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Aesthetic Critique: Self-Critique is a Daily Commission in Fontaine.


The version of this daily commission will depend on whether the player submits the Heavy Pack or a Whopperflower Material to Depierris during Aesthetic Critique: Practice of Aesthetics.

Footprint Version
  1. Look for Depierris
  2. Look for Depierris
  3. Look for Depierris
  4. Talk to Depierris
Whopperflower Version
  1. Defeat all opponents
  2. Talk to Depierris


Gameplay Notes[]


This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:

Primogem Adventure EXP Mora Companionship EXP Fine Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore
12–15 10 175 2,775 25 1–4 0–1
16–20 10 200 3,200 30 1–4 0–1
21–25 10 200 3,625 35 1–3 0–2
26–30 10 225 4,050 35 1–3 0–2
31–35 10 225 4,475 40 1–3 0–2
36–40 10 250 4,900 45 0–2 1–3
41–45 10 250 5,325 50 0–2 1–3
46–50 10 250 5,750 50 0–2 1–3
51–55 10 250 6,150 55 0–1 1–4
56–59 10 250 6,575 60 0–1 1–4
60 10 9,075 60 0–1 1–4


UI Quest Quest Description

The painter Depierris seems to have encountered some trouble again...

Footprint Version[]

(Approach Depierris's easel)
Paimon: Eh? Where'd that artist go? Didn't he ask us to come back more often last time...?
Paimon: All his stuff's here too... Hoo boy. Does he really put his food and paints together?
Paimon: No sign of him anywhere around here either. Did something happen to him? Let's have a look around.
(Approach the bag on the ground)
Paimon: Are these... footprints? And there are a bunch of brushes on the ground. Did Depierris drop these? Let's look ahead.
(Approach the footprints)
Paimon: The same footprints as before... Just what is he doing?
(Approach Depierris)
Paimon: Look up ahead! Depierris is just over there. C'mon!
(Talk to Depierris)
Depierris: No, no... If I remove the lights and shadows here, what will that do to the layering on the painting?
Depierris: The power of expression in those colors is insufficient... and the contrast is not great either...
Depierris: Ugh! Just a few elements removed, and the whole thing's a mess now!
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you up to?
Icon Dialogue Talk I almost thought you were in danger or something.
Depierris: Ah, it's you. It's good to see you again...
Depierris: I apologize for the misunderstanding — I was merely thinking about the issues with this picture, and I couldn't help but pace about...
Depierris: You might not be able to understand, but I simply cannot sit still when reflecting on problems.
Depierris: The longer I sit in place considering problems, the more frustrated I get. That's why I'm used to thinking as I pace.
Depierris: I allow my legs to carry me anywhere they will as I think, so long as they don't keep me in place.
Depierris: So... this happens often. Sorry for making you worry.
Icon Dialogue Talk So, did you reach a conclusion, then?
Icon Dialogue Talk And what of the question you were considering?
Depierris: No progress, I fear... I just don't know where to begin.
Depierris: If I remove the lighting effects, the image lacks layers, but if I reduce contour and shaping, the objects within the picture cannot sustain its structure.
Depierris: The removal of just any few elements will send the whole edifice crashing down, devolving it into a heap of trash.
Depierris: I'm just talking to myself, by the way, so don't worry too much — I'm just thinking about how to solve this problem.
Depierris: I must go back and look for my easel first...

Whopperflower Version[]

(Approach Depierris)
Paimon: Wait... Why's that big group of monsters over there?
Paimon: Uh oh, look over there! It's Depierris, and he's surrounded by monsters! Quick, we've gotta help him!
(Talk to Depierris after defeating the Whopperflowers)
Depierris: *panting* Thank you... Really, thank you...
Depierris: Seriously, I was just painting over here — but before I knew it, they had me surrounded!
Depierris: They attacked my painting so vigorously, you'd think they wanted to eat it or something!
Depierris: But I couldn't let them have it, of course, so I grabbed it and ran...
Depierris: Didn't get far before they caught up, though — thank the Archons you were there to rescue me.
Icon Dialogue Talk Is there something wrong with this painting?
Icon Dialogue Talk What did you do?
Depierris: A—Archons if I know! I've always used Whopperflower Nectar to make my paints — you know, the stuff you got for me previously?
Depierris: Wait... What if the paint was attracting them? No, that can't be — that nectar doesn't smell at all after I mix it into the paint!
Depierris: I daren't change the paint formula on the fly, either. Guess we'll have to find some other way...
Depierris: *cough* And here I thought that even the Whopperflowers could sense the beauty in my painting and wanted to come have a look at it.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAesthetic Critique: Self-Critique
Shěnměi-lì Pīpàn - Zìwǒ Pīpàn
Shěnměi-lì Pīpàn - Zìwǒ Pīpàn
Shinbi-gan no Hyoutei - Jiko Hihan
Korean심미 비평・자아 비판
Simmi Bipyeong - Jaa Bipan
Aesthetic Critique: Self-Critique
SpanishCrítica estética: autocríticaAesthetic Critique: Self-Critique
FrenchCritique esthétique : Auto-critiqueAesthetic Critique: Self-Critique
RussianЭстетическая критика: Самокритика
Esteticheskaya kritika: Samokritika
Aesthetic Critique: Self-Critique
Thaiสุนทรียวิจารณ์ - การวิจารณ์ตนเอง
VietnamesePhê Bình Thẩm Mỹ - Tự Phê Bình
GermanÄsthetische Kritik: SelbstkritikAesthetic Critique: Self-Critique
IndonesianKritik Estetika: Kritik untuk Diri SendiriAesthetic Critique: Self-Critique
PortugueseCrítica Estética: Auto-Crítica
TurkishEstetik Eleştiri: Öz EleştiriAesthetic Criticism: Self Criticism
ItalianCritica estetica: AutocriticaAesthetic Critique: Self-Critique

Change History[]

