prepare to watch history in the making:
- Arataki Itto: Cause in a few short days, I, the Bona-Fide Beetle Battle King, will raise my game to new heights, win the respect of Guoba-san, and become a living legend! Booyah!
- Paimon: Cool! Yeah, we'll be watching! So, uh, no pressure or anything, but...
- Paimon: ...If you mess this up and everyone completely wipes the floor with you, we'll see the whooole thing!
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Arataki Blazing Armor Beetle Battle Boot Camp! | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 荒泷甲光烈烈斗虫大修行! | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 荒瀧甲光烈烈鬥蟲大修行! | |
Japanese | 荒瀧煌々虫相撲大修行! Arataki Koukou Mushizumou Daishugyou! | Arataki Brilliant Beetle Battle Great Training! |
Korean | 아라타키 반짝반짝 갑각 곤충 싸움 수행! Arataki Banjjakbanjjak Gapgak Gonchung Ssaum Suhaeng! | |
Spanish | ¡El Ferviente y Radiante Entrenamiento de Escaradiablos de Arataki! | The Fervent and Radiant Arataki Beetledevil Training! |
French | Le super entraînement éblouissant aux combats de scarabées d'Arataki ! | Arataki Super Dazzling Beetle Battle Training! |
Russian | Подготовительный лагерь Аратаки для боевых жуков! Podgotovitel'nyy lager' Arataki dlya boyevykh zhukov! | |
Thai | การฝึกฝนประลองแมลงชุดเกราะ Arataki อันยิ่งใหญ่! | |
Vietnamese | Tập Huấn Đấu Bọ Arataki Rực Cháy! | |
German | Arataki-Ausbildungslager zum Flammenpanzer-Käferkampf! | Arataki Boot Camp for the Blazing Armor Beetle Battle! |
Indonesian | Kamp Pelatihan Adu Kumbang Zirah Membara Arataki! | Arataki Blazing Armor Beetle Battle Training Camp! |
Portuguese | Esplendoroso Acampamento de Batalha de Besouros do Arataki! | |
Turkish | Arataki Parlak Zırhlı Böcek Dövüşü Eğitim Kampı! | |
Italian | Il Campo di addestramento Arataki per le sfolgoranti lotte tra scarabei corazzati! | The Arataki Training Camp for the Blazing Battles Between Armored Beetles! |
Change History[]
Released in Version 4.3