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Altar of Primal Flame is an exploration mechanic in Natlan. It is a large brazier that holds the primal flame, Phlogiston. Offering Pyrophosphorite (or similar) to it can trigger certain mechanisms.

There are two known Altars of Primal Flame, both located in Ochkanatlan. Offering to the first altar opens up a path to the Legendary Tonatiuh, while offering to the second altar grants access to the Jade of Return. They are both encountered during the World Quest Series Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm.


Altar of Primal Flame on the Tonatiuh?
Tutorial Altar of Primal Flame on the Tonatiuh
A mysterious mechanism aboard the Tonatiuh that seems similar to the Altar of Primal Flame in Ochkanatlan, atop which an eternal flame burns. The flame burns still brighter if you throw enough Firestones inside, and perhaps even the floating "Jade of Return" may burn forth.
Crackling Mysterious Firestone
Tutorial Crackling Mysterious Firestone
A mysterious, constantly burning Firestone that contains the power of the primal flame. Even those who fear not fire should not touch it lightly. Only those with the Flamelord's Blessing can pick it up.
If you can find a way to pick up enough Firestones and throw them into the Altar of Primal Flame, perhaps something will happen...


Ochkanatlan East[]

Legendary Tonatiuh[]


Waxaklahun Ubah Kan once used the promise of treasure to lure heroes to the Tonatiuh. It is implied that many past adventurers did successfully use the first Altar of Primal Flame to reach the sky-ship, only to perish at the Sage's hands. This was the fate of the Ochkanatlan Adventure Team, and later, Bona.[1]


  • Once the Golden Entreaty is retrieved from the altar on the Tonatiuh, its flame goes out. The other altar continues to burn.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishAltar of Primal Flame
Yuánhuǒ Jìtán
Yuánhuǒ Jìtán
Genka no Saidan‍[!][!]
Korean근원의 제단
Geunwon-ui Bul Jedan
SpanishAltar del Fuego Primigenio
FrenchAutel du Feu Primaire
RussianАлтарь Первозданного огня
Altar' Pervozdannogo ognya
VietnameseTế Đàn Lửa Nguồn
GermanAltar des Urfeuers
IndonesianAltar Api Purba
PortugueseAltar do Fogo Original
TurkishKadim Ateş Sunağı
ItalianAltare della Fiamma primordiale

Change History[]


  1. World Quest, Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm: Act III - The Tonatiuh Quivers, Part 2: Moment of Awakening

