Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Akitsu Yuugei is an Event Quest during the Akitsu Kimodameshi Event. It is automatically obtained after completing Test of Courage.


  1. Head to the beach


UI Quest Quest Description

Both Ei and Heizou mentioned this mysterious game. Go to the beach and check it out.
(After completing the quest Test of Courage)
Paimon: Akitsu Yuugei... Both Ei and Heizou mentioned that game before. Shall we check it out?
(Approach the marked area)
Paimon: This should be where people play Akitsu Yuugei. This place seems to be opening back up, just like Ei said.
Paimon: Paimon doesn't really see anyone here though... Heizou said that we can start the game by talking to the Bulletin Board, so Paimon thinks we should try that.
Paimon: We should still be careful though. Paimon really doesn't want to be trapped here!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAkitsu Yuugei
"Qiūjīn Yóuyì"
"Dragonfly Pastime"‍[※][※]
"Qiūjīn Yóuyì"
"Akitsu Yuugei"
"Dragonfly Pastime"
Korean「아키츠 놀이」
"Akicheu Nori"
"Akitsu Play"
SpanishJuego de AkitsuAkitsu Game
FrenchAkitsu Yuugei
RussianАкицу Югэй
Akitsu Yugey
Akitsu Yuugei
Thai"Akitsu Yuugei""Akitsu Yuugei"
VietnameseAkitsu Yuugei
GermanAkitsu Yuugei"Akitsu Yuugei"
IndonesianAkitsu Yuugei
PortugueseAkitsu Yuugei
TurkishAkitsu Yuugei
ItalianAkitsu Yuugei

Change History[]
