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Another Day as an Outrider! is the second part of Razor's Story Quest, Lupus Minor Chapter: Act I - The Meaning of Lupical.


  1. Find Amber and ask about the boy from Wolvendom
  2. Go to Drunkard Gorge
  3. Talk to Amber about the disturbance up ahead
  4. Defeat the hilichurls
  5. Talk to Siegfria


UI Quest Quest Description

On your last legs from being attacked by an enormous slime, you were rescued by a young man named Razor. Razor, who calls a wolf pack family, mentioned a "red one, burny girl." You have your guesses as to who that is...
(Talk to Amber)
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01.ogg Amber: Hi Paimon, hi (TravelerTraveler)! What can I do for you?
Media:vo rzlq002 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hi Amber~
Icon Dialogue Talk Amber, something has come up...
Media:vo rzlq002 1 paimon 02a.ogg Paimon: Amber, do you know a wolf boy from Wolvendom?
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01a.ogg Amber: Who?
Media:vo rzlq002 1 paimon 02a 1.ogg Paimon: He said you guys hit it off like a mountain on fire...
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01a 1.ogg Amber: What on earth are you talking about?
Media:vo rzlq002 1 paimon 02a 2.ogg Paimon: Strange... He said he would wait for you at your regular spot. Did you lose your memory or something?
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01a 2.ogg Amber: My memory is fine. But you've been eating magic matsutake again, haven't you Paimon?
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01a 3.ogg Amber: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Media:vo rzlq002 1 paimon 02a 3.ogg Paimon: Magic matsutake... Remind me what color they are?
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01a 4.ogg Amber: Purple.
Media:vo rzlq002 1 paimon 02a 4.ogg Paimon: ...Paimon may have had a couple the other day.
Media:vo rzlq002 1 paimon 02a 5.ogg Paimon: But that's not the point! Paimon's not loopy!
Media:vo rzlq002 1 paimon 02a 6.ogg Paimon: Do you really not know that boy that lives with the wolves?
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01a 5.ogg Amber: I. don't. know. what. you're. talking. about.
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01a 6.ogg Amber: But on the subjects of wolves, I've been investigating something recently.
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01a 7.ogg Amber: In the past, the wolves never dared venture outside of Wolvendom. But now they're getting braver.
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01a 8.ogg Amber: I heard they attacked a cart fleet near Drunkard Gorge.
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01a 9.ogg Amber: If you have time, could you come and check out the situation with me?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sure.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's get to it.
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01a 10.ogg Amber: Awesome! I knew I could count on you, let's go.
Icon Dialogue Talk Hey Amber, what's up?
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01b.ogg Amber: Hi... Looks like you've got a bit of time on your hands.
Media:vo rzlq002 1 paimon 02b.ogg Paimon: Uh-oh, here it comes...
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01b 1.ogg Amber: I've been rushed off my feet recently. An Outrider's duties never end, so... Wanna help?
Media:vo rzlq002 1 paimon 02b 1.ogg Paimon: Told you so!
Icon Dialogue Talk Sure.
Icon Dialogue Talk What's the issue?
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01b 2.ogg Amber: Recently, wolves have been attacking the carts at Drunkard Gorge.
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01b 3.ogg Amber: As you know, wolves are dangerous, but they do have their own rules.
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01b 4.ogg Amber: Mondstadt's wolves don't normally venture outside of the Brightcrown Mountains and Wolvendom.
Media:vo rzlq002 1 paimon 02b 2.ogg Paimon: Yes, Paimon heard someone say that those areas do have their own set of rules, even though they are wild and untouched by humans.
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01b 5.ogg Amber: That's right. So for wolves to be showing up around Drunkard Gorge is very unusual.
Media:vo rzlq002 1 paimon 02b 3.ogg Paimon: Speaking of wolves, do you happen to know a wolf boy from Wolvendom?
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01b 6.ogg Amber: Who? I've never heard of anyone like that around Mondstadt.
Media:vo rzlq002 1 paimon 02b 4.ogg Paimon: Um... What?
Media:vo rzlq002 1 paimon 02b 5.ogg Paimon: "The red one, burny girl"... That ain't you?
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01b 7.ogg Amber: Burny...? What are you talking about?
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01b 8.ogg Amber: Anyways, I'm off to Drunkard Gorge to investigate.
Media:vo rzlq002 1 ambor 01b 9.ogg Amber: Come with me!

(Talk to Amber about the disturbances up ahead)
Media:vo rzlq002 3 ambor 01.ogg Amber: Look, up ahead! Something's happening.
Media:vo rzlq002 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: That ain't no wolf pack... looks like it's the hilichurls attacking the carts after all.
Media:vo rzlq002 3 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Huh. Not such a mystery after all.
Media:vo rzlq002 3 ambor 03.ogg Amber: Enough talk. Let's go help out!
(Talk to Siegfria after defeating hilichurls)
Media:vo rzlq002 5 siegfria 01.ogg Siegfria: Bless you!
Media:vo rzlq002 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Piece of cake!
Media:vo rzlq002 5 ambor 01.ogg Amber: So, the hilichurls have been starting to flex their muscles on the back of the wolf scare.
Media:vo rzlq002 5 siegfria 02.ogg Siegfria: That's right. But I must say, if you think the hilichurls are a nasty lot, the wolves are even worse.
Media:vo rzlq002 5 siegfria 03.ogg Siegfria: They... they attacked Springvale this morning.
Media:vo rzlq002 5 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Springvale!? That's crazy!
Media:vo rzlq002 5 siegfria 04.ogg Siegfria: It's unheard of.
Media:vo rzlq002 5 siegfria 05.ogg Siegfria: I thought I would take my chances on the road after the wolves had their fun... I never thought the hilichurls would show up too.
Media:vo rzlq002 5 ambor 03.ogg Amber: We should head there soon and see how bad the situation is.
Media:vo rzlq002 5 ambor 04.ogg Amber: But first things first, you should assess the damage to your cart. Does it still work?
Media:vo rzlq002 5 siegfria 06.ogg Siegfria: I'll take a look.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
15Welp, Didn't Expect ThatCity of Winds and IdyllsKaeya's Troubles, Cooking Appointment, Cooking Showdown, Another Day as an Outrider!, To Mondstadt, A Bewildering Fate, Guizhong (Quest), Teucer's Terrific Tour, Ode to Flower and Cloud, The Snowy Past, The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! (Quest), Receiver of Friends From Afar: Part IV
Event Gameplay

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAnother Day as an Outrider!
Zhēnchá Qíshì, Yòu Yītiān!
Scout Knight, Another Day!
Zhēnchá Qíshì, Yòu Yītiān!
Teisatsu Kishi, Kyou mo Ganbatteru ka na?
Scout Knight, Working Hard Today, Too?
Korean 하루를 시작하는 정찰 기사정찰 기사
Tto Haru-reul Sijakhaneun Jeongchal Gisa
A Scout Knight to Start Another Day
Spanish¡Otro día como Caballera Exploradora!Another Day as a Scout Knight!
FrenchUne nouvelle journée pour l'Éclaireuse !A New Day for the Scout!
RussianЕщё один день из жизни скаута
Yeshchyo odin den' iz zhizni skauta
One More Day From Scout's Life
VietnameseKỵ Sĩ Trinh Thám, lại là một ngày mới!
GermanEin neuer Tag für einen Kundschafter!A New Day for the Outlander!
IndonesianHari yang Baru Bagi Seorang Outrider!A New Day For An Outrider!
PortugueseUm Dia Novo como uma AventureiraA New Day as an Adventurer
TurkishBir Kaşif Olarak Bir Gün Daha!
ItalianUn altro giorno da Vigilante!Another Day as a Vigilante!

Change History[]
